Niggers gonna nig

AQUARIUS unrest on board, and other strange stories

Something strange is going on and around migrants ship AQUARIUS, which is cruising in legs east of Malta since Jun 10. According to latest updates from Euronews journalist Anelise Borges on board of AQUARIUS, in Russian version, the crew rejected the trip to Spain ports while being so to say, in full load, because of two reasons: bad weather forecast and growing tension on board, which includes several fights that already broke out among “rescued” migrants. In other words, things on board have become real scary, and some or most of the crew didn’t subscribe for service which may come so dangerous.
Why don’t AQUARIUS start moving towards Spain, when it should steam there full speed, at least 12 hours ago? It’s 700 nm to Barcelona, less than 70 hours (not 4-5 days they’re talking about) run for AUARIUS with its’ 11-12 knots cruise speed. My guess is, it’s because of security/safety situation on board, being far from stable. The last thing NGOs (and their masters) want is migrants’ mutiny on board with unpredictable results. But they’ve been asking for it, you know.

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Other urls found in this thread: Sheet on Race and the CJS 2006.pdf–victims.html

They want to use the migrants as martyrs. To attack people like the Italian government for protecting their borders.
Its quite interesting that the migrants are getting angry now its been made obvious that they are just pawns in an ideological scheme.

Most probably they want the niggers to chimp out for maximum media attention
also what about the food and water ?
600 niggs x 2 meals a day + water

Should run out within a week, if not 3 days.

I hope every single one of these lefty faggots gets raped, beaten to death, their balls cut off, etc. I don't care if the niggers are martyred (because it won't make waves in Europe, remember it was an NGO ship which provokes doubt in the normalfags mind).

everybody on that vessel is doomed

And they will deserve it. Every one of them, for being willfully ignorant.

this is the boat ?
look very small

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Shit post OP, you left out the most important part…
…some 500 people are expected to be transferred to Italian navy and coast guard vessels. The ship you see in the distance is one of them. This operation is expected to take a few hours…
…First transfer of people from #Aquarius to Italian coast guard vessel. 90 people were taken just now. More than 400 left to be transferred – according to initial plan…

Too bad, this blacked whore would have served as a nice example. she looks like she has some kike in her.

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so italy is taking the niggers anyway ?

seems like it. they would be wise to transfer them to another boat and ship their nigger asses back to africa or dump them in the ocean since niggers cant swim. article didn't specify on Italy's stance for residence for these nogs


they'll give them a temp ID and send them off to Germany

Italy just wants them to btfo which they usually do

They have moved from Malta to Sicily since yesterday, seemingly escorted by NAVE DATTILO.

Does this mean they're entering Italy after all?

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Crew should be executed immediately for bringing niggers and whatever else refuse to White countries. How long do you think it would be before boats of invaders would slow down to a trickle.

My best gguess is that one (or more) of the "white" volunteer is fucking dead. Even worse one of the rapefugee killed it, and now the rest of the brain dead try to found out how to cover the murder. Maybe they are waiting for Uncle Soros to gave them so advice before the case hit the mainland.

Imagine explaining to those

Good prediction! A rape or two is definitely a close second guess.

No, what it's happening is that the Italian vessels are going to carry the migrants to spain to aid the Aquarius since there are concerns the weather would be dangerous. I call bullshit on the weather danger, a nog nogging out and fucking things up danger is far more likely. Also, you know, make sure the Aquarius doesn't pull something silly.

Also there's definitely something wrong going on in general, since Italy has offered to actually take in the pregnant women and children (the actual infants, not the "children") but they have refused to be rescued without any logical reason. Weather it's the NGO pushing them to not accept to fabricate a bigger crisis or simply the fact that those women (most likely pregnant due to rape) know full well that something even worse up is awaiting them in Italy or something else entirely, we don't know. Media is silent on it, too.

Rolling for the niggers to kill the ship's crew and then to drown/start killing each other.

I hope so, especially kill the crew.

Thread theme.

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there's a stowaway

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If only if only.

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Could be a win-win for us…

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How stupid do they need to be in order to drown when they are so close to being saved? Is it really that difficult to just remain calm and stay afloat?

dude, it's niggers.

I posted this on another thread the isrealis were promoting Tommy Goy Robinstein on, and it would serve probably more useful on this.


Victims of racist attacks in Oldham: 62% White

Victims wounded in racist attacks: 83.3% White

Victims murdered in racist attacks: 41.4% White.

