I came here about a year back to troll you guys. I thought of the alt-right or whatever you would like to call it as just some extreme edgy nazi's who should get with the times.
I hate how I realized to late I was consuming to many redpills. I used to be a pro gay and immigration left wing democrat. That was before I came here. Just a week back I ended a friendship with one of my mates who started dating a black girl.
It's realy effecting me, how do you guys deal with it? The fact that our race is dying? I want to take the blue pill again, but I know I can'tn nor that I should.
Anyone who is in the same boat as me? I know I shouldn't be acting like this, the truth is the truth, but it sure hasn't made me happier.
There is no greater glory than to fight for the existence of your volk. Find a woman to have, and more importantly raise white children. Discipline yourself, and carve yourself into the kind of man the SS would envy. Hitler is with us, his spirit calls us forward unto victory. No star shall be denied the presence of our people.
I don't understand, are you calling me a shill? If so, why? If not, then what do you mean?
Becoming a race realist and supporting the future of white people isn't the same as becoming someone who believes in lizard people.
Brody Wood
maybe he didn't read past that part, or hes a shill you're obviously telling Zig Forums how you used to troll us and took the redpill anyway, you should start to learn how to live without friends, OP, at least until hillary and co. get arrested for treason, or she gets pardoned for singing like a bird while all of her cohorts get arrested for treason then you can get new friends
Christopher Reed
Anyone who has been on Zig Forums this long should know that we're not alt-right. Get fucked, samefag.
Juan Bennett
Someone gave you the wrong script to type nigger.
and therein lies the problem. Yes. You know you're a shill. We know you're a shill. Get over it and go shill on cuckchan where that script is meant to be used. Don't let the redpills burn your brain on the way out.
There's 600m to a billion Whites, need a little over 4k to stay genetically viable, which I would argue to do that for each White subgroup, so need 500k to 1m Whites to retain all White racial subgroups.
There should be much more Whites than that who are already awake on jews, are race realists operating on race instead of White guilt christcuckery, sjw'd, or other etc. forms of pozz, aka it's more than doable to survive. In fact it wouldn't be so horrible if all the christcucks, sjws, etc. Whites all died off, it would just leave Whites with their heads screwed on right. Try to detox as many of them as possible from their programming but there's only so much time. Preparing for the upcoming world genocide of Whites is what's needed to be done along with taking any opportunity to take them out at any point in time. jews are enemy #1.
Jack Nguyen
Look user, I know this might be hard to understand for a low iq subhuman like yourself, but just calling someone a shill based on nothing, and then failing to answer set supposed shill questions as to why he/she is a shill with "your a shill and you know it" is no argument at all, I would consider suicide you absolute fucking meme.
he didn't say Zig Forums was alt-right neither did i i can see that the implication is sort of there, though what i thought he meant is that he thought we were (((alt-right)))
Cameron Roberts
excuse me, thought we WERE (((alt-right))), as in, in the past tense
Carter Martin
I have some managed to find some redpill friends. They are indeed few, but it's better then being on my own here I suppose.
Caleb Murphy
Because it looks like a slide thread. We don't care if you hated us a year ago and now you think you're part of this board. You're not. You need to lurk more. The fact that you made this thread means you're either a shill or a very naive/ignorant poster and you have to go back.
Thomas Cooper
and in case it wasn't already implied, Zig Forums was never a part of the (((alt-right))) the (((alt-right))) is pretty much a (((subverted))) and (((controlled))) version of Zig Forums's values but i think that OP used to think that we were members of the (((alt-right))), when, in fact, we never were
Thomas Sanders
Oh it looks like a slide thread to you user? Oh I'm sorry, I forgot things that look like a certain thing to you are always valid and a great argument.
So new members need to go back instead of finding more redpills for themselves? People like you are effectively killing the movement by making it impossible for new members to join.
Asher Brown
Fuck off leddit. You aren't welcome here unless it's a final post with a link to your livestreamed suicide.
