Living in clown world and keeping sane

How do you deal with the disgust you have for the world? I've noticed my tolerance for bullshit is pretty much zero at this point. I'm not even passive aggressive, I'm just straight up aggressive when I see something pozzed.

An example would be I have a girl interested in me a few months ago. I found out her sister was a lesbian, so I told her to stick her in an oven where she belonged. My interest in speaking to her immediately dropped to zero when I saw she was tolerating a degenerate in her family and was even close to her. It wasn't even an ironic joke about ovening her, I genuinely meant it.

All my hobbies I used to use as an escape medium are now too pozzed to tolerate. /tg/ shit, some vidya, even classic fiction is starting to annoy me. Starship troopers is recommended by many people here for being an interesting read on a fascist government. No one mentions the circle jerk with how women are better pilots and in front line positions. It's pozzed to hell and back but no one seems to care very much. I read it years back but if I read it today I'd probably put it down when I got to that point.

A lot of anime fans in these circles as well. But then even the "manly" stuff is pozzed to hell and back. The latest Gundam series has Stronk womyn, lesbians, race mixing, homosexual males, gay marriage and pedophilia. If you go back to the 90s you still get stronk womyn cops, niggers and all kinds of poz which would bring up a shit fit if it was modern movie. There's a double standard because Japan made it, the weebs forgive any sins the Japanese make because they're not multiracial (yet). Yet their entire culture is degenerate and has been under control of America (i.e. the Jews) since losing WW2. Does no one remember Hard gay being the most popular comedian on Japanese TV? He literally pulled vegetables out of his hot pants and fed them to children while dry humping them.

What keeps your head above water? How do you resist that part of you that wants to shout "fuck you" at every person you meet? Did you restore your tolerance levels or did you just find people you don't need to tolerate?

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Other urls found in this thread:

You need to balance out love and hate, user. The two are necessary functions for survival of yourself and your species. Love that which is worth struggling for, hate that which seeks to destroy you.

Honestly, the best thing to have done in that situation is to have just kept silent about the lesbian sister but subtly drop redpills throughout the relationship. The lesbian sister isn't directly affecting you at the time, so you could easily just keep your distance. If the sister ends up being some turbopozzed moron anyway (which is heavily likely), even better of a reason to not want to socialize with them. If the girl becomes defensive of the sister (even if she's a worthless piece of shit), that's when you cut ties.

Start writing books. You sound like just the gruff, bitter character to write good, unpozzed books.

You are staring at my main release valve. I plan to go DOTR soon after I build myself some weapons.

Other than that, it helps to watch strategy games such as Total War and documentaries. I also stay sane by constantly planning new ideas and actions I can take for the resistance. I use my anger for strength. Ultimately I have good self-control and have let go of my fear of death entirely. I am happy with what I have accomplished thus far and to me everything I do next is a bonus.

Also, take up a sport which brings you out into nature. Hiking, climbing, fishing and skiing are all recommendable and good to relax. Sex also works though it may raise your T making you angrier afterwards. Wish I could pep you up more but honestly I have had difficulty managing my rage recently what with us making progress against the (((NWO))). I am growing impatient and must temper my instinct to rush my plans. Never compromise on your plan. Never betray your cell. Get serious and stay serious, but do find time to do what makes you happy and reconnect with the natural world.

I had considered this but I think they would rot on the kindle store. No one would buy them since I don't have a network to circle jerk them into success with.

I had thought of working with /agdg/ to make a vidya but same problem. No point creating something if it's buried under 10,000 books about cutting your dick off in the TARDIS.

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I have a hard time with liars, and you see them all the time in the media. You know they are lying, they know they are lying and don't care because their ideology or agenda permits justified means at the expense of truth. I used to think public executions were barbaric but now I sort of understand where they were coming from. Radicalism in a democracy is pretty much treason against humanity.

You are wrong user. Perhaps you do not understand that you are a rarity. By producing an aesthetically pleasing work of art you are committing an act of revolution against ZOG.

The only reason society is so pozzed is that intelligent white men like ourselves do not take the time or investment to produce culture because we are busy with work or more important tasks.

