The book Israel doesn't want us to read

Been searching for a book published in Israel back in 2010 by Rabbi Yitzhak Shapira called 'Torat HaMelech' (תורת המלך) aka "The King's Torah". This book caused an uproar for being essentially a Halakah-based (jewish law) justification for the killing of non-jews who threaten Jewish interests. Sections of the book can be found online, along with some supposed English translations, but I don't trust translations if I can't see the originals and do machine translation for myself as I read them. It would be explosive to dissect this kind of work, to see how a Rabbi justifies genocides of the goyim. I posted an ask on cuckpol to see if Israeli anons would help me find it, but the JIDF who showed up to the thread refused to give me the copies they had. They would only link me to refutations of the book, but not the book itself. I've asked on /pdf/ to no avail.
< I would appreciate any help in finding electronic versions of the original, in any format, even image scans of the pages that I can OCR and make a pdf out of.
Video embed is a conference of Rabbis in support of the author, who was persecuted by the Israeli secret police for being a "radical".

Here are the translations I found, for those curious why this book is of interest to me:

Other urls found in this thread:תורת-המלך/תורת-המלך

Never heard of it, but bumping for extreme interest.


Attached: Orthodox Jew.jpg (2354x854, 729.31K)

Thanks, I've tried everywhere. I've even poured through Israeli websites using google translate, and all I can find is the main refutation of the book called "Darech Hamelech". Its been supressed hard, even though its not technically illegal. I thought there might be someone here who reads enough hebrew that they can find it, or knows how to navigate Israeli torrent sites to look for it. This is my last hope, i've looked everywhere.

Attached: rabbi shapira at trial.png (450x350, 184.39K)

A set of quotes, in Hebrew, in case that helps anyone to search for it:תורת-המלך/

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (565x844, 877.68K)

Publisher details, in Hebrew:

In English:

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (545x821, 619.74K)

very interested, bump

Good op, bump

Sounds interesting, will read.

FOUND IT~ DOWNLOAD BEFORE IT GETS YANKED:תורת-המלךתורת-המלךתורת-המלךתורת-המלך


just upload a random pdf and you get a free dl

reup it to /pdfs/ or here none of us are signing up for scribd

Shill free thread so far btw. Considering the usual spam by JIDF, Unit 8200, CFR and Wapack Labs et al. I'd say this book must be a nuclear tier redpill.

ok will do, for now its here:

yeah its weird, first thread i posted on cuckpol got hecklers, now they're quiet.

Great work OP.

Now we can work on translation. Hopefully there's an user around here who studies hebrew


never change Zig Forums…at least the classical fashies were honest. seems like you're indistinguishable from the jews yourselves.

Of course we know other people think it too. But it's helpful to have redpills like this on hand for normies who don't get it.

Just ask any shill

Why are you even here – don't you have yu-gi-oh cards to collect?

When has Zig Forums ever claimed to be the good guys except for themselves. Get a clue faggot, you wanna be a savior of the world go play some video games.


Be like Patrick Little, start learning the language of your enemy like he's doing with hebrew and piss off tai fuck shack and his ex-con hobo side kick at the same time for mentioning Patrick Little.

A legit Hezbollah and/or Hamas online group can probably do it, would probably be of interest to them. There is also Ryan Dawson, who might know someone who'll be interested. There was an Egypt board back when we first came here, not sure how active it is, but you can try there too. I also recall a more recent Syrian board. Don't forget to cross-link it here from /pdf/.

Alguien dijo Yu-gi-oh cards?

Attached: muh deck.PNG (500x317, 231.3K)

working on the OCR .txt. right now, will make something easier to circulate

this is not a board for kikes.
it is a board for right leaning conservatives that
know that the holocaust is a lie.

Attached: germanfamily.jpg (424x612, 50.01K)

Has some user experience with the rosettastone language learning software? Shit's pretty expensive so it might be worth a try and you could torrent it from every larger data sharing board.

Get your shit together or do an hero.

you're a little bitch that couldn't be able to beat me even if you tried

Keep bumping the thread, yid. Every random user should get the chance to save his down copy so keep it on the top page.

any eta for the ocr version?
thanks for your work anyway

Attached: LY2jgU3.jpg (504x596, 71.41K)

no eta right now. going to clean up this pdf because its a shitty scan, then i'll OCR it and hope for no errors. i'll drop cleaned up pdfs of the original and a txt of the OCR when its done. maybe someone else will work faster than me and beat me to it, either way one will be up this evening

imagine having your own country for kikes but even other jews think you're too jewish to be sufferable

From cuckchan, take it with a grain of salt though

Attached: cuckchan.png (1305x590, 52.51K)

sure, i believe him, what was i thinking

It's easier to quote one of their (now dead, thankfully) chief rabbis which we know are fact. Lying baby bibi their PM was a huge supporter of his and attended his funeral, which was the largest in israeli history. That is all the proof you need, not some book. Actual words and quotes.

Rabbi/Iman what's the fucking difference? All savages. They want to excuse their shitty behaviour? Big surprise. They've been doing that since forever. We know what they think of us and want to do. So read a book on gunsmithing and munitions instead.

Attached: the_goyim_know.jpg (700x520, 75.75K)

One has turned entire legal systems and media networks into providing cover for their own while attacking others. One wants the land their ancestors built for them to be only for them, while another wants global domination and to enslave all others. Your attempts at pointing out hypocrisy are lackluster and I advise you to kill yourself.

Attached: 1467416949866.png (774x720, 575.32K)

I can't remember the exact details, but didn't the Kushners have a link to this rabbi, or at least the "settlement" he was associated with?

he did receive millions of $$ from US aid programs, don't know the details of it

OK, did the best I could to straighten and split the pages, and optimize the PDF. Having trouble with the OCR, but I'll keep working on it. Here's the cleaned up version of the original.

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (1104x1101 240.14 KB, 851.52K)

Does it take much to learn jew runes?


Attached: moser.PNG (631x453, 37.86K)

This is different from talmudic law, how?

Attached: 1500496061307.jpg (584x960, 57.38K)

I want to exterminate parasites of society and separate races again, with each continent for a given race. Europe for europeans, Asia for asians, etc.

What's wrong with it?
What's wrong with supressing the parasitic jew and the waste of energy and resources it causes to a healthy nation?


Rabbi Yochanan said: “A non-Jew who engages in Torah study is liable to receive the death penalty, as it is stated: 'Moshe commanded us the Torah, …

It's good that they do so. When judgment is meted out, the criteria is likely to usually be: apply the same rules that a person or tribe has set up for those outside their group. So for instance, all kikes will be judged as subhuman livestock whose elimination will be carried out much the same as in factory farms. You'll find that my methods will actually be capable of disposing of 6 million jews in record time, probably almost all of the other 6 million as well. How? By applying reciprocity of intent with unquantifiably more energy. You'll really like how the new law is set up, I think.

Same with niggers. When they war among tribes, it's all machetes and necklacing thanks Mandela for adding that important last piece, thankfully apefricans discovered fire right at the end of their run. No doubt our metal and fire will be bullets and napalm, but this fits right into the game plan regardless. Spics will probably be starved and carved, I haven't done all my research yet. Maybe some of you guys can look into how tribes see fit to treat their outgroup enemies, or I'll get around to it.

What goes around comes around, amplified by orders of magnitude. It's how I got my third name, and it's super effective. That's why I usually suggest and encourage subhumans to purge their own people according to whatever ingroup methods they prefer. Sudoku is almost always the smart move. Then again, no one ever accused subhumans of brilliance, so get ready for some real fun. Honestly the way people set themselves up for the coup de grace makes this very easy to do. Greater planets than this one have fallen to the same trick over and over, and even when I publicly announce such things most tribes just can't resist taking a shot anyway. They just fail to recognize that the one they're killing is themselves. Cest la vie. dafuq, did I just turn French for a second? Anyway their traitors will get guillotines probably, well done White men, you did yourselves a favor as usual

I question whether or not Jews who go against the wholly anti-goyim rabbis are genuinely doing so because the rabbis are being genocidal assholes, or because they don't want to have things swing in such an extreme way that the goyim find out that the Jews are planning to kill as many of them as possible, thus waking them all up; you could say as kind of a collective emergency brake. I suspect it's the later rather than the former.

The book cites halakhic sources, of which the Talmud is a part of.

trips confirms it

OCR, then translate to English. Make some adjustments as needed. Pass on for improvement.

Here's a list of Satanic Reverse Torah Rituals and some related stuff.

Tons of interesting reading

This is the only thing that can stop them, share far and wide.

This is the link with tons of interesting info,
redpills galore.

