Other thread, , is a shill thread. The same day White House Deputy Press Secretary Raj Shah told reporters that Trump supports both bills, Trump said he doesn't support either especially Ryan's. GOP scrambled to finish discussing both but knows it's futile and both bills are dead in the water.
Both articles came out the same day archive.fo/yPrxE - Article shill used archive.li/qb2fZ - Article about Trump rejecting both being buried even on kikebart -> You are here
reported for duplicate thread. you don't get to just label a thread "shill thread" bc it looks bad for Trumpstein. go suck imkikey's cock r/t_D >>>/reddit/
nice try moshe, but no one is buying your lies we all know this is you OP from The latter of the two comments is that he WILL sign the bill. Quit trying to slide the board >>>/gaschamber/ >>>/oven/
Tyler Ross
Even if our new mods were super autistic and they consider it a duplicate thread, this thread establishes: 1. The media, even kikebart's, two-sided angle on one story 2. The way that information is handled on Zig Forums, with less people validating information fed to them, a shill can easily frame a situation that is happening in real time how their jewish masters want it 3. How the bill is essentially dead and the GOP admit they are wasting time on it - even though even brainlets know they'll try to pass amnesty again 4. A reminder of Trump's four pillar immigration standard - the way that Trump blocks these (((amnesty))) bills 5. How jewish you are. Seriously, can you be any more jewish? None of these points are emphasized nor hinted at in the other shill thread. You may continue to pretend otherwise and jew. That way you can continue to make the case for me and others.
Spam is the way to make your case, eh moshe?
Liam Reed
Just bump the thread already up jesus christ
Julian Gutierrez
just google "trump won't sign moderate bill" and every news outlet is repeating what OP is saying.
Nicholas Powell
You're full of shit, jew.
Brody Parker
How about they pin this thread and delete all of the other ones, just to really piss off the rabble.
Nathan Lee
No, I reported your thread as more duplicate spam and it will meet the anchor.
at best, Trump is doing that shit where he says both that he will and that he won't do something in order that stupid ppl can pick and choose what they want to believe.
Hint:One is based on the words of some lying shitskin. The other is based on something Trump actually said.
It's like he's actually upset that the bill is dead. He wanted so badly to be right about Trump, even at the expense of the american people.
Jose Lee
nah, if imkikey were still here the other thread would have been deleted and all of us complaining about this thread would have been banned, and this thread stickied already.
but, he's not. now fuck off back to where you came from you dumb nigger
Anthony Hughes
You're not White, are you? If you were, you'd be smart enough to realise that you just called yourself stupid in your own statement.
Jack Ward
Regardless, Trump blocking the bill will discourage people from digging into it.
So, Trump hires "lying shitskins" to be his spokeman? sorry JoBob, that's not how this works. This is what really happened:
(1) Trump says he won't sign the Bill (2) House majority whip says he's not going to try to round up the votes if the White House plans on veto (3) Trump sends a paid spokesman to say that he will, in fact, sign the bill (4) OP of other thread posts true statements (5) (((r/t_D))) goes into full damage control mode and creates this thread (6) (((r/t_D))) astroturfing ITT continues
Sorry bucko. Trump may still not sign the bill, but what you're saying is a complete lie.
see above
nope. that's not what spam means. spam would be multiple posts. kys
sorry, shlomo, i called OP a kike first, so you need to come up with a new insult you stupid doublenigger
yeah, buck-toothed stupid mouthbreathers like you that make the rest of us look bad, I do! low-IQ knuckle-dragging subhuman scum. you'll go on the DOtR as well lol
Oliver Morales
One statement from Trump himself, and another statement coming from a pajeet underling. Tough decision there.
William Moore
I'm bumping this just to spite you, shill.
Carter Taylor
The point is that the thread you favor, albeit your way of showing favor is immensely autistic, warrants existence too. Although its use is diminished seeing as the GOP gave up knowing Trump is not going to sign it.
> posts (((it was real in my mind)))-tier headcanon
Magnificent. A typical display of a jew wanting to have it both ways. Moshe, this is entertaining but I believe your shakshuka is getting cold.
Justin Roberts
astroturf One statement from Trump himself, the other statement happens LATER by a PAID SPOKESPERSON HIRED BY TRUMP who says he wants to CLARIFY EARLIER REMARKS
quit repeating these lies as if i haven't already refuted them, you dipshit
So we have one side posting insults and buzzwords and the other one using actual logical arguments. Gee I wonder which side Ill go for.
Jeremiah Bell
You already did earlier. At this point your posting is as petty as an upset teen girl trying to have the last word but insisting that isn't what she's doing. Did you actually want people digging or were you just trying to shit up a thread you didn't like?
Kayden Cooper
What a nigger.
Nathaniel Parker
quit flooding.
