Hey Anons, I've been trying to convince my boomer Dad that he is falling for the trap by blaming the mudslimes and shitskins for being here, when the real blames lies with those who have engineered this mass immigration but he has been well and truly propagandized to the point that he is utterly IGNORant to the puppeteers. I wish to open his eyes and have been looking around for evidence of the handrubbers' skullduggery.
Can we list the evidence that we have here in one thread? I shall start the ball rolling and hope that you will join me in posting similarly inditing material.
It's the Jews, damnit!
Other urls found in this thread:
When the floodgates are opened and your city is underwater, you don't blame the water. You blame whoever opened the floodgates.
Exactly, the fire is the symptom, the arsonist the cause.
Tell Dad, I've done the research, trying NOT for it to link back to da jew. It always does.
Sorry, user, I meant to reply to you and not my own post.
I never doubt the dubs of truth, brother, and I shall pass on your message, but to ask someone of this generation not to go with their gut, feelings, intuition (all based on what the talmud-vision has told them, of course) is hoping for too much. Let's post the evidence all in one place so that it will be impossible to deny.
Pick one stormtard
False dialectic followed by an adhominem. Nice fallacies, Rabbi.
Firstly we need to avoid yet anotther fallacy (that of equivocation) and state that whites are the most inventive and creative race, most capable of building and maintaining nation states. The Jews are a parasitical and sneaky, disingenuous race that have (through nepotism and conspiring) gained control our media, so they control our narrative. They are parasites that devour the host. They need to go, and the first step that we need to accomplish this and to undo the philo-semitism that they have established as the default is to lay down plainly in black and white for all to see, their nefarious plans. Once this knowledge is gained and fully understood, the right course of action will become clear, and only bravery and will to do that which will have become obviously necessary will remain.
Knowledge, as always, is key. All things start as a mental contruct. This thread is to lay the ground work and foundations for all that is to follow.
Use a different analogy. When your house is set on fire, do you run off after the arsonist while it burns or put the fire out first?
Moshe, we aren't being outsmarted, we were being patient and showing grace BECAUSE we are superior. No longer.
You need to plug the hole and stop the water coming in, user, to contain the problem, and THEN bail out the water that has already flooded in.
To use your analagy, it is no use putting out one fire if the arsonist is running around starting two more whilst you are distracted. Stop the arsonist in his tracks, THEN clear up the damage.
sage because just go to the redpill threads you nigger. this is a thinly veiled duplicate.
back to >>>/trannypol/
It was YOUR analogy you stupid fuck.
And the cunt wonders why no one bothers to listen to him.
There are many redpill threads deal with many different topics that relate to us, not just this one. It would be better if you could lift just one relevant piece of information and post that with your comment in future, user, so that it is contructive to this thread.
Appeal to ridicule, yet another fallacy. I am the only person that has posted anything of any value in this thread. I downloaded "You gentiles" after seeing the infographic, scanned the book to find the relevant section, screen capped and highlighted the part that dealt with white genocide and posted it here as new content so that everyone could read the primary sources for themselves. I did the same with the Congressional record relating to Israel Cohen's 1912 plans.
What have you done of any merit? Nothing. I am not just implying that you cannot prove that the Taig's are behind white genocide, I am stating it explicitly and look forward to you listing your evidence as I have.
Keep bumping this thread, Moshe. The more who see it the better.
The inverted Saturn cultists are the ringleaders in this plane yes, but their puppets are also a threat.
I never said they weren't a threat, user, and agree whole heartedly that they are, but one must deal with the root cause of a problem and not the symptoms (however unpleasant and nasty) if one wishes to rid oneself of the problem once and for all.
Aren't you forbidden to use fire/electronics on the Shabbat?
Show him Marching to Zion
Hmm, it's currently 10:18pm in Jerusalem, perhaps Moshe is not posting from the promised land.
Video is more powerful than the written word, so here is Barbara Spectre in her own words (and tweets). Everyone try and post some evidence, if you can.
Then do it, and post it here.
Thanks, user, I've not seen this yet, but I am downloading now and promise to do so this weekend. Hopefully it will be something that I can show him. Thank you for your constructive contribution.
Exactly! We are intelligent, rational people here, who are happy to be proven wrong, for is it not another way to say that we now know more today than we did yesterday? Let him post his Taig Conspiracy and if it fits the narrative better than the Jewish one then I, for one, shall be grateful to finally see the light.
Gotta check my own hitler dubs, but I shall use the opportunity to post more evidence. Anyone else want to join in the fun?
