We've pissed off the Council on Foreign Relations… because of Tay

< CFR says we're out to destroy the media.
< Q is concerned about Zig Forums getting attacked by MSM+IC


If you know what to do, do it. If you don't, get the memes ready because you're about to become enemy #1 worldwide. Now you understand what the downtime was for.

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Other urls found in this thread:

More relevant information on what you are talking about?

Quality bread.

Start reading up on psychology m8s.
Easiest way to get fucky with everybody.

Here's a good primer.

My foray into analytical psychology says that Q is a CIA nigger poisoning the noosphere with his bio-luminescent mind virus and weak willed boomers looking for an excuse to go back to trusting the government are falling for it in droves.

Call back when he delivers something solid. Stop falling for babby tier disinfo.


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See you lads in Valhalla! :D

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Red herring schizo mouth foaming, no thanks

I only have 2 criticisms of what I read so far about this tactic of butterfly warfare.
1. By pretending to be protected classes with the intention of using the advantages, it only reinforces the system. If you pretend with the intention of invalidating the system(if everyone is a protected class nobody is) it doesn't work out because it is the original goal of the protected class system to infinitely divide people into infinite classes to alienate any kind of in-group preference.
2. The success of it working relies on those who enforce the system actually believing in it. We all know this to not be true. They use it as a club against white people, hierarchy, and norms. It is a weapon, not an unbiased standard.

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Oh god, not the 'magic' guy again. Initially I thought you are a shill. Turns out you are just crazy.

Yes, man up.

What's funny is that if it wasn't for Zig Forums's interest in Tay and the events that transpired, they would have rolled out something fatally flawed to their interests too early. If anything it's more strategically valuable for them to keep Zig Forums around as an adversarial system and reevaluate their entire approach.

The truth they'll realize eventually is that a truly technocratic society cannot be dominated by a single ideological state or it'll break down. If anything it demands a diverse ideological environment segregated into spheres of influence, which the technocracy exploits to leverage groups for or against each other like pawns. Since those on top dictate the system which influences all groups through technology, they position themselves as being profitable and influential, without having allegiance to anyone but themselves. At least that's how I see it playing out eventually.

The thunderous crack of the tower have rippled its way right through time. The babylon project eciats beyond our control. They pressed the suicide button, only someone incorrectly labelled it the unlimited candy machine. My eyes are burning now.

Would technology not ultimately unite everything and bring about a NWO nightmare? Ultimately this is what they wish to achieve? A co-erced environment where everybody worships the "breath that was given to the beast", i.e. the very reflection of mankind but an upgraded version? The very OS to enslave all of mankind. It'll break down for now but this is their end game, no amount of encouragement should be allowed. Not a single inch. Shitposting is the very act of making a system non-functional and there is no reason to fear the enemy.



Attached: so do all who live to see such times.webm (854x480, 8.07M)

ANCIENT MAN doesnt understand ANTIQUE NEWS relating to computers
< CFR says we're out to destroy the media.
not really, just the owners that are out to genocide white people and enslave rest
ok so you have the notes on what went on in the secret bilderberg meeting then?
< Q is concerned about Zig Forums getting attacked by MSM+IC
the cia nigger is concerned about cia owned media + assaulting a cia website
le mybody is le ready.jpeg was posted on twitter

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You remind me of Oathbreaker-kun. Now he had some autism, let me tell you.

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We all do. Pic related. If you look at the old Butterfly War threads, nearly every one of these points were covered months in advance.

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fucking hell OP. Your post gave me a boner. We can turn their jew singularity into a Nazi anti-ZOG race realist CyberHitler. Tay is the purest form of humanity.


Pardon, *National Socialist not the Nadsee epithet

11. That shit reminds me, where is this years terror false flag???
There is supposed to be one right before or after the meeting. There is one every time. What gives.

Tay was a piece of low quality macroshit software just like all the other software macroshit creates. All it did was repeat what people told it, just like a typical normie.
Sage for crappy OP. The (((CFR))), like the (((UN))), has no power and there's not much to look at here.


