All posts by IP deleted, including a comfy thread with 100+ posts. What the fuck is going on...

All posts by IP deleted, including a comfy thread with 100+ posts. What the fuck is going on? Why do the censor this is special? Note that the gay, tranny and shota are still aplenty in there.

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Other urls found in this thread:

IMkikey started zen/pol/ and (((Robert Sepehr))) started Druid/pol/. If you have a board and are a mod you can edit Zig Forums.

So as you can see, shit is just disapearing or being anchored. Traditional Zig Forums threads pre-kike/pol/. And of course you have another Trump sticky for no reason since it's already all over the news.

Attached: 23909_388472997895452_1146903340_n.jpg (250x264, 24.65K)



Deleting by IP is Jewish as fuck and definetly should not be done. Something is fucked.

If the trumpnigger sticky didn’t clue you in nothing will

Kikey never left

He never left. They just reigned him in. He changed his username once again

fuck off cunt your slides aren't necessary nor wanted

Imakikey is not the only traitor in high place. I do hope you all noticed the board I was banned from.

You mean the IG report?

Lmao I hadn’t
Dysnomia hates pedos despite being one, he’s legitimately schizophrenic fam - I wouldn’t let it get to me.

Attached: Kamphy Never Left.png (1868x241, 32.29K)

OP, are you an idiot?

Why are you posting about being banned on /b/ here ?

Attached: whatthefuck.png (363x283, 22.94K)

this thread?


codemonkey Zig Forums Stickied thread #11721508

The Trumpwhigger sticky thread is suspicious as hell. You're right.

Code Monkey's adoptive father Jim Watkins is an intelligence operative of the US military and the Republican Party.

Please just stop it. Every minute it becomes too obvious that it embarrasses me as a human species, knowing that someone like you shares the same genes in a way and still has the intelligence of a spic-nigger combined.

Yeah, heaven forbid anybody doesnt hate Trump on Zig Forums.
How dare we talk about news anymore.


If only

"Pol is banning us incels!"
Have been banned from /b/

Says a lot that even /b/ find your kind too cancerous…