Just Musk My Shit Up

Tesla will lay off about 3,500 workers in an effort to boost profitability, CEO Elon Musk wrote in a company email.
>Musk conceded that Tesla has not made an annual profit in 15 years. The company posted its largest quarterly loss, of more than $700 million, earlier this year.


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Lemme know when they actually do something worthwhile, OP.

>musk decides to clean house of what are most likely (((saboteurs)))

I don't trust musk much myself, his name sounds fake and some of his products seem shady, but this still warrants further attention.

He's cutting dead weight, good for him - let's hope whoever leaked his email to the kikes is among the first fired.

Yeah that's my take on it as well. He seems like a Bond villain or Willy Wonka or some shit with how he writes. "we'll have hydrogen powered latte machines on the moon in ten years" and shit.

OP, thanks for the info, but I don't give a fuck about Tesla° -
I would have rather have read abut the Time Warner and AT&T merger and how that will affect pricing by raising prices in the long term and the privacy issues associated with the merger.
But, thanks anyway.

I don't see how the consensus can fault Musk for firing workers when the company hasn't been profitable in fifteen years.

he's literally just a sweatshop boss scamming governments and wealthy car enthusiasts. the 3500 people let go are average workers a priori. how could they be of any significance if there are 3500 of them at one perpetually unprofitable company?

This. Just bought a hundred more shares of Tesla.

hes a liberal laudering machine … hes a means for california to not have to rely on the rest of the US as much

california needs
-a way to make cars
-a way to make satelites
-a way to produce energy

his company provides all this and he plays the spokes person while they subsidize it

hes not a rocket scientist himself … he doesnt know shit

but he can put on a show … and he has

ur an idiot

Actually he does.

I haven't seen anything to dislike about the guy. I dont really get why pol has a hate boner for him.

They hired 8k this year. Seems they're mostly firing sales staff for solar and middle managers

Anyone fancy buying some magic beans?

Musk used liberal guilt to scam tax write-offs so more people would buy his cars

vs the people he employs he doesnt know shit

-hes not a rocket engineer
-hes not a battery chemical engineer
-hes not car mechanical engineer

he is a smart driven person, I sure has tons of knowledge.

but when I say "he doesnt know shit" I mean. This fuck is a figure head and is not the genieus that creates the stuff he wants. Without his employees he would not be making cars and battries. Without the connections to the liberal California gov he would not have the capital or the ability to start the projects he has done.

Hes a big piece of the puzzle … but hes just one piece.

Like I said as of now hes a tool for california. Heres a question, do you think he would be able to take his company and do what he has done anywhere else? Maybe Texas.

These places have plans for subsidizing his company.

But no one else wants his company and no one else needs his company. The rest of america is fine with getting cars from detroit and are fine with paying white men to drill oil. California and Texas are the only people that want to go green , because they dont want to give money to industries they dont control.

Massachusettes said it was ok for people to take apart their Teslas as a property right.

No one gives a shit about this company , it is nothing special. There is no NEW tech there. Its just a rebranding and a huge subsidy from California because California wants to try to seperate it self from US and it needs the tools that this company is providing.

-transportation engineering
-satellite engineering

the rest of the country is happy getting it from the current providers , but California and Texas want to act on their own. Mostly California but Texas has always been its own beast.

Musk is a fucking agent

You're simply wrong, you know he actually designed the first space-x rocket? He's a schooled engineer, an avaricious reader, self teaches like mad. I've no doubt he's on par with much of the rocket engineers he has employed, better than many more since he's had a penchant for hiring just out of college grads. There's many things to knock him for, this isn't one of them.

