If you had the power to press a button and kill either Muslims, Homosexuals, Blacks, Bankers, or Capitalists...

If you had the power to press a button and kill either Muslims, Homosexuals, Blacks, Bankers, or Capitalists, which would you choose Zig Forums, and why?

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jews, which includes you.

The button doesnt kill Jews.

What are bankers?

Incriminate yourself goy
We love everyone dude. Especially (((you))).

Jews, they're the diseass, the rest mentioned are symptoms.

another word for banksters, criminal elites, they control the monetery policy behind the scenes, the government etc. They hold the capitalists money and use it to create leveraging schemes where they speculate on stock markets. The bankers are the ones who cause all our problems along with the capitalists

So jews?

Theres plenty of capitalists and bourgeoisie scum who arent Jews, enough with your tinfoil hat conspiracies.

FBI and JIDF should stop trying to make this board of peace look evil. They have too many fake accounts here and post violent acts. Especially the thread where a JIDF member asks what type of terrorism he should engage in. Please stop that, JIDF.

Real Zig Forums users would never harm anyone.

Ok, so they are jews.

Capitalists. Unabashed communist here. With computers we can finally have the planned market that will solve the problems with communism in the past.

Seize the means

It's funny when Zig Forums outs it's self by denying that the Jews make up the majority of the bankers and calls it a conspiracy theory.

I mean who owns the banks? Is it the South Africans or the Germans? No wait, it's the Jews.

Can I kill the 1% instead? Half the jewish population wiped out in the blink of an eye.

By the looks of it, there seems to be an organized massive plan of shutting down Zig Forums. The butterfly-psycho is probably a shill trying to D&C anons with his (((prediction))) in case they finally do shut it down.

Friendly reminder: don't fall for self incrimination, especially disguised one. Poison their datamining without saying lies that they could use against you.

fixed that for you

also, looking forward to gaming your perfect system for my self-interest, as has happened in every other communist state ever


Yea, seems reasonable. I'm sure they will.

Not only would half of Jews be killed, but so would the most honorary Jewish gentiles

I chose to kill OP for making this shit thread

Bankers because Jews weren't an option and most of the top banks are run by (((them))).

Once again, I've come to steal the cat.

OP learn to make a coffee at the office machine. At least you'll have a real skill by the end of your internship.

Sage for offtopic slide thread.

Moar cute cats please.
The giffier the better.

t. cat thief

(is) (a) (faggot)
You need to go back.
Everyone who doesn't sage this thread needs to go back as well.