Why Would The Real Human Extinction Happen?

I'll paypal someone 50$ If he told me a real reason why humanity would go extinct in the near future that isn't in the following list…

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Yes, it's me. Lambright.

Planet Nibiru comes by ever 3600 years and 95% of the population should die. It turns the earth into a football shape, causing volcanic eruptions and there is a massive storm of falling rocks of fire.

Attached: lambrightpresssecretary.jpg (1297x1039, 126.5K)

jews, now where's my money?

The only truly extinction-level event for humanity would be an asteroid or near-miss by a rogue planet, or the gamma-ray flash you already list.

Everything else, there would be some survivors. Remember, at one time there were only roughly 10,000 humans left on our entire planet.

Probably going to be technological development that outpaces human development and renders life meaningless or is to dangerous and we destroy ourselves. But it's more likely we (India and China) put to much strain on the ecosystem which causes a general collapse of the enviroment and everything dies.

How about prevention of evolution by saving every hare lipped mongrel and genetic failure contributing to the downward spiral of our genepool? Eventually there will be no humans that can be born without defects which need to be (((cured))) upon delivery to prevent their death. Unfortunately the collective loss of IQ as a result of this ongoing mongrelization of the species means the loss of knowledge to cure new types of defects as they evolve.
Polite sage because somehow news discussions arent Zig Forums but niggerfaggot 'thought' questions are ok on nu/pol/.



Dry your tear you big baby!

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Impossible. People are worse than cockroaches and plenty of underground and under ocean facilities exist that can hold a few thousand or more which is plenty to repopulate after an extinction event.

Jews, and nigger.


(((Human Instrumentality Project)))

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They would be able to survive only a small number of events.

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And without genetic the diversity of many more white people, a few thousand white people would end up broken like yids. And if you think throwing monkeys or other shitskins into the mix would fix anything, you would be better off just putting real monkeys down there and letting humanity pass.


Death cults.
Population implosion due to people choosing not having children.
God's wrath.
A joke so funny everyone laughed themselves to death.


Shitposting ourselves to death.
Send me your 50 shekels at [email protected]


games are crimes in china

Has nobody seriously mentioned Nuclear Holocaust

pay me

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I imagine if a total extinction event were to occur by any means other than that outside of our planet (asteroid hitting us etc.) then it would be via biological weaponry. Biological weapons are unlike any other form of weaponry a taboo with world government; this to me suggests projection and therefore that they are actually thoroughly obsessed with them, but that’s an aside.

I imagine that in the future of WOMD’s are likely to be biological, yes conquer and control is preferable but a SHTF arsenal will always be held by serious military forces (like nukes are today). Instant genocide in a bottle would probably be more of an effective threat than a nuke. It has been claimed that gene targeting viruses have been worked on at various times by Governments, South Africa was said to be developing them as was israel. I think that most Governments are probably actively working them on. Those in the appropriate scientific fields point out the flaw in such weaponry is that viruses have the tendency to mutate.

So I think a potential extinction event could come via the release of such a weapon that ends up mutating and killing off everybody.

to the >>>/oven/ with you

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nobody can do it

the oceans are dying. the world has been poisoned. humans will not go extinct but 90% of animal species will. the oceans could be rendered totally sterile within 100 years. coral reefs are dying at an alarming rate. fresh water sources are all contaminated, almost all the water on earth is contaminated with pesticides and antidepressant metabolites and sex hormones and heavy metals.

Humans won't go extinct because we have our own food chain that is independent of nature, but the collapse of earth's oceans, lakes and rivers will cause a mass extinction event.


Genetic engineering leads to rapid divergent speciation. 7 foot tall blond Chinamen go to war with the inferior manlet species.

Maybe just maybe a massive global climate change
Of course this will happen one day eventually but man will more than likely have no to little part in it. It's just something that happens naturally.

The Sun will die eventually. 4 billion years or so. That'll probably have an effect on the climate.

Kalergi plan. Only ones left to populate the planet would be caramel mongrels (not human) and Jews (also not human). Zero humans left = extinction. Pay me, fag.


Evolution. Change.

99.9999% of all species that ever lived on planet earth are dead, and we'll be one of them. Boofreakinhoo.

My money is on hyperintelligent otters in the year 4 million ad, who needs tables anyway when you got bellehs.

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grey matter leaked from the earths core that will trigger a global reset event commonly known as "noahs flood"

kinda answered your own question there

Humans as we know of now will be overthrown by genetically engineered supermen

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define "supermen"

just stop

A "nearby" star going supernova

Niggers eat all the food, and jews AIs take the civilized peoples' food to feed to niggers. All humanity dies thanks to the worst population on earth's inability to stop reproducing: The Sub-Saharan African.

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^proof of the speed of eugenics+welfare, child support, lack of pruning of sociopaths, and Somali migrants being dumped into any isolated white community large enough to provide a stable genetic base post collapse= the slow death of humanity

Self replicating nanobots

We need to redouble our war effort against ZOG.

Grey goo theory can be counteracted by counter grey goo or nuclear EMPs. Yeah it would still cause a mass extinction but not necessarily a world ending event unless they spread underground.


not ai.

Just some tiny robots that uses stuff they can find to make more of themself.
Doesn't have to be very smart.

Just need some to survive.
One of them could accidentally hitch a ride with a bird migrating south or something.
Or be stuck in the boot of some guy flying across the atlantic.

I'll take that $50 now.


Top notch counter argument