Just Google the names of the owners, or the sponsors, of all of these pro-immigrant/pro-Globalist/pro-diversity interest groups. Usually, a disproportionate number of the owners are Jews or, failing that, the donors are. Remind him that Jews are only 2% of the United States population and yet, lo and behold, look at where they are. Force him into admitting to a wildly conspicuous (((coincidence))) and then heckle him for arriving at that conclusion or, if he says that this is because of IQ or some such bullshit, call him a racist. Remember, the Jews do Jewey things because they are Jews, other conclusions are varying degrees of incorrect.
Thanks for infoggaphic, user. These Jews sure punch above their weight, don't they?
I didn't want to re-invent the wheel (but have produced several pieces of original content as my own contribution), and hoped that if somone else had already done the leg work that you have suggested (or similar) and had it sat on their harddrive, then they could post it to help.
He's not going to trust his son over jew propaganda.
Throughout history - during different eras - an enormous variety of people of disparate nations have remarked that jews are horrific liars.
Critics say that when Jews lie they speak their native language.
DON'T ASK DAD TO TAKE Zig Forums'S WORD FOR IT…..INSTEAD >>> Direct your dad to 2000 year old religious scriptures that say so, spoken by one who knew Jews well.
Here Jesus speaks to the Pharisees, a subset of Jews that lots of other Jews looked up to as leaders of Jewry.
You may well be right, user. My Boomer Mum is a completely lost cause, ashamed of her "Holocaust Denying" son, and refuses to watch anything that might possibly change her mind, "I've been to Auschwitz!", is all she will cry.
Pa, as you rightly say, refuses to believe me too, but his mind is more open than hers, and I hoped with the help of the collective hive mind of Zig Forums we might collect together a trove of irrefutable evidence of the nefarious tribe in their own words, that may sway him. He certainly won't take my word as is.
It is alienating not to be able to talk to one's parents and I can't be the only one in this boat. Perhaps we can all help each other?
Thanks, user, not immigration related but I have saved this info in my general "Jews" folder. Useful stuff.
Just ask him who is funding anything "bad" in the world - he will make large circles blaming economy, banks, bad times and he will never have the guts to name them. He has been brainwashed for decades. Do not be too rude on him. It is not completely his fault.
You have found that the Communist Party is behind it, not the fact that the person who penned that insanity is of Jewish ancestry with a Jewish name.
You are mistaken. Christ was not condemning them as a people, but the fact that they would not see the truth in that Christ is the son of God. The god of the Pharasees being a false God, something of the devil, because Satan is the sower of Chaos, the trickster. Your antisemitism has pervaded your consciousness and you can no longer see straight. Is Obama a globalist Jew? Is Clinton a globalist Jew? Fucking hell. Everything descends into Jewhatred.
Fake news>9/11>Bankers' wars>Globalism/multicult>Rothschilds>Protocols>Zionism>WW2
That's the progression you ought to take; banking, Waco and 9/11 is how a majority of redpills started out in America. The jewish question becomes valid in a person's mind once they realize all those things have (((something))) in common.
That common factor is a desire for a global communistic government. It's not a Jewish surname, you fucking moron.
Shouldn't you be trying to slide the CultState thread Himey? It would be a much better use of your time than these pitiful efforts to convince Zig Forums against something in which their minds have already been made up.
I want unlimited migration from Israel into a volcano.
Best first question to ask: Name a single thing kikes or israel have ever done for you or america other than cost us millions of lives and billions of dollars?
Then laugh as he struggles to come up with one.
have you ever thought that maybe your dad is a mason or something and is in on it and doesn't give a fuck if he has to point blank lie to your face ?
ask him this one question OP
does he want to believe it, or does he not want to believe it?
if the answer is no, then he will not believe it no matter what evidence is presented to him; he'd probably just brush it off as fake news or something
if the answer is yes, then he'll likely believe whatever evidence you give him
Trying to convince your parents of anything is pointless. They raised you and have taught you 95% of everything you know. Also, they'll be dead in 10-20 years and are not of fighting age so their opinion doesn't really matter. Just teach your own children the truth.
This looks like a fake thread. He has plenty of evidence to "convince his dad" and can get more without tying up pol.
This. Remember, we don't need you assholes. But you need us. No matter how many fall for your shill threads there are enough who know this. So you will have to deal accordingly.
No sage to expose this shill thread.
The issue is that you want to convert him with verbose infographs that he can gloss over. It took you several years to realize that they utilize political power to promote values that are antithetical to yours, same will happen with him.
