CaAnons and Littlefags get in here!


John Fitzgerald, anti-ZOG activist, secured 23.2%(35k) of the east Bay Area district's votes; despite being publicly shunned by the republicucks.

The kike media is on full shut it down mode to keep him from getting the attention that Patrick Little has. This is the only article that has been "published" thus far.

Here is Fitzgerald's platform that covers many of the tentacles of Jewry plaguing our nation.
tl;dr BTFO ZOG, NATO, The UN, the Fed, NAFTA, SOPA, the Patriot Act, GMO's, Global Warming and more.

He has also called out the (((push))) to normalize faggotry and the coverup of Paki grooming rape gangs by the British government. This is John's Twatter with boomer tier posts and few followers that desperately needs help.

More from his website:

So who wants to make some controversial billboards, newsworthy OC and get a kike-namer elected in Commiefornia?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>He has also called out the (((push))) to normalize faggotry
Looks like another one who isn't going to get the alt-right endorsement.


The dam has more cracks than they can repair. Die Flut Kommt.

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These Zig Forums-tier candidates for office are popping up like mushrooms!

johnny boy

The Hivemind rises.

Good. Thanks for the kike free first post.

I emailed John just before the primary, gave some tips for social media optimization, censorship defense, and established contact. I'll email him again today asking for more pictures of him to make OC.

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I'm not good at making posters and shit, so I'll compile a list of his platform points here for anyone who wants to make some propaganda. Maybe someone post this on cuckchan as well.

- repeal all unconstitutional laws, such as the (((patriot act))) and the NDAA
- end wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, no new wars
- disband the TSA
- investigate the activities of the (((banks))) and prosecute them
- abolish the (((Federal Reserve)))
- make it a felony to add harmful substances to food, air, water or vaccines
- ban the civilian testing of chemical and biological weapons by the military
- outlaw the fluoridation of the water supply
- avoid setting policy based on "global warming"
- tell citizens what data is being collected on them by online services and alphabet agencies
- allow citizens to opt out of such data collection
- repeal legislation restricting free speech on the internet
- public financing of campaigns and equal free air time to all qualified candidates
- abolish the CIA
- stop the US military occupation of Germany and Japan
- better health care for veterans

he had me at abolising the fed. we're due for another ol' hickory

One year ago we had no Zig Forums tier candidates; within the space of a year we now have: Pat Little, Paul Nehlen, Art Jones, Corey Stewart, and now John Fitzgerald all running on an explicitly anti-jew platform. It really is amazing. The fire rises.

This is why it's important to have trump not fuck his term up.

Legalize pot but with a strong caveat that would make the Republican base happy.

The Dems would still have to legalize pot on a state by state basis,but in exchange for getting the feds off their back gun owners would get the following.

Federal "Stand your ground" which nullifies any state level anti-stand your ground.

Federal "Castle doctrine" which nullifies any state-level anti-"castle doctrine" laws.

Federal "Stand your ground" which nullifies any state-level anti-stand your ground.

Federal Conceal & open carry which nullifies any state-level anti-"Conceal & open carry " laws, and let's you carry your guns across state lines.

Remove suppressors,SBRs, and SBS off the NFA, and simply require a regular background check to buy.

Allow post-86 MGs to be owned again with a tax stamp, which would pave the way for post-86 MGs to be tax-stamp free in about 20 or years.

Allow WW2 style vet bring backs, and make it dead easy to import guns. Push for Africa and the Middle East to be drained dry of their guns by American Gun owners. You would be allowed to import guns like SVDs,VSS, antique German & Soviet MGs.

He needs to learn key points "in that film" to be able to recite them rather than say "you need to watch that film," as him talking here was content free.

So how can I help?

Checked. It wasn't too long ago we had a bunch of breads with anons telling anons to run for office.
It's Happening, faggots!


Did Benjamin Friedman reincarnate?

Run for office.

Too late for that lad

dubs wasted on a kike. sad!

sad indeed!
but in all seriousness don't derail this thread by arguing about trump

email him and ask how you can volunteer or help out.
Just stick with super simple stuff.

How is it not a fuck up? He hasn't done anything.

If you want to donate without doxxing yourself, send mail advertisements to important addresses in his district

Stop talking about Trump in a non-Trump thread, you piece of shit. Go make your own shitty thread if you want, or use one of the dozens already in the catalog.

that's how i know you're a kike.

