
When can we finally nuke the evil Canadians?


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Basically, Canadians are boycotting American goods, simply because Trump wants us to get a fair deal. What are the Canadians but cowardly kikes?!

I agree Canadians should buy Canadian, same for America to buy American
Better for the environment than buying chink shit

They don't have laws against boycotting israel there? kek

Typical liberals, "it's ok when we do it."

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Less snowbirds this winter?

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Oh no, where will Americans get our bagged milk from now?!

Tell 'em kikes Amerikun! Poland said trade tariffs are fair and square :3

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Actually, they boycott American goods simply because they consider Justin was humiliated by Trump.

Strickly looking at the trade balance among G7 countries, it would be a better idea to boycott German goods. There is no big problems between Canada and USA.

By the way, I'm canadian. I just order clothes from LLBean today. I'm boycotting the boycott.

Quiet down or Amerikun might have to look for a different hat..! ~

canadacuck is already minority White, mostly conquered by chinese.

The leafs better be careful, or we'll stop selling them our superior syrup.

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Which is why ultimately this is really just an extension of the chink sanctions.

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I don't know a single person who is doing this, and its likely contained to the typical libshit suspects. This is likely just fake news trying to spur real action.
t. enjoying the amazing weather at stockton lake

Hope you enjoy your stay user!

Wage slave here, nobody gives a fuck where their products come from as long as its cheap. nearly all of the produce in our store is outsourced to america.

Seriously, canada is more a chinese/asian vasal state or asian lebensraum than anything now. fucking locusts.

Apparently they haven't fully ruled out buying Chinese.

absolutely loving it, will come again next year!

Took any pics??

Top kek. They can have fun buying shit from China. You know they will try and use this to force even more f their trash on the Canucks even more so since they control Canada.

I've been out of the loop for a while. What's the deal with the American/Canadian tariffs? The way I understand it under (((NAFTA))) we can't have any tariffs, which is why all factory labor went to Mexico (cheaper labor), and perhaps all mineral excavation went to Canada (mountains for more minerals, and cheap Chinese labor). But America could just as easily have both of those, so is Canada really that butthurt that America wants to protect American miners that can't compete with chink bug people working for peanuts? It definitely seems ridiculous that the Canadians are so butthurt over Trump declaring a tariff on two exports and they're pretending it's against their entire economy.

Let's see how this turns out.

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Canuckistani here, politicians really are just butthurt about Trump reinforcing the fact hat we're pretty fucked economy wise if they want. This is just cuckdeau and his diversity hires puffing up their chest.
Meanwhile our provinces are tearing eachother apart over a pipeline for environMENTAL reasons.

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And that number is only going up.

Whatever, I'll just go fucking buy a bike.

buy a chevy volt for 53 miles of electric to avoid the lib eco tax.. chevy, oh…, get hit with the lib anti trump tax, you leafs can't win.

Too bad I can't replace my fleet of work trucks, this shit is murder.

The eternal burger

Electricty is only going to go up with the removal of oil too, and all the "eco" electricity options fuck with ecosystems killing vital insects and plants. Libs are evil.


Hey, depending how local your business is you could always go back to horse and carriage. :^)

That could be interesting, but an average horse could cost more than a good car.

I have 2k of solar panels I still haven't gotten around to putting together, but that's somewhat of a solution until libs come around and start taxing people for creating their own electricity like they do for collecting their own water.

inb4 the government starts charging for "stealing" sunlight like they do with rainwater.

They don't understand high school physics 101. They think wind energy is free energy. They think hydroelectric energy is free energy.

Coming soon:

Its not the physics I worry about but the enviroment of "hey lets save the air by killing the things which help make us food like bees" and the refusal to use nuclear or geothermal, both of which have the least ammount of enviromental impact, and the only downside is that both need to be monitored and maintaned, which oh I dunno

Yeah but then the diversity hires with fake degrees with cause a meltdown.

Also true, but will blame white people.

Dont give them ideas user.


What happened to muh Canadian economy is skyrocketing?

Years ago my house had 15 60-100 watt bulbs, now ~10 watt leds, bought more clothes so I use the washer and dryer less frequently, computer power usage has dropped more than half, added extra insulation to do more passive cooling, bought a portable a/c to cool just the room I'm mainly in, utility bill has gone up, and bill is mostly fees not usage, the noose tightens. Also, I've tracked my usage, what they claim usage is complete fantasy, they're making shit up and billing people, I sip electricity and water while they claim I use outrageous amounts. Also as well, recall an article saying they raised fees because people were being too frugal after they asked people to be frugal.

No tire coopins?

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Fellow Canadian here. I actually find this all pretty funny. The very idea that anything we do is going to pan out in anything but a negative light for us is just hilariously ignorant of our politicians. I'm a little happy it's happening because I think the end result is going to be a lot of tears and a fair bit of long overdue disillusionment with the unrealistic socialized lifestyle that our governments keep pressing for more and more of at the expense of the private citizen in the private sector.

I just want to be left the fuck alone to work honestly, make money and save it. I don't need mandated shit being blasted off my pay check for shit I've never even used in three fucking decades. I seriously don't understand the fucking bitches coming up here from America. Like holy shit how do you throw away such relative financial freedom and heavy buying power for basic shit you can just save for if some bureaucrat isn't fucking raping your wallet?

I live ns and our power is owned by some american kiles.

Weird, Canadian kikes own a lot of US utilities.


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You wanna hear some electricity related kikery?
NewFoundLand and Labrador sell ALL of their excess power to the mainland for TEN FUCKING CENTS.

brb getting some blueberries and maplesyrup.

Yeah, Canada, specifically Ontario with the highest energy bills on the continent, is actually a net exporter of electricity. We have tremendous infrastructure dedicated to its production. It's all got to be paid for though. The government effectively built it on the margin and is using the citizen to pay for it. Meanwhile its becoming more and more privatized and the owners are reaping the tremendous financial rewards for themselves.

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I'll give them $1 for Alberta they can keep the non-whites

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I'm sure he's terrified.

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If you believe thats the case get an infometer installed (you can get one that clamps around the main conductors) and check your usage. Make a stink about it in the local news and get more people doing it.

go back to reddit magafaggot

Canuck here. I can't wait til we stop pretending Canada is a real country and is actually just a a couple states gone rogue.

Wanna know what is really sad? Hes probably the most qualified of the lot, though none of them are probably qualified to neqotiate candy from children also literally that hillary frog team meme

Also that thing is only barking because it failed to take down the gay christian kike milo.

Good. We should cut all ties with those shit-eating faggots. Canada will be Sweden 2.0 in less than a decade, the sooner they wash their hands of us and vice versa the better. We need two fucking walls.

From left to right:
A Tranny
Sloppy Soy
Constipation Jew
Poo In Loo
Distracted Grinder

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All products contain soy.

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This is actually kind of genius, someone tell Trump

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Cue canadians bitching about how their already broken economy NEEDS to sell their shit with ridicilous upmarks to pay for their shite social program/sand dindu appeasement

Trump should say the same of our tarrifs. Niggas need dey gibs.

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We suggest you bend over and take it.