Mason Butler
Depends if this will end the same way as the possible shutdown which democrats demanded DACA amnesty or else there will be shutdown. Some user gloated on republicans cucking out and Trump signing it. It ended up democrats cucking out and the shutdown didn't happened. Later on hours of a full spergout by that same user. Quite entertaining.
Liam Wood
Other people holding an opinion you dislike isn't a reason to shit yourself and screech like a low functioning autist.
Hunter Powell
That's exactly what's happening now that the bill is effectively dead. It's probably the same guy as back then too. This is a big blow to the anti-trumper credibility on this board. Now if he cucks on something and they sound the bugles, nobody's going to believe them. They're really fucking everything up.
Brody Howard
Seems so. You can't make people around you taking you seriously if you've made over 30 posts over sperging about Trump on a IG report thread all because "his face was on the stickie image". Just what the fuck is wrong with these people?
If they would simply express their concerns about Trump in a calm, reasonable manner instead of spilling their spaghetti every time Trump does anything other than declare that he wants to genocide all whites in the name of Isreal, people might take them more seriously.
Elijah Davis
Trump has been going fuck awesome lately, seems like he really wants to stick to 2020.
Eli Evans
We aren't stupid enough to fall for reverse trolling. Nice try, though.
Lincoln Ortiz
It's a step in the right direction, but he still has a long way to go before he earns my vote again.
Wyatt Lopez
Nigger what?
Logan Harris
They are either very convinced that Trump is this full blown "Jewish supremacist", OR they are paid soyboy shills who are easily triggered by Trump images trying convince the general populace of Zig Forums, as insignificant that it is, that he is this "Jewish Supremacist" in order to sway 2020 election results, or reduce Zig Forums's influence on voters.
Expect the shilling to get much worse leading up to 2020
Cameron Brooks
You just sounded like what the sperg in this thread likely wants us to believe people who disagree with him sound like.
Owen Flores
I remember how these French and the Dutch election threads were shilled very hard.
The reason why they don't is because they would then risk putting that narrative to the test. Their narrative is one step away from someone starting a thread asking in a clear concise manner for anti-trump "people" to present a bulletproof case to once and for all prove that Trump is secretly a kike puppet. Go further and mention that even if he is, the mission for Zig Forums remains the same and so nothing will change. But they won't risk that. The Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt (FUD) tactic is far more reliable.
Put yourself in the shoes of a shill. You're not being paid to debate. You're being paid to rely on vagueness. Vagueness comes from uncertainty and not being able to predict the future. They rely on FUD tactics because they get to post more and they try to single out posters who are themselves uncertain. This is why their posts are almost always short, focus on uncertainties, but then drive in a "point" rooted in a fear. This then causes the shaken poster to experience doubt in their beliefs.
Again, to reiterate; it takes far less effort and a potentially higher yield to simple use FUD tactics instead of presenting an honest debate. When they mistakenly try to debate, it backfires, hurts their "case" and then they resort to non-sequiters and spam. The point here is, they cannot risk debate. Debate means putting their cards on the table instead of using FUD and hoping you never call their bluff.
That said, I would love to see the Trump is a secret agent of the jews case put to the test. The only criteria would be citing cases of actions, not words. Compile a list of concrete actions that undoubtedly speak for one side; actions that undoubtedly illustrate how he's a zionist secretly working for the jews and on the other side that he's not. I can already tell you the outcome. The anti-trump "people" wouldn't make it past a few dubious examples submitted as proof before trying to change the rules. They would insist the not-a-kike-puppet side has to actually prove he's a Zig Forums-tier politician instead, which he definitely is not, and then declare victory. Then by retreating, they leave the matter as a stalemate and keep their cards. To emphasize once more, they will never risk debate and if a debate is coordinated, they will try to circumvent it and claim victory.
Joseph Wright
Yes And then the next day when asked about the debate they claim they dont remember anything except winning it
Man i hate kikes
Austin Roberts
Capped for great accuracy. I hope every fucking shill gets colon cancer.
I have the feeling that those strikes were part of some larger gambit, but it's perfectly reasonable to be concerned about it. As for the rest of those points, nobody should delude themselves into believing that Trump wants to gas the kikes and make the Holohoax a reality. Trump is decent about most things, but his philosemitism might lead to him being played by Israel if he isn't careful and it's only natural to worry about that. It isn't a good reason to sperg the fuck out, though.
Connor Gonzalez
Liam Reyes
Aside from those little mishaps his presidency is still pretty good. I think we need to stay loyal and have faith in our president.
Zig Forums has gained lots of enemies, old and new. Wouldn't be a surprise if those sociopaths are still obsessed about removing the site. For example, the cp spam was used and possibly is still being used to get this site down.
Adam Harris
There could be a unlisted board with CP on it that could be used as a false flag in the future, I don't think there is any way of us knowing.
Blake Taylor
Hopefully, codemonkey has the globals keeping a close eye on any unlisted boards.