The OCR of Hebrew is proving buggy as fuck. If anyone else wants to take a crack at this, the PNG page scans are here:

Attached: Happy Merchant - Google.jpg (202x182, 10.15K)

Ok, I might have gotten the OCR issue fixed for now, but it's not an efficient solution. Something might be corrupt with my installation of the Hebrew font recognition file. Here's a successful OCR read of Page 27:

English machine translation Page 27:

Attached: shapira_kings_torah_torat_hamelech_תורת-המלך-split-027.png (1170x1654, 157.57K)

bumping for great interest


לתלמידי החביבים והיקרים, הרבנים יצחק שפירא ויוסף ירמיהו אליצור ה' ﬠליהם

שמחתי לראות את ספרכם תורת המלך ת"א, פרי ﬠמל ממושך במכון המחקר התורני
שﬠל יד ישיבתנו הק' ׳׳ﬠור יוסף חיי', הﬠוסק בסוגיות חשובות בﬠניני ההברלה כין
ישראל לﬠמים. סוגיות אלו נוגﬠות מאר למצכנו היום בארץ ישראל, כאשר ﬠלינו
לכבוש אותה מיר אויבינו. ﬠל מנת לפﬠול כרבﬠי, מתוך רוחה של תורה, וכדי לחזק
את רוח הﬠם וחיליו יש לברר בירור ﬠמוק של דﬠת תורה ככגון רא. כמובן, כמבואר
אצלנו במאמר "קבלה, הלכה, מציאות" )מלכות ישראל ח׳׳א(, הדרך האמיתית לתקן
את המציאות ﬠל פי ההלכה תלויה בהשראת פנימיות התורה - דרך הקבלה והחסידות
- ﬠל המציאות כולה. שאדי ׳מתרככת׳ המציאות ונכונה לקבל את הוראות ההלכה
ה׳נוקשות׳. וכן, ירוﬠ כי אין ארם יכול לכוח לאמיתתה של הלכה ללא שיהיה בקי גם
בחכמת האמת, וכי השליחות הﬠיקרית של דורנו היא חיבור כל רכרי התורה יחד, ﬠך

שבדורנו "אין נגלה בלי נסתר ואין נסתר בלי נגלה", כמבואר במ׳׳א. בﬠ׳׳ה תמשיכו
אתם, ויחד ﬠמכם כל תלמידי הישיבה ואכרכי המכון התורני. ללון בﬠומקה של הלכה
מתוך חיבור ﬠמוק לפבימיות התורה, והדברים יתבררו ויתלבנו, שמחים כבתינתס

מסיבי, ויתנו את פרים הטוב במציאות, ﬠו להבאת הגאולה האמיתית והשלמה.

"אין כבור אלא תורה". ולכבוד הספר נתבונן במבנה סוגיות הש"ס הﬠוסקות בכלל

שנתבאר בארוכה בפרק א כמקור לאיסור הריגת גוי בירי ישראל )וכבר הארבנו
בנידון גם בדברים שבﬠ׳׳פ, וﬠור לאלויה מילין בﬠ׳׳ה(=

הכלל "ליכא מידי וכו׳׳׳ מופיﬠ ד פﬠמים בשװס, ולפי דרכנו יש לכוונן כנגר)
הספירות הﬠליונות )המקבילית לכתות נפש האדם ודרכי ﬠבורתו את בוראו יתברך(. י
ונראה דיש לכוונן כנגר נהי׳׳מ דוקא, שרוקא בספירות נהי׳׳מ, חלק המוטבﬠ שבנפש
)והספירות הדורכות ﬠל קרקﬠ המציאות החיצונית ﬠל מנת לבררה ולתקנה בפוﬠל

4 To me
And anime
Your way

To the dear and dear students, the rabbis Yitzhak Shapira and Yosef Yirmiyahu Elitzur Hashem

I was happy to see your book, The Torah of King Tel Aviv, the fruit of long labors at the Torah Research Institute
Which is next to our Yeshivah K'ur Yosef Chayi, which deals with important issues concerning the matter of the ritual purification Israel to the Nations. These issues touch Marr in our land today, when we have to To conquer it from the memory of our enemies. In order to act as a quasi-spiritual spirit of Torah, and to strengthen The spirit of the people and its soldiers must be examined in order to ascertain the depth of the Torah's opinion. Of course, as explained In our article "Kabbalah, Halakha, Reality" (Malchut Yisrael Hah), the true way to correct The reality according to halakha depends on the inspiration of the inner Torah - through Kabbalah and Chasidut - about the whole reality. Shadi "softens" reality and is ready to accept the provisions of the halakhah The 'stiffness'. Likewise, it should be noted that there is no Aram who can force a halakhah without being well versed In the wisdom of truth, and that the main mission of our generation is to connect all the elements of the Torah together

That in our generation "we shall not reveal ourselves without being hidden, and we will not be hidden without revelation," as is explained in the Book of God. Ltd. Continue You, and together with you, all the students of the yeshiva and the Akkarei Torah Institute. To stay at the depth of Halacha Out of a deep connection to the primacy of the Torah, and things will become clear and intertwined, as happy as Pynthis

And give the good bulls in reality, to bring the true and complete redemption.

"There is no pit but Torah." In honor of the book, we will examine the structure of the Talmudic issues that are dealt with in general

Which will be explained in length in chapter 1 as a source of the prohibition against the killing of a non-Jew by Israeli fire) In this matter, too, the words in the Shulchan Aruch, as well as the commentary on the Mishnah, are also included

The rule "Licha Midi, etc." appears four times in the Shvos, and according to our way they have to be adjusted as a carpenter) The upper sefirot), the parallel to the cults of the human soul, and the ways of His creation to His Creator, blessed be He And it seems that thimble to adjust as a carpenter, specifically, that a spit in Sefirot Nehemim is part of the soul) And counting on the ground of external reality in order to select and correct in practice

Attached: shapira_kings_torah_torat_hamelech_תורת-המלך-split-005.png (1170x1654, 154.57K)

ֵ .ָ. ָ… ימוּ,…-מ- אי …י ָ, ,ו -

ﬠלי׳׳(, בסוד מאמרו של רבי ﬠקיבא במשנה )שבת ט, א(= "אמר רבי ﬠקיבא מנין
לﬠבודה זרה שמטמאה במשא כבדה. שנאמר חזרם כמו רוה צא תאמר לו מה נדה

מטמאבץ במשׁא אף ﬠבררה זרה מטמאה במשא". רוה הייבו לשון "בדת רותה".

באיסור הברה נאמד בתורה "ואיש אשר ישכב את אשה דוה וגוי". יש כאן גם קשר
בין כרבﬠת לנﬠבדת, הכל פגם בספירת ההוד, ורוק.

הסוגיה דחולין לג, א דנה באיסור אבר מן החי, המכוון כנגד ספירת היסוד, האבר
חי של הקדושה, כמבואר בכ׳׳ד. דוקא בסוגיה זו מתברר שיש מי דלכאורה לא

סבירא ליה הכלל של ליכא מידי )ולפי הרמב׳׳ם נראה שהלכה כמוחו(ָ הרי כאן
המקום של גילוי קדושת ישראל בﬠצם - ספירת היסוד היא סוד המוחיז, המושכל,
שבמוטבﬠ )כמבואר באריכות במ׳׳א(, ששם "המבדיל בין ישראל לﬠמים" בגלוי.
ושם מקום האות ברית קדש הבא להבדיל גם בגוף בין ישראל לﬠמים - כל ישראל
מהולים וקדושים בﬠוד ש׳׳כל הגוים ﬠרלים׳׳. וממילא אין כאן המקום לדמות בין
ישראל לﬠמים ולומר מי איכא מידי רלישראל שרי ולגוי אסור, וארז-בה, במקום
האות ברית קדש רואים איך שהישראל בﬠצם מותר בכל ואילו הגוי בﬠצם אסור

בכל. כמבואר במ׳׳א )כינוי היסוד הוא "כל", כאן הכל טוב או הכל רﬠ, ודוק(.

הסוגיה דסנהדרין נח, ב דנה בביאה שלא כדרכה ובמדת ההנאה שיש לאשה בביאה
זו. דיון זרכשייך לתיקון ספירת המלכות, פרצוף הבוקבא, שלא תﬠמוד בצד האחור
של ז׳׳א בﬠלה אלא שתחזור להיות פנים בפנים אתו. כאן רואים את הבדל הגישות
בין חכמי ארץ ישראל לחכמי בבל )בהפרש בין שיטת הירושלמי לשיטת הבבלי
בזה, וראה בפנים הספר בהﬠרה בתחילת נספח ב לפרק א(, גם בסוד ﬠמירת
המלכות פנים )ארץ ישראל( או אחור )בבל(, ור׳׳ל. הﬠיקר כאן הוא "ודבק באשחר",
דבקות יסוד הרכורא ביסוד הבוקבא, שבקדושה היינו באותו מקום קדוש וטהור,
מקום השראת השכינה, כנסת ישראל )שכונסת את ישראל בﬠלה, כנודﬠ( בטהדתה.

