China hits U.S. with tariffs on $34-billion list of goods, including SOY, electric cars, salmon
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Yaaaaay! They're hurting themselves! Less food exports to chinks! Cheaper Salmon and pork for us! I'm getting my smoker going!
As is entirely their right. Much of US Soy is grown in drought ridden areas and only sold profitable because of government subsidies. Free trade is not good business, it encourages inefficiencies in the market
nation-destroying soya farmcucks btfo
free trade benefits big business at the expense of domestic workers
Good luck getting that water you fucks keep stealing. Fresh water is worth more than gold.
I would rather it benefit White American workers.
Yeah. Free trade really benefits the White American worker.
Obama was selling all our water to Chinks. And then you have cunts like T. Boone Pickens in Texas pumping as much water as he could out of the ground, stealing it from others like a kike stealing oil, to sell it to anyone and everyone.
Chinks will steal anything and everything. Land, water, territory. They're even making a move on the moon despite the (((treaties))) preventing it.
Free trade, isn't. It's about time someone brought all these assholes to heel.
If they could steal air, they would.
They even steal ideas.
I miss-understood your initial post.
Pic is entirely true. There are chemical engineers at cali uni's explicitly there to learn how to de salt water. But, until they learn and make a plant, they are getting water via alfalfa.
The entirety of CA is a traitor to America, and the white race.
We already know how, but the kikes don't want to lose control of a valuable commodity. We have so many technologies being suppressed because it is a matter of control. Same with power. Kikes need to be removed.
It isn't just the plants either, they are literally pumping the fresh water out and shipping it out.
Bet you could get some mean box of shit-oiled pagpag, with that kind of money, Mao.
They will eventually get the costly desalination plants running because it relies on jew controlled utilities. We will continue to pay out the NOSE for it until we gas the bikes.
Yeah, through kike companies like (((nestle)))
And of course, because they are stealing great lakes water, even if we shut it down Canukistan will allow the chinks to continue doing what chinks do best.
And that's another one. Fucking chugs sold the kikes their water rights so the bastards can pump until the water runs dry regardless of state restrictions.
It's infuriating how they are behind it all yet they have the audacity to push environmental stories and try to guilt everyone else for the state of things.
Oy vey muh soy farms.
Don't you have a dog to eat?
I hope you nuke the shit out of each other. I'm not sure who I'd be happier to see go. The shitters, or you zipperheaded bugmen.
Why not both?
Does this mean we stop nigger breeding? Of course not. That would be racist. Think of all the jewish pograms managers who would lose their jobs. We just have to increase the debt faster and Congress must quickly pass a law increasing taxes on what's left of the white race.
I'm not sure.
Awesome! Time to stop all imports from China. Fuck those chinks. All they make is garbage destined for landfills.
Please hit with nukes next time. kthanx.
The only solution is to kill every single Black nigger on the entire planet.
Drumpf btfo
good. now, put moar tariffs on China and let the rest of SE Asia, or Latin America, produce those goods
Ahaha good, hurt the soybean farmers. Thank you China.
Okay wait. How does China think this works for them? We import $500b+ each year from China. They import less than $100b from the US.
US Soy is also one of the pillars of the (((monsanto))) poison protocol. Soy, corn, wheat, and potato are constantly featured in fast "foods," junk/snack "foods," cheap cooking ingredients and when not, are usually snuck in as a food emulsifier or additive. Soy is over-featured because of its versatility as not just a component of other "foods" but also because of its high phytoestrogen content.
The point here is the less availability and less profitability of soy, the better.
Soy is not featured because of it's versatility.
Soy is purely used because of it's cuckening ability.
AKA phytoestrogen
Except that's exactly why (((they))) made soy the forefront of both the glyphosate and phytoestrogen poison protocol. Stop trying to downplay one of the reasons why soying up the population was so easy. They replaced actual meat with soymeat in school cafeterias, combined wheat & corn "foods" with soybean oil, and after spending the middle of the last century demonizing healthy fats, they replaced healthy fats with soybean oil as well as canola oil. If soy wasn't as easy to use, it would have made (((their))) agenda a lot easier.
I bet when you skim food packages you don't think twice about soy emulsifier.
