Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Marxism, Holocaustianity, and European Catastrophe


How did things get so bad?

More importantly, how do we solve all these problems?

At this time, I suspect a big underlying cause of many of these problems is European spiritual disease/desolation, which is arguably the designed result of semitic ideologies that jews and their "shabbos goyim" attempted to spread throughout Europe via charlatanry, brainwashing, bribery, fear, and/or bloodshed.

Further, I suspect that Hitler attempted to create a better European spirituality, a spirituality that does not have the shortcomings of native European religions nor the shortcomings of foreign jew-concocted alternatives.

A term that Hitler frequently used in his book is the word "Weltanshauung" which roughly means "world view".

From Mein Kampf:

Thus, when the Iron Chancellor surrendered the fate of his struggle against Marxism to the goodwill of the bourgeois Democracy, he was leaving the goat to take care of the garden. But this was only the logical result of failure to find a fundamentally new Weltanshauung which was diametrically opposed to Marxism and inspired by an ardent determination to sweep all before it. Thus the result of the Bismarckian campaign was a bitter disappointment.

Also from Mein Kampf:

This is also a sign of our cultural decay and general break-up.

Our era is entirely preoccupied with petty materialistic considerations, or rather it is entirely preoccupied with the question of money.

Therefore, it is not to be wondered at if, with the worship of such an idol, the sense of heroism should entirely disappear, but the present is only reaping what the past has sown.

Also from Mein Kampf:

Is it possible to eradicate ideas by force of arms? Can a Weltanshauung be attacked by means of physical force?

At that time, I turned these questions over and over in my mind. By studying analogous cases, exemplified in history, particularly those which had arisen from religious circumstances, I came to the following fundamental conclusion. Ideals and ideologies, as well as movements grounded on a definite spiritual foundation, whether true or false, can never be broken by the use of force after a certain stage, except on one condition, namely, that this use of force is wielded in the service of a new ideal or Weltanshauung which burns with a new flame.

The application of force alone, without moral support based on a spiritual concept, can never bring about the destruction of an ideal or arrest the propagation of it, unless one is ready and able ruthlessly to exterminate to a man the last upholders of that ideal, and also to wipe out any tradition which it may tend to leave behind.

Also from Mein Kampf:

At a time when the one side, armed with all the weapons of its Weltanshauung, no matter how criminal, makes an attack against the established order, the other side will be able to resist only if its resistance takes the form of a new faith. In our case, this is a political faith which exchanges the slogans of weak and cowardly defence for the battle-cry of a courageous and ruthless attack.

Our present movement is accused, especially by the so-called national bourgeois cabinet ministers (the Bavarian representatives of the Centre, for example) of heading towards a revolution.

We have only one answer to give to those political pygmies, namely, 'We are trying to remedy that which you, in your criminal stupidity, have failed to accomplish. By your parliamentarian jobbing you have helped to drag the nation into ruin, but we, by our aggressive policy, are setting up a new Weltanshauung which we shall defend with indomitable devotion. Thus we are building the steps on which our nation once again may ascend to the temple of freedom.'

Thus during the first stages of founding our Movement we had to take special care that our militant group, which fought for the establishment of a new and exalted political faith, should not degenerate into a society for the promotion of parliamentarian interests.

Also from Mein Kampf:

The ideals set forth in a Weltanshauung and the demands arising from them cannot be realised by mere sentiment and inner longing any more than freedom can be won by universal yearning for it.

Only when the idealistic longing … is organized in such a way that it can fight for its ideal with military force, only then can the urgent wish of a people become a vital reality.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Also from Mein Kampf:

In reality what distinguished Karl Marx from the millions who were affected in the same way was that, in a world already in a state of gradual decomposition, he used the unerring instinct of the prophetic genius to detect the essential poisons, so as to extract them and concentrate them, with the art of an alchemist, in a solution which would bring about the rapid destruction of the independent nations of the earth. All this was done in the service of his race.

