New Jersey Congressional Representatives raid ICE detention center and let illegals out of cells
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Trump is perfectly fine with the state of affairs in New Jersey. He prefers it. It's why he invests so much here. It's where his whole kike faggot in-law family comes from. I'm sure this incident will prove to be a valuable vote farm, though.
WTF I hate glmpf now.
RESIST Zig Forums
This will ultimately lead to people pushing for just outright killing illegals since deportation is too lengthy and too easily thwarted.
The Demorat sub-human future noose ornament greets his future voting block. That's how this story can be summed up.
This is nothing short of treason.
You don't kill the illegals first. You kill the Nigger government. I fucking HATE being born in America. I fucking hate this country
dead reps can't make a stink out of anything
There are illegals in Anchorage, Alaska even. Mexicans are like roaches, they're able to make homes in the tiniest nooks of society if it isn't routinely cleaned. The beaner support network at this point is widespread and has lots of resources to help their brown brethren travel anywhere and find under-the-table jobs working for legal beaners, kikes, and boomers. It's made even easier when Democrat politicians give them every form of welfare available while Republicans try to give them amnesty over and over again. Reagan did the 1986 amnesty intending it to be a one-time deal in exchange for a wall and more Border Patrol funding, and unfortunately it was maybe the worst move he made. He was naive enough to actually think the Democrats would keep their word instead of lying like they always do, and he also set the precedent that amnesties were OK in the first place.
The government is actively aiding illegal beaners and imprisoning anyone who tries to handle the issue with vigilante justice. I don't even know how the issue can be solved without violence at this point.
(checked Hitler dubs)
They are still put in buses and shipped all over the country for "holding", then released into the community once a kike judge tells them to let them go. This is the standard shipping practice for spreading illegals all over the country, and New Jersey elites need their cheap labor and easy child slaves. Despite Trump's rhetoric and ICE actually enforcing the law in some places like California Northern Atzlan, illegal immigration hasn't changed much since the Obama admin. It would if he'd BUILD THE FUCKING WALL
It's probably full of leafs and the Irish.
I don't understand how they're too stupid to see it. We have California, right now, as an example of what happens when they become a majority. White people are being chased out of the state. It's turning into a socialistic shit-hole where the government steals from whites and gives to brown people. It's filled with crime and poverty. They vote their own kind into office, and through that undermine our own national safety by inviting more brown people in with lax border protection and sanctuary cities. The most blatant long-term proof is the statistical date that shows what policies they support. Only white people support political freedoms. None of them do. Not kikes, not blacks, not asians, not beaners etc. They are literally supporting their own destruction, and there's proof all around them, and they completely ignore it. Either that or they actually support it. I mean the on-the-ground citizens, not the Neo-Lib sub-human politicians who will just run off to another, whiter country with all the money they filled their pockets with undermining our country. This is why I hate urban whites. I've completely dehumanized them. If the shit ever hit the fan, they'd get the bullet as soon as a nigger would if I caught them fleeing the city.
Feel the same way too sometimes user. Other than the right to own firearms to the point of being a one man holocaust if you so wish to go out that way, there is practically nothing positive about this shithole. Even in the middle east, as shitty as it is, there's something they have that we've just completely fucking lost. That raw simplicity of life being purely based on day-to-day survival unleashes your abilities in a way opposite of America that just crushes your will.
Is it a nigger mason country?
I didn't read that
So after much kvetching they tossed them a bone to see/talk with the fucks which ultimately led to nothing. And of course faggot OP uses a cuntpost story. Zig Forums eating dicks yet again.
Those "stalling" tactics are what each and every visitor going through the process to see a prisoner at a jail/detention facility have to go through when they actually have a right to visitation. These elected cunts, don't as they are not family. They were lucky to be allowed in at all considering they didn't follow proper channels to go there in an official review capacity.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, still detained, still waiting to be shipped off. Guess it was a big NADA HAMBERGUESA.
They likely picked up the ones Obama has been letting in for years. They are all over the country user. Take heart, they won't be for much longer.
I'm in shock to find out that this Jewish individual is behind an attempt to break laws that the host community has in place and to instead promote the entry of hostile foreigners…
Nadler was born in Brooklyn, New York City, New York. He graduated from Stuyvesant High School in 1965 (where his debate team partner was the future philosopher of science Alexander Rosenberg… wikipedia_org/wiki/Jerrold_Nadler
A Jew doing this… Who'd a thunk it?
kikes import them for menial stuff like landscaping, housekeeping, ect.