גם כאן נראה דלא סבירא להר לרבי אלﬠזר ורבי חנינא, חכמי ארץ ישראל, הכלל של
"מי איכא מידי וכו׳׳׳. הרי אין כלל זה מתאים לאוירא דארץ ישראל מחכים, ל׳׳ארץ
אשר הוי' אלהיך דורש אותה תמיד ﬠיני הוי' אלהיך בה מושית השנה וﬠד אחרית
שנה". ﬠיקר ההשגחה של השי׳^ת, כפי שמתגלה בארץ ישראל, היא ﬠל ,נם ישראל
קדושים דוקא )ומהם ודרכם לשאר אומות הﬠולם, אך דוקא בהודﬠ לכל באי ﬠולם

את הנבדלות הﬠצמיח של ﬠם ישראל, ונם הנבחר, ואיך שאין להשוותם לשאר גריי

הארצות כלל וﬠיקר(.
בברכת התורה,

הדב יצחק גינזבורג

Page 7 English machine translation

I. … Yumu, … … from the island …, and,

(In the secret of Rabbi Akiva's article in the Mishna (Shabbat 9: 1) = "Rabbi Akiva Minin said
To idolatry that impurities on heavy trucks. As it is said, "Go back, like Rava, come forth, tell him what you are shaking."

From Tambetz in the Mishnah, even a foreign transgressor defiles the burden. "

In the prohibition of society, it is estimated in the Torah: "And a man who shall lay the wife of a judge and a gentile." There is also a connection here
Between the four and Na'abdah, everything was flawed in the count of majesty, and emptied.

The issue is urgent but does not deal with the prohibition of the living organ, which is directed against the Sefir Hayasid, the organ
The life of holiness, as explained in YD. On this issue, it turns out that there are those who do not

It is reasonable to say that the rule of Licha is immediate) and according to Maimonides it seems that he went like his brain (here it is
The place of the revelation of the sanctity of Israel in fact - the counting of the foundation is the secret of the Mohez,
(As explained at length in Exodus), where he "openly distinguishes Israel from the nations."
And there the place of the sign of the covenant of Kadesh, which is to be distinguished also in the body between Israel and the nations - all of Israel
Circumcised and holy, while "all the nations are uncircumcised." And in any case, this is not the place to compare between
Israel to the nations, and to say, Who has eaten from the hands of the Israelites, is not permitted, and Erez-bah is there
The letter Brit Kodesh shows how Israel is actually permitted in all, whereas the gentile is actually forbidden

in all. As explained in the verse (the basic pronoun is "all", here everything is good or all is bad, and Doc).

Attached: shapira_kings_torah_torat_hamelech_תורת-המלך-split-007.png (1170x1654, 218.68K)

The issue of Sanhedrin 21b discusses her non-traditional behavior and the degree of pleasure that a woman has in her life
this. A discussion of your right to correct the count of Malchut, the face of the Bokba, which will not stand on the reverse side
Of her husband Za'a, but that she return to being face to face with him. Here we see the difference in attitudes
Among the sages of the Land of Israel and the Babylonian Sages) in the difference between the Yerushalmi method and the Babylonian system
In this, see inside the book in the note at the beginning of Appendix B to Chapter A), also in the secret of amira
(The land of Israel) or back (Babylon), and R. The main thing here is "and stick with the buckthorn"
A basic devotion that is created in the foundation of the Bokva, that in holiness we were in that holy and pure place,
The resting place of the Shekhina, the Knesset of Israel (whose husband, as it is known, is gathered in Israel) in its purity.

Here, too, it seems that the land of Rabbi Elazar and Rabbi Hanina, the Sages of the Land of Israel, is the rule of the land
"Who has taken it from my hands, etc. There is nothing at all appropriate for the air of the Land of Israel waiting for the Land
For the Lord your God always demands the eyes of the Lord your God in which you are guided this year and until the end
Year. "The main concern of the Sheik, as revealed in the Land of Israel, is that of Israel
Holy ones) and from them and through them to the rest of the nations of the world, but specifically to all the people of the world

The self-differentiation of the people of Israel, their chosen nation, and how they can not be compared to the rest of Gray

The countries at large).
With the blessing of the Torah,

Itzhak Ginzburg

tay is in your ocr

It's quite possible lol

Attached: fumufumu.jpg (509x537, 60.36K)

מכתש, יתכן דמיון כל שהוא בין ישראללﬠמים - "מי איכא מירי ולישראל שרי
ולביוב אמור', )מה שאין כן' בסבירות שמﬠלויּהן, במררנש וב"ש במוטכל, שאין שׂום

צוי רמיוובין ישראל לﬠ מים(:

הסוגיה דסבֿהדרין נט, א מביאה את הכלל של ליכא מידי וכו׳ כדי להצדיק את הכלל

של רכי יוסי ברבי חנינא )לדחות הו"א של הגמרא המקשה ﬠליו( שכל מצוה

שנאמרה לבני נח ולא בשנית בסיני לישראל נאמרה ולא לבני נת. הנה כלל זה הוא

בסוד "וגס נצח ישראל לא ישקר ולא ינחם כי לא אדם הוא להנחם". המצות שניתנו
לכללית האנושות לפני מתן חורה ניתנו ונל מבת לברר את הטוב שבאךם, ובפנימיות

ניתנו כדי לברר את שרש נשמות ישראל ולקיים "מי יתזיּיטהוך מטמא לא אחד" –
"אברהם מתרח", וד"ל. "ואנו אין לנו אלא גיד הנשה ]ואליבא דרבי יהורה[׳׳, וידוﬠ
שמצות גיד הנשה באה לתקן את הפגם בספירת הנצח שגובשה ﬠל ידי נגיצת שרו
של ﬠשו בכף ירך יﬠקב אבינו, כאשר שלמות התיקון נﬠשה ﬠל ידי שמואל הנביא
באומרו "וגם נצח ישראל לא ישקר ולא ינתם וגו׳׳׳, וכידוﬠ ששמואל == גיר הנשה.
מצוה שנאמרה לבבי נח ולא בשנית בסיני היא מצוה הבאה לגלות את נצחיות ﬠם
ישראל בﬠולם, ולגלות את שרש ישראל שהיה קיים מצולם גם לפני מתן תורה )וגם

לפני בריאת הﬠרלם בכלל, ואף לפני ﬠלית הרצון לברוא את הﬠולם, דישראל ﬠלו
במחשבה תחלה, סוף מﬠשה במחשבה תחלה, כמבואר בדאװח בסוד שרש רﬠח בית
הלל רװארין קרמה", דהיינו ׳׳מחשבתן של ישראל קרמה לכל רכר" אפילו לתורה
הקדומה, וצל כן מדרגה וו באה לידי גילוי דוקא במצוה שנאמרה לפני מתן תורה
ולא בשנית בסיני, אף שקיומנו את המצוה היום הוא מתוקן' גילוי הﬠצמות דסיני -
"אנכי מי שאנכי׳׳ ..י וכמו שכתב הרמב׳׳ם, וﬠוד יתבאר לקמן אי׳׳ה, וד׳׳ל( איך
שהוא “קדמון נצחי" )=- משיח(.