Even if Musk is a bit of a fraudster, I like that he trying to bring about the next era in industrialism. I feel like everyone else is stuck in the iron age and laughing at Musk for attempting to bring about the industrial version of the age of Romans. Solar cells and banks and electric cars is good for everyone, and I don't personally take pleasure when Tesla doesn't do well. I haven't pulled the trigger quite yet on a Tesla myself, but I like the tech and hate the traditional automakers and their increasingly jewish pricing models. I used to sell cars, a bumper that is made of fucking plastic but that includes motion sensors which will soon become standard costs like $3K to replace. At least Musk is approaching the car problem from an engineering standpoint and making a better tech car rather than a rolling sarcophagi piece of shit the other automakers are shitting out.

a fucking bachelors or even a 30 yr old PHD fucker isnt going to engineer a good rocket … engineering takes fucking hands on years of wisdom.

You know he designed the first space-x rocket or you were told because they want to make this guy the next fucking tesla. This guy is a business man , a suit, you fucking soy boy.

go suck his dick I dont care.

didnt this mother fucker lose a chief engineer in his car company

shit mother fucker cant make cars himself … how the fuck is he going to make rockets

fuck off

Go ahead and put a dent in your Tesla and tel us how much the repair will cost.

This, designing a machine this complex requires an entire team of experienced engineers.

Tesla Motors are a hoax. Anyone who tells you they're real is a liar. I tried it and it doesn't work.

and he hires right out of college, who is going to know more about building rockets, Elon or some wet behind the ears rocket engineer?

People like Musk because he an industrialist, not because of his engineering chops.

elon not being one of them

This is not against the factory worker, these layoffs are for Salaried employees like managers.

are you fucking saying elon is in the fucking interviews asking candidates chemical and rocket engineering questions

you fucks are actually retarded

you going to think this and say its true , but you are not going to provide evidence … what you will do is put more of his cock in your mouth

what dont I know about mr musk … or should I say Dr. Musk … he must be as smart as any PHD right. Please tell me how smart and great he is.

no they actually think this guy is a fucking rocket genus … but hes just a business man / software engineer that made some good moves in the early dot com years … sold for alot of money and now has a company that is in bed with a liberal dictatorship that will funnel tax dollars to his company because it is "green"

they fucking worship this guy as you can see from the comments

its like a fucking twitter fest in here how much of his cock they are sucking

Musk is an infinitely better salesman and hype-builder than he is an engineer. Tesla products have always underperformed and been overcosted, which has only been sustainable because of his ability to market the brand to rich people who want to seem futuristic, upper-middle-class people who want to seem rich, and governments that will throw money at anything he mentions. The technologies that Musk cares about are going to be the future of Western industry, but Tesla isn't going to be the one making them.

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So what's your hardon for musk exactly? You sound like one of those conservacuck faggots who hates all green companies because da libruls are nazis.

try making sense, this doesn't follow

Also, your 30 years bit is a laugh, where were the 30 years experience rocket engineers come from when Germans, Russians and NASA started doing them, oh right, there weren't any, didn't take 30 years to get up to speed, didn't take space-x that long either even though old school were shunning him. Again, lots of things to slam him for, his companys are welfare queens, his is a slimy salesman, pushes the leftist climate change narrative for his own gain, trying to create a steve jobs/iron man persona, be that as it may, he still knows his shit.

thats it.

Im a conservative that thinks the green movement and climate change are just a ploy for government to tax and move money to their own bank accounts and out of accounts of business that dont "play ball"

and I think elon musk is part of the guys that are "playing ball" , hes a traitor to the public, a liberal elitest.

but people dont see him as such … they think hes an engineer. Hes a shill.

you are making alto of assumptions … and are asking questions with obvious answers.

but you are an idiot so instead of answering your qeustions Im just going to mock you

this is a real fucking twitter storm here, or maybe ycombinator is storming this place

I know alot of hackernews fucks always shill for california tech companies

"My man god will create an AI so I can just live off welfare … we are the coollest in Cali"

It doesnt follow to you because you are an idiot and dont understand simple concepts.

Except no one here is arguing for a carbon tax. There is nothing wrong with avoiding airborne pollution, it should be a goal. The problem with this has always been making it efficient, and I don't denounce those who work on that feat as Musk does. Fusion is always ten years away and your fucking braindead boomer conservatism has no place on this board. National socialism has always held nature in high regard and disregard for nature is jewish to the core.