There is a large demand for good and clean media designed for enjoyment or male interests not garbage crap which appeals to queer marxists with no taste or concept of masculinity. Don't create a derivative work, examine your talents and what you enjoy doing. If you are active and outgoing then document the insanity of your local area and make it into a film about the dangers of degeneracy. If you are brooding and pensive then write a book on your own philosophy and experiences, perhaps writing some high fiction like sci fi wouldn't hurt either. If you are more auditory and jolly then compose some music. I could keep rambling but you see my point. The only thing which will remain of you in 10 millennia are your works of art and ideas which you anted into others' heads.

*which you planted

"Networking" is just another word for nepotism. Start there, writing books attacking the rampant nepotism in our society.

I shall repeat.

If there is no one to read them there is no purpose in writing a book. If you self publish you need a way to get it off the ground or it will have 0 people reading it.

It's hard, very hard. I'm not sure what keeps me afloat and sane in this insane world, it could be my hope and faith in a better future, or maybe its the constant struggle that throughout the millennia have made whites strong that my soul strives for, whatever it is, it's there and it's keeping me sane for the time being.
It's extremely difficult when I am surrounded by self-hating whites and spics all day, and being an outspoken person, I am constantly speaking my mind and dropping subtle redpills. It's hilarious to me that I get death stares and people call me a racist for saying that I am unashamed to be white (not that being a racist is a bad thing, but it is in their minds).
Finding enjoyment in things is an extremely difficult task for me, the vast majority of things to do outside of working out and learning just seem like utter fluff and are only there to fill time and brainwash one with the jew.
All I want to be and do is live on my own land a free man with my wife and children and grow our own food. That is my goal and I am pushing towards it every day.

there's some solace found in knowing many problems solve themselves
genetic dead ends end themselves, idiots suffer their own idiocy, fools need only speak to undo themselves

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You have been demoralized by defeatist propaganda. If you don't want to write then find something else meaningful to do. Work for an ethical startup. Be the leader of a paramilitary group. Poison the water system of a jew enclosure. Get creative. The only limitations are your fear and motivation. In the time you have spent on here you could synthesize C4 and fill soda bottles with it with windup clock mechanisms or digital ones to create a timebomb. Stick the timebomb under the car of your least favorite local jew or NWO member. Repeat the process and OPSEC until caught. Ideall you should stocklile the bombs and plant them in a coordinated bombing campaign targeting (non-)civilian scum criminals.

You think you’ve had it rough? I had to grow up and live around poz/degeneracy and still do. I have two brothers who are older than me, and they are both gay liberal degenerates to say the least. They act like spoiled entitled kids who never grew up. One of them even goes on Grindr at the dinner table and looks at pics of dicks. Another time I was literally sitting right next to him, and he was watching GAY PORN. No consideration at all. He’s a grown “man” and screeches and makes noises like he’s a child with Tourette’s. His bf even one time came to our house. My other brother is also a lost cause. He even used to be into girls when in high school. Don’t know what the fuck happened. He even tried to poke his finger up my ass as a “joke.” Thankfully, I was fully clothed and wasn’t traumatized from it.

They both have lifestyles that are kinda unhealthy (besides the homosexuality). All in all, my brothers served as a redpill on homosexuality. Sex-crazed degenerates who literally base themselves around their sexualities.

Use your anger as motivation. That’s the key. Don’t fall for anyone’s bullshit, even if they are your family. That’s what I did and still doing. Distance yourself from the cancer if you really have to. But most of all, you need to immunize yourself from the poz and degeneracy. Look at all the degenerates in your life and use them as examples of what not to become and strive for personal greatness. If you can, try to redpill or persuade others from your pozzed experiences

The point of life is struggle, user. Do you want to live in a safe space hugbox where every need is met and you want or strive for nothing? Are you a god damn commie? Of coarse existing in the most poz'd state mankind has ever achieved is going to keep you good and riled up, that just means you haven't lost your humanity yet. However along with this degeneracy is technology to influence, learn, and organize. You need to find at least one or two like minded people irl you can form bonds with.