הסוגיה דסנהדרין נה, א דנה בחילוק שבין בהמה הנרבﬠת לבהמה הנﬠברח וקובﬠת,
מטﬠם "ליבא מירי וכו׳׳׳, שלא יתכן שבהמת גוי הנﬠברח תיהרג מפני שאין דין
הריגת בהמה הנﬠברח בישראל. סוגיה וו היא כנגד ספירת ההוד, ﬠליה נאמר "הורי
נהפך צלי למשחית׳׳. מדת ההוד היינו ההודיה בהרי' וﬠבורתו יתברך, ההפך ממי
שﬠובד בהמה )שבפנימיות היינו הנפש הבהמית של ﬠצמו, כלומר שמשחחדה זנכנﬠ
-י מדת ההוד היא מדת ההכנﬠה בנפש י- לטבﬠ הבהמי שלו, וקובﬠ ארתוכאלקים.
הוניוות הגמור ממה שירוﬠ שאלהים בגימטריא הכובש. רב ששת מביא בסוגיא וו
את הברייתא "מה אילנות שאין אוכלין ואין שותין ואין מריחיז אמרה תורה השתת
שרוף וכלה הואיל ובא לאדם תקלה, צל ידן וכו׳׳׳, והיינו ממש "הודי נהפך ﬠלי

למשחית". והוא גם סוד "כל היום דנה" -ָ רוה אותיות הוד הפוך )“הנדי נהפך

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A crater, perhaps a similarity between Israel and the people - "Who will come from Miri and to Israel?"
And the sewage is supposed to "), which is not the case with the likelihood that they will rise, in Mardrush and Shabbat in Motkal, that there is no name

Tsui Rimbovin Israel Water:

The issue of Deuteronomy 14:13, brings the rule of Licha, etc., to justify the rule

Of Rabbi Yossi barbi Hanina) to reject the fifteenth of the gemara that makes it difficult for him (that every mitzva

Which was said to the children of Noah, and not to the second time in Sinai, to Israel, and not to the sons of Nath. Here is this rule

In secret, "And the everlasting gospel of Israel will not lie, nor will it comfort them, because it is not man to comfort them." Matzot given
To the generality of mankind, before the giving of Hura, they were given the opportunity to find out what was good in them, and in boarding schools

Were given in order to clarify the root of the souls of Israel and to observe "Who is the one who defiles one unclean?" -
"Avraham is expanding," and D "l," and we have only the tendon of the niche] and according to Rabbi Yehudah, "and is known
The mitzva of the feminine tendon is to correct the flaw in the eternal sphere formed by the cutting of its branches
Of Esau in the palm of Jacob's thigh, when the perfection of the correction was made by Samuel the prophet
When he said, "And the immortality of Israel shall not lie, neither shall it be slain," and as is known, Samuel is the limestone of the niche.
A mitzva that was said to my heart rested and not secondly in Sinai is a mitzvah that reveals the eternity of the people
Israel in the world, and to discover the roots of Israel that existed before the giving of the Torah)

Before the creation of the uncircumcised in general, and even before the desire to create the world arose, Israel rose
When the thought begins, the end of the act of thought begins, as explained in the secret of the root of the house
Hallel Ravin Karma ", ie," the mind of Israel has creased for every sinner "even to the Torah
Early, and the shadow of a staircase was revealed precisely in the mitzva that was said before the giving of the Torah
And not the second time in Sinai, even though our observance of the mitzva today is corrected "
"I am the one who is selfish." And as Maimonides wrote, it will be explained to Lekman EH,
Which is "eternal primordial" (= Messiah).

The issue of Dinahadrin 55a deals with the division between the animals that are tethered to the animal that is passed and determines,
On behalf of "Liba Miri, etc., that it is inconceivable that in the life of a non-Jew, the transgressor will be killed because there is no law
The killing of an animal in Israel. The issue Woo is against the count of majesty, which states: "My parents
Roast has become a destroyer. " From the religion of majesty we were the thanksgiving in the mountains and for His blessed sake, the opposite of who
Who works in the animal) that in the inner life we ​​are the animal soul of itself, that is, that a woman has surrendered
- The religion of majesty is from the religion of submissiveness in the soul - to its animal nature, and determines arthokals.
The final form of what God has done in the gematria of the conqueror. Rav Sheshet brings in Sugia Wu
The baraita, "What are the trees that have no echolim, and there is no drink, and no water?"
Burned and wrapped in a man who had a malfunction, a shadow, etc., and we were literally "an Indian turned on me

 To the destroyer. "And it is also the secret" all day long "-" the letters of Hod are reversed ")

הרב דוב ליאור
רב הפיד

ְ קרית ארבﬠ י חברון תייר אלול תשסחט

כתב הסכמה

הובא לפני הקונטרס הגדול שחברו הרבנים הרב יצחק שפירא יּ
והרב יוסף אליצור, בשם תורת המלך, הדר בסוגית דיני נפשות ביו
ישראל לינמים.

דומני שאיך ,נוד חיבור שמאסף את כל הנושאים השייכים לתחום
זה בספר אחד. י'

ראיתי ושמח לבי בראותי יצירה נפלאה מלאה וגדושה בהבאת
המקורות ובהסברת הנושאים החל מהתלמוד דרך רבותינו
הראשונים ,נד גדולי הפוסקים בדורות האחרונים. מבין השיטין
ניכר גודל ההשקﬠה והﬠמל שהשקי,נו הרבנים בלמידת הנושאים,
במיונם ובﬠריכתם, נננשתה כאן מלאכת קודש שראויה לכל
הזנרכה וציון. י

זה תחום שהוא די אקטואלי בייחוד בזמן שיבת ,נם ישראל
לארצו, יש לדﬠת מה היא ,נמדת ההלכה היהודית האמיתית
בהתייחסות לכל המצב הלא נורמלי שאנו שרויים בתוכו, זה נותן
את הכיוון הנכון וההסתכלות האמיתית ,נל האירוﬠים
וההתמודדות איתם, ראוי החיבור הזה ל,נלות ,נל שלחנם של
מלכים מאו מלכי רבנן וכל שוחרי תורה ואוהביה שיראו אין
שתורת ישראל מדריכה את האדם ביו בחיים אזרחיים הרגילים

והו בזמן מלחמה.

שיזכו הני תרי צורבא מרבנו להוציא ,נוד ספרים בנושאים דומים
ויפוצו מ,נינותיהם חוצה לזכות את הרבים ולקרב את ישראל
לאביהם שבשמים. ְ
החותם ל התורה ולומדיה
,א, ְ
הרב דוב ליאור
Rabbi Dov Lior

Kiryat Arba, Hebron, tourist, Elul, 5764

Written consent

It was brought before the great pamphlet that was written by Rabbi Yitzhak Shapira
And Rabbi Yosef Elitzur, in the name of the Torah of the King, had a great deal on the issue of the law of souls
Israel Lineage.

It seems to me how, a connection connects all the topics belonging to the field
It's in one book. Y.

I saw and was glad to see a wonderful work full of bringing
The sources and the explanation of the topics from the Talmud through our rabbis
The Rishonim, the greatest halakhic authorities in the last generations, have ruled. Between the lines
The size of the investment and the labor that we have invested, the rabbis in studying the issues,
In their sorting and editing, we will dedicate here a holy work worthy of all
Zhenfra and Zion. Y.

This is an area that is quite relevant, especially during the return to Israel
To his country, one must know what it is, the true Jewish law
Referring to all the abnormal situation we are in, it gives
The right direction and the real observation, the events
And to deal with them, this connection is worthy of the words of the Lord
Kings, kings of the rabbis, and all the lovers of the Torah, and those who love it shall see nothing
That the Torah of Israel guides man in his normal civil life

And they were in wartime.

Who will be privileged to publish books on similar subjects
And they were excommunicated, and their greatness crossed the merit of the multitude and brought Israel closer
To their Father in heaven. ְ
The seal of the Torah and its scholars
, A,.
Rabbi Dov Lior

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בכ׳׳ח ניסן תשנ׳׳א אמר הרבי מליובאוויטש:

הדבר היחידי שיכולני למשוח ֵ- למסור המנין אליכם: ﬠשו כל אשר
כיכולתכם - ﬠנינים שהם אורות רתוהו אבל באופן של כלים רתיקוז - להביא

בפוﬠל את משיח צדקנו תיכף ומיד ממש!

כאשר יש רצונות תקיפים וחזקים - 'אורות דתוהו׳ - צריך ללמוד איך להכניס אותם
למציאות בﬠזרת 'כלים דתיקוז׳, כלים שיודﬠים להיות במסגרות ובמגבלות המציאות.

דוגמא ל׳אורות רתוהו׳ שזקוקים להרבה 'כלים דתיקון׳ יש בהלכות הציבור ומה
שבין ישראל לﬠמים. יש כאן רצון קדוש ותקיף של כל היהודים לגאולה אמיתית
ושלמה ולמלכות ה' בﬠולם. והרצון הזה מוליד הרבה מﬠשים חשובים וקדושים. אך
רצון זה זקוק לכלים ותיקון, לבירור פרטי ההלכות שמביאים לחדירת האור של
הרצון בצורה מתוקנת לכלים, ואז המﬠשים מכוונים. והרצון יוצא אל הפוﬠל.


במכון התרדני שﬠל יד ישיבת 'ﬠוד יוסף חי' אנו ﬠוסקים מזה שנים בבירור פרטי
ההלכות הקשורות להלכות הציבור וליחס שבין ישראל לﬠמים; תוך בירור של פרטי

ההלכות כדרכה של תורה וﬠם השואתז למקורות אחרים.
כמובן שנשמח לכל ליבון ובירור של הדברים ﬠס הקוראים כדרכה של תורה.

