Crimea is part of Russia because everyone there speaks Russian

watcha guys think? GB taking back american colonies?

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Over my cold dead corpse
Actually that would be fun. Sure GB come on over. When we're all done whoopin ass over here we can go take over your shit island next.

Crimea is mostly tartars and Russia doesn't give a fuck about it's people in it's borders let alone outside of it. Russia wants that land to secure the azov sea Ukraine wants that land mostly due to pride at this point. Russians are fags for being constantly expanding steppe niggers btw.

and macedonia is part of bulgaria because everyone there speaks bulgarian with a slight accent
but they'll never believe this crap and the crimeans probably won't either

If it consists of a population that DOESN'T view Dracula as a hero, that's how you know it doesn't belong in Romania.

Trump has no fucking clue about Crimea. Crimea has been Russian clay for hundreds of years until 1954 when it was gifted by (((Khruschev))) to Ukraine because he was Ukrainian and commie logic.

It's part of Russia because it has been for hundreds of years.

You just described the United States' relationship with Great Brittan

I don't support America or American independence. The USA was a mistake.

Because they are all Russians, and because they voted to go back to Russia, and because the regime in the Ukraine threatened to commit genocide against Russian speakers.

Shareblue plz stay right there until the cattle cars arrive.

Bin that knife, James!

Like 200 years it really hasn't been with Russia long

Eh us is a bad example since most of its European history by far is post independence
Australia is a better example

I'm sure you believe the balts and poles is oppressing dem poor helpless Russians to right?

Only if they want to.

I know that a recent survey in Jamaica revealed that 70% of people there want to go back to being part of the British empire.
Like how crimea wanted to join Russia.
But I doubt Canada or Ireland wants to rejoin.

You Ukes have the lowest IQ of any European population. You should just shut up and accept the rule of your betters.

Jamaica and Canada are still in the Commonwealth retard

I said British empire not British commonwealth.

Im too nice to call you a retard even though I should

The only reason Britain is the way it is today is because the USA acted as an independent vanguard state for liberal kikedom.

Crimea did not give a fraction of fuck about Russia/Ukraine because of visa-less board crossing until the Ukranian coup and "referendum".

Not a ukie, Russians are just niggers.

Not trying to defend the JewSA, but the UK was the original ZOG. A lot their problems are from being led into retarded wars which benefited no one but (((them))) (World Wars 1&2, Boer War, etc).

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Hey look, its the butthurt mestizo from the nick the spic thread.

Its hard to say what they thought because before the referendum they hadnt been asked.

All we know for sure is that when asked in the referendum they wanted to join Russia.
My point was that you shouldnt force people to join a country they dont want to.

How about you go fuck yourself?

Post-USSR politics in a nutshell.
The only way you know it is because Russian officials said so. They could easily fake the turnout to hide the fact that population does not give a fuck. Remember Catalonia referendum BTW, low turnout and excess of "Yes" votes.
Again, they did not give a fuck, USSR ended just decade ago.

The major difference is the military balance.

The Russian military is much more powerful than Ukraine. So they could push Ukrain around.
The US on the other hand is the most powerful military force in the world and I dont think mexico even has a military.

If you were Han Chinese you would have a high enough IQ to realize that IQ is primarily genetic.

You could say that about most referendums.
You didnt personally check the votes yourself did you? You had to trust someone else.

It was funny in the recent US election, some Californian districts had 140% turnout. Which means for every eligable voter they recieved 1.4 votes.


You would have to win the wars for the territory though, and with so many Pajeets, Pakis and Mumbasas in your ranks which have no loyalty for Britain in the first place, that would be a bit difficult if not impossible, Britain is in the same situation as their Portuguese ally. They were great once and had half the world in their dominion, but now they're merely supporting actors in the global theatre.

If it is genetic why are IQ only low in places where people have no access to proper education and have to work instead of learning???? (Africa, parts of soutn america, parts of USA, parts of Asia, etc.)

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You sound like a fucking low IQ Manchu. Or even a Cantonese.
I bet you think 100 IQ like European is good?

Poor Chinese with no education or food to eat have higher IQ than European or American.

I mean Han Chinese of course. The lower races got lower IQ.

No proof… also chinese give education way more than in africa and other poor places.

