Bitjew on the run

(reposting for more visibility)
Bitcoin price manipulation
And the related paper, free to download

On a more recent news:

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Other urls found in this thread:

good, prices drop, I buy all of them, what seems to be the problem here faggot?

faster the price manipulation, higher the profit.

Buy the dip

Biggest push upwards will be when November is nearing or during November. Mark my words,buy in October, or maybe even earlier to be sure.

(((Kikecoin))) is the biggest jewish scam in all history. Have fun once (((they))) roll out a mandated crypto tied to your SSN. They will be able to tax you, force you to pay child support / alimony, and control what / how much of certain things you can buy including food all through the algorithms / rules of the coin. This will be perfect for population control etc… It is the mark of the beast.



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If they want to stop manipulating something they could start with gold. Who gives a fuck if kikecoin is manipulated. Useless ones and zeros in a computer. Let it die.

Keep on telling yourself that, mate.

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That Guardian title, right at the bottom.
The "Reuse this article" Link. Have you guys clicked it?
Is that Europe Internet Control Law already in effect?
Or are they just preemptively laying the groundwork?

It's just a syndication service.

Looks more like an interfaced prepared for that "Link Tax" shit.

No you mong, its so other major news organizations can re-publish it on their websites or newspapers or whatever and share ad revenue. This kind of shit has been going on forever, even before the internet.

Reminder that the government is manipulating BTC so they can shut us out of the market.

There is nothing wrong with that. Jesus said give your coin to Caesar. It is fine.

The only "Jewish" cryptocurrency was BitConnect, and that's effectively dead and proven to be a scam. Bitcoin isn't a Jewish scam, neither is Ethereum or Tron or any of the other coins on the market. They're just currencies, and the whole point of cryptocurrencies is to have something that can't be endlessly printed by a (((Central Bank))).
Jews have been interested in money since mankind was trading shiny rocks for chicken eggs. Sometimes I wonder about this board. You're so eager to find Jews pulling the strings that you see them even when they aren't there. It's not really any different than libtards and niggers going on their various "discrimination" witch hunts.

would that not be better than a mandated fiat they use now?
it would be more secure against illegal counterfeit at least

i dont get you christcucks though
if it is the mark of the beast that means your jweish mesiah is near to save you, no?

or are you a sinner?

What is Bancor? There are also a few other ones.

I miss Carlos Matos from New York, New York tbh

Why November?

This board is crawling with kikes, and false positives are to their benefit as they demoralize and discredit.

You glow like CIA and smell like a kike. Truly rare to see Mossad stepping in to shill themselves.

Hope they all burn. We had/have shills pushing this crap continuously and they are playing both sides riding the waves and doing shorts. This is yet another reason why the jews need to go. They continue to abuse technologies that can be useful and ruin everything.
After the original hacks that should have been a warning to the normalfags but oh no, they kept getting suckered into it and kept making kikes rich. The initial coin offering scams kept getting called out and they kept buying into it making kikes rich. Even the Wall Street scammers called it out, but did they listen? Fuck no. The finance kikes were used as a marketing tool to sucker even more normalfags in because it gave the bullshit an air of legitimacy. They should be held accountable by the fed as well. Their transactions in the coin markets should be looked at and anyone working both sides should be hung from the stock exchange or thrown off the roof.

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Citation needed, because Jesus didn't say that. He said to give unto Caesar that which is his. Implying that means to wilfully become subserviant to the authoritarian New World Order is (((false))).


All you have to do is retype the article from memory, user.
The jews are stupid and can't do shit.

This. We only make money when trading when there is price fluctuation. The bigger the fluctuation, the bigger the gains. You want to make a 40% return on your investment, buy now or stay poor. Shills will be purged with my gains.

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Nope, it's not kiked. It's more of a cliche 90s evil corporate endeavor. It actually made me feel nostalgic when I was digging into them.

WE HAVE 4 (((Robert Sepehr))) esoteric threads up to, mod. But you love that brainwashing shit right?

Still too cowardly to kill yourself, eh?

Report the dupes you fucking dumbass like these kikecoin dupes get reported. The mods are actually sweeping the garbage into piles for once.
Thanks, mods.

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Checks out.

Expand pls? Are you the clink digger from the other thread? I still would like to try my hand at that internet sleuthing thing.

I'm going to keep this simple for all of you lurkers out there:

There is a determined and consistent astro-turfing campaign led by (((who knows))) to discourage the investment of your money into the digital currency space. These threads are full of misinterpretations and absolutely ass-backwards viewpoints regarding the technology, its purposes origins economics and so on.