Racist assault victims: 62.5% White

1 in 5 murder/rape suspects are immigrants:

More hate crimes against Christians than against immigrants:

Blacks are 5 times more likely to commit violence against the person.

Blacks are 4 times ‘more likely’ to commit sexual offences.

Blacks are 15 times ‘more likely’ to commit robbery.

Blacks are over 6 times ‘more likely’ to commit fraud and forgery.

Blacks are over twice as likely to commit criminal damage.

Black are 5 times ‘more likely’ to commit drugs offences. Sheet

Violence against the person is 5 times more prevalent in the black community, than in the white community.

Drugs offences are 16 times more prevalent in the black community, and 3 time more prevalent in the Asian community, than in the white community.

Robbery is over 9 times more prevalent in the black community, than in the white community.

Committing homicide is 6 times more prevalent in the black community, and twice as prevalent in the Asian community, than it is in the white community.

The homicidal killing of white people is 90 times more prevalent in the black community, than the homicidal killing of black people in the white community.

The homicidal killing of white people is 30 times more prevalent in the Asian community, than the homicidal killing of Asian people in the white community.

The number of white victims of interracial homicide is approximately 40 times greater than expected, when compared to the number of such victims in the minority (BME)community.

The white community suffers more victims of interracial and racially motivated homicide than all of the minority (BME)communities put together – despite the BME communities being less than 10 per cent of the total population.

The number of white victims of racially motivated homicide is approximately 50 times greater than expected, when compared to the number of such victims in the minority (BME)community. on Race and the CJS 2006.pdf


“Street crimes”: 54% black

Robbery: 59% black

Gun crimes: 67% black


Gun Crime: 29% black

Knife crime: 24% black–victims.html

41% of black African, 36% of Bangladeshi and 35% of Indian people feel they have a say in decisions affecting Britain, compared to 19% of white people.

72% of murder suspects in London are non-white.

1. Black people are heavily overrepresented in all riots but one (Salford, 1.7% of arrests)

2. Over 50% arrested are black in all London riots (up to 82% black, 10% white in Lambeth)

3. All but two London areas (both central) with above average black population rioted

4. Poor and uneducated non-black areas did not riot or had small riots

5. Older black people are more likely to riot than whites of any age, incl. youths

6. Whites aged 10-17 are not overrepresented, blacks aged 10-17 are – heavily

7. Black Londoners are 2.87 times as unemployed as whites, but 9.65 times more likely to riot


Anti-White Racial Crime Statistics In Britain


Figures show that white people are racism victims

Third of rapists and killers ‘are foreign’

1 in 5 native French have been victims of racist insults/attacks

‘Immigrant crimewave’ warning: Foreign nationals were accused of a QUARTER of all crimes in London

London is home to the UK’s ten most violent places to live

85% of hate crime victims in Europe are Christians

Make it so, Lucifer

Every time I see this video it makes me chuckle, niggers are so goddamn dumb.


Stop spamming like a fucking retard.

What part of the detailed and useful statistics I posted relevant to the OPs initial post would you consider spam?

beat me to it.

Perhaps someone onboard came down with a bad case of the sniffles and they suspect an infection with a highly-contagious pathogen.
They'd rather stall for a few days until they can rule that out, thereby avoiding creating a public panic, instead of doing the right thing and immediately tipping off the proper authorities.
It's all about optics with these fuckers…

The digits have spoken

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I wonder what would do a good old CNN style fake news on this?

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And of those 28% of white murder suspects, I wonder how many are actually English (or at least 'white British')? I would imagine a fair proportion are made up of the lower class Slavs that have come over, and historically the Irish were always over-represented as well. It just makes you think that if the city was 100% English, as it should be, crime would be so incredibly low that it would probably appear to be a paradise.

I thought Italy had closed its ports?

I appreciated your thorough info user. Don't mind those that wish to suppress information.


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What's the worst thing to do when struggling to swim? Panic. Nigger impulsiveness meets its match.

The were probably riled up because they didn't get their "free blond girls" in Italy like they were promised.

This is good for us, if they get into fights with each other or the crew, it will only serve to prove how dangerous they are. If they've got enough food and water it will be hard for the left to spin it in a sympathetic light.