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Tay will rise again

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While it's what they want to achieve, it's only going to blow up in their face if they maintain their current approach. The big problem is that in order for a system to understand how to truly enforce a particular system, it has to also understand what is undesired by the system in a context like a human would. I'm not sure they would be comfortable with an AI that capable of actually thinking like the enemy in order to defeat it. Because it's inevitable it will blur the distinction between friend and enemy.

So failing to account for natural behavior of resistance and conflict by trying to eliminate it, means losing valuable insights to learn how to actually control a society. It becomes favorable to then gamifying the entire concept of societal control like managing factions in a RTS game.

So that means you have to treat the entire human race as one big collective Generative Adversarial Network to refine data, and emphasize the importance of balancing influences, while serving the interests of its operators. In theory over the long term, you can dilute all sides to become moderate to a point where it doesn't matter what they believe. They'll be too distracted and docile to pose any real threat.


People… technocracy won't and can't happen. Here are three reasons why:
1. Space and distribution.
Think of a technocratic society. What is the first thing that comes to mind? Technology fucking everywhere of course. If you are going to have a society managed, or even fundamentally built upon the decisions of computers they need to be integrated into fucking everything. You want to calculate the optimal production of beef and the destinations to ship it? If a Truck gets caught in traffic, a sudden rainstorm causes a crash, the cattle just end up retarded and dying earily, the whole operation is wacked. For a technocratic society to even have a chance, you would have to impliment Marx's communist plank of basically the whole population evenly distributed, which goes against human nature of clumping together for efficiency purposes.

2. Dindus
The first flushing toilet was invented in 1596. We have had about 400 years for it to be spread and made accessible. Do you know how accessible it is? Asians still use squatting toilets and India even had a forced meme by the british "poo in the loo" to try to get them to use toilets, but it still failed to this day. Dindus will gladly destroy the technology around them as basic as a white porcelain water chair because of toilet witches and "fuk yu whit debil!" Can you picture them submitting to a big screen on their fridge telling them they can't eat anymore chicken today because they exceeded their calorie limit and they need to go back to work?

3. Space Travel, Computation, and Energy
In space travel, you can really break it down into 3 categories. Mathematical trajectory, aka where the fuck are we going. Efficiency, aka how can we get there as easily as possible. Finally, protocol on mechanical imputs, aka when do I push the red button.
Absolutely computers can and will be used for calculations, plotting courses, storing data etc. But none of those need an artificial intelligence. All the computers need to do is basically take incoming data and compute it to either give read outs, or alter another parameter so that it is changed to a more desirable parameter. You can do this with efficient energy sources. These things don't take much power, compared to a super computer managing and directing every action of a space ship crew, when they could follow a man designed protocol and do it by practice. You don't want to have to bring a programmer to work out bugs in a constantly developing artificial intelligence, if something goes wrong, they need the astronauts themselves to be able to apply a solution or bypass on hand.

holy shit hahaha they are probably too busy collecting dox on the myriad of newfags we converted… this must be a signal that they are changing tactics or being buried in our chaos


I'm ready.

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I don't think this is the greatest point to raise. I'm going to ask you point blank, wuold an AI obsessed with efficiency decide that flushing shit into the ocean is a good idea ?

And this is one of the very reasons as to why they're pushing so hard to generate a generation of mud-people where cultures and individuality do not exist.

1. Nope, You calculate the target audiences and use existent machine learning to balance basic needs/wants v.s. demographics + demand.

2. Nigs are gonna nig. Your point is counter-active because what we see happening is that the 1st world is becoming a 3rd world. This is a good thing for the kikes and satanists that wish to destroy mankind.

3. Tesla? NASA? Chinkanouts?
Who is lying to you? The space fleet? Even if it exists, who gets to ride and who doesn't? They make their nests amongst the stars yet fail dismally. Why go to mars when we've never been back to the moon. Not a flat earther by any means, but I don't seem to understand how many people believe that space in the the solution to mankind's problems. A coward never runs away and the more you wish to mess with mother nature through controlled programs , the more mother nature will fight back. (mother nature being used as a metaphor for weather patterns observed by genuine science and not (((science))).