נודה לבורא ﬠולם ﬠל ששם חלקנו מיושבי בית המדרש.

תודה גדולה למו׳׳ר הרה׳׳ח הרב יצחק גינזבורג שליט׳׳א שמימיו אנו שותים ומפיו
אנו חיים. הרב ﬠבר ﬠל חלקים גדולים מהספר. והﬠיר לנו הרבה הﬠרות )בנגלה
ובנסתר(; רבות מהן תוקנו בגוף הספר בלי לציין שלפני כן נכתב אחרת; אחרות

הרבאד בשם הרנינ ורבות ברספות לא הובאו בפנים מפאת קרצר היריﬠה.

כמו כן נודה לרב יוסף פלאי שליט׳׳א שﬠרך את החומר ﬠריכה ראשונית לקראת
הכתיבה ונתון כבר שנים רבות בבירור הסוגיות הללו.

יצחק שפירא יוסף ירמיהו אליצור )הרשקוביץ( ייּ

המכון התורני שﬠל יד ישיבת 'ﬠוד יוסף חי'
הגולה מציון יוסף הצדיק בשכם תובב׳׳א. וחונה כﬠת ביצהר

On the 17th of Nissan 5757, the Lubavitcher Rebbe said:

The only thing I can do is give the minyan to you: do everything
As your ability - matters that are the lights of the light but in the form of the tools of Rethicus - to bring

In practice, we will be right Moshiach right away!

When there are strong and strong desires - 'lights of religion' - you have to learn how to put them in
To reality with the help of 'tools of religion', tools that can be within the framework and limitations of reality.

An example of the "lights of mercy" that require a lot of 'Deacon tools' is in public law and what
Between Israel and the nations. There is a holy and firm desire of all Jews for true redemption
And Solomon and the kingdom of God in the world. And this will engenders many important and holy deeds. but
This desire needs tools and repair, to clarify the details of the laws that bring about the penetration of light
The will is in a correct way to the vessels, and then the actions are directed. And the will comes to fruition.


In the ultra-Orthodox institute next to Yeshivat Od Yosef Chai we have been dealing with a private clarification for years
The laws relating to public law and the relationship between Israel and the nations; While clarifying the details

Halachot as customary in Torah and with other sources.
Of course, we would be happy to clarify and clarify the matter with readers as is the case with Torah.

We would like to thank the Creator for having put some of us in the Beit Midrash.

Thank you very much to the late Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburg, the ruler we drink and drink from
We live. The rabbi went through many parts of the book. And made many comments to us)
And many of them were corrected in the body of the book without mentioning that it had previously been written otherwise;

Herb named Harnin and many in Risaf were not brought in because of the cricket.

We would also like to thank Rabbi Yosef Peli Shlit "a who edited the material for a preliminary editing
Writing, and has for many years been clearly articulating these issues.

Itzhak Shapira Yosef Yirmiyahu Elitzur (Hershkowitz)

The Torah Institute of the Od Yosef Chai Yeshiva,
The Exile from Zion the righteous Joseph in Shechem. And is now parked in Yitzhar

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If anyone wants to continue doing OCR and machine translation

1.) download and unzip images:

2.) check the thread to see which pages have done OCR already

3.) upload the page you want to OCR here:

4.) copy the text, paste into Google translate:

5.) post page image + hebrew OCR, note the page number to avoid duplicates

6.) post the English machine translation from google. note the page #

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1) Zig Forums isn't just nazis.
2) Even if it was, it's not just the nazis that hate jews.

Jews need to be thrown in an oven, and this is something that people of all ethnicities (other than jews) should agree on.

kill yourself

Attached: TxP2P2TtC2aJVxuRCUkpRE12wwCY0Tew-3vTEDvTAvM.png (569x703 184.81 KB, 15.82K)

Seems legit.

Killing a jew is one of the spiritually most beneficient things a white man can do while incarnate.

It has crossed my mind, once or twice that the way I can best serve the jews is by sending them back to hell, their origin.

Jews are working hard to shill and slide this when he was translation threads on cuckpol. I'm surprised they aren't shilling in here as hard yet.

It is part of the foundation of their religion. The 'serpent' comes along and murders adam and eve (humanity) and 'takes the place of interpreting god'…then he brainwashes all of humanity and murders EVERYONE who stands up to him so that we can all be 'made in their image' with their values, thoughts, ethics and religious leanings (look at the world today how many BILLION were eugenically selected through genocide and the most horrific torture that humanity could imagine to 'follow jew religions').

So the diversity of peoples was REPLACED with a monoculture of monojewology…people are naturally diverse and this is 'good' in God's eyes, having different nations, tribes, beliefs, morals and thoughts…this is desirable…but all that was lost, paved over by the jew 'making mankind in his own image as 'elohim' (the sons of god).

The ZIONIST (who have been around for thousands of years) first they controlled the priesthood, then kings, then finance, then education, then entertainment. There is as much naturally occurring diversity in humanity than there is in the universe…we are mirrors of the diversity of the stars (God) but how many of us understand anything outside of monojewology…our whole system of 'right and wrong' or 'good and evil' is all a construct of their matrix/paradigm. When anyone gets close to breaking out of their mono cosmology or free of their grasp, they enlist their slaves (gollum) to 'go forth and murder it'…they have slaughtered a entire nation just to kill a handful of individuals who might break free of their grasp.

ZIONISTS breed with natives (they are a disgusting mongrel race of rootless faggots) so that their spawn will sound like the natives, speak and share a culture with the natives so that it is easier to BETRAY that nation from within…they look like you, talk like you…but they are ONLY loyal to ZION (cough, cough Robinson) and this SAYANIM FILTH serves for LIFE. You can't quit your ZOG membership on a whim.

So the natural and Godly (as ABOVE so BELOW; LMFAO) diversity of peoples is replaced with ZIO filth thinking and ethical perceptions…they pave over the thoughts of humanity using language as a control paradigm and devour all that is in their path. THEY NEED TO BE EXTERMINATED…we can't develop as HUMANITY until they are gone from this planet because they keep trying to focus us on their monojewism rather than the natural state of the Earth and her people.

Only God can count the dead at jew hands…there is no way for humanity to come to grips with how many they have slaughtered in their single minded pursuit of global domination/oneness/destruction…this is how planets die…

When I confronted them about this they told me that they would burn the EARTH COMPLETELY KILLING ALL LIFE ON IT, rather than let it go…and that is the mindset of the jew. We either 'desire them'…NEVER IN A MILLION FUCKING YEARS…or they will murder the planet.

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Us, together…

Defend, Protect, Serve…

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Are any of the other uploads by the same user on Scribd of any value?

I asked too and the JIDF are really greedy about forking over their copies. At least they confirmed to me it exists.

Don't we already have this info from the Torah and Talmud? Don't we already have numerous examples from real life?

Quick example: Baruch Goldstein walked into a Muslim holy site in Palestine while the unarmed people there were praying, and started hosing it down with bullets from the assault rifles many Israelis carry around. He was only stopped when the unarmed Muslims rushed him and beat him to death. Did they call for banning guns? Nope, they built a shrine for him which became a holy site for thousands of Jews, including Bibi Netanyahu and many of Israel's top generals. After it became too much bad PR, they bulldozed it, only to rebuild after the cameras moved on and declare it a national heritage site.

We have plenty of redpills, we just need to use them.

Better example, listen to "The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit" by E. Michael Jones. He's gathered a huge amount of info in one book. It's several centuries of redpills.

Dude. You can't even find a full copy of the Talmud online. In 2018. Of this ancient text that is so key to the Jewish religion.

I mean there are 74 volumes of the talmud

Why do you say that, I thought there were tons of copies.


The Anti-Human Anti-Gentile laws of Judaism (Halakah)


UNDER THIS HEADING I would like to discuss examples of halakhic laws whose most important effect is not so much to prescribe specific anti-Gentile discrimination as to inculcate an attitude of scorn and hatred towards Gentiles. Accordingly, in this section I shall not confine myself to quoting from the most authoritative halakhic sources (as I have done so far) but include also less fundamental works, which are however widely used in religious instruction.

Let us begin with the text of some common prayers. In one of the first sections of the daily morning payer, every devout Jew blesses God for not making him a Gentile. The concluding section of the daily prayer (which is also used in the most solemn part of the service on New Year's day and on Yom Kippur) opens with the statement: 'We must praise the Lord of all … for not making us like the nations of [all] lands … for they bow down to vanity and nothingness and pray to a god that does not help.' The last clause was censored out of the prayer books. but in eastern Europe it was supplied orally, and has now been restored into many Israeli-printed prayer books. In the most important section of the weekday prayer - the 'eighteen blessings' - there is a special curse, originally directed against Christians, Jewish converts to Christianity and other Jewish heretics: 'And may the apostates' have no hope, and all the Christians perish instantly'. This formula dates from the end of the 1st century, when Christianity was still a small persecuted sect. Some time before the 14th century it was softened into: 'And may the apostates have no hope. and all the heretics perish instantly', and after additional pressure into: 'And may the informers have no hope, and all the heretics perish instantly'.