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Holy shit. So many D&C in this thread, russians are niggers, ukrainians are low I.Q.
Imkampfy would have a field day here if he was still the BO, and he wouldn't be wrong to do it, nothing healthy can come of this type of argument, especially when you know that europeans have bad blood between themselves ever since forever.

If you had high IQ (like the Han people) you would be able to find the evidence yourself.

The thing about a parasite is it wants the most suitable host. We just happened to be it. If that host did not exist it would grab the next one and so on down the line. The fact that so many white nations are just as infected shows how we're all vulnerable in the same ways. Our success and relative safety created a people so rich and safe that they have absolutely zero instinctual threat recognition. The fact that the main efforts were concentrated here due to our untouched infrastructure following WW2 is just the luck of the geographic draw. This sort of attitude is not conducive to ever sorting our problems out.

How about this: if it's not genetic, why did only the higher IQ regions of the planet invent actual civilizations while the rest of the world lived in huts?

Also why do people accept that you can have higher muscle mass or different bone structure or skin tone due to genetics, but they freak out and shit their pants if you suggest intelligence is genetic.

moar like mehico taking back shitskin colonies.

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I will use africa as an example.
Europeans, arabs, and asians constantly fucking around in Africa and making things worse. For example when creating the borders for the moderm african countries they ignored ethnuc divisions and caused ethnic conflict between borders. Also, colonizers only developed industry for helping industrilaization of europe, they left nothing for africans to use to build up their countries. Lastly world trade council constantly forces african nations to do free trade, not letting them protect their growing industries as was done in USA and GB. Russia and China was only powers to help or not mess withafricans by the way. Except now chinese are trying to mess with africans again, hopefully they will stop.

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I'm not a Russian, Mongoloid.

Kill yourself retard.

Dumbshit, you can have a high IQ and not be educated. Children are given IQ tests and they haven't been provided the same education as an adult. Comparing a white man and a nigger who both received the same education and you can see which one benefits from the education more because of the IQ difference allowing for more absorption and retention.
Kill yourself.


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But the question is why couldnt Africans create their own civilisations and borders and stuff like the higher IQ races?

Cool, so let's rewind about a few thousand years when places like the Middle East and China had flourishing empires. Why was Africa still in huts? Keep in mind they were isolated, at least genetically, from the rest of the planet for tens of thousands of years.

Historical circumstances you faglord.

Because it has not been proven scientifically unlike bone structure differences. You cannot have even a room temperature IQ if you grow up in forest, you only have it because of culture.

The kikes are fucked if we ever get on the same page with this.

trump sucks

Chinese have so low IQ the government doesn‘t publish it – fact.
Instead they publish “China/Shanghai” cherry picked results, of legal resident children, not of the mass of “illegal” Chinese doing all the low skill work.

Crimea is part of Russia because it is vital to the Russian geopolitical interest and (((Western))) powers are conspiring to remove the Ukraine from Russia's sphere of influences through legalistic alliances rather than invasion, so Russia is simply protecting their interests and letting the kikes take the rest.

trump sucking putins dick as every day man

crimea held a vote and 96% of the population voted to leave the Ukraine and return to Russia (as they had been until nikita krushchev gave crimea to the ukraine for some reason.
Why do lefties hate democracy so much?

No one believes you, nigger.

We don't want it. Sodomerica can burn.

Crimea voted to secede from Ukraine and join Russia.

While the region was under military occupation by Russia while Russia was still denying sending military assets into the Ukraine. The Euromaidan protest in Ukraine was a kike ploy but the Russian occupation of Crimea is just as dishonest, though its preferable to a kiked out eurostate propping up the EU. The Ukrainian (((revolution))) was just a way for the EU to gain more territory; a land grab in the most traditional intent.

Nope, vote happened before Russia sent in any troops.

You forgot and important aspect to consider- latino's aren't human. Who cares where they lived? That's like saying birds own America because they lived here longer than Europeans.

We killed them for it fair and square.

Crimea is Russian because Crimea is Turkish. Pic related is average Crimean. Russia had unironically claimed the only non-white part of Ukraine. Dog bless.

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>The Ukrainian (((revolution))) was just a way for the EU to gain more territory; a land grab in the most traditional intent.
That is the reason why Ukraine is now member of the EU

Yeah sure Ivan.

The president of New Nigeria has spoken.

ITT Ukrops vs RIDF