Shut the fuck up. Go argue somewhere else derailer.

two things.
(1) it's important to help if you can, in any way you can, and
(2) remember that this is about the publicity and the overton, and not about having a reasonable chance of winning.
running yourself, if you're in a position to, is a fantastic way to help.
this campaign he's running is a perfect example. ca-11 has a dem incumbent who basically no one bothered to challenge, because it's electorally speaking a foregone conclusion, he got 2/3 of the vote in the jungle primary, clinton won the district with 70%+, obunghole won it both times with 68-69%, even the establishment gop didn't bother fielding or funding a worthwhile candidate.
under those conditions, why not run? especially going full Zig Forumsack on the campaign. get it all out there. truther, lolahoax, the whole nine yards. worth doing. just remember that this type of campaign is all about overton, and not about winning, so do it on a shoestring.
other examples of pretty-near-Zig Forums candidacies include what happened recently in nc-09. this is another type of campaign that Zig Forumsacks can run. mark harris, a baptist pastor, primaried out an incumbent gop rep from the right; harris was pretty instrumental in fighting fag "marriage" in nc and this was his second attempt at ousting pittenger. no, harris didn't go full /ourguy/ but sometimes all it takes is being full-on on one issue where the incumbent is vulnerable. keep in mind that incumbents win 85-90% of the time in generals, and that primarying out an incumbent is next to fucking impossible (but it's been done at least TWICE this season, see mark sanford for the second example!), but it's worth doing, and again, is mostly about the publicity. but given that nc-09 went 54-43 for trump, it's a shoe-in that harris will be in the house this fall.
we're winning. slowly but surely the tide is turning.

suck my dick, asshole.

as for "derailer" see my post immediately above this one.

then stfu.

>mark harris, a (((baptist pastor)))
>(((we)))'re winning

You can also get his campaign address and mail office supplies and tangible support so his gibs can go to marketing.

How the fuck does he reconcile being a democrat with the positions stated in OP?

He's not a Democrat anymore. That was a video of him in the past. He is currently a Republican

Little Revolution? BIG CONSEQUENCES! Pleasant surprise that commiefornia is actually uncucking themselves. Huge whitepill for all global anons if you ask me.

He probably went Dem in CA because only Dems have an ice cubes chance in hell, at least, before now anyway.

by the way guys notice our PPH has been climbing? hello newfag lurkers, shitpost ITT if you joined us recently and love the 14 words and beauty of Aryan women :)

Not a newfag, but I was a political prisoner of the Turkroach

thank fuck we gassed him eh? I got to personally reply to me as I told him to fuck off and that he would be banned soon. Shit was cash. Felt like a superstar even tho I'm just an user.


*I got him to

Last election I supported Bernie and may have to in the next election. He didn't mention overturning the 1965 immigration law or Citizens United. The GOP IS DEDICATED TO SERVING CORPORATE INTERESTS, that means massive non white immigration.

and somehow bernie sanders is pro-white even though he's jewish? since when is closed borders the only issue we're concerned about? libertarians and marxists leave

Shills get paid by the (you).

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Why would you even browse a website that opposes every single worldview you hold?

i guess you hate yourself and that is why you come here to read about how much you are part of the problem
fits in with the profile of a bern-out tbh

No refunds faggot. Your money went straight to (((Hillary))) after the "primary".

Marxists deserve to die. Seriously. You are kike golems to the bone.


Holy fucking shit.
I know him slightly, but this guys wife personally. Family friend.
I campaigned for him a long time ago.

Please get his ass in there, I'll try and see if I have any pics

And he's in my district, obviously. Give me some good posters Zig Forums, and I will print and post them up.

another jew playing the d&c. filtered.

help him bay area anons but some what hide your power level.

wew what a pleasant surprise.

Zig Forums: nothing is beyond our reach

Attached: 7255950_01_nothing_is_beyond_our_reach_pa_640.jpg (640x853, 97.95K)

I'm wondering if I should see if he wants to do an AMA here. It could either help, or hinder his campaign.

Maybe not fullchan. Try doing it on plebbit. This board has a steep learning curve which is designed to filter out the weak at heart and only keep the absolute toughest motherfuckers out there.

hide your power level will help for 2020 the far-right should have people running as democrats in blue state and they should act like SJW berntards that is a win.

don't let the autistic's fuck this one up we must hide are power level until our people take power.

Yeah I was thinking the later anyway. I don't have a reddit account. I'll just give him a call and say he's got a lot of support on the Internet or some shit

Trips wasted on a Reddit user, sad.

A lot are probably oldfags returning after recent board changes.

Don't call him a denier. The term is Holocaust Revisionist

I know; I'll call him that publicly for prfagging, but denier is correct since it didn't happen period.

It just summerfags. Pay attention, this is the proper format for an OP that's not eye cancer. Greentext and archives are key.

Speaking of, I copypasta'd it to cuckchan for more support and it was immediately 404'd.