After the establishment of Israel. the process was reversed, and many newly printed prayer books reverted to the second formula, which was also prescribed by many teachers in religious Israeli schools. After 1967, several congregations close to Gush Emunim have restored the first version (so far only verbally, not in print) and now pray daily that the Christians may perish instantly'. This process of reversion happened in the period when the Catholic Church (under Pope John XXIII) removed from its Good Friday service a prayer which asked the Lord to have mercy on Jews, heretics etc. This prayer was thought by most Jewish leaders to be offensive and even antisemitic.

Apart from the fixed daily prayers, a devout Jew must utter special short blessings on various occasions, both good and bad (for example, while putting on a new piece of clothing. eating a seasonal fruit for the first time that year, seeing powerful lightning, hearing bad news, etc.) Some of these occasional prayers serve to inculcate hatred and scorn for all Gentiles, We have mentioned in Chapter 2 the rule according to which a pious Jew must utter a curse when passing near a Gentile cemetery, whereas he must bless God when passing near a Jewish cemetery. A similar rule applies to the living; thus, when seeing a large Jewish population a devout Jew must praise God, while upon seeing a large Gentile population he must utter a curse. Nor are buildings exempt: the Talmud lays down that a Jew who passes near an inhabited non-Jewish dwelling must ask God to destroy it, whereas if the building is in ruins he must thank the Lord of Vengeance. (Naturally, the rules are reversed for Jewish houses.) This rule was easy to keep for Jewish peasants who lived in their own villages or for small urban communities living in all-Jewish townships or quarters.

Under the conditions of classical Judaism, however, it became impracticable and was therefore confined to churches and places of worship of other religions (except Islam). In this connection, the rule was further embroidered by custom: it became customary to spit (usually three times) upon seeing a church or a crucifix, as an embellishment to the obligatory formula of regret. Sometimes insulting biblical verses were also added.

There is also a series of rules forbidding any expression of praise for Gentiles or for their deeds, except where such praise implies an even greater praise of Jews and things Jewish. This rule is still observed by Orthodox Jews. For example. the writer Agnon, when interviewed on the Israeli radio upon his return from Stockholm, where he received the Nobel Prize for literature, praised the Swedish Academy, but hastened to add: 'I am not forgetting that it is forbidden to praise Gentiles, but here there is a special reason for my praise' - that is, that they awarded the prize to a Jew.

Similarly, it is forbidden to join any manifestation of popular Gentile rejoicing, except where failing to join in might cause 'hostility' towards Jews, in which case a 'minimal' show of joy is allowed.

In addition to the rules mentioned so far, there are many others whose effect is to inhibit human friendship between Jew and Gentile. I shall mention two examples: the rule on 'libation wine' and that on preparing food for a Gentile on Jewish holy days.

A religious Jew must not drink any wine in whose preparation a Gentile had any part whatsoever. Wine in an open bottle, even if prepared wholly by Jews, becomes banned if a Gentile so much as touches the bottle or passes a hand over it. The reason given by the rabbis is that all Gentiles are not only idolators but must be presumed to be malicious to boot, so that they are likely to dedicate (by a whisper, gesture or thought) as 'libation' to their idol any wine which a Jew is about to drink. This law applies in full force to all Christians, and in a slightly attenuated form also to Muslims. (An open bottle of wine touched by a Christian must be poured away, but if touched by a Muslim it can be sold or given away, although it may not be drunk by a Jew.) The law applies equally to Gentile atheists (how can one be sure that they are not merely pretending to be atheists?) but not to Jewish atheists.

The laws against doing work on the sabbath apply to a lesser extent on other holy days. In particular, on a holy day which does not happen to fall on a Saturday it is permitted to do any work required for preparing food to be eaten during the holy days or days. Legally, this is defined as preparing a 'soul's food' (okhel nefesh); but 'soul' is interpreted to mean 'Jew', and 'Gentiles and dogs' are explicitly excluded. There is, however, a dispensation in favor of powerful Gentiles, whose hostility can be dangerous: it is permitted to cook food on a holy day for a visitor belonging to this category, provided he is not actively encouraged to come and eat.

An important effect of all these laws - quite apart from their application in practice - is in the attitude created by their constant study which, as part of the study of the Halakhah, is regarded by classical Judaism as a supreme religious duty. Thus an Orthodox Jew learns from his earliest youth, as part of his sacred studies, that Gentiles are compared to dogs, that it is a sin to praise them, and so on and so forth. As a matter of fact, in this respect textbooks for beginners have a worse effect than the Talmud and the great talmudic codes. One reason for this is that such elementary texts give more detailed explanations, phrased so as to influence young and uneducated minds. Out of a large number of such texts, I have chosen the one which is currently most popular in Israel and has been reprinted in many cheap editions, heavily subsidized by the Israeli government. It is The Book of Education, written by an anonymous rabbi in early 14th century Spain. It explains the 613 religious obligations (mitzvot) of Judaism in the order in which they are supposed to be found in the Pentateuch according to the talmudic interpretation (discussed in Chapter 3). It owes its lasting influence and popularity to the clear and easy Hebrew style in which it is written.

A central didactic aim of this book is to emphasize the 'correct' meaning of the Bible with respect to such terms as 'fellow', 'friend' or 'man' (which we have referred to in Chapter 3). Thus, devoted to the religious obligation arising from the verse 'thou shalt love thy fellow as thyself', is entitled: 'A religious obligation to love Jews', and explains:

To love every Jew strongly means that we should care for a Jew and his money just as one cares for oneself and one's own money, for it is written: 'thou shalt love thy fellow as thyself' and our sages of blessed memory said: 'what is hateful to you do not do to your friend' … and many other religious obligations follow from this, because one who loves one's friend as oneself will not steal his money, or commit adultery with his wife, or defraud him of his money, or deceive him verbally, or steal his land, or harm him in any way. Also many other religious obligations depend on this, as is known to any reasonable man.

In dealing with the duty to keep a Gentile slave enslaved for ever (whereas a Jewish slave must be set free after seven years), the following explanation is given:

And at the root of this religious obligation [is the fact that] the Jewish people are the best of the human species, created to know their Creator and worship Him, and worthy of having slaves to serve them. And if they will not have slaves of other peoples, they would have to enslave their brothers, who would thus be unable to serve the Lord, blessed be He. Therefore we are commanded to possess those for our service, after they are prepared for this and after idolatory is removed from their speech so that there should not be danger in our houses, and this is the intention of the verse 'but over your brethren the children of Israel, ye shall not rule one over another with rigor', so that you will not have to enslave your brothers, who are all ready to worship God.

In dealing with the religious obligation to exact interest on money lent to Gentiles, the law is stated as follows: 'That we are commanded to demand interest from Gentiles when we lend money to them, and we must not lend to them without interest,' The explanation is:

And at the root of this religious obligation is that we should not do any act of mercy except to the people who know God and worship Him; and when we refrain from doing merciful deed to the rest of mankind and do so only to the former, we are being tested that the main part of love and mercy to them is because they follow the religion of God, blessed be He. Behold, with this intention our reward [from God] when we withhold mercy from the others is equal to that for doing [merciful deeds] to members of our own people.

Similar distinctions are made in numerous other passages. In explaining the ban against delaying a worker's wage the author is careful to point out that the sin is less serious if the worker is Gentile. The prohibition against cursing is entitled 'Not to curse any Jew, whether man or woman. Similarly, the prohibitions against giving misleading advice, hating other people, shaming them or taking revenge on them apply only to fellow-Jews.

The ban against following Gentile customs means that Jews must not only 'remove themselves' from Gentiles, but also 'speak ill of all their behavior, even of their dress'.

It must be emphasized that the explanations quoted above do represent correctly the teaching of the Halakhah. The rabbis and, even worse, the apologetic 'scholars of Judaism' know this very well and for this reason they do not try to argue against such views inside the Jewish community; and of course they never mention them outside it. Instead, they vilify any Jew who raises these matters within earshot of Gentiles, and they issue deceitful denials in which the art of equivocation reaches its summit.

For example, they state, using general terms, the importance which Judaism attaches to mercy; but what they forget to point out is that according to the Halakhah 'mercy' means mercy towards Jews.