Thus the Marxian doctrine is the concentrated extract of the mentality which underlies the general Weltanshauung to-day.

For this reason alone it is out of the question and even ridiculous to think that what is called our bourgeois world can put up any effective fight against Marxism, for this bourgeois world is permeated with all those same poisons, and its Weltanshauung in general differs from Marxism only in degree and in the character of the persons who hold it.

The bourgeois world is Marxist, but believes in the possibility of a certain group of people - that is to say, the bourgeoise - being able to dominate the world, while Marxism itself systematically aims at delivering the world into the hands of the Jews.

Over against all this, the völkisch Weltanshauung recognizes that the primordial racial elements are of the greatest significance for mankind.

In principle, the State is looked upon only as a means to an end and this end is the conservation of the racial characteristics of mankind.

The völkisch principle does not admit that one race is equal to another, but by recognising that they are different, separates mankind into races of superior and inferior quality.

On the basis of this recognition it feels bound, in conformity with the Eternal Will that dominates the universe, to postulate the victory of the better and stronger and the subordination of the inferior and weaker thus subscribing to Nature's fundamental aristocratic principle and it believes that this law holds good even down to the last individual organism.

It selects individual values from the mass and thus operates as an organising principle, whereas Marxism acts as a disintegrating solvent.

The völkisch belief holds that humanity must have its ideals, because ideals are a necessary condition of human existence itself.

But, on the other hand, it denies that an ethical ideal has the right to prevail if it endangers the existence of a race that is the champion of a higher ethical ideal, for in a world composed of mongrels and Negroids all ideals of human beauty and nobility and all hopes of an idealised future for humanity would be lost for ever.

On this planet of ours human culture and civilisation are indissolubly bound up with the presence of the Aryan. If he were to be exterminated or become extinct, then the dark shroud of a new barbaric era would enfold the earth.

To undermine the existence of human culture by exterminating its custodians would be an execrable crime in the eyes of those who subscribe to the völkisch Weltanshauung.

Whoever dares to raise his hand against the highest image of God, sins against the bountiful Creator of this marvel and contributes to the expulsion from Paradise.

Hence the völkisch Weltanshauung is in profound accord with Nature's most sacred will, because it restores the free play of the forces which, through reciprocal education, will produce a higher type, until finally the best portion of mankind will possess the earth and will be free to work in spheres which lie not only within, but without the limits of that earth.

We all feel that in the distant future man may be faced with problems which can be solved only by a superior race of human beings, which is master over all the other peoples and has at its disposal the means and resources of the whole world.

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Fuck off faggot, this is interesting.
If people like you simply stand for material crap and overlook the spiritual elements of life, including but not limited to fondness/stewardship of nature, you're just as diseased as they- its just that you're better informed and attuned to policitcal and social matters than they are.
The volk have a soul. It needs as much tending, healing, and catharsis as our social order, judicial systems, and government. All these aspects together make cultures and civilizations.

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Attached: Hitler - Degradation of Culture.webm (640x480, 6.51M)



The inability to share in other's Weltanshauung is the only "shortcoming" of the Celtic people of Europe and the Aryan people of Persia.

The ability to know where you come from enables you to better control where you go. Africans want to be African, Asians want to be Asians, and Europeans want to be Europeans. The internet enables us to experience this unique but shared Weltanshauung, strengthening each people more than ever in history.

They are all the same mate.

How so?

The CxyxyxyIxyxyxyxA never gives up control of something. We have merely been transferred from one set of ag3nts to another.

Bump for hitlerian shitposting

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did a mod anchor this thread?

yes. Of course 8^)

from sys.8ch.net/log.php?page=1&board=pol

polvol2 Zig Forums Bumplocked thread #11721363

update: anchor removed!

from sys.8ch.net/log.php?page=1&board=pol

polvol3 Zig Forums Unbumplocked thread #11721363

You forgot hippies, capitalism, humanism, materialism and atheism from the list. Ergo, you're pushing your own wishes onto us.

can you read farther than the first sentence in the first post?

