How do you deal with the disgust you have for the world? I've noticed my tolerance for bullshit is pretty much zero at this point. I'm not even passive aggressive, I'm just straight up aggressive when I see something pozzed.
An example would be I have a girl interested in me a few months ago. I found out her sister was a lesbian, so I told her to stick her in an oven where she belonged. My interest in speaking to her immediately dropped to zero when I saw she was tolerating a degenerate in her family and was even close to her. It wasn't even an ironic joke about ovening her, I genuinely meant it.
All my hobbies I used to use as an escape medium are now too pozzed to tolerate. /tg/ shit, some vidya, even classic fiction is starting to annoy me. Starship troopers is recommended by many people here for being an interesting read on a fascist government. No one mentions the circle jerk with how women are better pilots and in front line positions. It's pozzed to hell and back but no one seems to care very much. I read it years back but if I read it today I'd probably put it down when I got to that point.
A lot of anime fans in these circles as well. But then even the "manly" stuff is pozzed to hell and back. The latest Gundam series has Stronk womyn, lesbians, race mixing, homosexual males, gay marriage and pedophilia. If you go back to the 90s you still get stronk womyn cops, niggers and all kinds of poz which would bring up a shit fit if it was modern movie. There's a double standard because Japan made it, the weebs forgive any sins the Japanese make because they're not multiracial (yet). Yet their entire culture is degenerate and has been under control of America (i.e. the Jews) since losing WW2. Does no one remember Hard gay being the most popular comedian on Japanese TV? He literally pulled vegetables out of his hot pants and fed them to children while dry humping them.
What keeps your head above water? How do you resist that part of you that wants to shout "fuck you" at every person you meet? Did you restore your tolerance levels or did you just find people you don't need to tolerate?