Post proof of CIA browsing Zig Forums
Hint you cant
CIA general
Not the CIA however. Thats a (((Defense Contractor))) and Super PAC posting ads and shilling on here. Not the CIA
Try again Faggot
Everything posted here is at least monitored by government agencies for imminent threats and discussions of illegal activity etc, were a big threat. Youre just another shitter we would normally ban too, I dont have to provide you anything.
Who's that, Louis Farrakhan?
We arent a threat XD
Anytime someone tries to do anything interesting you fuckers shill FBI amd CIA niggers and SCREAM ITS A HONEYPOT
coincidence? and guess who will wins
We making your job difficult fed-kun? hatechan is a board of peace.
Post proof of CIA or GTFO
Probably dont prove fucking CIA involvment
>Muslims browse 8ch (for proof, see >>>/islam/)
Otherwise, you can't prove that anyone browses anything. Browsing = Looking. You're asking me to prove that someone looks at something. That is impossible.
Still not proof. Keep meming CIA niggers tho. Your helping save the white race from your NEET cuck cave.
Nice shoop
Im asking for proof the CIA is trying to involve themselves on 8ch with honeypots and disinformation. There is no proof of this I have seen yet. CIA nigger posts serve to derail organization attempts on here.
Anyone who posts about CIA Niggers is JIDF
Fuck off JIDF
No you're not as evidenced by the
No one here is going to help you niggers.
CIA had a meme folder OMG. Clearly they must be focused on 8ch
Try again JIDF
You're really showing how new you are around these parts.
Qanon is JIDF. He hasnt predicted jack fucking SHIT
Qanon is simply engaging in cold reading faggot
fuck it I'm just going to dump all my CIAnigger memes here
I always thought it was just retarded numerology
Get ready, this one is going to get anchored and he'll make another dozen like he always does.
You probably think Qanon is legit too dont you faggot?
stealing this
lol anchored
he doesnt realize cia owns Zig Forums
Then why are you posting here, faggot?
kek, I remember applied memetics, the original campaign boogeyman.
Hi Mark.
You want proof? Well, that's easy. Coming at you in the am
The CIA owns Zig Forums via their asset Jim Watkins. Why would they need to "browse" it?
That's great. Just gonna save that one right over hereā¦