Anyone who lives in Israel knows how deep and widespread these attitudes of hatred and cruelty to towards all Gentiles are among the majority of Israeli Jews. Normally these attitudes are disguised from the outside world, but since the establishment of the State of Israel, the 1967 war and the rise of Begin, a significant minority of Jews, both in Israel and abroad, have gradually become more open about such matters. In recent years the inhuman precepts according to which servitude is the 'natural' lot of Gentiles have been publicly quoted in Israel, even on TV, by Jewish farmers exploiting Arab labor, particularly child labor. Gush Emunim leaders have quoted religious precepts which enjoin Jews to oppress Gentiles, as a justification of the attempted assassination of Palestinian mayors and as divine authority for their own plan to expel all the Arabs from Palestine.

While many zionists reject these positions politically, their standard counter-arguments are based on considerations of expediency and Jewish self-interest, rather than on universally valid principles of humanism and ethics. For example, they argue that the exploitation and oppression of Palestinians by Israelis tends to corrupt Israeli society, or that the expulsion of the Palestinians is impracticable under present political conditions, or that Israeli acts of terror against the Palestinians tend to isolate Israel internationally. In principle, however, virtually all zionists - and in particular 'left' zionists - share the deep anti-Gentile attitudes which Orthodox Judaism keenly promotes.


AS EXPLAINED in Chapter 3, the Halakhah, that is the legal system of classical Judaism - as practiced by virtually all Jews from the 9th century to the end of the 18th and as maintained to this very day in the form of Orthodox Judaism - is based primarily on the Babylonian Talmud. However, because of the unwieldy complexity of the legal disputations recorded in the Talmud, more manageable codifications of talmudic laws became necessary and were indeed compiled by successive generations of rabbinical scholars. Some of these have acquired great authority and are in general use. For this reasons we shall refer for the most part to such compilations (and their most reputable commentaries) rather than directly to the Talmud. It is however correct to assume that the compilation referred to reproduces faithfully the meaning of the talmudic text and the additions made by later scholars on the basis of that meaning.

The earliest code of talmudic law which is still of major importance is the Misbneh Tarab written by Moses Maimonides in the late 12th century. The most authoritative code, widely used to date as a handbook, is the Shulhan 'Arukh composed by R. Yosef Karo in the late 16th century as a popular condensation of his own much more voluminous Beys Yosef which was intended for the advanced scholar. The Shulhan 'Arukh is much commented upon; in addition to classical commentaries dating from the 17th century, there is an important 20th century one, Mishnab Berurab. Finally, the Talmudic Encyclopedia - a modern compilation published in Israel from the 1950s and edited by the country's greatest Orthodox rabbinical scholars - is a good compendium of the whole talmudic literature.

Murder and Genocide

ACCORDING TO THE JEWISH religion, the murder of a Jew is a capital offense and one of the three most heinous sins (the other two being idolatry and adultery). Jewish religious courts and secular authorities are commanded to punish, even beyond the limits of the ordinary administration of justice, anyone guilty of murdering a Jew. A Jew who indirectly causes the death of another Jew is, however, only guilty of what talmudic law calls a sin against the 'laws of Heaven', to be punished by God rather than by man.

When the victim is a Gentile, the position is quite different. A Jew who murders a Gentile is guilty only of a sin against the laws of Heaven, not punishable by a court. To cause indirectly the death of a Gentile is no sin at all.

Thus, one of the two most important commentators on the Shulhan Arukh explains that when it comes to a Gentile, 'one must not lift one's hand to harm him, but one may harm him indirectly, for instance by removing a ladder after he had fallen into a crevice .., there is no prohibition here, because it was not done directly: He points out, however, that an act leading indirectly to a Gentile's death is forbidden if it may cause the spread of hostility towards Jews.

A Gentile murderer who happens to be under Jewish jurisdiction must be executed whether the victim was Jewish or not. However, if the victim was Gentile and the murderer converts to Judaism, he is not punished.

All this has a direct and practical relevance to the realities of the State of Israel. Although the state's criminal laws make no distinction between Jew and Gentile, such distinction is certainly made by Orthodox rabbis, who in guiding their flock follow the Halakhah. Of special importance is the advice they give to religious soldiers.

Since even the minimal interdiction against murdering a Gentile outright applies only to 'Gentiles with whom we [the Jews] are not at war', various rabbinical commentators in the past drew the logical conclusion that in wartime all Gentiles belonging to a hostile population may, or even should be killed. Since 1973 this doctrine is being publicly propagated for the guidance of religious Israeli soldiers. The first such official exhortation was included in a booklet published by the Central Region Command of the Israeli Army, whose area includes the West Bank. In this booklet the Command's Chief Chaplain writes:

When our forces come across civilians during a war or in hot pursuit or in a raid, so long as there is no certainty that those civilians are incapable of harming our forces, then according to the Halakhah they may and even should be killed … Under no circumstances should an Arab be trusted, even if he makes an impression of being civilized … In war, when our forces storm the enemy, they are allowed and even enjoined by the Halakhah to kill even good civilians, that is, civilians who are ostensibly good.
The same doctrine is expounded in the following exchange of letters between a young Israeli soldier and his rabbi, published in the yearbook of one of the country's most prestigious religious colleges, Midrashiyyat No'am, where many leaders and activists of the National Religious Party and Gush Emunim have been educated.

Letter from the soldier Moshe to Rabbi Sbipn 'on Weiser '

With God's help, to His Honor, my dear Rabbi,

'First I would like to ask how you and your family are. I hope all is well. I am, thank God, feeling well. A long time I have not written. Please forgive me. Sometimes I recall the verse "when shall I come and appear before God?' I hope, without being certain, that I shall come during one of the leaves. I must do so.

'In one of the discussions in our group, there was a debate about the "purity of weapons" and we discussed whether it is permitted to kill unarmed men - or women and children? Or perhaps we should take revenge on the Arabs? And then everyone answered according to his own understanding. I could not arrive at a clear decision, whether Arabs should be treated like the Amalekites, meaning that one is permitted to murder [sic ] them until their remembrance is blotted out from under heaven, or perhaps one should do as in a just war, in which one kills only the soldiers?

'A second problem I have is whether I am permitted to put myself in danger by allowing a woman to stay alive? For there have been cases when women threw hand grenades. Or am I permitted to give water to an Arab who put his hand up? For there may be reason to fear that he only means to deceive me and will kill me, and such things have happened.

'I conclude with a warm greeting to the rabbi and all his family. - Moshe.'

Reply of Shim'on Weiser' to Moshe

'With the help of Heaven. Dear Moshe, Greetings.

'I am starting this letter this evening although I know I cannot finish it this evening, both because I am busy and because I would like to make it a long letter, to answer your questions in full, for which purpose I shall have to copy out some of the sayings of our sages, of blessed memory, and interpret them.

'The non-Jewish nations have a custom according to which war has its own rules, like those of a game, like the rules of football or basketball. But according to the sayings of our sages, of blessed memory, [ … ] war for us is not a game but a vital necessity, and only by this standard must we decide how to wage it. On the one hand …. ] we seem to learn that if a Jew murders a Gentile, he is regarded as a murderer and, except for the fact that no court has the right to punish him, the gravity of the deed is like that of any other murder. But we find in the very same authorities in another place [ … that Rabbi Shim'on used to say: "The best of Gentiles - kill him; the best of snakes dash out its brains."

'It might perhaps be argued that the expression "kill" in the saying of R. Shim'on is only figurative and should not be taken literally but as meaning "oppress" or some similar attitude, and in this way we also avoid a contradiction with the authorities quoted earlier. Or one might argue that this saying, though meant literally, is [merely] his own personal opinion, disputed by other sages [quoted earlier]. But we find the true explanation in the Tosalot. There [ …. ] we learn the following comment on the talmudic pronouncement that Gentiles who fall into a well should not be helped out, but neither should they be pushed into the well to be killed, which means that they should neither be saved from death nor killed directly. And the Tosafot write as follows:

"And if it is queried [because] in another place it was said The best of Gentiles - kill him, then the answer is that this [saying] is meant for wartime." [ … ]

'According to the commentators of the Tosafot, a distinction must be made between wartime and peace, so that although during peace time it is forbidden to kill Gentiles, in a case that occurs in wartime it is a mitzvah [imperative, religious duty] to kill them.[…]

'And this is the difference between a Jew and a Gentile: although the rule "Whoever comes to kill you, kill him first" applies to a Jew, as was said in Tractate Sanhedrin [of the Talmud], page 72a, still it only applies to him if there is [actual] ground to fear that he is coming to kill you. But a Gentile during wartime is usually to be presumed so, except when it is quite clear that he has no evil intent. This is the rule of "purity of weapons" according to the Halakhah - and not the alien conception which is now accepted in the Israeli army and which has been the cause of many [Jewish] casualties. I enclose a newspaper cutting with the speech made last week in the Knesset by Rabbi Kalman Kahana, which shows in a very lifelike - and also painful - way how this "purity of weapons" has caused deaths.

