The Two Moralities

There are essentially two different types of morals that people can hold
Either 'Master morality'
Which is essentially Good vs Bad
Is defined in terms of
Good being shiny, nice, stable, prosperous, etc. The system working in a sustainable productive manner. Everything having it's place in the natural order of things.
Like a perfectly sculpted golden statue would be considered good
And rotting bread by a stagnant pond would be considered bad
Then there is another system of morals they call 'Slave morality'
Which replaces Good vs Bad with Good vs Evil
Where good is defined as virtuous, brave, altruistic, heroic etc. Social justice. Equality.
The master morality develops and plays out in people who are in position of strength, power, wealth. The aristocrats of society etc. It serves to maintain such a situation.
The slave morality plays out in the weak, defeated, downtrodden etc. Essentially as a coping mechanism for being the weak and defeated. Bravery replaces Success as the most admirable trait
And I guess ultimately a sort of sliding scale develops between the two
That reminds me a lot of the Eagle vs the Serpent
With the rich people soaring above everyone else looking down and the poor people in survival mode, acting our their primal instincts on the ground
In this eternal battle
Which I guess becomes a clash of moral as much as it is about economics or intellect
Master morality and slave morality, unable really to see eye to eye or agree on anything
When it comes to sociopolitical systems
Right wing = Master morality
Left wing = Slave morality
It's that simple
Fascism = Extreme manifestation of master morality
Communism = Extreme manifestation of slave morality
And in a sense they both accomplish what they set out to do
Fascism is extremely prosperous and well structured
And without external meddling and wars, very stable
And in communism, they have their brave leader who led the rebellion
And everyone becomes equal
For a long time white male civilization generally has held master morality
While women and minorities have held slave morality, naturally

Now ask yourself:
Why are so many white people these days falling into slave morality and it's manifestations such as Marxism?

And furthermore:
How do we pragmatically bring master morality back into the status quo for white civilization?

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Nietzsche did not say that master morality was good and slave morality bad. He said that master morality was the first and most animalistic morality and that slave morality was implemented by the semetic religious leaders to handle large populations and the human population grew.

Nietzsche advocated that man find his own morality, by each individual determining what had meaning to him and pursuing that end wholeheartedly. This was his idea of the overman - the painter, architect, engineer, composer, farmer who dedicated themselves to perfecting their craft because they were driven by a passion to do so. Nietzsche thought that these pursuits would give life meaning that religion no longer could.

It's not exactly in line with NSDAP ideology, but lines up with free market ideas reasonably well.

Forgot to sage



Fuck you for stealing my bantz

Fuck you tooo.

Anyway OP, you are on a good road,but you have to pay attention in detail in order to be able to abstract the intented meaning from those books.You are lazy but with a good association ability.

Fuck off woman, back to your kitchen.

unironically this


All moral systems are for slaves, a true free man does only that which benefits him as an individual.

I thought about that it today:
There are two types of cuck morality:
1. The leftist that believes he has to sacrifice himself for the cause while neglecting personal interests.
2.The "i dont want to be a hypocrite" cuck,that essentially is hyper egoistical.

That is why leftists have the image of cunts and the right wingers have the image of chads, because their base userbase is exactly that.

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Given how society goes, yes.

Or morals cover a wide variety of topics with differing views that are capable of being manipulated and always capable of changing. Morals can be individually interpreted or shaped for enitre peoples. They can be changed over time or instantly.
Evidence of all of this is present currently and throughout history.

These are merely surrogate activities that distract people from the boredom that technology creates by taking our personal survival out of our individual hands. Take the tedpill, user. The only real way for people to be moral and fulfilled is to destroy society and technology and return to the stone age.

Freedom is a meme, it isn't real. and only cucks want it. Freedom is what weak cucks want because they are too pussy to enslave other.s so they come up the freedom meme. only a slave desires freedom.

Bullshit. Aristocracy is a completely alien system to the one in the west currently. Contrary to popular belief, Aristocrats in history actually had social obligations. They had to learn to be good at so much; including the arts of war. Rich people these days dont know fuck all about riding a horse, fencing, etc.

Aristocracy is a very principled idea, and it means a lot more than just being rich. It has everything to do with how you hold yourself.

Hitler wanted freedom, for mankind. What does that make him?

Morality isn't black/white, good/evil. It is an entire spectrum of shades of grey. You'll figure that out when you're not 12 years old anymore.

no there are more … there is the
-OP is a faggot morality in which we sage your dogma and use it to make fun of you
-Nihilism , say what you want at least its an ethos
-Ends justify the means
-The means are the ends
-dont care had sex

and many more types of moralities … you are too young and have not graduated yet … go out and get drunk kid

Its summer time boys

Aristocracy was tied to the place they lived in, that isnt exactly true nowadays.

Aristocracy is about loyalty and sacrifice dude.

