Max Max Bernier now free to start uncucked Canadian conservative party


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The cucks think they will skate into power on the old "2 left steps forward, 1 right step back" globalist ratcheting. We lose either way, so might as well laugh at Mr Dressup and his fake eyebrows.

Still pissed this guy lost out to that cuckservative Scheer. Fuckin boomers.
They want him out because hes a threat.

As a reminder: Scheer (50.1%) beat out Bernier (49.9%) for the leadership by 0.2%.

John Baird announed Scheer won in a tweet an hour before the results were announced, then quickly deleted it.

You do the math. Max was robbed.

BTW, ever wonder why Rusty Baird suddenly quit after a trip to the ME?


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NDP vote here we come. Scheer already had no chance to win the majority without Quebec now he just tossed his chances down the toilet (which was probably the intention).


Much easier to invade the existing party and uncuck it from the inside out.

I only have agree with your statement but I HAVE to check them digits.

Why is my country so shitty?

The French

(((Anglosaxon))) like


These people below all started third parties.

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What the fuck Sheer?

You don't just axe the guy you barely won against.

Could he be worse than Harper?

scheer's real mission is to legitimize trudeau in the elections and give him another 4 years, keep the seat hot for someone else down the line, maybe himself, more likely caroline mulroney. and if somehow they misrig 2019 and he ends up PM, count on him continuing the liberal agenda one way or the other.


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Bernier also has the young conservative vote across the country. He could make heavy gains if his new party gets enough seats to be heard each week in parliament. Youtube vids spouting truth can make a party explode nowadays.

it looks like dana carvey

Canada is worse off than America in demographics, already minority White and the White genocide in Canada is still accelerating, without addressing the jews, addressing White genocide, nothing else matters, least of off all ridiculously minor shit like an egg quota. Really? THAT's the hill he's taking his stand on? Side show of a side show.

Canada is not minority white you invalid.

This French fag is a traitor. .ca farmers can't compete with mega US corps and NZ cartel cunts as they will lose money for years to gain marketshare. .ca citizens don't want that nasty yankee mess that is full of hormones and antibiotics. OP is a cum guzzling faggot.

You don't belong here, Marxist.

This. He's controlled opposition. His biggest qualification was being speaker. Not a real strategist.