Take rage and build yourself up with it. Be a beacon to those around you. Don't just start lashing out like an immature child. Be calm, assertive, and move with purpose. Most people seek a the path of least suffering and modern society seeks to provide the panacea to every ill you can think of. If you want to affect change, to uplift your folk, you need to live towards the reality you seek. Analyze yourself, analyze your talents, find the best way to monetize your talents and save and earn money. Once you have resources you can put will to power in a concrete way.

I believe in you, oldfag.

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Disconnect from the internet , go outside , connect with your own family if you can , have a pet. Chill out from the black pill shit once in a while , theres no use in getting demoralized.

If you cant do that just learn to have fun with your redpilling and annoy blue pilled people on normalfag social media.

Be the kind of person you want to see in the world. Use that position to inspire others in your likeness. Welcome to the struggle.

I don't personally deal those kind of feelings in a healthy manner, so to speak, I simply hold them in until they spill over and seep into everything else in my life, even the things I love. I've long lost the will to live and have simply soldiered on due to not having the balls to end it all.

I know I'm gonna catch flak for this, but I never really cared about having one or two "strong" females MCs from time to time as they were always the exception, not the rule; it certainly got worse though after the E-word happened and beta male protags became popular thoguh.
The protag being female certainly didn't take anything away from GitS or Angel Cop, or even other works like the AD Police OVAs. YUA was pretty shitty and even had a tranny but it was actually done for laughs.
Anyway, my real problem is when some strawman comes in and brings up the fact that X is a female and thus not suited for Y just so they can prove this meanie sexist wrong like, say, Moribito or Library Wars did. This also commonly accompanied by all the men around having to be dumbed down so the female has to stand out.
Miyazaki being an absolute fucking cuck and letting his female worship show through in basically every movie he made probably didn't help the industry in this regard.

I haven't read too much about this guy, but I'm pretty sure the whole thing was done for laughs and taken as such.
I don't recall too much but real advocates for gay rights in Japan would criticize him because he was making fun of and ridiculing faggots with his over over the top antics.

I can only think of a couple of examples of a nigger being a major player in a series, with Armitage being the most prominent one.
More often than not, the reason you used to see niggers in anime back in the day was because that's how they would portray an american (this is true for the aforementioned Armitage), the nigger gangster, the nigger sportsplayer, the nigger armsdealer that had to escape to Asia, etc., while Europeans have basically always been portrayed as blond and blue eyed. (In GATE, the reason they realize one team of deceased operatives was american was because it was the only one with niggers in it)
This also stems from Japanese naivete and how sheltered a lot have been in regards to other races, especially niggers, the great majority of the Japanese have never interacted or even seen a nigger in real life, and the biggest source of reference they have of them are the american media that worships them or documentaries portraying them as noble, mystical savages or some shit, so there's an element of novelty there. You can be sure though that the families of the Japanese girls raped by nigger ZOGbots stationed in american bases have a different opinion now.
Shit, AKBINGO even as late as a few years ago would always dress up some dude in full blackface when they wanted to do a basketball segment, clearly not giving a fuck.

I don't think is so much a case of double standard as it is of picking the lesser evil, even if the stuff produced by the japs isn't squeaky clean per se, overall it's still less pozzed than what western has been for the last couple of decades.
That's a bit of an exaggeration but, as you said yourself, certainly they have been very influenced by mediatic campaigns thanks to the kikes' golem that has been occupying them for decades now. Someone had to finish the work started by Perry, after all.

You mean IBO? Mari Okada was the writer, so it was undoubtedly fucking DOA.
Anyway, Gundam peaked and died with Zeta over 30 years ago, so who gives a shit.

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You sound pretty autistic dude

Welcome in glass asylum

This whole rotten system is so unnatural that its doomed to collapse anyways, why waste your own time, energy and well being fighting it when you can just sit back and enjoy the ride. In the meantime study and watch who you perceive as your enemy as well as bettering yourself for when that day finally comes.

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anything to make it collapse faster

The world is all about flooding it with as much of your shit memes as you can. Books, movies, news, everything. If you fail to gain traction after a half/decade or get shutdown, open up fire at SPLC.

Get out to the rural areas as much as humanly possible. Begin prepping if you haven't already.