So please, I don't know from where you matriculated in from, though I would guess reddit or /qresearch/ but this place is NOT for you.

Question was rhetorical, your "30 years" bit is a joke. rest of your comment is a disjointed mishmash of nothing.

well Zig Forums, do you know how to spot a disingenuous shill? Do you know when someone is engaging in a real discourse and when someone is just baiting for (you)s? I hope you do.

We have a ton of braindead qcumber boomers here now that are just as retarded as this shill, so I wouldn't be surprised this was real. Go take an honest examination of >>>/qresearch/ and tell me that this mushbrained retard doesn't sound like the rest of those numerology faggots on there.

Post a webm of that.

Actually we were supposed to let these guys go months ago.
They are engineers and process techs who are no longer needed and we've been told since October that the goal is to only need a skeleton crew and then none of these people though many are coming back soon for classified reasons.
No production associates were fired and the people that were simply didn't have their contracts renewed and so have been leaving in a stagger over the last few months.
My only concern is (((one))) of the head engineers is a likely saboteur who covers his own ass by throwing competant people under the bus, and also had a hand in deciding who would leave.
He chose those that could contradict him to the execs to leave and kept literal nobodies that sit at a table all day and refuse to clear basic faults that require PLC access, claiming it is impossible despite us seeing it a thousand times before and explaining the process.

This is only at the Gigafactory, as someone mentioned sales staff and manager consolidation has been happening all over Tesla.

I've made a shit ton of money with Tesla, they're not going anywhere.

How does a business stay open if they have done nothing but lose money for 15 years and the latest 3 MONTHS they lost $700 million. Where are they getting the billions of dollars to cover their ass?

take your fucking ear lobes and

Its not a "government scam". The government is the tool. The scammer is the (((bankster))) who forces everyone to buy and sell "carbon certificates" trough government legislation. The (((banksters))) game is skimming this artificial system trough futures, shorts and courtage. You, the clueless cuckservative, fails to see the true crime and thinks the government is the originator of this scheme.

could the fucking retards please get out

theyve also made money
just not enough to cover what theyve spent
do you know how startups work?
you build the money making machine and then at some point you turn it on
before that point you dont show a profit, if you really think tesla will fail then short their stock and become rich
many people will take your offer

Based capitalism. Only monkeys on welfare working part-time for Uber or at Walmart whenever they feel like it have stability to create families.

He's laying off pajeets. archive.is/NkjQQ

I wonder how many will be replaced by jews and subsidized labor soon.

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Leaving aside whether or not this is true [I don't know if it is, but you're saying it], since when is autarky a bad thing?

Nigga you dumb

Stopped buying from these kikes years ago.

Not really out of humanitarian reasons, but because they systematically sell used goods as new.

These fucking Hebrews shall burn in hell.

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Where the fuck do they get money to waste then?

You have to go back.

There is realistically about 20% or more unemployment, because the economy has been undergoing fundamental transformation, but this information is consistently ignored. Pajeets take all the tech jobs. Wetbacks take all the physical jobs.

The only thing propping this up is the investor/donor class at top who are responsible for the grave damage these shitskins have done. When the shit hits the fan and the true unemployment becomes clear (and why), killing all of the shitskins, including pajeets and mexicans, will no longer be optional. It will be a matter of life and death for whites in this country with a shortage of jobs and imported H1B labor and Mexicans taking the few remaining ones. They will
have to be liquidated systematically along with all whites and kikes at the top who've made the policy/business decisions that led to this situation.

This will not be a choice because of the fundamental shift to automation. We cannot under any circumstances have a single shitskin left in this country taking the few jobs that remain.


what's forced about the boomer meme?

Are you so spoiled you haven't noticed how in the past baby boomers issued in all these deals sending jobs abroad and brining shitskins here while jacking up expenses for higher learning and destroy the dollar? That and the fact they laugh at us after they kicked the ladder out from under neath them?

