568 pages, buckle up
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I have already read it just now. Just a nothingburger.
Thanks, CNN.
Thanks for letting us know. :^)
Apparently it is a white wash. You thought any of the Jew's puppets would have to pay for their crimes? Don't be naive goyim.
This is the unredacted, modified version.
There are three versions of this report.
Let the peoples on /qresearch/ investigate it, if it's really a big nothingburger let's focus on something more worthwhile, they'll do it anyways. We just have to go there and see if it really contain something good
Nothing to see here goy
Who do I have to thank for this FactChecking™? And how can I donate to this brave individual?
Are these 12 year old girls?
Anyone in jail yet? Oh yeah…nope.
It's the exact reason we never got recruited
T.captain of every football team I ever played on
Aka Chad
Fuck the god damned soup niggers.
I'll take Kek and Zig Forums over some shit fibber job all day every day
They can't go to jail if they're all dead user
Yes I'm saying it
chapter 4 is about obama
page 65:
Former President Obama’s comments caused concern among FBI officials
about the potential impact on the investigation. Former EAD John Giacalone told
the OIG, “[W]e open up criminal investigations. And you have the President of the
United States saying this is just a mistake…. That’s a problem, right?” Former AD
Randy Coleman expressed the same concern, stating, “[The FBI had] a group of
guys in here, professionals, that are conducting an investigation. And
the…President of the United States just came out and said there’s no there there.”
Coleman said that he would have expected someone in FBI or Department
leadership to contact one of Obama’s national security officials, and “tell [him or
her], hey knock it off.” Michael Steinbach, the former EAD for the National Security
Branch, told the OIG that the comments generated “controversy” within the FBI.
Steinbach stated, “[Y]ou’re prejudging the results of an investigation before they
really even have been started…. That’s…hugely problematic for us.”
Department prosecutors also were concerned. Responding to an email from
Laufman about Obama’s 60 Minutes interview, Toscas stated, “Saw this. And as
[one of the prosecutors] and I discussed last week, of course it had no—and will
never have any—effect whatsoever on our work and our independent judgment.”
Prosecutor 4 told the OIG that Obama’s statement was the genesis of the FBI’s
suspicions that the Department’s leadership was politically biased. This prosecutor
stated, “I know that the FBI considered those [statements] inappropriate. And that
it…[generated] a suspicion that there was a political bias…going on from the
Executive Branch.”
your images suck user …fucking make them bigger
Nothing in the recommendations to do anything besides considering changing policy. #9 is the most relevant since something around 25% of all candidates this fall are spooks.
Then we best get to stepping cause none of them are dead yet either.
new meme
(((FBI Employee)))
Beggars can't be choosers. Read the report yourself then faggot.
Obama knew about Clinton using her private e-male for classified info
Of course that faggot knew. They all knew.
The DNC needs to be indicted from the top down. No more of this pussy footing around bullshit….its corrupt from the bottom to the top.
You are the fake news!
To be fair 99% of republicans are just as crooked.
They are just a little more careful about not rubbing it in everyone's face.
Page 260-263:
>"We found no evidence that the conclusions by Department prosecutors were affected by bias or other improper considerations; rather, we concluded that they were based on the prosecutors’ assessment of the facts, the law, and past Department practice. In reaching this conclusion, we recognize that much of the questioning of the Department’s prosecutorial decision in this case has focused on whether the Department too narrowly interpreted the “gross negligence” provision of Section 793(f)(1) and should have pursued a prosecution because the FBI found Clinton to be “extremely careless.” That, however, is a legal and policy judgment involving core prosecutorial discretion for the Department to make."
Well… I guess that's what we get for placing our faith in (((Horowitz))) to settle things via existing legal means.
Granted, its politics…but the DNC has just been a bunch of sloppy ass sluts this time around.
We cannot let incompetence of this magnitude go unpunished. If my politicians are going to fuck me in the ass I prefer them to do it so well I can't tell that it wasn't my idea to let them.
The DNC has to go, the party has to be dismantled entirely as enemies of the state.
Yep, white wash
Funniest part is here:
The past department practice has always been corruption, so this corruption is okay too.
>because the FBI found Clinton to be “extremely carelesscriminally negligent.”
What's the problem here user? Looks OK to me tbh.
commencing dump
pdf links
you cant deny that bill has the gift of gab:
Former President Clinton also said that he was a little surprised by the criticism
after his tarmac meeting with Lynch. He stated:
[T]he mainstream media wasn’t as bad on that as they were on a lot
of things, I thought, I think the ones that were criticizing me, I
thought you know, I don’t know whether I’m more offended that they
think I’m crooked or that they think I’m stupid. I’ve got an idea, I’ll do
all these things they accuse me of doing in broad daylight in an airport
in Phoenix when the whole world can see it in front of an Air Force One
crew and I believe one of her security guards. It was an interesting
proposition, but no we did not.
why spam this shit?
im just saying your images are useless … they dont scale
stop being a bitch and be thankful I pointed it out
fucking idiot …
"let me take the time to share this"
"hey man that thing you shared doesnt work"
"fuck off nigger stop being lazy I didnt share it for you to read it"
why even post bro
This user is derailing the thread by posting every fucking page
I filtered that faggot
Too bad nobody will do anything about that to make them dead. You won't either. That's why you're glow in the dark posting here instead of leading us.
Ashes and Echoes
Wait, this is for real? This might pass for a shitpost or from plebbit.