Just imagine basing your entire life on trying to maintain an ideology that the world around you evolved beyond and escaped, and is unamiously met with scorn and ridicule by anyone with common sense. Like, what's even the point of living by then? Are you even human? The existence of a superior open world is so blatantly obvious if you just view everything as it actually is for ten seconds, and it's fucking hilarious how none of you seem to realize this. The world isn't going backwards, and it's certainly not going downward. It's going up, away from what's down.
Being a conservative must fucking suck
jew shills like you is why we MUST fight to the death!
Zig Forums isn't conservative
Imagine a board with decent moderation.
Fortunately we arent cuckservatives.
Modern technology, ancient Traditions.
If we're progressing, going up, what are we progressing towards?
What does the apex look like? Describe the state of the world at maximum progress. Be specific.
You don't know what that word means. Protip, neo-cons aren't actually conservatives.
Yeah, conservativism is pretty useless. Doesn't have the balls needed to conserve anything, which is why the country is going to shit.
I'm so glad I'm a post-conservative with no qualms about violence and force.
KEK. The entire planet has been mooching off that ideology for the last 100 years. Commies can't produce jack shit which is why they constantly need to steal tech from the good ol goys.
The ideology isn't the problem its the faggots who are running/representing it.
Go masturbate to cuck porn.
Guten tag kameraden.
This is a friendly reminder not to bump these threads
And libshits arent real liberals. Communism has never been tried. Ya di da.
We're not conservatives. Welcome to Zig Forums.
Not like it matters, with the mods unwilling to ban these people, they just come back and make another one.
Evola was a conservative.
Its inherent failure.
Life is constant change it goes back and forth. There are events, lag of consequences, good and bad leaders. Political movements change their power over time. It is cyclical. But what means conservatism? If this movement currently strong it moves nowhere. Its opposition is strong and can make changes? They make this change. And now what? Its a new normal that conservatism defend. When left prepares for new leap ahead.
Now conservatism defends Mexicans in teh US who got citizenship. But there no stinking mexicans in the past! Now thy are and conservacucks defend them as their own tribe. Defend the thing that was not theirs!
You think that just becouse you're moving you're going in the right direction?
You are the one who's blind. A blind man following other blind men back into the cave.
Also, lay off DUDE WEED LMAO.
Posting in doomed thread to tell you that you do not have a chance and that you should beg for forgiveness from us before you are tortured to death by your own side.
You know what's coming for you.
"Conservatism" is a leftist strawman made in the French masonic revolution. They aren't "conserving" anything. They just don't want it to be subverted by godless marxism.
Ancien regimes brought you philosophy, all the natural sciences, renaissance, industrial revolution. they didn't "need" to move anywhere, they just adapted and survived.
What you call "left-wing" brought you pipe dream economic theories, relativistic social sciences whose only function is indoctrination, mass slaughter of dissidents in the name of progress and transsexual bathrooms.
You marxists are eternal children/teenagers, rebels withouth a cause. You find new ways to challenge the established status quo just because your adolescent mind has to challenge what you perceive as your parent figure that you lacked in your childhood. You achieve a religious high when you accomplish it and then on "leaping" to the next thing. The direction of course determined by your handlers that cultivated you through the media and the school system into eternal children like a fucking bonsai.
And this is the beauty of pieces of shit like you. You start drinking your own koolaid that is fed to your through the controlled media, get distracted by the pretty pictures and the orange meanie while your "accomplishments" that took decades to set up get taken down in a matter of years.
The only thing at the end of the road for subversive roaches like you is a nice long rope.
No he wasn't, you plebnigger. He was a political reactionary and metaphysical traditionalist.
You structure your sentences like a nigger would.
Crap threads crowding up the forum.