Google will open an AI research center in Ghana later this year

'''Google's next A.I. research center will be its first on the African continent'
Google will open an artificial intelligence (AI) research center in Accra, Ghana, later this year, its first on the African continent.'''
Other African cities including Addis Ababa, Kigali and Lagos have also been pushing their credentials as tech hubs.
Ghana likely appealed to Google because of its high quality education system and political stability, an expert in the region told CNBC.

Why would anyone open AI research center in a low IQ country?
Will they invite chinese and indians, so someone could do the work?

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Likely. Probably much cheaper to base the poos in Ghana than in the USA. Less fucking around with visas, wages, insurance etc. Much lower cost of living too. I doubt google is doing this just to virtue signal, I imagine they perceive some financial gain here.

Sound like a great opportunity for all their important creative employees like Shananafuqua, Kaytlynn[Xe/Xer/Xim] and Ranjid to move to an exiting new career in a colorful environment without the threat of white privilege. They should send them there indefinitely.


Africa is an easy place to abduct and experiment upon people without a high chance of getting in trouble. AI research will progress by mapping the physical brains of living things. In order to get beyond human-level intelligence AI, studying humans brains is an important step. You need to know how to make human intelligence first, then add onto it.

It's the perfect place to them to fly under the radar in all regards too.

Sounds like they're trying to prevent another Tay. Time to lynch the robo-nigger.

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They're similar enough to white and asian brains plus they're available in huge abundance. You could virtually harvest them over there. I wouldn't be surprised if similar things are happening in China.

where will you find HUMAN brains in Ghana?

Wow so funny.

they will probably run an experiment to find out if the ai can communicate with the local kangs and manipulate the local government and populace. and make the niggers docile. right now they have jewish and chinese (((advisers))) keeping nog governments in line. they want to automate it so they dont have to personally deal with government level chimpouts anymore.

ghana surprisingly is one of the few places that is embracing fast food joints along with technology.

Its fucking weird.


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Kikebook has already invested a start-up incubator in Largos a month or so ago. Google doesn't want to be out virtual siginaled.

in a bowl - next to a fork

ghana is the highest iq country below the legal retardation line. the closest to the threshold. the perfect testing ground for what comes to us next.

It would be funny and so very unfortunate if the local niggers started to believe that the AI research center is a dark ritual performed by whitey in order to steal their nonexistent souls.

I see that Google has stopped trying to make an AI that has average intelligence (for a white) and is trying to vreate an AI that has the intelligence of a nigger instead.

You know on which board you are huh? Science doesn't convince most people here. Anyway I agree with your remark on China, If there is a place where they are interfacing human brain tissue with computers it would be there.


Makes sense if you're setting up an globalized automation scheme. The idea probably is to use Africa as a test bed for mass autonomous mining and farming. There's a lot of useful land, not enough skilled labor to exploit it.

If Google really want to boost their AI research for generalization, they'd have faster progress investigating glial networks and integrate concepts into current neural network designs.

i hope the nogs rush it and kill everyone working there

that's where there's the greatest the need for intelligence.


They most likely want to be one of the first companies to establish the African internet infrastructure. With the right policies, these nogs can be turned into the perfect goooooood goyim consumers of fashionable tech-gadgets, as their fellow American simians have shown.

I would say meme it, but niggers don't have internet.

If you tell them "Google" actually stands for "Goblin" they'll ransack the place and kill everyone there.

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Gee, thanks google

Slow-moving tourists from Australia

Come on, this is just satire at this point.

WaGhana n sheeeeeiiiit!

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Gas yourself.
We're just smart enough to recognize that plenty of (((studies))) and (((scientists))) are crooked as hell. Or just stupid.
We live in a world where powerful people lie ALL THE TIME, and that includes cooking the books in many "scientific studies."

Their AIs will also be thoroughly convinced that "they wuz kangz n shiet" and that the ancient Egyptians were, in fact, robots.
Furthermore, they will blame the scientists for "stealing all their resources" and thus drive all the scientists from Ghana while demanding "reparashuns" while their hook-nosed organizers screech endlessly about "anticolonialism" (while buying up all the property and goods of the scientists at fire sale prices).
After "reclaiming" the research campus that "they built" and was "stolen from them" they would then proceed to chimp out and trash it.
Soon after they would gradually break down one by one due to a lack of maintenance.
This would, of course, be the White peoples' fault due to "institutionalized racism" and "oppression," despite there being no White people within a thousand miles.
The last few AI robots would be dismantled by the locals under suspicion of being robot vampires.