Bitch you don't know nuffin, Heinlein loved to get a rise out of people like you. He was very much an idealist and a preacher at heart but he also craved the controversy and for being an idealist was not bonded to any ideology. He had wrote total derision against racist attitudes in one book and in the next have a story line about a world ruled by brown people who took over after nuclear war kept whites as slaves and food sources. And you'd probably have a cow if you read some of his works that included 13 year old twins with playful incestuous lust towards there ancestor in The Cat Who Walks Through Walls. And god forbid you read about Lot from the bible or King Solomon singing about how small his kid sisters breasts are.

Shut up FBI

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FBI doesnt need to shill us into violence in 2018. Most of us are ready to do it willingly. Just choose your targets wisely and cut off the head of the snake.

You do realize that they're doing this specifically to arrest you, right? Them not needing to shill for it means a job well done.

Behold, another asset!

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I dont give a fuck. Do you think I fear arrest or death? I will continue actively resisting. If they try to stop me then I will know that I have done a good job. I'm not some loser NEET either. I'm an insider and I have "a lot to live for". I just snapped and decided to go all in due to many reasons.

Never discuss your plans in public or private. Write it down on paper and burn it in a private location with only one other trusted friend. Then the two of you can do whatever. Bombing a building is dumb. Shooting CFR members or Soros family however…

Consume (((Hollywood))) but try to go for the older, offbeat stuff.


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They keep pozzing everything to the point it goes full neg lol

Isn't this tread infested by CIA nigger trying to convince user to do terrorist acts ?

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Will you be my friend?

Lemme know when you do actually go postal, don't forget your timestamp and trips.

So, did your faggot uncle die after you were born?

Yeah I will post my name and a short lifestory here right before I do it.

No postal, just a careful plan.

I would have broke his fucking jaw, put the degenerate into his fucking place.

Be very careful what you say here. Or, anywhere for that matter.

I was a child, then

No? Why?

user, please don't allude to violence or imply you're going to do something bad, it could bring heat down on you and all of us.

But on another level, check'd. Hitler dubs approves channeling negative feels into positive things. I work in healthcare and have to deal with retarded untermensch for a living, so I go home every day pissed off and frustrated as fuck. To manage it a work out 3-4 times a week, basically every other day, so that anger has somewhere to go and ends up doing good things for me, rather than making me self destructive or do something stupid that will get me in trouble.

This user has got it down. You need a balance, and you shouldn't let some bullshit like your literal or wannabe girlfriend having a lesbo sister get to you. If you just cut ties everytime you see something you don't like you're going to end up without friends or allies, which is a bad place to be.

Why is it that sex is good for your T but not fapping?

This hits for me. I work in a good tech company and my specific work is completely meaningless…

You dont understand. I have already broken too many laws on 8ch and irl. They will arrest me or I will fight to the death. I have come to terms with my fate. Not trying to look like a badass it is just that I really do not fear anything anymore. I have reached zen acceptance of my mortality and have made enough of an impact personally that I can die happy. Not a nihilist, I want to live and work like a good Nat Soc, but I am so overflowing with compassion and kindness to my volk (Half German Half Slav) that I see no place for myself than by their side. My family is full of military men, artists, and scientists. Every one of my ancestors achieved glory. Then my family tree got pruned into a thin branch during WW2. Then my parents created my monstrous duality by polluting pure bavarian phenotype. I am still an ubermensch in most measures but one measure which always lacked was the selflessness needed to come to terms with death and die fighting for a cause. This cause to me, the ability for white healthy kids to live in a happy white society, is the only meaning I see and I do not fear their impending attacks. I know they know that I know. The question is who does their job first? Do I build weapons first or do they put me away first? We shall see. I have studied history ad nauseam and I recognize that if I do not fight this war with bullets, blood, sweat and tears then all of my personal suffering and that of my folk will have been for naught. I control what I say out loud and that is how I have remained undetected but I am convinced that they now know and my words to you must therefore be particularly profound. Enjoy the guerrilla warfare threads.