Nolan Robinson
Solid argument
Landon Bell
insults ein volk.. ..whilst being too retarded to know all the obvious/10 it is a shill evidence it is dropping.
If you were not a shill, and you lurked here for a year - as you claimed - you would never have used those images from cuckchan. The fact you did outs you as a liar. You know you are a liar, we know you're a liar. So quit digging yourself deeper and go back to where that script should be used.
You always follow the same argument pattern, and it is tiring.
english is obviously not your first language. in the event you are serious, go back to lurking here for another year minimum.
John Scott
No argument, fucking kill yourself kike.
Easton Roberts
NO YOU D&C NIGGER If you were here a year as you claim you'd fucking know this. You didn't and got called out for it, rightly - and you sperged.
Point out to us all the membership login button you shill
Justin Ortiz
One of us One of us One of us
Samuel Walker
William Phillips
Still working in teams eh?
Jaxson King
Oh look, its the OP from this thread.
Maybe he should be banned.
Luke Flores
The race is not dying. It is being displaced by subterfuge. The race of whites will not die, as long as we recognize we are one people. For every chimp-fucking slut out there, ther are over 9 decent, attractive, intelligent white women that can think far enough ahead to know they want children that look like them, and intelligent husbands with a sense of responsibility. For every white, knee-bending cuck "male" out there, there are over 9 white REAL males that are dedicated to preserving the white race, being faithful to a white bride, and continuing the white expansion to the stars themselves.
We have always been a minority on Earth. We have always overcome the diversity that has been visited upon us.
We will endure. We will realize our potential. We will leave the rest behind, aiding only those that understand how important it is that the white race persists.
Do not lose hope. We have risen above worse than this in the past, and you are witnessing us doing it again.
I don't see how someone using a pepe or wojak automatically means they're not from here. Using this as an argument to disprove someone as if it where facts is laughable at best.
What does this even mean? You're not debunking anything I'm saying nor giving me a valid reason why answering points like this is not a valid way to respond to points.
I truly hope it's your goal to make a fool out of yourself
Using mild grammatical errors as a way not to answer the argument presented at hand. Fucking kek
Just telling people they're from reddit is also no argument user. Neither is telling someone to kill himself, edgy as it is a valid argument.
How exactly am I trying to divide people with this thread? Any actual argument besides calling me a shill?
Connor Campbell
You're doing what you do evry thread: Make a simpleno bully OP and then attack anyone who engages you.
Definitely a fresh batch. These ones would sleep better with their conscience if they hung the people who lied to them and sent them here. Finding out they were spending their day believing lies and being used to stifle raw unfiltered truth will make them pretty bitter and disillusioned in a few years time. I don't get why they don't realize they need the script to disguise the fact they don't have truth - it is just a smokescreen to push a dishonest agenda. Still I guess that is like wondering why someone who is asleep doesn't realize they're not awake.
Nicholas Butler
And what makes you think I'm the same op? Is it the reddit tier spacing user? A true Sherlock aren't you?
And how exactly is that dividing people in any way shape or form? I simply made a post sharing my experience with the red pill, I also fail to see how it's wrong to react to people who engage me.
Try again
And where exactly do I state I'm not from here? More arguments please, less shitty yoda memes
You have already ignored a number of "actual arguments", and don't even comprehend what they are. You know the dumb fuck who was advising you what to write for the past few minutes? The arrogant one standing over your shoulder advising you what to type like a know-it-all? Yeah that one - doesn't have a clue either. Get out while you can. It will slowly dawn on you we're not the evil ones. The evil ones are standing behind you and using you like a puppet. Peace & love.
Parker Parker
You're in the right place you degenerate fuck. Shill or Shilled matters not, kill yourself.
Landon Cox
We like to change the script from time you absolute troglodite.
You have already ignored a number of "actual arguments"
Feel free to mention them again and I'll answer them with glee.