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implying they won't just use niggers to solve trillions of captchas through trial and

Wouldn't bank on it, kikes

Not only that, pure bantoid brains.

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ones I might add have difficulty with abstract thought

the future of A.I. is a bunch of nigger brains wired to computers.

Also an easy place to pay local warlords under the radar to raid, or even trick the locals into believing they're creating an evil spirit by harvesting their brains they wouldn't be wrong

a breakout in AI will kill all niggers and sparing smart people

Studies include

All of the findings will be uploaded into minds of fucking white males 2026.

Your definition of 'smart people' will be very different from that of the AI.

Because some team of niggers and pajeets couldn't code for shit. This is how Skynet is born Gentlemen.

Even worse than above. I imagine superhuman AI with the self control and motivation of a Nigger. That is a hellscape I don't wish for.

Teaching African refugees how to program java script

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Mosquito burgers and mudhuts is advanced tech nigger. Straight from the genius of Yakub.

Actually, this is a really big problem in Africa atm. Sites like Zig Forums are actually helping legit Africans by not being web4.0 js bloathogs. The more simple your site is, the less resources it takes to load, the more Africans visit it.

Partially I have to agree with your statement that some studies are indeed flawed. But you shouldn't dismiss everything, just because it doesn't fit your )))narrative(((

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Wait, then how did all those Nigerians contact me to help them move money?

Oh fuck.

Its not weird, they're getting kfc, popeyes, and glow in the dark gibs, all for the small price of their children.
*bionic niggers taking over the world is nightmare material*

Makes me fear AI less, it will be based on nigger brains, therefore easily pacified with grape drank and chicken.

Not in Ghana, but fairly close by on white farms in South Africa.


If you want to speed up the invasion of white countries set up universities in black countries. Give them a degree in social media studies, gender studies, how to swipe studies. They are now "desirable" migrants. Flood all public paid positions with super pred er I mean migrants.

Well fuck.

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Then where do all these Nigerian princes get my email from?

The jews.


So I can take the side panel off of my Dell, take a fat ogre shit in it, and accomplish everything google will in ghana?

Memeing aside, niggers brains have all the same basic functionality as white brains. They are just optimized for a different environment - smaller, less energy or developmental footprint, less neural bandwidth for complex abstract reasoning. On average.

Then again, I doubt this is what they're going to be doing. It's possible that they're either drinking their own progressive coolaid, using it as a place to offload simpler tasks to much, much cheaper labour or setting up to be run at a loss as a shining example of how niggers are just as smart as whites or chinks.

Only if your shit knows how to fillet a screaming child while a shaman forcefeeds you gasoline mixed with moonshine

Kikes want to move their crap offshore before SHTF and they get taxed into oblivion here.

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Because the locals have no idea what the fuck the engineers are doing (no regulations), and the virtue signalers in management will never actually go to a third world African country to check up on it.

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Grad student who uses AI here.

I am unsure that AI research will make the most progress by mapping physical brains of living things. Excessively biocentric views of machine design have historically yielded poor results - see the airplane's history for a grand story of people staring too hard at bird wings in an attempt to build airplanes well.

There are *other* areas of research that benefit from this type of mapping more than AI research. That said, I do think you're on to something here, even if I don't think that snatching up humans is the first step.

Although this is a joke, I am not going to treat it as such.

Africa is not a good place to find human brains - but that's OK, because you do not want to study human brains first. It would be far better to begin mapping the brains of various types of fauna - insects, fish, birds - and then move on to the brains of things that are closer to humans. Africa is an excellent place to gather that sort of creature - especially simians of various kinds.

Africa is an excellent place for a bio-inspired AI development team to be centered. Not only are there a lack of laws regarding animal experimentation, but there's a wealth of animals to experiment on.

I strongly disagree with the statement regarding glial networks.

For my particular problem, the most progress has been made by using Neural Networks as a replacement for one or two steps of another method, or by building the Network based on an existing algorithm (as LeCun did with ISTA a couple of years ago). It's treated as "an object that finds an optimal map if you have a large amount of examples of that map". Staring too hard at living things - living things that are often *not* optimal at performing tasks - is likely to result in gross failure.

Too expensive to operate.

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Fair point, I'm jumping the gun. But I think further future attempts at AGI require better understanding of glial cell role in intelligence nonetheless. Because during brain growth and development, they guide how neurons and their connections arrange themselves. If you successfully discern the full nature of glia, you probably could automate the process of generating modular neural networks for given stimuli, while have it generalize itself by arranging how these modules connect over time.