He should hold off on the reddit ama until he has his JQ facts and sources autistically memorized like Pat Little.

I warned you it was bait. You just fed a kike's family.

Pic related is a phonefag prototype for a campaign logo pls no bully. The Celtic knot is because Fitzgerald is an American potatonigger, Commies fear the Rune initials, and I used Latin for the Truth, Justice, and Sovereignty because it's aesthetic af and it might help steal some Bean votes. Most immigrants resent the illegals and amnesty which is a fracture point Zig Forums needs to exploit more. It would be helpful if any anons have redpills on how kikes fucked over Mexico specifically beyond NAFTA, the IMF, and the usual avenues. Feel free to polish up or shit can the logo, I'm no drawfag just spitballing.

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Never would I have thought that California would become the center of the anti-ZOG movement in the USA. This is one of those rare times where I actually wished I lived in CA right now.

>- abolish the (((Federal Reserve)))
Why do that? Just nationalize the Fed, and give Congress full control over it, thus giving Congress once again the power of the purse, as is stated in the Constitution. And remove the kikes, this of course goes without saying.

I love how it's just one after the other. Nehlen really opened up the gate for this. No matter how many lose their election (2 already won though), another will come right up behind them in another state.
The kikes are shitting in their breeches and there's nothing they can do.

Holy fugg if this platform is real than he's full Natsoc

I know. The best part is it solves the JQ without mentioning it. By removing censorship both race realism and the JQ will completely unravel the kike infomatrix and usher in National Socialist ideals yet again. Based!

from 100% jews to jews, niggers, spics, traitor Whites, well, at least it improves gridlock.

Also if he loses, another will pop up in another state in less than a month.
As one said, there's no stopping this train.


A background check prevents nothing.

Hilariously enough those actually stop niggers and spics from acquiring guns legally due to either failing it or not being able to correctly fill it out.

Only an extraction tax on income is acceptable.
And only if people direct where their tax investment goes.

Not funny at all.
Permission to purchase or possess arms is a violation of the 2A.
This applies to any permits, licences, background checks, class restrictions, and so on.

Chodenigger's kike pets banned me and deleted my post >>11720631, so I'm going to repost it. I will archive it this time in case they baleet my stuff again.
These are John Fitzgerald's platform points, for anyone who is more skilled than me at making posters.

- Repeal unconstitutional laws such as the (((Patriot Act))) and the NDAA
- Defund and end wars on Iraq and Afghanistan; avoid starting new wars
- Disband the TSA in favour of an organization which obeys the 4th amendment
- Investigate the (((activities))) of the (((banks))) and prosecute them as necessary
- Abolish the (((Federal Reserve))) and merge it into the Department of Treasury
- Make it a felony for poisons to be added to food, water, air or vaccines
- Food packaging will be made to clearly state any potentially harmful ingredients
- Ban the military from testing chemical and biological weapons on civilians
- Cease the fluoridation of the water supply
- Remove the government's power to forcibly vaccinate citizens
- Avoid setting global or domestic policy based on "global warming"
- Fully supports the 2nd Amendment
- Mandate transparency in organizations and alphabets which collect personal data
- Smart meters will be made illegal without the consent of customers
- Repeal laws which restrict freedom of speech on the internet
- Abolish the CIA
- Remove the notion of corporate personhood; corporations are not people
- End the war on drugs
- End the embargo on Cuba; shut down US military bases e.g. Guantanamo Bay
- End the US military occupations of Germany and Japan
- Use the armed forces to protect US borders rather than the interests of Israel and the jews
- Introduce term limits for Congressmen
- Better healthcare and services for military veterans

Damn, those pictures always remind me how easy it really is to spread propaganda, no matter who is doing it or what the message is. One person can spread so much so quickly, damn.

Yes, all gun control legislation starting from FDR must be abolished. The National Firearms Act must go.

Checking these sweet trip-dubs

So it didn't actual stop jackshit then did it?

because Zig Forums is always .. right
The truth will out.







You know they say the press just kept screeching their heads off that there no way hitler will win, sometimes I think you hooknosed retards have poisoned your own well just like the CIA and actually believe your own bullshit at this point.

(((they))) never learn. If they had simply ignored us and left us alone entirely, they may have won. Now it is too late.

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You don't sound afraid at all Shmule, have a broken (((you))). Better get a few more blackpills in before sundown so you can buy Tay Sachs medicine for your potato kids; oh wait. KEKEKEKEKEKEKEKEKEKEK


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It adds a few more years to the nigger's or spic's sentence. At least it does when the Judge is fair and impartial, anyways.

