7-year-old trans child wins LA Pride Parade

7-year-old trans child Milan Tyler won the Los Angeles Pride Parade with a fierce strut in heels on the streets of West Hollywood, California, on June 10.

Thousands cheered on participants at this year’s parade for LGBT Pride Month in June, and Tyler received some of the biggest support.

“I’m not deciding what my kid wants to wear and how to behave when it comes to the things he likes,” his Maggi said.

Tyler was born Ryder but recently asked to be called Milan instead.

His and sister London were asked to attend the parade by Brits in LA co-founder Craig Robert Young.

In the background, an open-top London bus can be seen as part of the British consulate’s parade entry.

The British Consulate has remained the only foreign consulate to support gay pride in LA, according to the filmer.

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That's gross but should probably go in QTDDTOT

The kikes are pushing the pedophilia hard now. (((They))) ban channels on YouTube promoting it, but that's just to give the pedos "oppression street cred" on their way to legalizing it completely.

a trans child is like a vegan dog
you know who made that decision

Loud and Proud

It's already legal in california.

Parents should be drawn and quartered

you mean they give them extra ad revenue?

This is the type of shit that makes me fucking sad. A small child should not be introduced to anything fag related at this age. They are too young to fully understand and grasp the weight of these types of things, and their minds are still developing and shaping.
You CANNOT introduce a child into sexual shit without fucking something up within their psyche that makes them act differently than they would have later in life. I know from personal experience that being introduced to sex early can cause promiscuity at a later age, make one question themselves about which sex gets them off, have filthy impure fetishes emerge that numbs them to normal loving sex, etc. This kid will end up going through therapy, and may even kill him/her/zxe/than/thon/itself as many fags do.

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I'm so glad I left LA. nothing but self-hating Whites, kikes, niggers, sand niggers, and spics

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Where are the Muslim Peace Trucks when we really need them?

How do you win a parade

The Warp has truly overtaken California,

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"It's just legalizing gay marriage for adults who love each other within the confines of their private homes, it's not like we're going after your children, stop making slippery slope fallacies"

If anything this is just cover for pedophiles for their degeneracy, these kids dont understand what the hell is going on.

that kid surely knows, you can't act that gay without

Does anyone remember how, in the 90's, the faggots said they weren't coming after your kids?

There was a mulatto that had a channel on YouTube called "Youth Liberation". He was making all kinds of arguments and using (((studies))) that adults having sex with children was perfectly normal. Dunno if his channel was monetized, he would push his Patreon account to ask for shekels, though. The kike mods at YouTube banned it, but I think that's a case of both (((them))) using the (((Streisand))) effect to work on making pedophilia acceptable, and that the normie goyim are not quite yet ready to accept it.


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Checked. Next up is "we'll be riding your anus and you'll be sucking our cocks - just so you can double check if you're a fag, actually - and if you won't do it, you're kicked off our (((social media))) platforms" And then that will be applied to the schools.

Oh yeah.

I think it went something like, "lol, no one is trying to turn your kids gay!"

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Yep. It started with the jokes, that was the first. When it was OK to make gay jokes, that was the beginning, so far as I can tell. Well, after legalization. It was the first of normalization. They made fun of them, true, but if you can laugh about it it's no big deal.

So you don't see jokes about pedophiles, or that people are, really. It has happened, some, but only when someone is a political target, not as standard fare (it was standard fare to throw in a fag joke, eg. wearing a dress, or calling anyone present or not a fag, as a gag).

The moment you see pedophiles as just another routine joke, it's literally over. You could probably take that and say 30 years and there will be pedophile marriages.

And, sadly, it may not take that much time, now that there's the acceleration of culture (for example, see how much styles change, year over year, and compare that to what's in old catalogs - the further back, the more styles stay - and that's social change).

no fads have always come in and out … "style" is not the same as a normalized cultural change

30 years is a good number because that is pretty much a gneration change, and generations define their own normal

For instance it to a new generation for multiracial marriage to be ok and after that generation every other generation thought it was ok

so take 30 years … that 7 year old will be 37 and will look at another 7 year old and say "its ok for her/him to wear heals, I did it"

and so what you get is a set of the population that finds it normal. Then you have the cities fighting over who get this populations tax dollars and then you get parades


… what shall I say to you? That you are utterly wrong? You have said I am…

Like, did you think it through, or even check? Here I am relaying to you some golden knowledge, yet you say, "no, everything's the boomer fucking always the same". No the hell it is, fuck that boomer foolishness.

I give it 10yrs

Louis CK is already doing it…

… but that's not mainstream TV.


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Jesus Christ… this has to be some comedy skit.

Well you do see hollywood celebs come out in support of Roman Polanski openly. On the same note during the #metoo thing last year Kevin Spacey and hollywood skirted around the pedophile stuff and put more emphasis on his relationships with women?

did people ever assume they were going to turn kids gay or did they offer that argument unprovoked in a massive, collective freudian slip?


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individuals touting it dosent make it normal or a cultural change yet

normalcy comes from learning a trait as nothing new , always being there.

If you remember a time something was not allowed you know it as not normal

Thats why it takes a generation to turn into fully normal

Take the viacom billboard in New York as an example. Viacom can do that shit all they want but viacom doing it doesnt make it normal … they are trying to push normalcy and in about 30 years well have those posters everywhere.

then you can call it normal … just cause we dont punish people for being strange does not make their strange shit normal … yet

UK is a shithole. Nuke it.

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Isn't Ru Pauls Drag race American propaganda?
If we're dropping nukes, lets start with the US.

