Shithole Countries

Poo's build road over sleeping dog, trapping and killing it. Trump was not wrong using this term.

Attached: dog.JPG (701x317, 40.85K)

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Boring dumb meaningless OP

IMkikey never left and is a mod for zen/pol/ so he mods here too.

That's how I felt until I found meguca.
/meadhall/ tbh

With such population I'm sure poos considered the dog as their competitor for food and shitting on streets.

Two more retard posts to bump retarded thread. Thanks low IQ servants of bringing bored to cuckchan levels. Thanks Imkikey

Sleepy dog more like dead dog sage

Hey retard show me what actions any of the global mods have made recently?

you can tell the quality of a race by the way it treats animals


I'm disappointed. I made my way all to infinitychan only to find the same shill tactics.

how does the sage option work here?

Attached: highwayrodent.jpg (249x202, 8.29K)

Their feeble minds and bodies, are quite evident here in killing a dogger. Non-whites are all basically niggers to a degree


I see your piss drinker and raise you a shit blower
African cow shit blower

Attached: shitholefleeing.jpg (2000x1333, 896.5K)

Dog looks fucking dead

Your observation skills serve you well

I've never liked curryniggers, obviously, but fucking hell, this is it.
Fucking nuke them, I'm dead fucking serious after seeing this shit and no longer give a single fuck, just blast those goddamn subhumans to fucking dust.
Also the chinese while you're at it.

Attached: ...FACE TO BLOODSHED.png (540x521 1.94 MB, 89.87K)

The dog was obviously a roadkill
dailyfail fake news

Glass it. All of it.

Youre a Jew and so is OP. The whole board is Jewish now, this is a Jewish board, post Dreidels.

Attached: merchant83.png (1000x1000, 422.33K)

We already knew Trump was in the right