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It is totally government. The massive scam is that the economy is about 20% unemployment where a big portion the jobs left are government, because that's driving the economy. No one seems to get that we are a rotten socialist economy with fake, propped up numbers that mask horrifying rotten situation underneath due to Obama's short-sighted actions. We've been in a depression for years.

Now think about how many shitskin H1Bs there are and beaners. They take the remaining jobs.

Tesla is just the first domino falling that will expose the economy as a total sham.


faggots like who talk about "muh bewmers" are dumber than you think user. Baby Boomers are basically a dying generation right now. And they always forget about Gen X.

Perhaps how it's D&C? Perhaps how it ONLY popped up immediately after the change of the guard? Perhaps how it's never fucking even used appropriately and only used to insult regular posters? Perhaps that it's absolute bullshit and does not even apply?


That dipshit is in every tread now. Doesn't matter what the topic is, he'll derail it and make it about how boomers dindu nuffin. Then disappears as soon as he starts getting BTFO.

Pretty amusing just how quickly these shills come in to defend their forced meme that they use to distract from the kike, isn't it?

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I would say not all boomers.

What has to happen is massive, decentralized action not just to "deport" the wetbacks and H1B shitskins forcefully, but also have a specific list of all the individuals at the very top who made the policy and business decisions to import all these shitskins. Deport them, too.

The only way autarky will work is if it is a white man who does all of the mass liquidations we must have to survive as a nation.

So (((who))) is actually funding Tesla? They can't possibly still be living off of their initial public offering (stocks) can they?

you can read their annual report. IIRC they have a lot of bonds that are convertible to stock if the stock value is beyond a certain point out right now.

They've been continuously granted financing despite losing billions last year because it's a ponzi scheme where investors believe govt will bail them out in the end. Trump won't

The economy is fake and has been govt propped up since 2008. All reported numbers in mainstream media are functionallly lies or highly misleading, and Tesla is the first major domino that will break the spell.

America is approximately in 1936 if you compare it to the Great Depression, except that there has been so much govt intervention and outright lying that it's been extremely well hidden. The fundamentals cannot be denied and will destroy the Tesla ponzi scheme and the economy at large

They've invested most of their money in capital purchases. I wish business/accounting classes were mandatory in high school since most people are just completely ill equipped in understanding financial data.

Underwriters of the loans, convertible or not, believe government will bail out Tesla on the back end, which is incorrect. Like many other fake companies, it is based on the Theranos theory of muh socialist obama will bail it out and that is why any kike agrees to write loans.

It is a Ponzi scheme where the government becomes the subsequent investor to bail out previous investors, and the core of our economy operates on that principle. It is all going to collapse soon

look at the balance sheet you arrogant asshole

Quite a healthy supply of potential soldiers.


Maybe a lot of them are attending college?

So they produce nothing…
So how do we break this system?

the plant tesla started off in was already the Toyota-GM joint venture facility until it was sold in like 2012

tesla can fuck off though because electric cars are shit

Where are the days of Ford? Tesla is what happens when Jews let subsidies happen. Tesla isn't worth the subsidies. They kill off all the actual innovators, like the water car guy.

As far as when it's breaking, when some random cries "it's happening" I check gold and silver prices, see they are still being suppressed, and go nope, it's not happening. When gold & silver break free then it will be happening.

they make cars.
you were asking about funding. I responded by saying a lot of their financing has been through convertible bonds

They invented a car that fucking drives itself, you utter whore.

No Ford can drive itself.

Is Musk a CIA frontman?

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The cars don't sell well enough to make profit though, so they may as well not even be produced. They're just a means of fueling speculation on the company.

Also it's not that I don't understand the Elon hate but I think a lot of people here remember (or were even alive) how big of an attack paypal was against the traditional banking system. Elon wanted to uproot the banking system as a whole and probably would have been able to have done so if his other cofounders didn't agree to bail out with a buyout. Elon also used to talk about rough his childhood was in South Africa (niggers did not treat him well) so he is 100% aware of race and how bad things will get for whites if they become a minority. I think Mars is really an offshoot of this idea in making a place there for whites.