Aside from explicit importation, part of the draw to those (((areas))) is the concentration of wealth, the other part being political sanctuary. Illegals are largely sheltered from the high cost of living , so they get can get more money to send back to shitholeville; much, much more than they would get working in rural WV (with a higher risk of deportation).
Checked. Found the original.
Son of a… wrong one.
Pretty much.
Today being Father's Day, the MSN has prepared a whole swathe of "They're separated from their families on FATHER'S DAY!!!" news stories for the viewing public.
At first I was just sickened, but now my wife and I have been playing "spot the lie" in which we identify the exact moment that the grieving families brush past their family member's crimes. For instance, a woman was talking about her ex-husband's case, and she rushed right through her former husband's DUI and driving without a license charge. Then, she said he'd applied during their marriage "but the application fell through", and right when she said that, her eyes swept down and to the left. Applications don't "just fall through", they're denied, and for good reason. Fucking illegals are the new dindus.
Why are you even watching mainstream corporate media?
Click the arrow by your name and press delete.
Because you always watch your enemy's movements.
I'm not a yid and have no problem admitting when I make a mistake.
Faggot Zionistic Democrats Visit Wetback Immigrant Detention Center On Father’s Day To Protest Family Separations
>Officials at the facility used “stalling tactics” to keep the piece of shit lawmakers out, Rep. Jerrold 'Shithead' Nadler claimed.
>That piece of shit Nadler criticized immigration officials at the facility for “delays and stalling tactics” that kept (((them))) from entering and speaking with detainees.
>Top White House adviser (((Kellyanne Conway))), meanwhile, claimed that “(((nobody))) likes” the Trump administration policy and urged Congress to pass a law to change it.
>“As a mother, as a Catholic Pro-Zionist, as someone with a Sub-conscience … I will tell you that (((nobody))) likes this policy,” Conway told Chuck Todd on NBC’s “Meet The Press.”
This is nigger tier
At the end of the day this whole new "child imprisonment family destroying" narrative is easy to see through considering Trump admin has actually been frustratingly weak to the point of reaching kang nigger numbers.
If Trump grew some balls he would tweet about this, spread awareness, and then do something for once. I'm sick of him focusing more on other shit than the thing people voted for him for.
Back to kikechan, woman.
If this "problem" goes away, Trump doesn't have anything to agitate with. Tragedy and Hope, Gladio, etc.
What if Trump (or one of his associates, or a friendly member of Congress) wanted to go visit Paul Manafort in jail, in order to protest DOJ corruption, muh witch hunt, etc? Imagine all the kike media outrage and delirium that would ensue, accusing them of obstruction, witness tampering, etc.
Because in order to redpill someone, It's essential that you point out the narrative and explain the lie.
For instance, the current lie is that families are being separated because of Trump's orders. The truth is, during the Obama administration, over 100,000 Ecuadorean children showed up unescorted to our Southern borders and were housed in standard ICE facilities. Liberals pitched a fit about children being imprisoned without educational oppprtunities, under high-security conditions, and being strip-searched upon entering the facilities. Clearly they were hoping these children would be released, but instead, the Obama administration ordered ICE to open lower-security facilities with educational opportunities, children's health care programs, etc. These child-care rated facilities were not secure enough to house adults, so children began being separated from adults during the Obama adminstration. Trump had nothing to do with this, it was 100% liberals.
Why respond genuinely to a disingenuous question asked in bad faith? You must know the yid fuck is only doing it to create noise and not looking for an answer.
Shut up Kike.
It's all just another opportunity to point out the truth that's not being spoken if, even in this thread—that family separation is an Obama era legacy, not a new Trump policy.
There, said it twice now.
The kike jew media is really pushing this story hard.
Every day this week, NBC Nightly Jews has been dedicating like half the broadcast to the plight of the poor invaders being separated from their children.
Who do they think they're fooling?
Fair enough, as long as you know it's like throwing a kike against a wall and hoping it will stick. Have at it. kek
It's like they want to push them into adult facilities with known rapists and murderers to train them. Why do they hate the children so much?
Caging children apart from their parents has no purpose and is always harmful to them.
Yet you fail to delete the mistakes after posting corrections.