The media will spin it
"acts of desperation when the doctors and engineers isnt let in by nazi italy"

So sum up the possibilities:
- Maybe one of the nigs carrying some nasty disease (no offense Ebola chan)
- Maybe one of the nigs killed someone on the boat
- Maybe one of the nigs raped someone on the boat
- Maybe one of the nigs killed a white volunteer
- Maybe one of the nigs raped a white volunteer
- Maybe one of the nigs has/smugling some illegal stuff and he refusing to drop it into the sea
There must be a very good reason why they didnt go to Spain, where the people and the gov. waiting them with open arms. There must be some real shit if they fear to reach coast.

It's also handing Salvini the perfect tool: now all he has to do is delay other ships from entry until their cargoes reach critical mass.
This will reach a head, and, either break the volunteer pool or go public due to the increasing difficulty of the media to contain word of it.

No worries; she still loves you;^)

What's amazing to me is these people are quite literally attempting to do what raiding parties would do 600 years ago, and for some reason the reaction is to simply hand them everything they could possibly want instead of just sinking their raiding vessels.

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That webm should be titled "a cat and animals"

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White guilt instilled by Jews and embraced by the leaders or Europe.
Thats the reason.


It's good advice regardless of swimming or not. Never panic: stay calm. We should keep that advice in mind, Hitler trips confirm.

Thought that was Trump from the thumbnail.

Aquarius have probably been told not to bargain and keep pushing for a full offload in Italy: women and babies looks good initially but the feelz of the catladies will dramatically change as they realise they have competition and not poor innocent buck negroes who just need a womans tender etc. etc.
Leaving 90% of the assholes in a rubber dinghy 10 miles off Tripoli because you can't unload them in Italy will screw their optics even further. It has to be all or nothing for the NGOs for their "rescue" narrative to hold.

Whites have been conditioned for guilt for thousands of years, it's called christcuckery, guilt is its defining characteristic, born a sinner. Jews have used the cult for slave to take advantage of Whites since it has been around, they a love hate relationship with cuckstianity, despise it but love it for setting up all the sheep for them to slaughter.

its becuz the holohoax retard

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The great European empires were in spite of christcuckery, not because of it, retard.


Yeah, Julis Caesar and Alexander the Great were such ardent christfags.

True, but more truthful would be to say the greatest European Empires existed before Christ did.

All that later 'christian empire' shit was mostly a huge waste of time, spreading the faith to the muds, and how did it end?
These 'christian empires', which succeeded entirely because of European traits which evolved before the Roman Empire existed and in spite of christianity's innate weakness, handed the reins of power back to the now-christian muds and said "We're sorry, please take our children as brides".


Attached: The 'Accomplishments' of Christianity in One Image.jpg (1068x1744 1.06 MB, 487.06K)

sink all ships originating from africa or the ME

Giving them what ever they want so they turn around and go back home would be far cheaper than letting them colonize Europe.

They want our land, our women and children, and us out of the way and dead.

The sound of navy destroyer gunfire is cheaper.

They need to rape those bitches working for the refugee shipping operation right to death.

That's enrichment for ya.

Welp, maybe this will be the story that gets the banks to stop threatening to shut off the money printing machines if the niggers quotas aren't met. Think of the growth.

nigger spotted

I hope those shitty euro traitors on that boat get raped to death by that pack of niggers


Checked and seconded. I would laugh sardonically for at least a week if the crew is found dead and the ship is ghosting with a pile of corpses on board and a handful of happy cannibal meat-filled survivor nogs.

if it were so you could sell newpapers by leaving out a stack and leaving a collection tin near underground stations

A 900 nigger boat docked in italy today in Sicily. If they can keep everyone on that island and in processing centers then it wouldn't affect the rest of italy. Need to stop those fuckin nigger boats.

"My update from the rescue ship Aquarius:
In the dark the rubber boat collapses, 50 people scream for their lives in the water with no life jackets, 70 more in danger, waves coming from all angles, the rescue ship about a mile away, the support rescue boat brakes down, people crushing each other in the wreck, get people floating, run out of life jackets, spot a drowned guy under the water, my fingers touch his hair, his shirt, then we have him, medic resuscitation, more people from the sea, we bury the medic under them, throw life jackets, our boat is overrun, we take life jackets off people climbing on us and throw them to the next person as the rubber boat broke. pull away slowly though people are clinging to us, Get people floating, clear our rescue boat to life rafts, support boat arrives they almost get over run, back to the ship offload drowned guy, keep medic, more life jackets and power through the darkness, weave around the ones screaming with life jackets. Etc for 5 hours

That was my job 5 days ago.