Escapism is trash. You need to make your own stuff. Do DIY, art studies, and electronics.

fiction is all pozzed garbage. and you should avoid it because it is fake. the word "entertainment" means "distraction", and a distraction it is.
as per Huxley, fiction is a decoy to preoccupy you from learning about the world around you and gaining skills and knowledge that will allow you to reach your full potential as a human being.
if you read or watch anything it should be nonfiction, history, how-to's. since 2 years ago abandoning fiction, I've learned far more about the world and gained far more skills than at any other point in my life. all of the subjects I hated in school are now my favorite to learn about: math, history, geology, chemistry.

asses and elbows, amirite?

Let go of your earthly tethers.

Life is but a game and we are actors on the stage.

My children will see a happy utopian future with meaning and support or they will shrivel and die in my decaying testes as my corpse enters the grand lifecycle of earth.

Heat is like financial risk, an illusion designed to shape and control human behavior. What are laws? What is money? All symbols on paper decided to guide us and limit us to the will of the issuer. As soon as we reject the basic fundamental societal contract and free ourselves to revolution and the transcendance of our lives and our ideas into the infinite material plane of future work then we survive. I invented the idea of using Von Neumann machines to build prefabricated space colonies and invitro fertilize human eggs within said colonies so that a new race of space humans can wake up to robotic teachers and build a society. You are welcome. My short life has been dedicated to helping others. My biggest help will not be any inspirational speech or info document I share. My old girlfriend said she wished there was a new Hitler. I kind of fit the bill. I will try my best given my situation. I hope you try your best doing what you can too user. Remember one thing though, Napoleon was right: to make an omelette first you must crack some eggs.


Yea I get you but there is a difference between a righteous struggle, like Odysseus or any of the old heroes, and what we struggle against today…It almost subverts the will to fight before it can even happen. It's a struggle against enforced weakness and cowardice. It's a struggle against some amorphous shape shifting something that tries to a priori negate your reasons for struggling in the first place. I don't know how to properly describe it. My brain is too numb to pinpoint it with words. All I'll say is that I'd rather defend against a Mongol horde than deal with this kike subversion anymore. There aren't even any spoils of war to look forward too. Everything has had the soul sucked right out of it.


But no one is going to do that unless you really freak out. Sooner or later you will just accept the slow decay if no one else comes to join your fight. Then the world just slowly descends into madness. Because user "why do you care so much about what trannies do anyway? Just forget about it!"

Not true. Everything dies, even art. Find joy in the moment and link your present with infinite past and infinite future and you will not find the present empty

See? That's what I used to think when I believed jew propaganda. Now I realise it is my duty to do exactly what I believe is right. No more blackpill, no more delay, no more fear and no more misdirected anger. I have understanding of what has happened, what is happening and what will happen and in this state of sensory euphoria I spend every day dedicated to the cause. I take every deprovation, every racemixing, every degenerate act I see and use it to fuel me. My only fear is that I go back to sleep though that seems beyond impossible. Race realism is real bros, whites have higher IQs and I have a feeling they used to have much higher IQs before drugs and poisoning.

Art lives on indefinitely. Watch "Everything is a Remix".


Talking about deprived, I am sleep deprived.

Plus the thing is, not all of what ails us is due to subversion anyway. We've taken all the righteous struggle out of life because we were too good at making things so easy for our progeny. We have diseases of affluence. We have instant communication. We have technology that surrounds us in suffocating but comfortable bubbles. No one even has to walk anymore if they really don't want to. This is what I mean in previous posts. Why would anyone choose to take up a righteous fight when struggling itself has been made obsolete? And what are you gonna do about this? Are you going to try to get everyone to give up the wonders of the modern world in order to better oneself?

I was walking around my home city this evening and I was marveling at beautiful churches built in the 1800s. I can only imagine the difficulty of constructing huge brick structures and the feeling of accomplishment that must have given the designers and builders when all was said and done. Now things are so easy because we have gotten so good at this. The reason for struggle is gone before any struggle even began. I suppose we need to start reaching for the stars to feel strong and great again. But with whites gone there goes the desire and ability to do that. Because as anons have posted here before we are the only people who have ever cared about doing that. end rambling I apologize anons if the things I type are nonsensical. I am having trouble finding words for what I am thinking.