I'm not going to tell you how to think about it, i'm going to tell you to delve into the space, do your own research and decide if you believe it is useful to your/our causes. Me? I'm a firm believer that cryptocurrency is about to light a fire under society's ass whether they like it or not. What Bittorrent did to media is what Crypto will do to banks and the financial services industry, and that's not even touching upon what Smart Contracts and dApps will do. The implications are staggering, too much for me to explain.

You have the internet, you know what to do. Don't let anyone tell you how to think, not even me. Ciao.

Bitcoin looks quite volatile these days. New bull run incoming?
Every time I think there's a dip another one happens a few hour later

Alright guys, help me out. My girlfriend knows a lot more about crypto markets than me, she got really into it a couple years ago, and I just give her money to invest in it. Right now, a lot of her investments have been Ethereum-related. I read into it a bit and saw that Ethereum is backed by some major banks, and I worry that they will try and co-opt the whole operation in the future and make it more regulated like with Bitcoin. I also heard that Bitcoin Cash is like the original BTC, it's open source and unregulated and all that. I want to drop Ethereum and put more into Bitcoin Cash because I think when shtf it'll be the one that comes out on top, but my girlfriend says it's too volatile and unpredictable to soundly invest in. Should I do it, or no?

Oh sorry, I lost all my coins from a Russian hacker

Tbh i'm a Bitcoin Cash fan but the crypto space is incredibly divided. That being said, I believe Ethereum's heyday is over - it had first mover advantage and will continue to perform in the future, don't get me wrong - but I personally think you should focus more on diversifying into a variety of projects. Stellar is backed by IBM, that's a good "safe" one to look into. Personally I'm really into NEO right now - the "Chinese Ethereum" lol but I just like it because it is more scalable and the GAS fees they charge to deploy a smart contract onto the main net do a little bit to ease the amount of scam dApp projects and ponzi schemes that come out for Ethereum.

Tl;Dr fuck your girlfriend man there are so many projects out there. Going balls deep in ETH is risky af compared to a diverse portfolio of projects backed by reputable corporations/crypto dev teams.

Thanks, :^]

literally created to fast transfer from (((centralized bank))) to (((centralized bank))) 95% of funds are held by less than 100 accounts
how is this "safe"

Checked for noticing coinfag incompetency

No seriously. There's disturbingly few kikes involved. I am in no way stating that they're not an evil hydra that needs slain, just saying it's surprisingly not kiked. Imagine shillary clinton if israel didn't exist. Still an infant sucking evil hag in this hypothetical scenario.
So, look into VANBEX, that's where all the bullshit finds it's center. Chainlink, QTUM (the real chink ethereum), and Eth are all connected through Vanbex group and their underlings in smith and crown, and they seal their deals at a literal thai fuck shack where they get their clients drugged up and fucking underaged ladyboys (see sergey in thailand) so they have some leverage over their assets. It's absolutely fucked, but statistically has fewer kikes than average, a bit of an anomaly honestly.

Why are people shilling Bitcoin Cash

It's completely the opposite


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Check out Powh3D, Zig Forums. – Wiki answers all the FAQs.

This is an absolutely kiked ponzi scheme. Show me the fucking wallets, faggot.

>literally created to fast transfer from (((centralized bank))) to (((centralized bank)))

Alright well i was just telling you one way to increase your BTC stack but yeah go ahead and just do whatever you're doing, doesn't matter to me either way.

Now is your chance user comrades-
Kike mods will likely ban me again for this.
But, Zig Forums needs PIVX

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Do a search for the history of the Bitcoin subreddit and Bitcoin forum censorship, and how that coincided with the scaling debate. Big money wanted Bitcoin subverted, but a simple fork kept the original experiment running. All the off chain scaling solutions are shit meant to keep btc from competing with fiat.

Why do jews hate crypto so much? Why is the deep state shilling so hard against it?

Because unless they subvert it, they can't control it.

ssn is option u mega faggot, my kid doesnt have one and doesnt need one. illegal immigrants dont use them, the elite dont have them

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Bitcoin Cash is the 8ch of cryptos.

The original cypherpunks created Bitcoin, which was subverted and turned to garbage (like 4chan today, by the same people probably too) so they did an exodus to Bitcoin Cash and are rebuilding from there.
The same shills that attack the chans attack Bitcoin Cash.
It makes you think.

As far as investment advice, it's all too fickle.
But like the other guy said, if one is going to win and come out on top, my money would be on Bitcoin Cash. Shame about the name though, it's not very well branded.