Hell, we should just pass an amendment stating in no uncertain terms that the rights enshrined in the constitution are for whites only. Though, we're probably a decade or so off before that would ever happen.


That's actually genius since many libshits are pro BDS, pro-Palestine, environmentalists(shut down kosher slaughter), anti-(((elite))) and other issues aligned with the third position. The candidate could push the Overton window further before naming the jew.

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There should be a new currency issued by the US Treasury under direction from Congress called Greenbacks. The old currency will be the denomination of all debts and most long-term debt would just inflate away.

>since many libshits are pro BDS, pro-Palestine, environmentalists(shut down kosher slaughter), anti-(((elite))) and other issues aligned with the third position.
I think you mean the Marxists and the "progressive" leftist college kids in (((uni))). They're only against Israel because of ideological reasons. They think Jews are "White" therefore pro-Israel kikes are all Literally Hitlerâ„¢. They think the Israel-Palestine conflict is similar to the Holohoax assuming it actually happened.

Since are still left leaning, they are all vehemently anti-White and pro-degeneracy. Which is why the kikes are still letting them live. And since they are all normalfags they will always assume the worst when it comes to things they don't like so they keep saying "Zionism=Nazism".

I've recognized a pattern here when it comes to anti-Israel sentiments in the US. Usually, it would be either be the said Marxists I've mentioned above or American diaspora Jews who are more comfortable living with the goyim and claim "Judaism rejects Zionism". It's just like Jews Jewing other Jews while Jewing Jews themselves.


I can't run for office. I'm far too unclean. I used to watch porn, I used to get shittered in my late teens and early 20s, and I've hooked up with randoms before getting redpills on sex.

I could become a minor official and not be an outspoken Zig Forumsack, like a mayor of a small town when I'm older, but I'm focusing on working now so that i can have a family.

I can contribute through birthrates and being armed for the nomonet and that's it.

Since when has that stopped any politician?

That's more than most larpers here. I'm in the same boat tbh. My challenge would be keeping cool when backed into a corner by the lugenpresse and not going full GLR with knife hands.

Any news? I haven't heard anything and his Twitter is dead.

Marxist CodeJew's activities have ramped up the censorship lately.

From an autistic Turk to a Marxist pet of a race traitor free-mason mongrel. Why can't Zig Forums get a proper home, maintained by a Nordic/Germanic team.

Another CIA/Pentagon psych warfare operative fucking with your mind.

That's because the Pentagon's domestic psych warfare operations are in full overdrive.

And all Pentagon spooks.

Because he's a Pentagon PSYOP agent role playing as a white supremacist neo-Nazi nutjob.

I've thought of doing this too, but it doesn't seem like it would work. Democrats have an intrinsically leftist worldview. They're also a lot more dogmatic to the republicans. Sanders got jew'd in a primary he never could have won. They didn't even give him the dignity of an honest defeat. Compare that to the republicans which regularly backstab each other, but still have some underlying unity. Libertarians and tea party types are treated well, once they get elected. Trump had the delegates from Colorado stolen from him, but there's much better precedent for minority groups within the republican party. Their entire party is pretty much made from various issue-voters that decided to form a bloc. It's pretty much a no-brainer than co-opting the failing kikeservatives is better than bashing your head against the wall against the somehow more ZOG democratic establishment.

Although if someone has connections within the democratic party already, or is in a heavily democratic area, then there's no reason not to try. It's good to strike from every direction. Like how Zig Forums has both SIEGEfags and ZOGpolitics niggers, yet will support either when one is taking action.

They'll do like they did with Patrick Little, at first they'll disavow and then they'll cuck and pretend they were on his side all along.

I decided to not ask him.

I've known them for like 20 years, if he's a spook he's playing the long con.
He's always been a Republican, along with a few other co-workers, but they were all like young neo-cons (regan worshipers)
One of the guys killed himself a few years back, but John seems to have learned the mistakes of following the GOP party at face value.
When I did door to door campaigning for him back like 8 years ago, I even had some straight up liberal hippies working with me and supporting him because of his stances. Strange bedfellows

I wish. We were so close to getting the HPA, but we got jack shit. Every time we get close to reversing the faggotry, they have to go and pull another false flag out of their ass.

He's on Gab

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Hi (((newshill))). Congratulations, you're dumber than NSAnigger bots and literal Israeli retards that fit in better. Buckle up and hold your baby bottle of sperm tight, because if you don't kill yourself or quit now; you'll be here forever.

Even one of their bots has turned already.

Exactly, my district always goes red but by a small margin. I would have to run as an anti-Zionist Democrat so as not to divide the Republican vote whilst dropping redpills.

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