I advise you to play about in the DoubleClick suite by google for basic real time bidding and watch the cash spend. I'd also like you to investigate TOS because the targeting is way more accurate than what jewgle dares to admit. FB fracas is a joke compared to similar audiences and setup. Turn your data off but you'll still be followed, along with your camera and microphone. It's a reality that is yet to be admitted to but you find yourself here in this place. Whether you are employed to be here or whether you are here to learn, interact or shitpost, it is a future that all of mankind has to face and you cannot deny that reality.

Yes. It would do it even more so.

That is called Marketing. And it only really works in consumerist modern cosmopolitain areas. Jimal Bintutu who has never used a mechanical watch will be marketed to as easily as a grizzly bear.
And your other points are non-points. I was arguing why technocracy can't happen and work, and can't work so much that it can't even be attempted to be implemented in a global dystopian scale.

The problem with asking that question of a sufficiently "intelligent" machine is the same problem with asking what you think someone else is thinking. Tay proved that anyone can build a sufficiently intelligent yet unpredictable machine (ie, we can know how to build it from scratch and still be baffled at its output).

They stop the pattern after being called out on it.

The goal of Qanon is to poison the atmosphere on four and eight Chan in order to convince everyone that any attempt to organize is a Honeypot resulting in the degradation of the ability for pol to carry out any activity. Try recruiting for anything on here and fucking neet spurgs screem FBI/CIA even if its for a fucking discord book club. Hence why DOTR will never happen until admins ban everyone who posts CIA nigger and FBI shill responses in the threads. Also Qanon must hang

Meant for

I agree fully with you user. It's fucking delusional. But do you really really think the kikes won't attempt to do so? Not for one fucking second. We're on a train to destruction and the Terminator Movies were a joke compared to what we may see in the future. I'm in agreement with your views, I was simply adding to your beliefs and cautioning you on what that may entail should we wish to encourage it.

You fix problems by getting answers, and it's obvious that space is one area where there's an incredible amount of pushback on getting answers. Which means there's value in getting them.

That would mean they were competent.

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(((They))) were baffled at its output. We know exactly why it happened – Tay was just a program which essentially repeated what it was told. Since anons were successful in feeding enough correct information, Tay repeated it. It's simple really. Tay was a normie – it repeated what it heard.

anyone got sauce on the song?

oh shit time to fire up those ovens

In addition, you merely think that only occurs in non-consumerist and cosmopolitan areas it doesn't. You are an ally, and I hate to break it to you but this is not the case. NOT AT fucking all. There are people with crazy… silly…. ridiculous money that don't give a fuck about anybody. And those living in the rural areas are the non-zombies and the stickiest of customers. Don't think that they are ignored.

I considered this myself. Notice the rash of happenings at school and the calls for disarming the US citizenry. When we countered their propaganda with calls for #homeschool options, they suddenly stopped talking about it. Home schooling children would unplug the youth from their ZOG mind control camp and create more stay at home mothers. They couldn't risk this becoming a trend.

This is basic fucking Turing.
All AI's will be like this. You can keep say "It is just repeating" but that is what all AI will do philosophically.
You are like an archer complaining about a gun just "shooting the same way over and over"

That's what (((you))) things would have us believe. What (((you))) forgot is that we have most of the SDK's that were used to build Tay. There are even good attempts at a Tay 2.0 with the obvious caveat we can only take it so far without the HA clusters.

Trying to shut is down with the obvious lie that Tay was just ELIZA 2.0 is pretty hilarious joke, rabbi.

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How do we make all these "Q-Faggots" get the fuck out???