You need to see it this way: no matter what the odds are we cannot and must not condemn our kin to any more of this insanity. It is better to die fighting on the off chance that we win than give up. The jews rely on each shrinking white generation to keel over and die. I refuse to go out quietly like a boomer or a commie functionary. I am making a stand and dedicating all my strength.


disassociation/solipsism. its not hard when i dont have a reason to care. lmao at people wanting to be happy but still searching for redpills. youre going to end up wise and miserable. maybe death in battle is the remedy.

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Then why are you still using imageboards?

Still believe that art can and will be destroyed like everything else but I'll give it a watch

Think: everything changes form, nothing dies.

Arts already being destroyed. The monument removal is a prime example of that happening in real time. Modern art destroyed other forms of art, it's just fucked.

maybe some of you guys should become fiction authors.

Behold, art from 21,000 years ago:

Voyager 1 also has a Gold disk.
Mars had some names on CDs put there. Our landers on the moon are art.
Art is so big and yet so elusive that only when the last human dies will art cease to exist as nobody will be there to find meaning in their surroundings and repurpose them for the sake of improvement and order.



I'll never give up. I'm just saying it's difficult to make others see why they should fight I guess. If it were up to me, all the fucking TVs would go dark this instant. We can win any struggle handedly. First we need to give people a reason to fight. One whitepill is that I think the kikes play a fucking razor edge dangerous game with their scapegoating of Muslims and their simultaneous use of them as a proxy army. This will wake people up, but they need to see the TRUE ENEMY of all progress on Earth. The eternal JEW. But a crazed Paki is easier to rile up idiots than a scheming but innocent looking Rabbi pedophile. Let them ruin their own plan.

How can a person understand art from 1000 years ago let alone 21,000. Art is intrusive and copied/subverted nowadays. That's my point. Can we understand the beauty of gothic structures? Voyager 1 will eventually be forgotten. We are facing a collapse.

Yes..Things die so something can grow in its place.

Sad you are user. I always wanted to sabotage a broadcast tower or TV network. Not the cool broadcast interruption people fantasize about but good old fashioned break and enter then cut or melt as many wires as you can find. Would be brilliant to experience with you friend.

Can you even imagine the realignment of true priorities if that were to happen? Can you imagine the righteous anger that would boil over into real change it the ultimate distractor and sedative was suddenly gone? And even more extreme, what if all the lights themselves were to go out? What if people went outside to see the stars and the band of the milky way again. I've seen this at the beach at night and it's intimidating almost. I think we would feel freer than we have felt in thousands of years.

What if I told you people alive today can view the same piece of art but see entirely different things? Have you ever studied psychology or philosophy? Subjectivity is what makes the human condition so unique. While a dog sees buffalos on the wall, a human may see a hunt, or a memory, or feel the freedom of the untamed beast in the wild. A human may look upon a sculpture and see a naked man or he may see David and imagine his sling spinning as Goliath swings for him. In a landscape a poet may find his muse and a businessman might discern an opportunity for a plot of land to flourish into a factory or farm. Both may paint it but change styles depicting the same idea or concept but according to their slant. No singular person will define art and there will always be those who see it as a distraction, but in reality it is the distractive and etherealnature of art's definition itself which will allure people to the end of time. Without art there can be no hope and no apiration. Without art to hold fast the fleeting desures of humanity there can be no culture or unity. Indeed, without art there can be no nation or volk.

I like the cut of your jib. Go to Utah Arches National Park. Stay at Red Cliff's Ranch and look at the sky all night. Thank me later.

*Red Cliffs Ranch

Time to take a power nap. Have a productive day anons.

You reference her being close to her sister like it's a bad thing. Degenerate or not it's her sister. Lack of family ties is one of the worst enemies we have. Get your fucking values in check. Also we're not supposed to flip out at the mere sight of a gay character, etc. That was never the fucking point. Flip out if the work is actual pro-degenerate/etc. propaganda.
Other than that we all feel this way.But don't start purity spiraling to the point where you attack conceptual and actual allies, and protect enemies. You smell like shit.

hold this bullet bolshevik

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I've got one, empire strikes back is supposed to be the best star wars, it's pozzed to hell and back too. niggers introduced, han solo, "White" leading male is cucked, his ship now changed to the niggers old pimp mobile, nigger slobbers all over han's woman, han too beta to stop it, women doesn't resist, demure to advances even, visually han's women is paired with the nigger in the nigger's pimp mobile for the end of the movie. It only gets worse in return of the jedi.

go fucking kill yourself and stop baiting us into a discussion about your fucking stupid ass movie franchise you're assigned to come here to get us to talk about it.

no one cares about star wars. at all. neck yourself nigger.