*a lot harder
uh-oh, they're arming themselves; we better not cut off their supply
this makes me so mad
it's retarded because cali already has a water crisis for building cities in deserts
this is a choice quote indeed. man how can some cucks hate this guy
Honestly, the average Zig Forums user stands little chance against even pic related.
Consider most of our "nazi boyz" are normalniggers too. The war will be normal normalcattle vs nnormalcattle that drinks soy and was trained to kill all who oppose them. Give onions to the soyboys and the anti-pedos and animeniggers here stand no chance.
As always, it will all befall on the shoulders of real men.
No, really. Check this out.
Isn't that the John Brown gun club? I've seen how they shoot and I wasn't impressed.
Yep. We have been over draining the aquifers horribly and they will run out this century if this shit isnt halted or strongly slowed down.
Yup. California would have been fine had they been able and willing to shut down their top five water intensive crops. Wouldn't even have noticed.
They're stealing all of our fucking water through California since they're the ones that keep pulling it from the midwest states.
Phytoestrogen is contained in almost all vegetables.
They got nostalgic for the days when Mao was running the country so they thought they would starve a million chinks to relive the good old days.
not only that, all their guns are showpieces on loan from a collector. I doubt they own anything stronger than a nugget
do you think any one of those commie faggots can afford a PS90?
No, you are the soy nigger here.
As always, autists and subhumans without any clue about guns and war spewing cringe.
Trump needs to retaliate even more. It won't be enough until the chinese never export things to the US again.
Will this finally kill Tesla and Elon Musk?
I welcome a trade war with China. It's about time we rebuild our mfg capacity before the generation with tool and dye skills are gone. Fuck NAFTA as well.
Fuck soy niggers. No decent farmer would grow that shit.
Fuck ChiNa. Cruel and disgusting shithole. Chinkese are not ancient Han.
The Chinks of course, they're the real threat. Pajeets are like a natural born slave race for us - literally, their caste system says "Aryans at the top, everyone else in a hierarchy underneath". While the current supposed Aryan caste has been so corrupted they're basically curry niggers too with slightly lighter skin, technically they're descended from another branch of our race. Hell, guess where the Swastika came from? I think most of the irritation we have with them is that the natural order is upset, they're really incapable of ordering themselves without a strong hand guiding them. But they're much more benign than actual niggers, and half of them wish they WERE us.
So I'd like to see all the pajeets go home of course, as well as an end to outsourcing everything. We need to get our people to full employment first and foremost. But honestly, White people shouldn't have to do the absolute shit, repetitive jobs that the pajeets will happily do, and with the massive growth a NatSoc state or set of states would cause, we'd probably find we'd need a cheap labour source. They're welcome to stay on the subcontinent as far as I'm concerned, and we can find plenty for them to do.
I prefer a total ethnostate, but I'd take street shitters over niggers and spics any day. Tandoori chicken is yummy too.
I think you underestimate the Right friend, by confusing us all with suburban cuckservatives. By nature, we're naturally stronger, fitter, into the outdoors, often ex-military etc, what makes you think these larpers stand a chance against most? And that's not taking full scale, dedicated NatSocs into account, of which there are many on Zig Forums.
Name a time recently, when a happening went down, and an evenly match antifa vs right scrap happened, and antifa didn't get the shit kicked through them. Look at the Tommy Robinson protests, forget if he's Mossad or not, you think those lads marching are going down before a wave of cucked lefist faggots? That's all future troops in the making.
Oh for sure - not saying I want them in White communities in droves by any means. Especially until we recover, the goal should be 100% separation. We can mix it up with light "culture exchange" such as NatSoc Germany had in a generation or so maybe. And no reason we can't be civil with allied races our people have historically coexisted with fairly well. People often forget, NatSoc and race realism doesn't mean hating all other races (which is a kike lie, one I took a long time to see through). Just taking care of your own first is the real story. Hell, I don't even hate niggers anymore, it's like getting angry at a pack of wild apes that some shitheel let loose from a zoo. Get angry at the people that let them out, it's just pointless to get worked up about the animals themselves on a personal level. Just put them down when needed, and ship em back to their African plains and forests, same as we do with tigers and such.
No, hate is for Jews, and race traitors. Others might well require physical removal from the planet too, but most races are fine with me, once they're back in their respective habitat.
