Know your Oligarch: A Guide to the Jewish Machers in the Russia Probe
Of 10 billionaires with Kremlin ties who funneled political contributions to Donald Trump and a number of top Republican leaders, at least five are Jewish. From Len Blavatnik to Yuri Milner, several Russian Jews who made it big also feature prominently in the investigation into Trump's ties to Moscow.

The Countless Israeli Connections to Mueller's Probe of Trump and Russia
The Israel-lobbyists, Netanyahu cronies, psyops manipulators, and well-connected oligarchs — could it all be just one big coincidence?

Who Is Joel Zamel, the Australian-Israeli Linked to Mueller's Trump Probe?
The Israeli social media expert, allegedly linked to the Trump campaign through an online manipulation campaign, founded several companies, including one offering 'honey traps' and 'deep web' capabilities.

Mueller Finally Starts to Target Trump's Israel Ties

Business Records show Russian Finance Intertwined with Psy Group

Mueller probes whether Trump sought Election Help from Israeli Firm

Mueller Asked About Money Flows to Israeli Social Media Firm Psy Group, Source Says

Trump Jr. and Other Aides Met With Israeli Social Media Company Offering Help to Win Election

Did Russian Trolls Have Company? New Evidence on Israel-based Psy Group's Possible Social Media Efforts in 2016 US Election

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Attached: Donald Trump Psy Group Psychological Operations.png (1372x653, 64.69K)

image attached: Trump authorizes payments to the jewish Neocon propagandist outfit White Helmets $6.6M
What did Trump mean by this?

Attached: TrumpFundsNeoconWarPropagandistsWhiteHelmetsJustLikeObamaDid.jpg (735x607, 117.01K)

You know…the hilarious part about all this is that Trump's more likely to accidentally throw Israel under the bus in attempting to exonerate himself than he is to actually bury the inquiry before it reaches that point.

Unless Israel finds a way to get the fervent mob Shareblue whipped up to backoff then the reality of what's revealed will end up being far more damaging to them than anything Iran could ever do; it'll make supporting them a toxic policy for US lawmakers.

Bump, good thread that r/the_donald will attempt to slide

But Assad gassed his own people.

Mueller is deep state but naming the jew can only backfire on ZOG. Shine a light on the cockroaches. Let people notice the (((coincidences))).

A nonsense term that has no meaning.

Kek , no he didn't. You joker you

You are right. He is a ZOG puppet.

WTF? Jews investigating jews for evidence against Trump? That is certainly most trustworthy evidence, because the Chosen People would never conspire to create false evidence against a white man! I'm a fuckin' Berniebro now! Gibsmedat welfare and hairdye, and someone fuck my wife!

Attached: fire.jpg (605x474, 40.17K)

Pick one goyim and only one.

The March of Tyranny is absolutely real and you delusional ZOGbots are pathetic.

Marx kikes vs ziokikes.

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Saving all these links.

As though Mueller will ever press an Israel-based vector of attack. If so, he's right, Israel has undue influence on Trump. His Iran policy is testament to that fact. But Israel has undue influence on literally any candidate that has run for president as a nominee for a major party for the past few decades and we know they would never pursue that angle had Hillary or even a Romney-type been elected president.

Why wouldn't they?

Because Hillary and cuckservatives are ZOG's preferred leadership.

Right now it's Trump.

trumpberg finally getting what is coming to him.

And they've been doing all they can to negate last election because of the tension it causes to have a less-controlled candidate in charge. An effort they wouldn't undertake were they getting everything they wanted out of Trump.

That's just theatrics, they love him more than Obama.

If they did, they wouldn't waste the effort.

What you call "effort" I call a display.

A display toward what end?

Good. Jews usually lech from the goyim, nice to know at least some of their money is put to good use.

Making Trump look like the underdog, obviously.

For what purpose when they could just rig the process to be Jeb! vs. Hillary?

Because a third party undermining the two parties, only to fall in with one of them is more realistic-looking than having another Jeb. Nobody liked Jeb, Trump fit his role better as the perfect kike-puppet.

And why not Hillary? The media put out thousands of reasons why they thought her victory in the general was an inevitability. Even if Trump never believed anything he ran on, isn't showing him getting elected for that an implicit endorsement of the electoral viability of those policies?