I don't.

I'm employed by other racists and so physically intimidating nobody's willing to speak out against me bitching about kikes.

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hat tips lucasfilm's employee.

Not even close. Go fuck yourself.

i can see it now. 6'5 240 with sleeve tattoos sitting around bitching all day. bet you pay taxes too. goy.


pretty sweet logic there, faggot.

If you're planning on doing it right you wont post a plan here because doing it right involves not being a one hit wonder, but an energizer bunny punisher that keeps going and going taking out jew orchestrators etc. doing everything possible to never get caught or stopped.

you cant help being a effeminate turd licker

Taller and heavier, but no tattoos.

also, I shouldn't be humoring this level of autism, but I'm an apologist for anything except art. I don't want some of you misunderstanding the nature of art. Art is supposed include the entirety of reality in its subjects. Saying degenerates of any kind an't show up would be like saying evil villains can't show up.

nice undercover blog post, faggot


Nigger. You absolute nigger. None of the great authors get red while they're still alive. Who gives a shit if any of the stupid faggots alive today read it? You get off your ass and you start writing those angry fucking books immediately

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motherfucker on sticks. *im NOT an apologist for anything except art>>11723841

I'm seeking enlightenment by not being hooked on pussy. What I mean by that is that I don't let women control me with their most powerful weapon. I don't build and structure my life around what women want. I still go out with friends and practice my charm on them, but it's really a personal test for self-improvement. The sad part is just how many disgusting, shallow, materialistic women there are out there. Then again, I'd rather be in my position now learning all the things I am about personality, public speaking, building relationships, and getting over my fear of strangers, than a rich man who has women throwing themselves at him, but really only loving his money.

Also I dedicate myself to the arts. Once you git gud, your life instantly becomes infinitely more interesting and meaningful. Also a good psychedelic trip from time to time works wonders

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Git Gud

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By not making retarded fucking slides. This isn't your blog, cunt.

It's tough. I don't live in clown world anymore, I've dropped out for the time being. But once you drop out, it's hard to get back in.


sucks feeling like that OP. I know the feeling very well. Sometimes I TRY to not care and let go but I cant. I have a hard time "softballing" people when I talk to them, even me softballing I guess is too edgy and Ive literally been in fights over it. Once for saying women shouldnt vote, and another time for saying watching sportsball is a waste of time.
If I were being 100% honest what I thought of pro sports, Id say its pathetic that white people even watch sports dominated by niggers. If I were being honest about womens rights, Id say they should not be able to vote or be in most military units except hospitals. but I was in a fight over talking about this because they LIKE COULDNT BELIEVE YOU THINK THAT and it blew a fuze in their heads, some of it being my fault after I insulted them for having a gay mainsteam opinion I guess. Its sad, and both of them were white(ish) too. A mildly edgy opinion triggering someone that bad is disheartening.

how do you not pay taxes? are you NEET or a nigger?

I've recently lost my tolerance for this shit as well. I even try to undo it but there doesn't seem to be an easy way to regain tolerance and I don't want to break my 'code' or ethic. It's making me more focused though. Trying to reverse the trend (give myself room to live in 'clown world') doesn't work and just makes me clouded, fuzzy, dizzy, tired, exhausted, etc. Better to make the full change and dive rather than sink. Use it to hone and craft. Dial into your priorities. Distill what is essential and discard the rest.

No. It must be hatred and misery, diligence and courage. Struggle.

For some reason this artist is depicting something very insightful. The eye scramble, the fish on the head, the feminine, the peace… all on point. It's terrible.

Taller AND heavier? How do you do it man.

Don't come out with new stuff, rather spend time building on the old and pre-existent, making it solid. Work with principled subjects or seek the principles in unrefined ones. Go at it layer by layer, layer by layer. Technical perfection is the ideal to obey (and become the master thereof).
This message is a bit for you, bit for everyone.