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wrong, everything different about left/right is already completely explained by r/K selection theory.
r's almost exclusively notice and pay attention to bad things
K's almost exclusively notice and pay attention to good things
e.g. a typical r group would be anti-fascism, not pro-democracy. Meanwhile a typical K group would be pro-freedom or pro-life
^ r's care about the doer and the action done, regardless of its actual consequences (e.g. hate speech is totally inconsequential yet it's the worst thing you can do)
__^ K's care about the consequence, they are much more pragmatic
thus r's will fear corporations, guns, hate-speech etc. - things and actions that "ooze badness"
but K's will fear the innocent being hurt, their rights being taken, tyranny existing, small businesses being harmed, etc.
r's have 0 self-esteem and thus anything that is a "higher self" e.g. country, race, etc. is also treated just as poorly as they treat themselves - as dirt (regardless of their actual merits and value)
K's can more accurately assess their own self-worth and thus instead of merely anti-self, they can be truly selfless and impartial. Rather than the r's tendency to allow himself to be stepped on for the good of others (see: preferential treatment of minorities, allowing infinite refugees into Europe and being a cuck in general), the K will promptly defend himself as he sees (correctly) that all life has value, including his own
r's are typically far less happy, far more depressed, care about theorizing rather than pragmatic results-driven thinking, far more selfish/self-centered&narcissistic, more affected by cognitive dissonance & the amygdala hijack (these protect their very fragile ego), physically smaller, mentally childish and irresponsible, less muscular, easier to anger (trigger), naive, more prone to live in fantasy-land or care about fictional things, prone to addiction & hypersexual, is a pussy/wimp/sissy/etc.
K's have more common sense, are pragmatic (care about results not theory), are physically and mentally strong, capable of enduring challenge, far more virtuous than the borderline amoral r's, are happier, much wiser, courageous (as opposed to the cowardly r's), are into realism (not fantasy, not theory)

How you can become K: stop masturbating (it reduces your receptors, including testosterone ones), meditate (reduces cortisol, which cancels testosterone's positive effects), wear underwear that is very loose and fresh (testosterone is only produced under a certain temperature), sleep naked or with only aforementioned loose underwear, and of course, become /fit/ (fat kills testosterone and turns it into estrogen)

r = fags/cucks/nu-males/soyboys/etc.
K = Jack, the blacksmith/Johnny, the soldier/Billy, the hunter/etc.

where were you when tight underwear caused the downfall of civilization?

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False, Satan. Aristos = Excellence = Arya = Arete.

It's not about dying for ZOG but what greatness and excellence produces and what it gives back. The Roman Senate wasn't about sacrifice and loyalty but genetic heritage and duty.

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"I use colors to dumb down speech because I'm an adult".

This thread is full of fucking faggots. That's exactly what OP was saying and you missed it because you made a childish shitpost.

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Good video - direct qoutes and music to fit.

Nigger speek 101

meaningless platitudes 101.



Because semites are crafty.

It tends to work itself out, jews are terrible at maintaining their intrusions upon Europeans.
I would like people to understand history and evolution to a greater degree, because at the end of all the yammering, thats the context of import.

God damned goon. Could you write in a more coherent manner? FUCK YOU YOU REDDIT SCUM

Master morality fails Kant's test, ie if we all kill Lizavetas to get money for college, society dies. It's acutally nigger morality. Killing Lizaveta for her banana is nigger morality.

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You first faggot. Walk out into a national park with nothing and live there for the rest of your life. Come back in 10 years time and tell us how you did.

I can tell you have no fucking idea what you are talking about, they are both manifestations of slave morality.

Well at least the first post isn't full retard.

Not quite, those are all examples of hyper-specialisation which Nietzsche was an opponent of.

The point of the overman is that its an unattainable place much like "true socialism" lol and that much of what makes up ones purpose comes from working towards it. One of the rules in Jordan Peterson's 12 Rules book is "Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not who someone else is today" which sums the idea of the overman up quite nicely, you should always be improving yourself. Why hyper-specialisation is bad is that it not only makes you an amateur in everything else but its not the most optimal use of your time, for instance if one can learn a skill to a high level in 6 months but to fully master it takes an additional 2 years then it would be a better use of your time to do other things which result in self improvement (that's not to say you should drop the skill entirely if you like it, you can still continue to master it but it shouldn't be at the expense of everything else).

Its about duty too

Hence why the elites want to replace us with niggers

Master morality is required to crush jewry every now and then. The jews will resent us for this, but without this transformation, the West cannot survive.


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Also nice Spectre post.

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this guy is the same faggot that posted the critical theory thread, the retardation gives him away. I'd say he's in his mid twenties and he just read beyond good and evil. Neitzschean horseshit is like a new toy to him. He just stumbled onto it and, being a dipshit or a sociopath, he's made it his religion.
He's enrolled in a community college somewhere because his parents laid down the ultimatum- that or a job. He's pursuing a bullshit degree in social science that will someday serve as asswipe when he's living on the streets hiding from his student loans. He's a true believer because his professor gives him a pat on the back and an attaboy every time he says something stupid like his posts here. Everyone else he's ever met thinks he's retarded, so the marxists dumbfucks have made him feel welcome as their pet. He's fifty pounds overweight, jerks off to anime, and sits naked in a chair that smells like asshole as he posts here.

Gas on sight.

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I'll see your bump and raise you a sage.