In all seriousness, I just thought it would be fun to get a thread going about taking the redpill, I'm not trying to divide people with this thread, not that I even see a reason that could happen with this fucking green text like story.
You don't need to believe me of course, or at least that's what mr goldstein told me to write when people figure me out.
yeah yeah, I should kill myself. Anything else you would like to repeat low iq stormfaggot?
David Robinson
Let me explain something else to you, OP. I live in a region that is very white. Around me stretch mountains and woods, and god's creation was where I grew up, where I played. Today was a beautiful day. Whites were outside, biking, sitting and talking to each other…I saw a line of white kids with one adult, going home after a day of swimming in the creek, something I loved to do when I was young. All of these people are armed to the teeth, but nobody was shooting each other.
This is pretty much paradise.
But the need for shekels taints it all. The rules by which we infect our lives, allow the very worst of humanity to levy a yoke upon our shoulders, that precludes paradise.
I'm not speaking of being some kind of socialist or commie…I'm speaking of the unnecessary burden of usury and taxes, that control our lives and damage our productivity and personal gains.
If the Jew banks did not exist…if the taxes necessary to pay the usury on public borrowing did not exist…you would have access to paradise, if you so desired.
The international Jew, the Jew supremacist…they are the parasite that destroys progress, destroys the attempt at reaching paradise. Because, there are some people that cannot stomach the idea that they would not have MORE than everyone else. You live in a world of laws, designed specifically to insure you will remain below these people, subservient to them, even if you are more intelligent, and more creative than they.
I've not fully taken the jew pill yet, I agree fully that our society has become a degenerate wasteland and is culturally speaking only a shadow of it's former glory. But putting the blame on jews seems unjustified. That or I still have more to learn than I thought.
I don't see how another new guy who made a somewhat similar thread automatically means we're the same guy. Give me a fucking break.
Jonathan Peterson
When you look this stupid, you're already to stupid to realise you look this stupid. Please nobody explain eye dees too tard related.
Dylan Nguyen
It was anchored after I came in cunt.
Grayson Clark
Assuming goodwill, adopt stoicism. Sure, everything around you is dying and the very personality of your successors is at stake, however, there is nothing you can actively do in the microcosm in which you are faced with, thus, you shouldn't care about it. or at the very least shouldn't bother to be affected by the circumstances. Of course, that doesn't mean you shouldn't influence the macrocosm as much as you can, by whichever means you have (academic output, philanthropic activism, political debate, etc…) to produce a meaningful change to society.
Sebastian Wood
Yeah, let's just call someone a retard and not back it up with an argument. I mean common, the insult alone should be enough right?
No. Wrong answer. You should have re-read them and answered.
Seriously ignore the arrogant dick advising you and get assigned elsewhere. Don't hang around to let that environment rot your soul. The uneasy feeling you had in your gut about the place when that bragging show-off started talking was the right one. They'll bully you more than we ever would if you ask for a transfer, but it will pay off in the long run - and you'll still be able to face yourself in a mirror without questioning. Despite what anyone tells lies to you, we're only ever interested in truth here. Peace & love.
Michael Miller
Maybe tag next time so we actually know who you're talking to
He's saying that you need to lurk without posting, just absorbing more information. Newfriends need at least two years to get a decent enough grasp of the way things are here to post and make threads without shitting the place up and making unnecessary threads. I'm not trying to knock you specifically. Good luck user
Maybe you need to lurk this thread better, faggot. This is some form of shill/slide thread for certain. Look at his wojak and then look here- 8ch.net/pol/res/11725981.html#11726407
Same bad writing, "one year", hum jq question etc. Same shill or same script.
Jack Young
Make no mistakes, you faggots are as naked as the sun to real anons who still post here. It's good entertainment though. An opportunity to enlighten others. So keep posting your fake ass shit while real shit's happening in the background, until you're finally rolled up with the rest of the trash.
Michael Lee
/sig/, /fit/, /lit/ go get em buster and you cannot fail.