'I conclude here, hoping that you will not find the length of this letter irksome. This subject was being discussed even without your letter, but your letter caused me to write up the whole matter.

'Be in peace, you and all Jews, and [I hope to] see you soon, as you say. Yours - Shim'on.

Reply of Moshe to R. Shim'on Weiser

'To His Honor, my dear Rabbi,

'First I hope that you and your family are in health and are all right.

'I have received your long letter and am grateful for your personal watch over me, for I assume that you write to many, and most of your time is taken up with your studies in your own program.

'Therefore my thanks to you are doubly deep.

'As for the letter itself, I have understood it as follows:

'In wartime I am not merely permitted, but enjoined to kill every Arab man and woman whom I chance upon, if there is reason to fear that they help in the war against us, directly or indirectly. And as far as I am concerned I have to kill them even if that might result in an involvement with the military law. I think that this matter of the purity of weapons should be transmitted to educational institutions, at least the religious ones, so that they should have a position about this subject and so that they will not wander in the broad fields of "logic", especially on this subject; and the rule has to be explained as it should be followed in practice. For, I am sorry to say, I have seen different types of "logic" here even among the religious comrades. I do hope that you shall be active in this, so that our boys will know the line of their ancestors clearly and unambiguously.

'I conclude here, hoping that when the [training] course ends, in about a month, I shall be able to come to the yeshivah [talmudic college]. Greetings - Moshe.'
Of course, this doctrine of the Halakhah on murder clashes, in principle, not only with Israel's criminal law but also - as hinted in the letters just quoted - with official military standing regulations. However, there can be little doubt that in practice this doctrine does exert an influence on the administration of justice, especially by military authorities. The fact is that in all cases where Jews have, in a military or paramilitary context, murdered Arab non-combatants - including cases of mass murder such as that in Kafr Qasim in 1956 - the murderers, if not let off altogether, received extremely light sentences or won far-reaching remissions, reducing their punishment to next to nothing.


THIS SUBJECT - the supreme value of human life and the obligation of every human being to do the outmost to save the life of a fellow human - is of obvious importance in itself. It is also of particular interest in a Jewish context, in view of the fact that since the Second World War Jewish opinion has - in some cases justly, in others unjustly - condemned 'the whole world' or at least all Europe for standing by when Jews were being massacred. Let us therefore examine what the Halakhah has to say on this subject.

According to the Halakhah, the duty to save the life of a fellow Jew is paramount. It supersedes all other religious obligations and interdictions, excepting only the prohibitions against the three most heinous sins of adultery (including incest), murder and idolatry.

As for Gentiles, the basic talmudic principle is that their lives must not be saved, although it is also forbidden to murder them outright. The Talmud itself expresses this in the maxim 'Gentiles are neither to be lifted [out of a well] nor hauled down [into it]'. Maimonides explains:
"As for Gentiles with whom we are not at war … their death must not be caused, but it is forbidden to save them if they are at the point of death; if, for example, one of them is seen falling into the sea, he should not be rescued, for it is written: 'neither shalt thou stand against the blood of thy fellow' - but [a Gentile] is not thy fellow."

In particular, a Jewish doctor must not treat a Gentile patient. Maimonides - himself an illustrious physician - is quite explicit on this; in another passage he repeats the distinction between 'thy fellow' and a Gentile, and concludes: 'and from this learn ye, that it is forbidden to heal a Gentile even for payment…'

However, the refusal of a Jew - particularly a Jewish doctor - to save the life of a Gentile may, if it becomes known, antagonize powerful Gentiles and so put Jews in danger. Where such danger exists, the obligation to avert it supersedes the ban on helping the Gentile. Thus Maimonides continues: ' … but if you fear him or his hostility, cure him for payment, though you are forbidden to do so without payment.' In fact, Maimonides himself was Saladin's personal physician. His insistence on demanding payment - presumably in order to make sure that the act is not one of human charity but an unavoidable duty - is however not absolute. For in another passage he allows Gentile whose hostility is feared to be treated 'even gratis, if it is unavoidable'.

The whole doctrine - the ban on saving a Gentile's life or healing him, and the suspension of this ban in cases where there is fear of hostility - is repeated (virtually verbatim) by other major authorities, including the 14th century Arba'ah Turirn and Karo's Beyt Yosef and Shulhan 'Arukh. Beyt Yosef adds, quoting Maimonides: 'And it is permissible to try out a drug on a heathen, if this serves a purpose'; and this is repeated also by the famous R. Moses Isserles.

The consensus of halakhic authorities is that the term 'Gentiles' in the above doctrine refers to all non-Jews. A lone voice of dissent is that of R. Moses Rivkes, author of a minor commentary on the Shulhan Arukh, who writes.

Our sages only said this about heathens, who in their day worshipped idols and did not believe in the Jewish Exodus from Egypt or in the creation of the world ex nihilo. But the Gentiles in whose [protective] shade we, the people of Israel, are exiled and among whom we are scattered do believe in the creation of the world ex nihilo and in the Exodus and in several principles of our own religion and they pray to the Creator of heaven and earth … Not only is there no interdiction against helping them, but we are even obliged to pray for their safety.

This passage, dating from the second half of the 17th century, is a favorite quote of apologetic scholars. Actually, it does not go nearly as far as the apologetics pretend, for it advocates removing the ban on saving a Gentile's life, rather than making it mandatory as in the case of a Jew; and even this liberality extends only to Christians and Muslims but not the majority of human beings. Rather, what it does show is that there was a way in which the harsh doctrine of the Halakhah could have been progressively liberalized. But as a matter of fact the majority of later halakhic authorities, far from extending Rivkes' leniency to other human groups, have rejected it altogether.

Desecrating the Sabbath to Save Life

DESECRATING THE SABBATH - that is, doing work that would otherwise be banned on Saturday - becomes a duty when the need to save a Jew's life demands it.

The problem of saving a Gentile's life on the sabbath is not raised in the Talmud as a main issue, since it is in any case forbidden even on a weekday; it does however enter as a complicating factor in two connections.

First, there is a problem where a group of people are in danger, and it is possible (but not certain) that there is at least one Jew among them: should the sabbath be desecrated in order to save them? There is an extensive discussion of such cases. Following earlier authorities, including Maimonides and the Talmud itself, the Shulhan Arukh decides these matters according to the weight of probabilities. For example, suppose nine Gentiles and one Jew live in the same building. One Saturday the building collapses; one of the ten - it is not known which one - is away, but the other nine are trapped under the rubble. Should the rubble be cleared, thus desecrating the sabbath, seeing that the Jew may not be under it (he may have been the one that got away)? The Shulhan 'Arukh says that it should, presumably because the odds that the Jew is under the rubble are high (nine to one).

But now suppose that nine have got away and only one - again, it is not known which one - is trapped. Then there is no duty to clear the rubble, presumably because this time there are long odds (nine to one) against the Jew being the person trapped. Similarly: 'If a boat containing some Jews is seen to be in peril upon the sea, it is a duty incumbent upon all to desecrate the sabbath in order to save it.' However, the great R. 'Aqiva Eiger (died 1837) comments that this applies only 'when it is known that there are Jews on board. But … if nothing at all is known about the identity of those on board, [the sabbath] must not be desecrated, for one acts according to [the weight of probabilities, and] the majority of people in the world are Gentiles. Thus, since there are very long odds against any of the passengers being Jewish, they must be allowed to drown.

Secondly, the provision that a Gentile may be saved or cared for in order to avert the danger of hostility is curtailed on the sabbath. A Jew called upon to help a Gentile on a weekday may have to comply because to admit that he is not allowed, in principle, to save the life of a non-Jew would be to invite hostility. But on Saturday the Jew can use sabbath observance as a plausible excuse. A paradigmatic case discussed at length in the Talmud is that of a Jewish midwife invited to help a Gentile woman in childbirth. The upshot is that the midwife is allowed to help on a weekday 'for fear of hostility', but on the sabbath she must not do so, because she can excuse herself by saying: 'We are allowed to desecrate the sabbath only for our own, who observe the sabbath, but for your people, who do not keep the sabbath, we are not allowed to desecrate it.' Is this explanation a genuine one or merely an excuse? Maimonides clearly thinks that it is just an excuse, which can be used even if the task that the midwife is invited to do does not actually involve any desecration of the sabbath.