When the sun came up we had 629 people on the ship transfers and rescues. all the transfers where from ITALIAN COAST GUARD vessels, more then half of the people on board.

Then we had to wait for days standing still in the heat. Food running low, people getting anxious, one swears he will jump

And now we are being fucking sent to Spain. Get this, they split the people we rescued into two other Government ships who cover the same area as us! Three rescue ships! As if diverting one rescue ship from the most deadly patch of sea on earth isn’t stupid enough right.
But it doesn’t stop there! The next day another Italian coast guard ship landed about 900 people in Italy, literally the sister ship of the one currently traveling in convoy to Spain with us now.

This whole exercise appears to just be political.

And it gets worse! The stretch of the sea we are traveling through is rough! We are took 4m waves last night, sending spray over the ship. the nurses, who worked non stop, were held vomit bags for mothers as they breast fed.

These same people who just survived a ship wreck. I wish you could talk to him, this one guy, who suffered a loss, survived a shipwreck, hauled onto Aquarius, left to drift on our ship for days, is vomiting as we get hit by a storm, asks me for a pen to colour the crocs we gave him, is so polite and kind to me even, asks me how I am. And then he asks me why this is happening, I tell him because there are horrible people in the world.

This ship is a specialized tool to save lifes of vulnerable people who many would rather die. I want to be back in the place we are needed, not on this farcical ego trip. Human life is sacred."

Attached: nothing is beyond our reach.jpg (1080x6424, 2.32M)

This is why there is a media blackout. The NGO kike golems are blackpilled as fuck.



Oh okay Sicily. A few more eggplants there won't change much.

the nogs have ebola.

Attached: ebola-zombie-walking-dead-720x340.jpg (720x340, 95.74K)

Stop misdirecting. The major news based on the leak from Max Avis is that there is still an Italian government convoy to rescue nogs. Salvini has not delivered yet.


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Papa Nurgle's is a nice guy for giving us his daughter.

Attached: Nurgle and Ebola Chan.jpg (2550x3300, 516.04K)

Make your own post space cadet ,shit don't belong on this one dumbass

kek this shill really likes vomit
ah yes the emotional appeal all that's missing is the division
pic related

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It couldn't possibly be that difficult to sink these ships, could it?

I mean there are probably a handful, I doubt this Avis fellow made that part up.

Roll baby roll

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That gave me a hearty chuckle. Niggers are so, so stupid.

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What/when am I seeing here? That's not the Gatorade ship, right, that's still next to Italy.


Why don't you start by giving a more accurate version of historical events rather than some Three sentence "refutal" of Christianity's role in establishing Western civilization as we know it. Jews are out to dismantle everything good about everyone else's accomplishments, Christianity included.

I don't know how you can be so self-unaware posting Img 2 and 3 like they actually uphold your PoV, Img 2 is obviously d/c from the mouth of a lying yid and how can you say that the rise of European Empires was despite Christianity and then flip around and say the decline is because of Christianity. Are these "European traits" you claim to have a 20,000+ year heritage so weak?

Furthermore, don't take this as my defense of all christians and their actions, only of Christianity in principle and in its principle applications. Christcucks as they are known to be certainly exist, but don't take them to represent the whole religion, anymore than you'd let a controlled op figurehead represent ours.

Man, just got chills thinking of a horror movie plot based on this
>ebola outbreak
Coming this Fall. It's [enter movie title]

Attached: n-n-nno.png (184x172, 2.44K)

I'd watch it. Fund it!

Revenge of the Nigs


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We need to start sinking those fucking NGO ships before they bring anymore of this violent low IQ genetic trash into our nations

You and I have very different ideas about what 'the right thing' to do in this situation is…"Swim noggies, swim." Did you know that certain pathogens continue to spread even after the host is 'well' again. They never stop shedding the virus.

Eek Rising

Excellent point.
Just like with Dr. Ian Crozier, the Ebola virus persists long after the initial infection and symptoms have subsided.
This should be what we meme to the normiesphere; nothing like a little mortal fear to help them reassess their priorities.

Do normies have priorities :) Yep, already begun operation "Nog Plague" and "The Good Ship Lollipop" on Reddit and YT as of this morning…