Red Alert: NEW WORLD ECONOMIC PLAN//Global Elites plan opening of 3-continent “toll road” thereby enacting the Kalergi plan via the China Beltway plan
INTELLIGENCE PRIMER: The Zionists want to crash all the other currencies and replace them with and electronic currency. They have probably planned this for 30 years.”
UPDATE/INVESTOR ALERT: jew world order insider investors prepare for opening of secretive new $80B beltway “toll-road” on JULY 4th. (((NWO))) confirmed to physically enact Kalergi/Open Borders plan on JULY 4th?
bump this is important you niggers look at this look at July 4th wtf is going on
Ryan Bailey
Can't fix a pothole on a main city road.
Expected to fix anything on a road stretching 10.000km
Josiah Ortiz
Post the proof or gtfo, faggot. He literally slapped a 50 billion dollar tariff on them today. Who gives a shit what China does as long as we don't have to pay for it.
Dominic Hernandez
Absolute absurd bullshit.
Israels meddling and warmongering in the Middle East is accomplishing the exact opposite of the Belt and Road ambitions which intend to stabilize and cultivate countries like Syria, Iraq, Iran and Egypt and create alternative economic corridors for China to rely on.Jews want a destablized weak buffer zone around them that could never militarily or eonomically challenge them.
The infograhic is used in a missleading way. Its an extremly oversimplified illustration. Neither primary nor secondary Belt and Road routes do actually pass trough Israel. The Southen route (green) actually goes from Iran trough Turkey straight to Europe, Tertiary routes (rarely shown) go trough Syria which Israel ruined. In fact they elegantly avoid Israel when you would think Israel would at least pose a better business opportunity than Syria.
The belt and road routes actually undermine the Zionist position in the Middle East by enchroaching on traditionally (((Western))) dominated security perimeters and creating independent alternative routes to the (((Western))) dominated ones. Israel is seen as a (((Western))) and deeply U.S. affiliated anchor on the region.
You forget that China is a second Israel, just like America. Jews founded the current ruling party, and retain influence even today.
Asher Anderson
This was actually but falsely reported by some U.S. news outlets (and of course immediately spammed everywhere by Trumpfags and other niggers) after the talks with China about a month ago, but it that was officially dismissed as false.
The Chinese delegation only agreed to reduce the trade deficit in general not in any concrete way, in any concrete time or by any conrete value. Which has been already the official narrative of China for decades anyways and is worth absolutely nothing. They just mean U.S. should open up its high tech sector to China from which the Chinese investors and importers are often barred from because muh copying.
Ryan Rivera
Again, watch his impromptu press conference today. He specifically calls American technology our crown jewel that we need to protect.
You have no idea what direction China is going towards these days. Their highest authorities are aware of the perfidious Jews and are beginning to act accordingly.
James Hughes
oh shit bros. chinks build a road it's the end of the white race.
Notice how low IQ your reply is. That is because you are genetically inferior. Lurk moar or go go back to >>>/4chan/
Colton Reed
Keep downplaying this NWO shills. We are onto you.
Leo Richardson
Times the shills ITT mention Kalergi or Open Society or Talpiot: 0
But nooo this is all about China right? China isn't ZOG and neither is Trump! We should all go back to sleep as national borders are defacto erased via multilateral infrastructure and next level (((TPP))) integration with (((UN and WTO))) as the legally enforcing body and guarantor of the new trade parameters.
Fucking based! Make China Great Again! Make ZOG Great Again!
Ayden Lee
next they will try to make road from south africa to spain where they can build a high speed rail along the cost to seemless integrate into europe all this does is build surface infrastructure for the people from deep within the mountains in khazastan mongolia will probably be a good spot for development too if this going to play out with basically the rest of the world trading with itself while north america is building its hustle up by out producing everyone else with a fraction of the people australia and other prison islands, south america, and africa will probably end up the new proxy war grounds more likely south america and africa with the drug cartels and mercenaries n shit
Carson Martinez
Joshua Adams
This. Juden are also beginning to relocate there, as they did to the US from 1900 to 1950. US juden went from a few thousand to 5.5 million in a few decades. Shanghai already has several juden centres set up.
Samuel King
Australia is still over 90% white and the only war that will happen down here is when we kick out the chinks and curry niggers.
Julian Gomez
totally not another elaborate shitty psyop thread goy, just listen and believe :^)
The cryptocurrency Ripple (XRP) is going to be that world currency. They already have deals with the major financial institutions and are working with dozens of central banks.
Lincoln Fisher
Bretty kool. Reminder that only the white race is egalitarian. The rest want to see us dead solely becouse of jealousy and natural competitiveness, Final state of the World will not be multiculturalism. It will be total destruction of all races but one. It's the natural course of evolution. Most adapted survive and between humans the ones with highest intelligence and natural prowess prevail. Chinks are naturally lowT.
That's not how they work. They are parasites, so they build once, collect big early profits, then move on to next host. That's why everything gets worse, it's intentional.
Xavier Smith
Cooper Lewis
Ok, so lemme explain a little something to you about the NWO…the Ages of the world have been ruled by 'an order' or the COVEN. There can't be a NWO until AFTER the planned purge of humanity happens (6.5 billion slaughtered)…pay attention to their history of their criminal activities and crimes against humanity in your 'bible'…every 'age' is preceded by a purge of all human life EXCEPT their 'chosen'…see the Annu saving 'noah' IN THEIR ARK, not his ark (those lying fucks)…anyway, the goal is to have the OWO or Old World Order smoothly transistion into the NWO.
All this BULLSHIT is just entertaining fluff to distract you while they are preparing to decimate the population of the Earth. The NWO is a RESET of the entire CIVILization and all of humanity. They enjoy being parasitic 'gods' on Earth and they are not about to give up their positions of power during the 'new age'…which will be a handful (relative) of HUMAN survivors with handful of people chasing 'eternal life' for themselves.
So, the idea that this is part of the NWO is silly…there is always a contraction of Earth before there is an expansion again because this is the way that the fractal we ride is shaped. Self similarity. Contraction, and THEN exspansion again to a larger planet/new age/new world order. They don't give one fuck about 'electric money' or about 'roads' those are games for the unknowledgable retards to fight/play over…this is about them surviving the CONTRACTION and re-instituting the 'world order' of the COVEN afterwards.
On DOORWAYS… This is the THING about looking through DOORWAYS…they will only show you what you have enough knowledge and imagination to see…nothing more…DOORWAYS are deceptive IF someone has more imagination than you do and they see farther. No one looking through a DOORWAY at this point can be sure that they are seeing correctly because there are a lot of woke people who can see through as well and that is going to have some effect on the outcome…at the very least we need to revisit Banach-Tarski…and imagine a WORLD without them in it.
Jaxon Jackson
Typical jews. Its not enough to do well for themselves. They want to stack the deck against the other nations.
Gabriel Morris
Julian Richardson
Austin Murphy
So basically goys built something again and the jews want to take it. I hope the Chinese prove to be better at killing those vermin than white people.
Eli Mitchell
Multi millionaire that can't afford a good microphone or hire someone to do a little production. ya OK. Get out of here with your stupid scam shit.