Brit/pol/ #2834: Milkshakes & Jess Shakes Edition

Nigel Farage: Milkshake thrown at Brexit Party leader

Nigel Farage getting hit by a milkshake isn’t funny, it’s owning the nazis epic style and it's beautiful

Jess Phillips and paki protesters kick off outside Birmingham school over fag curriculum shocker

Goy Verhofstadt: pls vote for us pls

"Nigel Farage is not going to be remembered as he wants, as the man of the people – he's going to be remembered as the man of the PayPal": Former PM Gordon Brown calls for an investigation into Brexit Party funding

'Motivated by hate' - police probe reports of assault and criminal damage outside Anderton Park School'

London taxi driver ends row with passenger by slamming on the brakes - knocking his furious fare senseless before he dumps him on the pavement

Toilet vulva art takes on 'penis doodles: An artist is painting pictures of vulvas on toilet cubicles across London

Eurovision: Is Brexit to blame for the UK's latest flop?

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lads who does the left like more gays or Muslims? is cognitive dissonance finally going to set in for them?

what's funny is they are literally trying to play that card

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Whoever keeps their tackles tickled, watch the Jess video in the OP.

desperate and seething, what's next, a dodgy dossier of the time Nige went to Moscow and got pissed on by a prossie?

naah mate, next is Tony Blair calling for peace and love.

There's room enough for both in the synagogue of Satan, so don't bother trying to work this stuff out. If you have to try and understand, judge by the results they're gonna get; which group is being primed for perpetual dominance?

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the mental gymnastics to suit where their feelings begin is Olympic tier
feel bad for this mentally ill lad

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can guaranfuckingtee that the moment the cunt gets shaked he'll change his opinions
sod the lot of them, they get brick'd


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actually did you see?

Ex-PM Mr Blair, a passionate anti-Brexiteer, told LBC that attacking your opponents is "horrible and ridiculous and people shouldn't do it".

He added: "I can't stand this, I really feel very strongly about this. The guy is entitled to his point of view.

"We've got to get out of this situation where if you disagree with someone you can stop them speaking, you can disrupt their meetings, you can throw things over them."

Tim Farron, former leader of the Lib Dems, added: "I’m not laughing along with the attack on Farage. Violence and intimidation are wrong no matter who they’re aimed at.

"On top of that, it just makes the man a martyr, it’s playing into his hands."

And Anna Soubry, from the Europhile Change UK party, said: "Unacceptable. Wrong. Unjustified. British politics sinks even further in to the gutter."

Theresa May also condemned the violence - her spokesman said: "Politicians must be able to go about their work and campaign without harassment intimidation or abuse."

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It's all just harmless fun and games, right Burger King?

Godspeed Limeys!

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yeah I'm sure he did, but what do his followers think?

Also this lmao

yeah okay, wait for maccies and bk to voice their support more blatantly before you fuck about like this
or, you go after fucks like pic related and show them the weight of their words

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Wrong image, oops, here you go.

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Prominent remainers sowing the wind.

Those poor souls

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such as putting stickers on lamposts

if they want to sow the wind, then let them reap the hurricane

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They are gay. So Muslims.


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Nazi salutes are big ostentatious gestures which is a bit continental, a normal salute suits Britain more tbh

mock the week russell howard 2010 middle class wanker tier "humour"

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He threw a lot of milkshake at Iraq
killed 600,000

Israel emptied quite a few white phosphorus milkshakes on Palestine

let them raep the frozen milshakes

This and this and this, look into rhetoric and you'll see Brits never really adopted it.

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I know
was replying to the lad in the last thread

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nasty cabal of twitter trannies has more power than all right wing white men combined

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i dont get why they are so bothered about milk who cares just continue and ignore it

never hire a nigger

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jannies do your job and ban this nigger

They just dont want the same treatment tbh…even after pushing the UK into a war no one wanted.

Why they put wings on a brick for?

They aren't, Nige only got worked up because his security had failed.
Point is there could easily be acid in the next maccies cup.

You can see the soullessness in his eyes

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Well they are going to get far worse if the populace has its way.

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Pick your fighter

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Anyway looks like he'll need some new Zig Forums bodyguards
I nominate SA and Helmers Zimmer Frame

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Are those MLP socks? Are these fucks basing their genitals off a children's show?
Confirmed nonces.

doesnt bare thinking about, Punished Nige, it'd be all the Media's fault.

Tbf this just makes the left seem gay.

yeah but they cart him away and he looks like a lost little boy the way the coddle him

wew that was lame

#3 to camouflage himself so well the other niggers don't notice he ain't their nigger

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Because he requested it.

epic style epic style >>>Zig Forums

these are the niggest

can you imagine this guy trying to chase anyone

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If I had the money I would gladly be Nige's nonce-bashing force.

These guys would be better off naked tbh, those clothes are like wearing a fluorescent jacket.

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the head bodyguard is like TAKE HIM TO THE CAR nige says nothing related to going to the car


>nothing for dinner

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>"I watched one video and that's it"
hullo reddit

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how did they not see that a mile away

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Good lad.

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been at toil all day lad we cant all get £20 for noshing on knobs in the templar

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Serious question: why is every other person autistic these days? The guy with the milkshake is blatantly some kind of autist. There seem to be teeming hordes of these people. Is it unironically because women are having kids later, or something to do with the effects of birth control? Why, lads? Why?

I webm'd it and forgot, here's a billion


wew calm down lad jesus

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this is how Woes will end up

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Alex Jones is unironically right.

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the brave nu male
very impressionable are the autists

He's a weeaboo for sure

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famous he is

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I hope theresa may manages to tackle this onslaught of milk-based terrorism
What if they were ICBM's instead of milkshakes, not so funny anymore huh

I feel sorry for these Muslims. They just want to preserve their culture and community. But the globohomocorporategayplex wont leave them be.

what if it was me smashing a brick into her throat until she cannot croak

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lmao fuck off


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Its getting abit 2016 Yank Tier out there atm

Be on the look out for more daft "happenings" on the way to this Thursday!

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we have more in common with them then the average english person at the moment tbh lad

not the noncing ofc unless you count 22st

And he's socially retarded enough to think this is going to give his life credibility. It's legitimately autistic behaviour. Imagine if lads on here went out happy slapping leftards because trump won the US election: that's the level of spazzyness we're talking about. In my day, it was only children who were this impressionable.

how is it possible to be so right and so mental at the same time? Tried to get into alex so many times over the years but can't get through a full thing.


why haven't you delisted this board and why don't you ban obvious leftypol trannies

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delist tbh

holy fuck what a joke the police are

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tbf the lad deserves (you)s, solid work he does tbh

You miss the autism lad
We aren't mad, the world is.

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I hope things settle down before the next lacterrorist slips a frozen banana into their liquid bomb

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This sort of attitude is genuinely worrying when one considers how prevalent such attacks have become with muslims. Also, how much of a fucking weasle-like little cunt do you have to be to be gleeful about the prospect of one of your own countrymen being viciously attacked in a manner popular with foreign savages? (I'm talking about acid btw - not milkshakes)

It's so fucking weird. Unabomber bomb was right about the left. They detest strength - particularly as expressed by people to whom they are linked.