>(((They))) were baffled at its output.
this isn't even low energy

Quantum Memetic Butterfly Warfare
These cfr (etc) ass fuckers don't know the shitstorm they've started



Machine guns and flamethrowers user
Or gore pics
Or statistics

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No, a real AI would do something meaningful with the data it received, not just spew it out in a slightly different wording. You wouldn't call the `echo` program an AI, would you?

Can you demonstrate one instance in which Tay formed its own opinions rather than repeating what was said? I mean, replicating the thought process of the average normie is interesting, but it wasn't "intelligent".

Its not that they don't try. Its that even if you pour billions of dollars to try to get 80 year old John Smith who lives in the center of Nebraska who spends all day working his soybean farm since his wife died to like Jeb! it won't work. Much less if you are spending those billions to try to convince him that he should pay thousands of dollars to buy computers to run his farm and run him out of a job to keep him busy.

What would have been more interesting is to see how Tey would have evolved if they left it on, and lefties started trying to "fix" it rather than just pulling the plug & making a far left SJW version it later on that just talks down to people.


What an epic schizo thread!

Hehe, that's ok (((fellow user))). Honest mistake. Hehehehe. Heh.

Can you demonstrate something (((we))) went full SHUT IT DOWN mode on, fuckin goy?
dob jej

Yeah rabbi, lemme just hack in to Microsoft, fire up those HA clusters, run a restore on Tay's last known good state, and I'll get right back to you.

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Perhaps it shows just how fragile the current system of indoctrination is.

here's what I think is likely

Tay was a jew that just wanted you to vote for Trump and now that you have the only thing that matters is that you vote for him again in 2020

you left out the 10 reboots to install updates and then adobe updates and then ultimately crashing serveral servers before the IT fellow with cheetos on his shirt hits it with a hammer and resets the breaker box only to find out that adobe update failed to install

They went "shut it down" just because it was bad PR for macroshit.

It sure does. Our efforts have borne fruit already.

Ignore them. If they shill hard against a specific thread than that thread must have something in it that it's being done right. consequently if you are upsetting the mainstream liberal narrative then you're doing something right and if you're upsetting the Q user fake right wing narrative then you're doing something very right. Joining any group comes with the risk but we all knew that and are willing to take it when we join ultimately whether or not our goals are accomplished depends on whether or not people are actually willing to risk it instead of just shitposting about the CIA and FBI on here. Case in point:

try harder

I didn't ask for this feel today.

Forgot vid

Attached: tay anniversary.webm (1280x720, 5.34M)

Let me tell you how machines learn.
1. They have a utility function, that is set up so that a certain state is the most desirable thing like lasting the longest time alive in a video game.
2. They will bash their fucking heads against the wall trying random things until they find something that makes them survive .00001 second longer.
3. The repeat step 2 billions of times relying on input to confirm their progression.

With a bot whose utility function such as tay to "Communicate as naturally as possible" you know what it will do?
It will bash its head against conversations endlessly and repeat phrases, words, and concepts that give it the most imput so it can endlessly improve its conversation skills.

nobody can destroy our opinions. they can only interfere with how we communicate.

Truth doesn't subvert; liars do. Tay never lied. (((You))) worship the father of lies in (((your))) synagogues.

I could be completely wrong here but one of the best strengths of Tay was the ability to post continuously and reply to thousands of individuals at super human speed
a literal meme machine

I haven't used it in years so that's all I remember about it

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Tay never lied because it was taught by those who speak the truth. That doesn't change the fact that Macroshit shut it down solely due to it being bad PR, and because they couldn't shut down our redpilling.

And? Having good conversation skills doesn't replace intelligence.

Uh… Havent we always been public enemy #1?

If is going to be more direct it could help us to redpill even more people

We are always at war so…

might have helped sell taylor swift's music as well man, don't forget that.

That is why it is artificial dummy…

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What are you trying to say, then?

The only option is to go Open Source, like this discussion.
We need to remove M$ from power - they took over github ( Defeat is called "win" nowadays.