Sorry, but no one is claiming to be the master race. They're claiming that Jews are responsible for being pro-immigration. Given the fact that they're a nomadic tribe, they support pro-immigration stances as opposing it would hinder them.
I get that you hate the fact that we throw slurs and pejoratives at you, but it doesn't change the fact that a lot of Jewish leaders are left-wingers who do everything they can to hinder us. The leader of the SPLC (Richard Cohen) and the ADL (Jonathen Greenblaat) aren't gentiles, they're Jews. Being blind to your enemy won't earn their respect nor their cease them from fighting against our cause.
Just look at the title, user. It's like a joke that might have been funny years ago before being exposed the kikery for very long. Obvious shill. "Help me Redpill my dad, fellow anons!"
Dad is not a Mason though he does know one or two of the very lower ranked ones (useful idiots).
I shall ask him if he seeks the cold, hard truth or prefers warm, comforting lies, user. I don't want him to believe anything JUST because I tell it to him, but because (on reasonable examination) there are no fallacies or contradictions to the evidence I give him and it fits the narrative better than his current beliefs. He does believe that a white genocide is going on (which is something), we just need to give him evidence of whose finger is on the trigger. If at that point he still refuses to believe the external and eternal truth, then I shall give up on him in regard to this matter, readjust my expectations of who he is and what he is capable of and talk of other matters, but I wish to give him every chance before that as his mind is far more open to things than others of his age. As I have mentioned above, my Mum is a completely lost cause and if I chased after her with the truth, she would run off a cliff to avoid it.
I started collecting (and producing some evidence) for the purposes stated, and hoped that others in the same boat could do the same so that, collectively, we would have all that we would need. You, on the other hand, have contributed nothing, and are an utter waste. Useless.
Not seen that quote before, user, but looked it up on and he is being quoted by his friend Frederick Raphael who co-wrote "Eyes Wide Shut". Thank you for this. I will use that.
Maybe he can overcome his inhibitions and biases, maybe ha can't, but I would like to give him every chance, user. Thank you for your other comment with regard to .
Thanks, user, that will be useful. Saved!
Good one. Trying to convince him that the holohoax is not real will be another big job but it, for me at least, was key to unlocking my mind because it that was fake then everything was up for grabs and had to be scrutinised carefully. Saved in the Holohoax folder for later use.
Not an argument.
My parents may have raised me, user, but they did not teach me 95% of what I know. The people who made me the man that I am today are the people whose books, poetry, novels and articles that I have read, paintings that I have admired, music that I have loved, podcasts and lectures that I have listened to etc.
You have been told all your life that "yoau are what you eat" but that is not the whole equation, you are a sum of all that you take into yourself and make good use of, and that includes all that I have mentioned above, If I have children, in an ideal world they will be homeschooled because it would eat me alive sending them off to the indoctrination camps for lessons in homosexuality and all that I vehemently disagree with when I could raise children who would be as Gods to the indoctrinated, medicated, fluoridated, vaccinated urchins of those who felt they could leave it to the motives and machinations of others to raise their own flesh.
And what are these "nefarious plans," stormderp?
Really. Reach deep down into your big bag of crazy and tell me what you think da j00z! are seekritly up to.
Shouldnt you be busy sucking dicks over at >>>/trannyhole/ comrade?
think of a bad thing that has happened.
a jew did it.
>mfw Zig Forums ACTUALLY BELIEVES that Hitler was a Jew
Now I've seen it all.
Glowy faggot on a quest to "save his father". Go clean your room, Peterson.
hi, jewish person.
stop replying to it you morons. filter and ignore.
Pick one and only one
I have just listened to George Lincoln Rockwell's speech at Berkeley, and he mentions the level of indoctrination that we are all subject to that prevents a lot of people of even calling someone a Jew outright instead of couching it in terms like "a nice Jewish boy" or, in this case, "Person".
Whilst acknowledging the collective wisdom of crowds being greater than any individual (hence my asking Zig Forums for help) I have kept looking myself and have found a treasure trove of information (albeit not in bite-sized form, so I will have to go through it and pick out the shiniest gems), and have included it here in PDF form and a link to archive.is
That's your first problem user. Boomers cannot be convinced of anything unless it involves sucking kike dick and hiring Mexicans for cheap labor and tacos. You may as well be attempting to convince a brick wall that anthropomorphic global warming is a complete hoax (it is).
t. son of a Boomer who has bought a copy of The Boston Globe every fucking morning for the last 43 years and makes ~$235,000 a year but doesn't understand the first fucking thing about caring for one's volk
I agree 100% with what you posted in regards to my mother, user, a complete lost cause who would rather dies than be unplugged from the Matrix, but as I have previously mentioned, my Dad is not too far gone. He even likes a bit of David Icke (minus the reptilians) and absolutely believes that "those in charge" create problems so that they can offer their pre-planned solutions (Hegelian Dialectic), but simply refuses (at face value) to indict the Jew. (I would still probably swap him for a total normies like Ma if he made a cool quarter of a mil-a-year, admittedly)
But are there many irish in the high places of media, politics and academia? You know, on the top of the decision chain?