The cars themselves sell for a 20% or higher margin. Tesla just has greater expenses than revenue due to investment in capital. I mean they've done dumb shit like buying Solar City (Elon did not use his shares in the vote for that) but in general most of the money they've financed has been put into building up more factory capacity.

or maybe some do?

user, how old do you think Von Braun was when he ran the V-2 program?

I was 16 when I found my new reactor for space travel!

Holy shit, even niggers know you need a higher margin than that if you want to keep afloat. You'd think that when they sell entirely to the fucking (((luxury market))) that they'd be hiking the prices.

So they invented something that is not needed or desirable.

This. He isn't firing factory workers, who are probably blue collar whites. He's firing (((administration positions))) who are probably kikes in human resources that target white males.

margins in general are fairly low in the vehicle market. Tesla is able to sell at a 20% margin since they make most of their own stuff in the states instead of outsourcing it then playing the costly quality assurance game. Is there any reason why you seem to hate Tesla that manufactures cars solely in the US instead of other car manufacturers who outsource most or all of their parts?

With the demographics the way they are, it's soon going to be needed with all the old people and not enough young to support them, worse most of the future young being incapable of being productive non Whites, so a car that drives them around is useful. Also useful for the soon to be decrepit future is automated cleaning robots, everything home delivery like amazon, auto bill pay. Still need auto trash takeout, bed making, clothes cleaning, and folding, bathing, teeth brushing, butt wiping, pills managing. Automation of everything is desperately needed the sooner the better before the boomers are all in diapers.

Firing all the non-whites?

Honestly I'm just tired of them cucking out, and how they seem to represent some of the worst practices in the stock market. If the faggots just made an affordable and practical electric car, the equivalent of the volkswagon bug that everyone could afford when they were first produced, then it would become the backbone of their company and allow them to work out every last bug in the field. Instead they sell entirely to the luxury market, with all their other projects being geared at supporting poz'd cities.

So you say that they are literally betting on the destruction of the western world, for them to make a profit?

That could actually save the company, assuming they don't pump all the employees up with free estrogen.

Betting it will happen, absolutely, the demographics are spelling it out plain as day.

Those kind of cars are low margin and require significant capital investment in factory space. To fund such capital investment they made cars for the luxury segment. Elon has said he wants the car he makes after the model y (a crossover) to be a small sedan. Another problem Tesla had at the beginning was the batteries were fairly expensive. They been cutting down the price per kwh of battery by 15% a year. They are at 3% cobalt versus industry standard of 8% and Elon has said he thinks they can get to the point of not needing it at all. Anyway to be mad at Tesla for not being able to make a low margin vehicle at mass when they were still working with the tech is pretty short sided. The real question you should be asking is why no other car company has beaten them to cheap and good electric vehicles if it was so easy.

To save the world will require christcuck Whites to stop breeding their pet turd world shitskins, and all young Whites to pair up to have eight to ten White children ASAP. The only upside to Whites dwindling is the bulk of the world population are now turds that rely on Whites to exist, their numbers completely artificial created by Whites and White tech, so a big whole in White numbers necessarily means there is going to be a coinciding shitskin die off. It behoves the non christcuck aka race aware ethnic identity Whites to prepare for this event that is coming, to be able to weather it. When most of the christcuck and sjwed Whites and shitskin pets die off, the prepared hardened race realist Whites will be what's left of the White race.

also to note for the OP
Table 20. Annual layoffs and discharges rates by industry and region, not seasonally adjusted
9% for Durable manufacturers in 2017

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I feel like a dick for saying this for some reason, but the only way the electric car will achieve superiority over combustion, is if there is a wireless energy feed along the roadways. At that point, we'd reach peak efficiency. Of course, how could that be funded by anything short of government control?

Stop growing a grain surplus. That's all we have to do to starve the shitskins. They are literally fed almost in entirety by the USA and Russian grain subsidies.