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Esoteric, religious, magic, sliding shill
Oh look, more of those wonderful threads.

What's the retard-shill to chat-bot ratio you are using?

because quoting Adolf Hitler regarding "Weltanshauung" and politics on Zig Forums is "sliding shill" behavior right?

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a bit of context

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fuck, where's that Tyrone glowing in the dark .gif when one needs it… m8.

is that your argument?

You're a faggot. This is one of the most interesting threads I have EVER seen on here. It is the whole point of what we are doing. We must have the Worldview to fix our Race's mental and spiritual problems.

That's reddito formatting but being deleted by (((mods))) means it's good.
Enjoy your bump, fag


Most of the various native american tribes were ahistorical–their traditions were passed to the next generation through the elders. They had no need for writing down history, rather it is woven into their cultural memes. When I find a shattered arrowhead in a creek bed, I am reminded that there were humans living here long before my European ancestors arrived. These peoples had a deep connection to the soil, and I have a deep respect for them. It is quite sad that these cultures largely have been erased, and now exist only in books and scatted across various "reservations", yet I can think of no better way to pay respect to these peoples than honoring the land that they once honored–blood and soil. We should all learn to live in harmony with our surroundings, something that is common sense to these "uncivilized" and "primitive" cultures.

wasn't the author of mein kampf a spic sympathizer?

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Who said it best?

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As the extreme nature of Nazi racial antisemitism became obvious, and as Mussolini in the late 1930s began imitating Hitler's anti-Jewish race laws in Italy, Pius XI was perturbed. In the 1930s, he urged Mussolini to ask Hitler to restrain the anti-Semitic actions taking place in Germany.[48] When the newly installed Nazi Government began to instigate its program of antisemitism, Pope Pius ordered the Papal Nuncio in Berlin, Cesare Orsenigo, to "look into whether and how it may be possible to become involved" in their aid. Orsenigo proved a poor instrument in this regard, concerned more with the anti-church policies of the Nazis and how these might effect German Catholics, than with taking action to help German Jews.[49]

Following the Anschluss and the extension of antisemitic laws in Germany, Jewish refugees sought sanctuary outside the Reich. In Rome, Pius XI told a group of Belgian pilgrims on 6 September 1938, that it was not possible for Christians to participate in anti-Semitism:"[54] "Mark well that in the Catholic Mass, Abraham is our Patriarch and forefather. Anti-Semitism is incompatible with the lofty thought which that fact expresses. It is a movement with which we Christians can have nothing to do. No, no, I say to you it is impossible for a Christian to take part in anti-Semitism. It is inadmissible. Through Christ and in Christ we are the spiritual progeny of Abraham. Spiritually, we [Christians] are all Semites"[55]

On 11 November 1938, following Kristallnacht, Pope Pius XI joined Western leaders in condemning the pogrom. In response, the Nazis organised mass demonstrations against Catholics and Jews in Munich, and the Bavarian Gauleiter Adolf Wagner declared before 5,000 protesters: "Every utterance the Pope makes in Rome is an incitement of the Jews throughout the world to agitate against Germany".[56] On 21 November, in an address to the world's Catholics, the Pope rejected the Nazi claim of racial superiority, and insisted instead that there was only a single human race. Robert Ley, the Nazi Minister of Labour declared the following day in Vienna: "No compassion will be tolerated for the Jews. We deny the Pope's statement that there is but one human race. The Jews are parasites."

