There can be hidden shills on other threads.
but shills always expose themselves
on the
true and only
niggerhating thread.
Niggerhating thread everybody.
Other urls found in this thread:
Nigger means ignorance, not the commonly shilled "relatively more melatonin'd mf". You really can love yourself, without an external hate or obedience to determine who and what your life will be user.
No content but I want to see more, have my bump.
Locked out spooks shot at the locksmith
Police in Eureka said two coons, Devonte Jones and Arian Baldwin, called a locksmith to the Six Flags parking lot the afternoon of June 7 to help them get into their hooptie. After the locksmith gained entry, the jigaboos chimped out on the locksmith over the price of the service and the locksmith left the area.
Anyone have that image showing gun stats by race?
not specifically gun stats but here's something
The JEW promotes Racism.
Its straight out of "The Protocols"
Divide & Conquer
Hitler wasnt racist.
That nigger whore and her face always make me recoil in disgust, god damn do I hate that degenerate ungrateful whore. I really do wish all niggers would get deported to Africa, a vast majority of them are ungrateful beasts of burden who can't even do that job anymore.
Shills behind this thread exposed.
Racism is natural. All of nature is racist.
Racism as a negative word was created by Lenin to attack whites though. Being a Mogoloid-slav-Jew helped.
Kill yourself yid
is incredible that the locksmith had to work for a nigger, even worse 2.
in a healthy society the locksmith wouldn't have to do that.
and he would still be alive
you are a good man
fufufufu that first pic is great
What the fuck are you even doing here?
Where can I read this incredible piece of literature in full?
Holy shit, this fat fucking negroid looks like a female version of Donkey Kong.
She has no style, she has no grace, this Kong has a funny face
How could anybody consider nigger equal to their own race, their own children? Callous isolationists insulated from consequence they move like a plague of locusts once the foreign whores have suckled the prosperity and have truely diversified an area. Then these (((merchants of prosperity))) seep outward from their dens of corruption ever outwards rurally to "urbanize". We the pure sons of the blood as always must rise of our own accord to defeat our eternal foe. THE FOREIGN JEW
Just like to point out the kiked mods have left a niggerdick up for like 5 hours now.
Got an old timey bit of bantz on the nigger problem, and all the bullshit they pull today, they've been pulling forever and will keep pulling forever.
I hope he releases as independent writer. he wont make money as most fags will just pirate but damn that is a good read
Hitler thought this was a win for the superior German shoes the Adidas.
I thought that "Y'all white crackas be demons, give me money" was an exaggeration, jesus fuck.
Why do nigger countries have lower IQs if they don't have white people oppressing them? If there's no systemic racism because they are the only race, what's their excuse? Colonialism?
anytime a libshit uses the muh oppression muh reduced opportunity just point out that the Russian or any other serf had it much worse on them for much longer than the nigs ever did .
Libshits claim to love science and evolution but are luddites to Darwinism or any of his writings and quotes about niggers.
because they are literally made out of shit.
you dont say. feral niggs kill the hand that feeds, that is what south africa has taught us
Tons of stories here
what kind of stories
man that guy has a actual good site, glad for the link then.
You know, FBI-kun, if you want my IP, just ask.
SO yo be sayum
yo be sayum
hol up
yo be sayum
she looks like a unwashed piece of turd with monkey face and nappy disgusting hair that tries to be a tumblr blue hair and yet fails to even achieve resemblance to an human being?
Not meant to derail, just a reminder: balance hate with love. Be proud of who you are, remember what you fight for. Don't despair. Dehumanize yourself and face to bloodshed, yes, but don't be consumed by it. Don't shatter under the strain. The world needs you. The future needs you.
on theory I agree but is not realistic.
you say that but current Zig Forums is absolutely defined by it's hate for jews more than our love for our own respective people.
And of course Trump's generations is listening attentively to shameekwa's kvetching. The same people who's knee-jerk reaction to any complaints from younger white people is "Work harder."
is my only critique to some conservative people. that seem to have as their only goal to keep the white man working and motivated and away from violent extremism even as his society crumbles.
also I want to piss on your mouth for being a naughty little kike that shill anti trump cuckoldry.
who is a bad little kike? you are.
before money and after money.
niggesrs want to be the white so bad, as soon as they make money they start trying to fix genetics.
and whites get fake tans … dont try to understand rich people .. they are retarded
It's not just black women, all women love the white beauty standard, they know it' true. Look at how many non-white women paint their hair blonde, "hispanic" women in particular do it a lot, blonde and red and it looks like shit on them.
Hi, CIA.
For the last one, the fuck? For the first one, I don't know if it's just the kind of camera or what but a lot seems off about the picture, from the tree to the woman to the hanging nigger.
You really can't think of a single way the merchants could twist this edgy shitposting to their benefit? Not one?
you are aware that tans are natural to whites long before modern society, right?….right?
greeks in particular sunbathed at the coastline long before sunbeds were made, just because there is an actual use for it.
compare that with straightening your hair.
to promote the new star wars movie?
I hate niggers
You gotta go, Sambo
Whites can also get real tans.
This is Zig Forums
Not Zig Forums
What the fuck are you doing here?
We know this comes natural to you kikes. You hate niggers as much or more than anyone.
Fuck off niggerlover
Anyone noticed in elementary school how fucking evil black kids are? When I was a kid, the other white kids would sometimes make references to adult topics without fully understanding them, but the niggerlettes constantly made violent and sexual jokes and references. Niggers are fully mature by the age of 15 too
PS, I remember this one nigger from the special ed kindergarten class my mom taught. He would hump chairs and yell, "oh baby". Apparently his parents fucked while he was watching. The niggers in my mom's class were always the worse of the bunch despite them being so young. They would threaten my mom, hit my mom, do the same to the teacher assistants, throw shit, knock shit over, and one of them occasionally would get naked and run in the hallways. They were disgusting, their lips were always covered in drool, their noses were always running, and watching them eat was sickening. Niggers are gross as hell. Some of them still wore diapers, and my mom's classroom had a single room bathroom with stacks of diapers and a changing table. There was also a legit Somalian one year; his mom would come to the school, always accompanying his dad, in a burka. But he was only just as bad as the rest
Need to find me a copy of that book, it looks like a great read.
Where is I say I loved niggers? Do you feel like I offended or addressed you specifically somehow?
I don't know how to embed this but it's a great watch and kid-friendly!
Except for that "muh Protocols" nonsense. Everyone knows that book was an antisemitic hoax by Henry "Freemason" Ford.
niggers are the jews
It is a great read, and theres an audiobook of it on Youtube.
mods don't abuse your powers pls, even if it's the fucking maddowposter
differen user here. I just wanna tell you
fuck off niggerlover.
Oh, what a great loss to the world! WE ARE ALL JANIQUA.
Relevant information pretty close to the bottom.
`` According to a police report, the Jeep was parked on the right side of the street and the teen was turning left to pull away from the curb when he was shot. "Vehicle starts to move forward. (The firefighter) moves to the left and draws his concealed firearm and fires one shot through the driver’s window.” ``
So he actually tried to run someone over with a stolen car and got shot WHAT A INJUSTICE to the nigger world
I'll say it depends on what the picture was.
Thanks for the nightmares fam.
Welcome to Zig Forums OP.
yeah dude Zig Forums is totally a mystery to me, how do I reply to people?
By stating the obvious, apparently. Whatever, I'll just assume you enjoy extreme redundancy.
that chess one is great.
your racemixing ones need a little more work, I mean, these 2 are the top ones IMO