Welcome to this MGTOW discussion thread.
(The old one hit bump limit. This is continuation)
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What is MGTOW?
MGTOW is a philosophy that is based on male sovereignty and freedom.
This philosophy encompasses a certain sociopolitical outlook and abandonment of existing gynocentric political systems.
What is proposed as an alternative are androcentric political systems that are reactive to enlightened masculine thought and a society based on order, true meritocracy with a pragmatic but a high degree of support for individual freedoms of men.
A patriarchy is not an androcentric system.
Patriarchies are gynocentric systems where a few powerful men use gynocentric structures to exploit the majority of the men in that society for various purposes ranging from wage slavery to cannon fodder for pointless wars
The institution of family is a tool of gynocentrism. This concept of family is not only unnatural but is antithetical to the freedom of men.
MGTOW and white male sovereignty
The primary threat facing the white men today is not extermination but enslavement.
White men are enslaved in a Jew dominated gynocentric system using the shackles of the institution of marriage.
All of white men's labors are used to enrich the Jew.
White men even fight in wars whose prime beneficiary is the Jew.
Therefore the answer for white men isn't to continue breeding and making families to support this Jew dominated dystopia
The answer is to rise up and take control of our own destiny by establishing androcentric political societies.
A crude draft of a sample androcentric system has been provided by another poster and it will be posted below
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