Pedo in the Boy Scouts

This guy sent me a random LinkedIn request. He's obviously some sick fucker. Do what you want to this guy.

Attached: sdfvff.png (817x1006, 367.85K)

Kill yourself retard.

Here's a little tale of corruption.
Some years ago the BSA in Maine got a bigwig sent to fix front Texas. He was supposed to fix the budget or something.
His son was a sex offender barred from being near children. He got his son into many places he wasn't supposed to be in sight of.
He 'fixed' the budget by simply not spending anything in his time. That meant the camps had only local funds to work off of, and so stuff like food bills went unpaid for months.
Pretty sure the bastard was fire eventually for embezzlement.

The BSA has been dead since the early two-thousands at the least.

*Sent from Texas to fix it up
That decaff was a mistake

Literally nothing wrong with being a pedophile.

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Neck yourself.

Tell me what's good or right about it then.

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1. Lolis are cute
2. Lolis can consent
3. Lolis have better personalities than roasties

And why would it be good for lolis? Don't think only about yourself but visualize what they would feel.

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The lolis would get the respect and fulfillment of being treated as an individual capable of giving consent, unlike the current system which fosters long-term dependence on a parent figure (the state).

The fact this sick fuck is comfortable enough to admit/pretend to admit/ he is a pedophile, even if he is behind 6 gorillian vpns, is a testament to the kiked situation we are in.
I long for a future in which pedophiles are so scared of getting the rope that they do it themselves, and those that would even pretend would stop themselves knowing that they would be necked as well.
I have faith that day will come again. The day the pedos all scream as one beautiful orchestra of cleansing.
Anyone who thinks less is either brainwashed by the kike push for child rape or a child rapist themselves. If shit ever fully hits the fan Santa's list of dead pedos is going to grow off of whatever records are found from breaking in to server compounds and physically scouring whatever possible.

With that said, this thread is shit.

Pedophilia is natural, once you remove the Jews society will naturally go back to the healthy pedo-acceptance culture that we used to have.

Attached: pedo.png (1268x1645, 622.22K)

Yeah, no.

Nigger you are fucked up, it doesn't matter if it is natural or not. You deserve to be oppressed in your closet and openly mocked when you leave it, ending in your quiet death in some place far away from a place where anyone will help you. No one will really care when you die, kike.

No, yeah.

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Sicko that's not even anywhere close to the "right age for sex" in your earlier retarded post. You're a full blown pedo who would fuck a child without remorse, and a kike shill as well who is trying to put together fake pedo support on Zig Forums. I bet you'll be calling your fellow shills in here shortly, too.

Your mind rejects the truth because you've been programmed by lies. Don't worry, if you work hard you might eventually see the light.

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No, it really isn't. Hebephelia, maybe in extreme circumstances. Ephebophilia, certainly, it's the norm in history. Sexual arousal to prepubescent children? Never. That's the most dessert cult you can get without a brazen bull.
This isn't something you can debate, this is hitting upon subconscious nerves. This subject is not abstract, no 'buts', no contextual modifiers. This is about the very essence of innocence. Arranged marriages? Sure, but if there is 'contact' before 'development' it's to the fucking bog.
I have rarely felt as much hatred as I do in this moment. If you're an ironic shitposter, find a different thing to shitpost, please. There are less well poisoning ways to draw ire.

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Not an argument.

Not your personal army.

The thing about little kids is they have parents.
And as a parent we know that the old ways of dealing with sick fucks like you are way more effective than the current 'list them and release them' system.
So, when you give in to your sick desires remember that you might end up in jail and as a dot on a list, or you might get tracked down and get nailed to a board with 'pedophile' scrawled at the bottom then filleted alive as a warning. Just depends on how pissed the parent is and the state of the world around you.
Me, I hope it is the latter the next time you walk outside.

Me and my loli wife will rain fire down on you oppressors if you dare to storm our castle.

Attached: gun loli 2.gif (500x281, 843.81K)


The only light I'll be seeing will be the gates of Heaven after I die, while you and your kike brethren will be eternally damned.

Except the fact that you are intimidated by a woman, being such a pathetic "man", that you justify in your mind taking innocence from a child for your degenerate lust. You are human garbage and child rapists like you should be beaten to death in the streets.

Nigger, I am not that strict about muh age, but that is absolutely a shill image. Also, if you muhdicks4nohips faggots get your way, it's going to lead to more kid rape than ever because the subhumans can and will race to the bottom faster than you can. Everyone knows you're full of shit and need to an hero. If it's prepubescent, you need the death penalty. That is where my tolerance ends.

I just dropped the most horrid, eye-watering fart that hung think in the air for a good 2 minutes. I can still taste the fucking thing (or at least the ghost of it). And still, that is more appealing than your taste in women.

OP, if this thread doesn't convince you that you should fucking destroy him then there's no hope for you.

If he sent you a request then you have a justified in to expose him. He doesnt suspect you.

"pentest" stands for penetration testing, retard. He's a tech security analyst.
Also you type like a boomer. Consider suicide.

You know damn well that Zig Forums destroys pedos, yet you decide to post that shit here. Therefore you are a shill, probably working for JIDF. Or perhaps you are really a pedo working for JIDF.

Your comrades might accept you but we do not.
Come on now, no need to pretend. You are probably here on their behalf to smear Zig Forums.

He might if you want to dig in further go for it. Otherwise I would advice against 'exposing' him given the fact you have no evidence; merely hints. He can sue you depending on your state and what you do, unless you get something more concrete.

^he might be*

He's a kike too.

Sorry, do you mean the gender-neutral scouts?