I actually have a personal theory that the reason the Jews started off "multiculturalism" in many places with the import of Indians and East Asians was they knew that Whites can get along fairly well with them. Then, they start us down a slippery slope of gradually importing shittier races, and unaware Whites fall for it. They think "well, those Brown people were kinda alright, decent food too" and think it'll be fine with all the others. Nope.
Reminder that the Chinese are the Jews of Asia.
Of course. Just look at the track record of Tencent
While US tech innovation is arrested using (((patent trolls))) the brainless chinks are given free reign.
Is this meme magic?
How are those trade wars working out for you, Trumpniggers?
So far pretty good.
If you had told me 5 years ago the likes of Foxxconn would be opening factories in the USA I would have thought you were crazy.
Trump had to throw big money at them to have this happen, estimates show their presence there is a net deficit because the state has to subsidize them over the years
Inventing new names for excuses to import cheap Mexican and Sub Saharan Africans are not exactly what people mean when talking about "tech innovation"
But what does this mean for God's chosen people, the Australians?
I will say though, that Free Trade is only beneficial within a nations borders. International Free Trade sounds retarded, and can't actually be free because politics (like the soy subsidies) always get in the way.
Why the terrible shoop?
You has the dumb.
Jews again. California has a well-intentioned law (passed back in the good times, when we were mostly white) that all new housing must have either a steady water supply or a guarantee from the state – called a voucher – that water absolutely will be delivered soon; when the pipes can be laid.
Naturally, the kikes found out about this and started a futures market where vouchers can be traded as a speculative investment. Water in California effectively became a commodity you could trade derivatives for. As a direct result, every okie and rube in the land has sold his ranch to local developers who go straight to Sacramento with a tale of woe about water rights. Once the state grants them vouchers, they build unsustainable housing and toss those vouchers on the exchange for more money than you can imagine. Then the Jews buy them all up and start circle-jerking the cash until a modest housing project generates billions of dollars for (((Goldman Sachs))).
If you've ever driven through a parched wasteland and seen a thousand ranch houses going up, you're looking at partly the effect of nigger-based ethnic cleansing of our cities, partly the effect of bullshit stories about the (((American Depream))), and partly the shell game of water trading.
That would be (((American Dream))). Damn phone.
Its not like the chinese import this shit anyway. They just steal every carmakers IP then make it themselves, tax the shit out of imports as well as hitting imported cars with massive registration taxes.
but fuck california … make money off of starving out Californians .. sounds like a plan
checked. even the chinese don't want to eat chinese-produced food.
They have niggers closer to home they can ship crap to.
You can give guns to whoever you want. You can even teach them to shoot. When the first shots actually fly over their head, they'll shit themselves, trip over their own dropped rifle in their hurry to scramble away on all fours like a dog.
Then we shoot them like animals.
The U.S. trade deficit is over 30 billion a month.
They even steal alien's babies
Why do you americans even spend so much on subsidies anyway?
It makes your farming sector extremely inefficient.
Hongkongese is not Chinese.
Hongkongese fuck China and are anti commie.
However, the Hongkong puppet government is controlled by the Chinese and they will definitely use Hongkong as a port to avoid the US tariff. So please remember to urge your government to include HONGKONG in your tariff list!
Trump, please shut down ChiNa,
Communist please go to hell.
The ChiNese medias always fool ChiNese, and always say [ChiNa Wins]
(Because they don't have the free press)
For example,
When ZTE was banned by US gov
Before the trading conference with US
After the trading conference with US, many requirements from US
When north Korea borrowed the airplane from ChiNa, but ChiNa could not join the meeting in Singapore.
(Do they know what is 'shame'?)
So, we always insult ChiNa that [Fucking ChiNa Wins]
For example,
when heavy rain kill many ChiNese as the shitty power system
When the ChiNese can not join the world cup
Are you an actual anti-communist Chinese behind a proxy or something?
Seeing a ton of Teslas in tier 1 cities in China lately (biz traveling Zig Forumsack). I wonder how this will play out.
Stupid question but what are the tier 1 cities in China?
like Pekking and Shanghai?
you jewish pieces of shit sure do love your kabbalah crystal balls and tea leaves. Why don't you cast them chicken bones and (((estimate))) how many shekels you are going to be losing thanks to Trump fucking up your shit?
Fuck off nigger shills from wherever you crawled out from.
They'll flood the domestic market with soy and start putting in all kinds of food like with corn syrup.