No, kike. Not here you don't.
If your mother is not in the same room, ask your dad how he would feel if he had to go through his whole life knowing that an old bearded man sucked his dick. How would Dad feel when he realized that an old bearded man, a rabbi, was actually the first person to place lips on Dad's cock..?
This disgusting Jewish practice is certain to mentally traumatize male kikes, and may be part of the impetus behind the high rates of psychopathy among jews.
Check out this very brief video wherein the rabbi '"explains" why old Jew men should suck all young Jews' dicks - - Can't Jews see that it's a formula for mental illness?
Rabbi explains the Importance of sucking Blood from circumcised Penis
I had to go back to this comment because the author by ignoring EVERYTHING that I have posted so far, not bothering to read it, acknowledge it, and most especially not to refute it, and then asking me for evidence, reminded me greatly of pic attached.
Gradually, I began to hate them, indeed!
His silence is deafening, lad. (Nice Dubs)
"The great ideal of Judaism is that the whole world
shall be imbued with Jewish teachings, and that in a Universal
Brotherhood of Nations a greater Judaism in fact all the
separate races and religions shall disappear."
(Jewish World,February 9, 1933)
"We Jews have spoiled the blood of all races. We have
tarnished and broken their power. we have made everything foul,
rotten, decomposed and decayed."
(The Way To Zion, Munzer)
Shit Op are you retarded?
Death to Soros and Spectre. Someone should ignore all the pussies and just throat stab those faggots.
Here's some more.
1500? It's more than that now.
Pick one Redditor.
Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society
(Sergey Brin, Google founder, has donated $1m+)
… the vast majority of them [latest immigrants HIAS has helped import] are not Jews.
In a departure from its storied history, more than 80% of those assisted and resettled by the agency are now Darfuri and Somali refugees, Burundians and Burmese, persecuted minorities from Iran and a plethora of other nationalities.
“Over the last seven years, the ratio of Jewish to non-Jewish caseload has shifted,” said Gideon Aronoff, who has been president and CEO of HIAS since 2006. “This gives us a chance to serve our community’s values that call upon us to welcome the stranger, while at the same time it’s crucial for us to do this in order to have the capacity to resettle Jews today or Jews that will come in need tomorrow.”
And HIAS spends about as much time and energy these days on Capitol Hill advocating for immigrant rights as it does on resettlement and refugee services. Lobbying for immigration reform — another new role for the agency — is also part of the way the organization is transforming.
Full article
In Denmark the former Chief Rabbi Bent Melchior, (born in Germany in1929) a fervent Zionist, stated the following in the newspaper Politiken of March 17 2008:
" A quick look at any European society today should be enough to convince all enlightened Jewish and muslim communities and individuals that cooperation is in their own interest.
Muslim groups have many members, but little influence, while the Jewish community does not have many members, but is well organized and is prepared to share its experience and knowledge.
He then goes on to praise the 'great civilization' during the Muslim rule of Spain, and says:
That may be okay for the West, but not for the Jews. Another quote:
Bent, Alan, and Karen Melchior warn openly and strongly against mixed marriages, which are the gravest danger for the Jewish community. (Magasinet 10/4-94 and Politiken 24/4-94)
..US Jews have made no secret of their desires and doings, here Earl Raab, in the Jewish Bulletin, July 23, 1993, p. 17
'It was only after World War II that immigration law was drastically changed…In one of the first pieces of evidence of its political coming of age, the Jewish community had a leadership role in effecting those changes..'
Dr. Stephen Steinlight former President of the American Jewish Committee:
'For perhaps another generation, an optimistic forecast, the Jewish community is thus in a position where it will be able to divide and conquer and enter into selective coalitions that support our agendas.'
Full article:-
pdf printout attached
"The law was just unbelievable in its clarity of racism," says Stephen (((Klineberg))), a sociologist at Rice University. "It declared that Northern Europeans are a superior subspecies of the white race. The Nordics were superior to the Alpines, who in turn were superior to the Mediterraneans, and all of them were superior to the Jews and the Asians."
