You have it backwards. The jews think this is funny. Who murdered and tortured our people in Europe for 2,000 years? The high estimate of the deaths is 100,000,000 ethnic Europeans dead over the last 2,000 years at the hands of the semitic 'church'. I have read the testimony of the people that they tortured FOR NOTHING OTHER THAN PLEASURE…learn to fucking recognize a pattern…jews are MERCILESS KILLERS…there is no real difference between the sub saharan african slave trade (just hundreds of millions dead at the hands of (((Islam))) and the (((Inquisition))) or the (((Bolshevik 'revolution'))) ALL employed the same type and style of tortures, all functioned in the same manner as a branch of the COVEN of Set…for fuck sake, they are continuing it now with NO DANGER of being caught…!topic/soc.culture.french/-ZTLGu9v8eA
…you think Q, the controller of WDC, the cesspit, is going to 'save' you?
Quit looking for a fucking jew savior…jesus wasn't even a jew…he was an ARYAN who taught AGAINST the ZIONIST cabal/International bankers…he taught the Old Religion, the one that the semites tried to expunge from the Earth during the Inquisition.
The religion that says that you have a direct link with God…no 'priest' need to be your 'go between'…no one needs 'interpret' god for you…even Christ, when he taught you the Lord's prayer didn't put himself in between you and God.
The 'serpent' interprets (lies about) 'god' to humanity:
Genesis 3:4-5 New King James Version (NKJV)
4 Then the serpent said to the woman, “You will not surely die. 5 For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”
The old religion, like Tengrism…you simply raise your hands anytime, anywhere, supplicate and talk to your God…you don't need a jew confessor or intermediary to sit in between you and God, scheming and collecting your secrets for later blackmail, torture and your/your families destruction. Or a Wormtongue plotting to destroy your nation from within…
For God's sake, I get so tired of the fucking 'godspell' that has humanity in its grasp as its willing victim.
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