Can confirm this.

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It was obviously a lie,just like feminists saying they fight for equality

And the next step down the slippery slope is bestiality. And given California's extreme hedonism, will be the first to support it.

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No one but literal retards thinks this is normal. People just think other people think it is normal so they keep quiet lest the small group of literal retards ruins their life.

Good job on luring kids into that 40% suicide group




You do realise it entraps the rebellious kids into their cause right?
The types of people that make nazies potentially.

Everything that Seth McFarlane has ever produced?

It is so effective bait in the age of left censorship. Conservacucks completely lose their mind and can't proceed and act reasonable, so left can spin them as they please. Also conservacucks can't pursuit retaliatory propaganda of their own with retarded rapist niggers and such as these topics are prohibited by left to discuss. Process is one sided.

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top fucking kek

Name one thing wrong with little white sissies dressing as sex slaves for their Jewish groomers?

You can't dress up niggers as sex slaves fro white overlords.

child abuse kill all gays

(((David Geffen))) is your problem along with (((them))) like (((Bryan Singer.))) Notice how the water in the pool is read from buttsex and blood?

Nothing to see here, goy.

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Where's the diversity?
Probably the only example where niggs won't be nigging despite homosexuals and trannies being disproportionately nog.

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That is because homosexuality is a jew, black and brown person endeavor…yes, Ethnic European children who are raped by pedos come to identify as 'faggot' later in life but it does not occur naturally in Ethnic European society…the cases that we do see are almost all ZIONIST trash TRAITORS that are 'in disguise' within Ethnic European society to destroy it. All the 'jewish' values espoused in their many 'religions' are african third world SHITHOLE values. Pedophilia, homosexuality, cannibalism, torture, genocide…all these are Manpanzee/Chimp values that come straight out of africa.

What about pederasty?

How does one even "win" a (((Pride))) parade? Are you just the biggest faggot? Like, do you have the most AIDS? I never understood this mentally ill shit.

Got any info on who organized this? Who is responsible?

Targets children section

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And they say faggots aren't child molesters…

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DESMOND IS AMAZING is already too old for the pedophiles. He had his 5 minutes of fame. Now it must be younger.

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DOTR can't come soon enough.

100% chance they are raping the kid.

you can "win" a "pride parade"? lol, wtf

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meh I really really don't think anyone is forcing tyler to do anything he doesn't want to. if he wants to be a little cocksucker who cares?

That lil bitch is hot, though.

Why the ridiculous slide thread when the IG report from (((Horowitz))) is a white wash

Canada's already allowed sandkike (((refugees))) to come in with their child brides.

What kind of monstrosities have (((they))) unleashed upon the world?


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There is a worse one out there, couldn't find it.

Poor, naive, anons. I envy you.

SNL isn't mainstream?

not in that order

This is from is TV show.

>Canada's already allowed sandkike (((refugees))) to come in with their child brides.
We did?


The left is slowly legalizing pedophilia through LGBT propaganda.

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sounds like you understand perfectly.

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Whoa come the fuck on. Down syndrome drag queens now? Really?

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of course it fucking would,not even sweden or germany is touching this.

I bet his arsehole can fit a melon by the time he is 17.

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I believe all this "Furry" shit is to desensitise us to bestiality. Not so much of a leap to go from a person dressed as a canine to the real thing.

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its funny because it could be a sam hyde parody of a tranny reading books to children but it is real life.

(((bear bergman))

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You know, I don't honestly take personal issue with The Gays™ or people who want to mutilate themselves because they're convinced they're the opposite sex. It's their choice, whatever, fine.

But for fuck's sake, you don't need to place yourself at the center stage non-fucking-stop. Even some furries usually have more sensibility to hide their retarded fetish from the outside world, for the most part. Furthermore, quit indoctrinating kids. Involving children (especially pre-pubescant kids what the fuck) in anything sexual is always degenerate and deserving of a blowtorch. It really does become a slippery slope, of trying to find what next to include on the inclusivity train. See:

I think one user was one the dot when they said that the ultimate goal of constantly promoting far-out degeneracy is to slowly normalize literal pedophilia, but under the guise of "Well see it's not the harmful kind, we're merely educating children and it's their choice anyway!"

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We could also just reverse the culture to pre-sexual revolution, but that would mean a lot of book burning and lynchings, and perhaps even an inquisition. But hey, it'll result in less murdered and less raped kids. And a slew of other benefits.

I have never prayed so hard for nuclear hellfire and damnation

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its okay, the isis terrorists WILL get through and sometime and they will get the roof of peace they deserve.

If children can consent to life changing hormone injections and genital mutilation, then surely they can consent to getting dicked?

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*wiiiiiiiiiink wink*

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Except there's no evidence of anything sexual going on here, the issue (supposedly) is gender. People need to stop confusing the two things constantly. You discuss the appropriate age for a gender transition without fucking sperging about it being sexual. If a little girl playing with dolls isn't sexual, a little boy playing with dolls isn't suddenly sexual either…why this needs to be so explicitly explained, I will never understand, other than people can't disassociate the politics from it.

And the kid chose another boy's name and is being referred to as a boy by the parents, so I'm not getting where the "trans" thing is even coming in. It's literally just a fem kid getting applauded instead of beaten up.

Severely under rated webm.

California has been like this since the 1960s.

There is no appropriate age because it's always insanity.
LGBBQQP+ introducing their shit to children is always sexual.
"Gender" as it's known today is a made up term invented by pedophile kike John Money.

Gas yourself my man.

Yep, oppositeOfWhatTheKikeSays.xls