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the christian idea of salvation through jesus christ alone simultaneously denies the importance of race, sexual dichotomy, intelligence, physical health, aptitude, "virtue morality" and everything else that is not jesus christ/trinity.

europe largely did pretty well because europeans largely ignored those poisonous & evil christian ideas in favor of native european ideas, but advances in technology like the printing press resulted in the broader dissemination of these evil christian ideas, and that - combined with the disastrous results of World War II (reminder: Hitler persecuted Christianity) - led to present-day "late stage" christianity in society where racism is a sin and christian priests marry interracial couples in christian churches.

among other things, interracial cuckoldry is evil and your christian faith cannot change that.

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Article 24 of Hitler's National Socialist Programme of 1920 had endorsed what it termed "Positive Christianity", but placed religion below party ideology by adding the caveat that it must not offend "the moral sense of the German race".[138]

In Jan. 1934, Hitler angered the churches by appointing the neo-pagan Alfred Rosenberg as official Nazi ideologist.


Alfred Ernst Rosenberg (German: [ˈʀoːzənbɛɐk] (About this sound listen); 12 January 1893 – 16 October 1946) was a German[1] theorist and an influential ideologue of the Nazi Party. Rosenberg was first introduced to Adolf Hitler by Dietrich Eckart and later held several important posts in the Nazi government.

The author of a seminal work of Nazi ideology, The Myth of the Twentieth Century (1930), Rosenberg is considered one of the main authors of key National Socialist ideological creeds, including its racial theory, persecution of the Jews, Lebensraum, abrogation of the Treaty of Versailles, and opposition to degenerate modern art. Unlike most other Nazi leaders, he is known for his rejection of and hatred for Christianity,[2] having played an important role in the development of German Nationalist Positive Christianity.[3]

In January 1934 Hitler had appointed Rosenberg as the cultural and educational leader of the Reich.[35][36] The Sanctum Officium in Rome recommended that Rosenberg's Myth of the Twentieth Century be put on the Index Librorum Prohibitorum (list of books forbidden by the Catholic Church) for scorning and rejecting "all dogmas of the Catholic Church, indeed the very fundamentals of the Christian religion".[37]


Hitler awarded the first State Prize for Art and Science to the author of The Myth of the Twentieth Century. The official document accompanying the prize "expressly praises Rosenberg as a 'person who has, in a scientific and penetrating manner, laid the firm foundation for an understanding of the ideological bases of National Socialism.'"[5]


We demand freedom of religion for all religious denominations within the state so long as they do not endanger its existence or oppose the moral senses of the Germanic race. The Party as such advocates the standpoint of a positive Christianity without binding itself confessionally to any one denomination.


On 22 March 1942, the German Bishops issued a pastoral letter on "The Struggle against Christianity and the Church".[69] The letter … accused the Reich Government of "unjust oppression and hated struggle against Christianity and the Church"

The letter outlined serial breaches of the 1933 Concordat, reiterated complaints of the suffocation of Catholic schooling, presses and hospitals and said that the "Catholic faith has been restricted to such a degree that it has disappeared almost entirely from public life" and even worship within churches in Germany "is frequently restricted or oppressed", while in the conquered territories (and even in the Old Reich), churches had been "closed by force and even used for profane purposes". The freedom of speech of clergymen had been suppressed and priests were being "watched constantly" and punished for fulfilling "priestly duties" and incarcerated in Concentration camps without legal process. Religious orders had been expelled from schools, and their properties seized, while seminaries had been confiscated "to deprive the Catholic priesthood of successors".[70] The bishops denounced the Nazi euthanasia program

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Fun fact, Christian doctrine doesn't support miscegenation. But you already know that, PAID JEWISH SHILL.

Show me how many Christian denominations forbid miscegenation and do not perform the rituals of marriage for race-mixed couples. Can you do that?

Yep, I can.

And yet you didn't

And yet I have. Sorry, paid jewish shill. Four years of spam isn't going to win you anyone here.

Eat a dick, fag. Also, bump for a good thread.

Where, exactly? Please point out the posts (you) made which support your assertions, because as far as I can tell you've only made three posts ITT and two of them have been calling people shills.

Yep, thanks. You were proven wrong.