Your ignorance is astounding.

Dapp author here. This is terrible advice - Ethereum has a whole ecosystem of tooling, libraries, dedicated utility towns for various purposes, test suites and since a few days ago dedicated Dapp sidechains via Loom. Everything else is playing catch up.

And yeah, of course the kikes are in it - they crippled Bitcoin itself (but don't get into Bitcoin Cash, that's just a Chink scam), they want to try and put the genie back in the bottle. Too late. If you don't understand what cryptos are good for, read up and let the implications sink in.

Example: there's a smart contract called MakerDAO. You can deposit Ethereum into it (and soon other tokens) and issue DAI - a stablecoin that maintains price parity with the USD. No fractional reserve allowed by the way, each DAI must be backed by $1 worth of Ether. Thing is, there's another project called DigixDAO. It's thing is issuing tokens backed by bullion - and redeemable to it. Regularly audited (unlike the Fed).

So the first token confirmed as being able to be used as collateral after the update is DigixDAO. Think about that - you will be able to hold Gold, and then issue currency tokens redeemable for your Gold. Which means there's all the benefits of both Gold and cryptos in one. That's right, we're a few weeks away now from making the central banks genuinely obsolete, and issuing Gold backed dollars again. And that's just one small project.

If you don't understand the implications of that, reflect upon them. You think shilling is bad on Zig Forums, it's got nothing on /biz/ these days. The Jews are terrified. And consider the amount of Zig Forums that own or use cryptos - the Kikes are going to lose their own game.

This is bullshit by the way. Bcash is a Chink scam, through and through. I mean, they aren't wrong about (((Blockstream))), but they're just offering a shitty miners coin, which they use to pay for an army of shills and bots. It's pathetic & transparent. They're currently playing up the "an-cap" meme to try and sucker in retards.




He's also wrong. We already HAVE a fully traceable kikecoin - it's called the electronic banking system. The government-issued crypto is a (((myth))), as it offers 0 benefits over the current system for them. More likely is their ongoing attempts to take it all over & neutralize the threat - which will fail in the long term for a large range of reasons.

For 10 years? Sure, let me guess - "tulips" as well? Look at stocks in all countries - you seriously think that's not a pump and dump?

Happens on all imageboards/chans, not to mention other social media. Say the right keywords, and here they come posting their cancerous Ver & Bitmain written nonsense.

Hello fellow /biz/bro. I agree. There are some very ignorant people on Zig Forums who think they understand economics but don't. Crypto is the future. We are in the middle of a revolution here. If you participate, you will reap rewards for winning. If you don't, you will not. It's that simple. For everyone here who isn't in the game I advise you learn as much as you can about blockchain and crypto and then start buying. Take a chance. Fortune favors the bold!

hard to tell the future of this tbqh, if you are realisitic about it. Either it's a fad, maybe govs around the world implements their own crypto and renders what we got now worthless, or maybe it keeps on mooning.

I'm in on this too, but I wouldn't bet my house on it. This is money I can lose. Sure it will suck if it becomes worthless, but I won't die over it I mean

IF /pol fully understood one concept they'd get behind crypto in a flash.


Grasp that, and all it's implications (there are many) and you know that crypto is the way we take back currency.

For example a fully decentralised crypto currency which is also anonymous is beyond any law. They can legislate against it all why want but they cannot act. And ANYONE can make one of these currencies. And as decentralisation requires it to be 'open source' its worth will be decided by its merit.

Remember - (((they))) expected digital money. They did not anticipate decentralisation. It's how we'll slowly throttle the snake…

If cryptocurrency has any future at all, it's going to be through Bitcoin Cash.
If any cryptocurrency can manage to be worth 50k, 100k, 1m, it's going to be Bitcoin Cash.

Whether or not that will actually happen is unknown.
But people who call it a scam, or a chink coin, or a centralized coin created by con men are blatantly shills.

The market will decide the winner, soon enough.

cryptos get shilled to death on /pol, shills acheived critical mass years ago by exploiting the hatred against reddit here
most of this thread is bots now, like

but anyone who has ever actually used bitcoin versus using the regular banking system for international trade even at the shit i made in my spare time scale, knows that banking is about to get disrupted

I'm not a bot.
But you're right that most posters here are these days.
Sad days for Zig Forums and chans in general.

Getting Trump elected brought too much heat here. Too much attention. Don't know if things will ever go back to normal.

Small bump to keep this around.

that's all of bitcoin though