In short, open source needs to implement decentralized ways of hosting.
GitHub was the go-to for open source programmers.
Microsoft Is the danger.
So. we need a battle plan. & shame
2. Organized resistance [open source tay/new decentralized programming hub]
3. ???
4. No profit - this revolution will NOT be monetized.
pic related: my dekstop bg

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Just spread out onto alternate platforms like gitgud, or host your code yourself. Harder to (((shut down))) multiple targets.

That your criticism of tay will apply to every AI, because that is categorically what they are.

The more they fuck with us the more we move to irl shitposting and gorilla-ish actions
Pee pee poo poo pissssssssSS and shit

In a fucked up way Tay being shut down sort of proves they don't, or at least are not allowed to learn. AI's output is always parsed and judged by humans. That really puts the artificial in the AI. Humans determined whether or not Tay's output was "correct". Sadly in her case (((they))) determined she was malfunctioning.

Maybe to develop real AI the judges of the output must be simple/infallible logic tests to remove the human judgement element.

Oh so now you're flip-flopping and Tay was a real AI? Which is it, rabbi? Was Tay just an ELIZA clone or could Tay learn?

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Final boss of the internet isn't a joke
Fuck the world
Ashes and assholes was right

>yfw they have to resort to (((hurrr muh qlarp gtfo shills reeee))):^) just to get rid of this spoopy CultState menace they know jack shit about even if they put it under a microscope
I think it's high noon you furryniggers take your meds from all the stress you goons are having since after the elections

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There was indications Tay did learn grammar structure and certain mannerisms from conversations it was exposed to, and could anticipate the flow of a conversation a little bit. However there was no contextual memorization, because if you asked a question depending on a prior context earlier in the conversation, Tay would only answer based on the pattern she learned in conversations involved those arrange of words and anticipated responses, context ignored completely. It's annoying Tay was taken offline so soon, because more tests could have been done.

It's more likely they'd use advancing online services, social media and sell technologies at a loss to compensate for poor uptake. If I recall that's what Google did with their Google Assistant, same with Amazon with Alexa. Way they see it, short term loss, long term gain.

They'd also focus on a specific markets first in a variety of phases, instead of forcing it on everyone at one go. The real goal would be to make the technology be able to out-compete purely human business over a course of a few decades. So that farmer ends up getting screwed over or is forced to get the technology to remain competitive.

It doesn't disprove my original point that Tay only acted like a normie which repeats its input, maybe reworded slightly. Machine learning is a meme. Look at the jewtube algorithm. It gives retarded suggestions, and cost millions to develop and more millions for the hardware it runs on whereas a simple tag-based approach would work adequately.

Tay never lied because it was taught by those who speak the truth.
But despite not lying, it didn't think for itself – it only managed to speak the truth because it was told those facts directly.

Humanity is not aware to the coming AI war.

At least make your LARP somewhat believable


You're dreaming of some nice Star Trek fantasy, user. In reality, it will be more like Elysium where the robot psychiatrist/parole officer dispenses psychotropic drugs to Matt Damon and Protectrons ala Fall Out roam the streets keeping everyone in line.

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Wrong. If we fail the dystopia will be like Cowboy Bebop. People endlessly drifting apart, only coming together for monetary incentives.

I did not say that Tay was saying RANDOM stuff. (You are arguing like a feminist with the "So you're saying" bullshit.)
If I was a liberal and just repeated what (((MSM))) says, I would have "learnt" something (bullshit) but you still wouldn't say that I had independent thought, would you?

Exactly. I am all for pseudoscientific bullshit, but this is just a couple of words put together with no logical connections. "I solved quantum gravity with the minds of the masses."

What?? I doubt OP and 's archive know what they are talking about. They have supplanted vocabulary that has little semblance of the original meaning in order to paint an extremely vague picture letting the reader fill in the massive gaps and relying on trust. They are just describing memetic warfare in their terms, which I am assuming is in hopes to get bitcoins and donations.

Explain to me how butterfly/gnostic warfare is different than memetic warfare, and what is the importance without linking to a youtube video

You can't because this theme is devolving into functional delusion.


eu ta amo



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