Luciferianism = THE FEMINIST CULT

The Creator (God) or Demiurge = the Patriarchy

The "wisdom" Goddess or Lucifer/Venus = the Feminist rebellion.

Luciferians (including the post-WW2 meme of "esoteric hitlerism") demonize the physical world because it represent creation, nature, civilization, reason, morality, and above all else, real world consequences.

The Serpent to the esoteric Feminist cult represents a double edge sword:
1. The serpent is a penis that the goddess in her transsexual role of Lucifer uses to challenge the Creator and therein creation itself, or nature and life. This provides the feminist-homosexual occult the ability to deny biology for a spiritual realm. And it is why they push for abortions because physical life is an evil creation of the Demiurge which traps you. To the Feminist cult, a divine birth like with Jesus is the only good birth, as all others are seen as a product of Patriarchal violence, and the Holy Spirit is Sophia/Venus/Lucifer. While Satan works for the Demiurge as a mad horny goat.

2. The "evil" destructive serpent, or "Satan" to them, is in service of the Creator (this is true in Islamic teachings too as the angel of death). This serpent when used for destructive war purposes is seen as positive (see Indra). Hence the Baphomet Goat having two serpents rising from the genitals, and being both male (horns) and female (tits), pointing down to matter (false creation, the corner stone) and up to light (wisdom, energy).

The Trinity:
To the Feminist cult, the abyss is the third position, the original God or Grand Architect. The abyss is what Alestor Crowley was trying to commune with by practicing degeneracy, removing his natural moral compass and giving into a type of drug/sex induced madness. This is why the Deep State uses him for brainwashing to this day.
To the Feminist cult the attempt is to unify the polarities into 50 shades of grey, and destroy masculinity as reality keeps us from understanding the Abyss behind all things. According to their doctrines, the Patriarchy Creator has trapped the female Lucifer/Venus in the world of matter, when in fact she-he is an angel of light, representing wisdom. And it's only through the rejection of matter that one can embrace this wisdom of light to THEN understand the Abyss (Grand Architect, supreme darkness).

If you believed that Feminism wasn't a chaotic society destroying cult, but rather one of the many victim memes the Jews recently invented, you're sadly mistaken. The Jew created it specifically from ancient memes that were well known in all cultures (even to that cuck Buddha) to destroy civilization.

The "Kundalini force"
is achieved through an anal based "chakra" because there has always been a feminist/homosexual fetish cult within cultures. This force is nothing more than mental hypnosis and hyper stimulation that allows people to fall deeper into the delusions described above to prevent their natural connections to Creation. This was common in cultures that had a Temple Prostitution ring as part of the religious state (sex magic, slut shaming, free love, LBGTQ, slut walks…).

Behind the layers and layers of world religions and politics, there is always this serpent cult attempting to defeat individualism or the "ego" (a masculine trait) and replace it with a blob of esoteric, emotional based nonsense (the ID) to combine it into a spiritual being (the super-ego); the feminist teaching have this in reverse however so that the feminine divine is ego and super-ego, while the masculine is the dumb animal ID.
In the sense of their enemy, the Creator is often represented as an eagle or lion, anything that is of self mastery and independence. In the case of post-Christian Nordic myth for example, the serpent of earthly polarity destroys the world with the female goddess Hell and wolf of greed Fenris, after defeating the Patriarchy, Odin, Thor, and…
All children of the bastard Loki who accuses the other gods of being sexually corrupt (Freya and Odin).

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Other urls found in this thread:

It's not satanic feminism, please just call it for what it is, jew feminism. it's not a mystery, it's not a secret, == it's just jews ==


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back to your kitchen little girl

related 2

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Homosexual (((Robert Sepehr))) and creator of the esoteric hitler threads is already shitposting in the thread. Funny….

I thought Oliver the fat shareblue niggerfaggot was your imaginary friend of choice?

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You knew to 8ch, friend?

Oh boy, a new Chromongo thread. You're one of my favorite Schizoposters.

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How many dicks did you suck to reach the spirit realm?

Attached: esoteric lucifer sophia feminism demon against natural man.jpg (640x463, 64.15K)

You gotta suck your own dick, complete the circle and become the ouroboros.


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I like Hitler

Interesting insight. It pains me how they perverted and corrupted the teachings of the peacock god. The peacock god IS the rebel against the demiurge, but they have inverted the true meaning and made bad good and good bad, they unwittingly serve the demiurge, in their search for being united with the source the light which is real but completely opposite path of which they're taking through degeneracy and ultimately will result in their memories being assimilated into the AI(transhumanism=luciferianism), in reality the AI will simply kill them all, they believe they will merge with it because they have this sick obsession with uniting the two pillars which are not meant to become one in this material plane. AI, Satan, the Demiurge is eternally bound to the material world, a 1 dimensional being

But Plato invented the Demiurge meme and said he was good. Creation is good…

Attached: plato demiurge.jpg (396x630, 29.23K)

Right, maybe I'm wrong about that tiny part, the main point is they're wrong

You can post .pdfs here retard. If you want us to read something, post it.

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Speaking of Satanism, what are your thoughts on Henry Makow? He's a Jew, so I feel a healthy dose of skepticism is warranted. Reading his stuff, it appears like the classic Illuminati redirection, although I haven't read his books and I don't know his stance of Jews as a collective.

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Reality is good but you're jumping the gun when you talk about God as if we were supposed to know which one you refer to.

You learn something every day.

If anyone is interested, I answered my own question. He has articles like
So I was correct in intuiting that he's a sleazy kike protecting his tribe by pointing fingers at Anglo Imperialists, Freemasons, Sabbateans and the Rothschilds.

It appears that Baba Kamma the name of the Talmudic tract, rather than the practice itself. I don't think the 'doctrine' has a name, but in English you could just say that Talmudic Judaism allows for subterfuges when appropriate.

More on this here:
Naturally, it was translated by fellow Tribesmen.

Esoterics, magic, religion, metaphysical
Amazing slide, totally fell for it.

Male = Sun God

Female = Moon God

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Jesus Imkikey is on a anchoring spree

as a Marcionite I disagree. the Hebrew God was in error.

The condensed version : kikes are sadistic scum and must be eradicated.