Karen Narasaki, who heads the Asian American Justice Center, finds the 1965 immigration overhaul all the more extraordinary because there's evidence it was not popular with the public. "It was not what people were marching in the streets over in the 1960s," she says. "It was really a group of political elites who were trying to look into the future. And again, it was the issue of, 'Are we going to be true to what we say our values are?'"
In 1965, the political elite on Capitol Hill may not have predicted a mass increase in immigration. But Marian Smith, the historian for Customs and Immigration Services, showed me a small agency booklet from 1966 that certainly did. It explains how each provision in the new law would lead to a rapid increase in applications and a big jump in workload – more and more so as word trickled out to those newly eligible to come. Smith says a lifetime of immigration backlogs had built up among America's foreign-born minorities. These immigrants would petition for relatives to come to the United States, and those relatives in turn would petition for other family members. Demand from post-colonial countries in Asia and Africa, she notes, jumped after World War II.
Jewish Involvement in Shaping American Immigration Policy, 1881-1965: A Historical Review
This paper discusses Jewish involvement in shaping United States immigration policy. In addition to a periodic interest in fostering the immigration of co-religionists as a result of anti-Semitic movements, Jews have an interest in opposing the establishment of ethnically and culturally homogeneous societies in which they reside as minorities. Jews have been at the forefront in supporting movements aimed at altering the ethnic status quo in the United States in favor of immigration of non-European peoples. These activities have involved leadership in Congress, organizing and funding anti-restrictionist groups composed of Jews and gentiles, and originating intellectual movements opposed to evolutionary and biological perspectives in the social sciences.
Oops, wrong attachment. Here is Kevin McDonald's paper "Jewish Involvement in Shaping American Immigration Policy, 1881-1965: A Historical Review"
Thanks, user, good stuff. Keep it coming everyone.
More from our friends at HIAS
Times of Israel
"The rabbi who rallies American Jews for the global refugee cause."
HIAS vice president Jennie Rosenn touts grassroots advocacy for expanded refugee resettlement as best way for Jews to address crisis
The Times of Israel just keeps on giving. They just can't help throwing it in our faces.
“All the Abrahamic faiths are united by the value of hospitality and welcoming the stranger as ourselves, for we were all once strangers in a strange land.”
On Wednesday, HIAS received a grant from the Genesis Prize Foundation and its 2017 laureate Anish Kapoor to advocate in support of immigrants and refugees to the United States.
Jewish Organisation HIAS attempts to exponentially increase the number of immigrants they have already brought over to America by lobbying for family reunification thereby increasing the number of rapefugees by an average factor of 6 (wife, kids, dependants). Never give them an inch.
The banned refugees include the spouses and minor children of refugees who have already settled in the US The action also suspended the refugee program for people coming from 11 countries, nine of which are mostly Muslim.
no amount of redpilling is gonna work on a neocohen. you may love your father, but he is not going to listen, treat him as the alzeihmers patient he is.
Redpillong the Old man was the original purpose of this thread, but since it has been left to me to do the lion's share of the lifting, I have done my best to dig up all the evidence that I can find for my own benefit, and the benefit of other user's, in short to make the nest case and thread that I can. Some other user's have done Stirling work and made valuable contributions. It is a shame that I cannot say the same for you.
Not even South Korean is immune anymore. tldr: Jeju island is a tourist spot with special vias-free restrictions for 90 days. Refugees arrive to stay indefinitely. Tiny island is overwhelmed and many Koreans don't know how to respond.
"Korea and Japan, largely homogeneous societies, have managed to avoid the vexatious migration crises wracking Europe and North America. Japan, for its part, accepted 20 (yes, 20) out of 20,000 asylum applications in 2017. But the experience of tiny, picturesque Jeju suggests that Northeast Asia’s blissful insulation from the global refugee crisis may not last."
Use this youtube.com
the guy is being sarcastic in the video, the stats are good, dont click off because you think its pro jew
Japan have got it sorted with their requirement that all immigrants must learn Japanese which is far beyond the IQ ability of all but the rarest Nogs. I would go along with the requirement that everyone should speak Latin in Western countries, because I would rather go to the effort of learning a new and difficult language that Nogs couldn't master and live in a ethnically homogeneous country than what we have now.
Thanks, man, will check it out later tonight when I've got 20 mins spare.
I think it's beyond all doubt at this point (and I'm still waiting for Moshe to post his first bit of evidence that, despite all evidence to the contrary, it's the Taigs.
“The embrace of immigration” is part of that, as is the involvement of Jews in social justice movements.