Are you stupid? She said she wanted the borders open, Trump seemed like the anti-immigration candidate, it's way more clever to enact pro-immigration policies, like amnesty under Trump because no one would expect that except those who lived under Reagan. This has happened before.

Attached: No Power Here.gif (640x258, 3.33M)

bix nood muh dix mufugga I identify as a nigger now. I'll tap dat ass.

Why are you engaging the jew in good faith?

You have no idea what you're talking about.

Trump is the (((elite))) attempt to stop White Nationalism in America. Controled-OP

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Checks out, thanks for making very clear what side shills stand on.

How is the narrative false? How is your blind faith not obviously a weakness?

Needs more redtext.

Attached: The Ride Never Ends.jpg (480x360, 24.24K)

No power here?
Nothing even neutral can be said about Trump without at least 30 IDs calling you a trumpnigger. They are stealing this board with great success and nothing is being done about it.
Hate to say it, but Trump supporters should just migrate to /qresearch/ and make it less boomerfaggoted. Let Zig Forums sink into being the "death to America" board. I'm getting pretty tired of it. Zig Forums isn't even effective anymore at anything but trashing other pro-whites.

Remember goyi- I mean guys, never question authority. Anyone who shames a politician must be delusional, politicians and businessmen are incapable of lying.

The biggest evidence for Trump being a controlled op is the amount of people who defend him, and the way that they do so.

Want proof? Answer a simple question.
I want one thing Obama did bad and one thing Trump has done good. If you google anything you're a fucking tool if not a shill.

I've covered every argumentative base and eagerly await your response, faggot.

Both sides, every time. Are you new?

oldfags have seen this many times. These kids aren't shit. Don't let it discourage you.

Attached: Red or Blue.gif (500x200, 978.59K)

Attached: No-bel-Un.png (798x531, 595.31K)

That was my trap card; it's basically proof. China gave up NK despite having never lost ground to america without making a point. NK is a chinese proxy, and an incredibly strategic location for an ally. Trump took NK without even a bump in US-Chinese relations.

Attached: Architect.png (1159x515, 515.57K)

It's clearly in China's interest to abide Israel. It's clearly not in the interests of the US economy as long as we rely on the petrodollar.

Dude muslim and african immigration to the US has dropped to the double digits meaning less than 50 admission throughout the whole year. That couldn't have been done without Trump.

And Trump couldn't have been done without immigration. In fact none of these "far-right" figureheads would have gotten into office (((at the same time))) if it weren't for immigration.
Context is the nature of control.

Attached: Psst Senor Wanna buy a Gun.png (678x381, 134.49K)



Don't bother. The pilpul will go on.

I will address all of yours because I like criticism and varying perspectives.

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Why was this thread anchored? Is imkampy moderating this board again?

i was going to complain that this got bumplocked, but then i realized there are no archive links

I think that's an excellent idea.

>And Trump couldn't have been done without immigration. In fact none of these "far-right" figureheads would have gotten into office (((at the same time))) if it weren't for immigration.

That's a very good point which I hadn't considered.

(jew) know why

Nah, we were here first, moshe.

Too late. Too many people saw my clean cut, well thought points that completely debase the narrative that Trump's "Internet People," highly paid, college educated information scientists, put into place on Zig Forums and various other "right-wing" hotspots.

GG though 8ch is gunna die, good purchase, wp, much thought

Now ban me you knuckle-nosed little dipshit, I lust for your hatred of superiority.


How is that a good reason for anchoring a thread?

And employed as contractors by DoD and IDF intelligence.

It prevents the creation of low quality threads as well as penny pinching faggots spamming their own webistes for ad-revenue. If there's one thing the turk roach did right it's that, and I'm glad the new mod is continuing that tradition.


Gamer slang for "well played"

Clearly it doesn't. And where is it stated anywhere on Zig Forums that one of the rules for posting in Zig Forums is that all links have to be from archive.is?

And one of the moderators just edited the OP to indicate why he anchored it and the reason had nothing to do with the links.


On a somewhat related note, do you know what the evidence is, if any, connecting Zig Forums / NT Technology / Jim Watkins to a company called Cyxtera?

Never mind. I just noticed that you're a different poster than the one I was replying to.

pretty much


It's very suspect, to say the least.

It's staged theater put on by the Pentagon. Trump is a TV actor hired by US Army Intelligence/Special Operations to play the part of POTUS.