Zig Forums IS GONE FROM Zig Forums
Since so many Zig Forumsacks have left due to the influx of Room-Temperature IQ Inconsiderate Fools that came in here as described in
Its fair to say at this point that there is no intelligent discourse left - Only another (((ECHO CHAMBER))) - Just like the left had - and still has to some extent - during the election cycle
Your Q is a LARP and (((YOU))) ruined a perfectly good board by ransacking it, chasing out the actual intelligent people from here, thereby creating another sack of shit.
If you want to do something real, Doxx Q. Find out who he is. He's been leading you assholes around by the nose since this whole thing began.
Go look into his original writings on 4-chan and see what and how they were worded as opposed to now. See the difference? Do (((you))) even dare to question your precious Q? No. I didn't think so.
(((Your))) lack of discourse is obvious in that anyone who says anything remotely bad about Trump is a Kike and a Shill.
Q = Zionist
Baruch (who started this whole thing) = Zionist
Pamphlet user = Zionist
Trump = Zionist
Alex Jones = Zionist
Read an actual book once in a while instead of swimming around in this echo chamber. You can improve - if you want. There are some good books in the book thread, but instead of reading a pdf, either go to your local library or order a copy of it, from Amazon, if you would like.
Read The Turner Diaries
and Hunter
They are easy reads and get the point across.
Start there - you will get interested in other literature too.
Farewell by Rabindranath Tagore
I have got my leave. Bid me farewell, my brothers!
I bow to you all and take my departure.
Here I give back the keys of my door
—and I give up all claims to my house.
I only ask for last kind words from you.
We were neighbors for long,
but I received more than I could give.
Now the day has dawned
and the lamp that lit my dark corner is out.
A summons has come and I am ready for my journey.