I'm a lurker on Zig Forums. There's lots of smart people here when you cut through the bullshit. Also reading on Sapir Whorf Hypothesis applications in 'Less Than Words Can Say' helps to clarify some examples of how grammar and sentence structure affects how people think. It's why it is vital NOT to use the Left's language when you communicate.
Can't forget Semetic! But notice that the most common forms of the Zig Forums language references an individual or group rather than an idea. The Leftist language can attach and decay ideas themselves, while the best the general lexicon here just describes the general nature of something in our opinion or references the speaker "OP is a faggot" or "This is a shit post". When going after an idea anons will keep the idea intact and describe why it is shit, instead of corrupting the idea itself like the Left does through a variety of ways. That should be turned in on itself to confuse and disable their use of language as one angle of attack, as is in fact what Leftists do to each other all the time.
Nation is a great word however with excellent foundations, and restoring it to its original meaning from the Latin 'natio' meaning a tribe or race would simply be a matter of tweaking one aspect of it rather than explaining what a new word is. Both can work though. New words have an advantage of being blank slates, but that means anyone can write in the emotional baggage to it.
German is an excellent language for marrying concepts together. So is Latin, which I should train better in. Lucky for us English is an amalgamation of those two languages mainly.
That's the trick of it! Zig Forums's hivemind and testing ground is the place to discover it though.
Proper insults to encapsulate them would be right up the alley of Zig Forums I imagine. Remember rapeugees was a useful insult born on Zig Forums. I like the idea of getting those words which are used by the Left to twist certain ideas into a positive light and make them a subject of mockery.
That's the way to do it. The terms shouldn't be arcane, but concepts like the Hedgehog Model. Simple terms that are defended from basically all threats and vectors of attack. The truth is always simple, and that's Zig Forums's bread and butter. Notice that Leftists, when exasperated, demand that you read big 'ol books and that you'll understand then, or lamanet how 'uneducated' you are for not agreeing with them. That is their weakness. Their lies require a great confounding of thought to work, while truth requires just the right kind of illumination.
It would be positively apocalyptic to certain Turkish individuals.
Bullshit by design. A rose by any other name really wouldn't smell as sweet. The name in part becomes the thing, and vice-versa. That's why language is vital. As for wondering why they use those terms, they are crafted by public relations and marketing experts to have the preferred kind of responses. It isn't your imagination, they really are using manipulative language to change the way people perceive information.
As a side note, Zig Forums should strive to make things of beauty too with language. Poetry today is rotten to the core and shit-tier, and it is a myth to believe that poets would only ever be political leftists. Zig Forums has plenty who are or could be poets of higher caliber than what are available today. Doesn't have to be mushy either. The roman poet Martial (Marcus Valerius Martialis) wrote satire and insults that have survived for two millennia. I am reminded of "coughing fits, pants of shit" and other delightful turns of phrase…
Attached: The Stranger Rudyard Kipling.jpg (2000x997, 455.14K)