In Your Own Words

Explain National Socialism. I bet this board cant even do it anymore.

In detail, what would a National Socialist government look like in terms of the policies it would hold and the stances it would take. What makes a National Socialist government a National Socialist government, what distinguishes it from other similar forms of government. What is the goal of National Socialism. Etc.

Ib4 locked despite being the most valid thread on the board

Attached: hitler-strong-chance-of-heil.jpeg (600x455, 64.88K)

Other urls found in this thread: Kampf - The Stalag Edition - The Only Complete and Officially Authorised English Translation Ever Issued (1940) - Adolf Hitler.pdf

Also if youre a serious expert consider waiting before you blow the entire thread.

30 minutes later, no National Socialists show up at all. I made that second post so the one or 2 guys out of 2 thousand dont spoil it immediately on the first reply, but I think its safe to say this community doesnt have many National Socialists left. Ones who understand it beyond GTKRWN and Hitler pictures.

nice bait schlomo

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You there, National Socialist comrade who is totally not a TRS meme loving astroturfer. Explain National Socialism, and stop saging unless you are unable and are ashamed.

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Proving my point.

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I can answer, but please ask more specific questions, as it would be a Mein Kampf 2.0 to write and overview of it all.

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Its not supposed to be simple or you could just look it up. You know what I mean.

I see your point, fair enough. I don't have the time right now to write such an extensive answer, but I'll work one up tomorrow.

OP of this thread is kikey btw, as you can see from the meta thread here:

I could provide some write up, but the person chastising this board for not immediately responding to this bait thread can't write a decent writeup of natsoc himself. Pot calling the kettle black, wouldn't you say kikey? Fuck you faggot kikey, your hitler image spam doesn't make you a natsoc. You probably never even read MK. I won't contribute to any thread you create because you are a pest that needs fumigating. Begone faggot.

Unite Americans through their European heritage.
Promote American industry.
Mandatory military service for all able body men.
Use government programs to rebuild America's infrastructure, giving jobs to disenfranchised working class whites.
Promote traditional marriage to reverse the birth rate trends.
Get rid of juden.

I have a fair bit of faith you will follow through, dont spend too much time on it. The point is that you and me are probably the small minority at this point. Between now and then, I wouldnt expect much.

This guy is a shill trying to do damage control so that Zig Forumsacks dont demand actual mods that ban cancer. He has a lot of bullshit narratives and is exactly what we need to be able to ban.

Not the board, shills like you who are chasing off serious National Socialists.

Thats pretty weak bro.

I'm not writing my struggle part 2 electric boogaloo here

First of all American Nazism a la Rockwell is totally different from the NSDAP's version, and without giving too much away you didnt even mention usury. As I said, weak.

Good thread

Based on

I would summarize the owls of the NSDAP as being

Hitler planned to accomplish these by

I know right? Shills are asspained and want it deleted.

You're such a serious national socialist you can't even write 500 words explaining it or defending it. You're a room temp IQ roach who needs to go away. You'll never be white.

Did I blow too early?

I wouldn't consider myself a serious expert as I have only read maybe a dozen books on the Third Reich

Read the spoiler, fellow white person.

You did breddy gud

Juden arent usury, usury is a concept involving interest on loans. Its like how you cant simply get rid of Jews and expect speculation to stop, you have to stop speculation and unearned wages themselves also. Its not just about throwing Jews out, or gassing them in our case.

If were going to post with TRS shills at least force them to understand National Socialism before they can hope to "fit in". As it stands half of them still think its fucking marxist socialism and wealth redistribution, rich to poor.

Depends on the country, its leaders and the times.
But the sense or recognition of the economic, racial and spiritual community of the whole of a people, combined with the acknowledgment of the role of the individual within the community, is NatSoc.

Here, now stfu:

I hope your finally at the acceptance phase of your grief over loosing the board imkomfy. God that thread you posted saying "You have 10 seconds to enplane why you dont support Israel" and the Communism general you posted cringe as fuck. Then you went to /sudo/ to complain about your shit being anchored.

More recently you've been shilling in all sorts of threads meta complaints, cringe as fuck.

Just want you to realize that all us globals can now see your posting history too.

Please try to transition into a productive member of Zig Forums. Accept that your situation is of your own making and stop lashing out against people that did you no harm.

Also national socialism is just the German variant of fascism, unlike communism that was intended to be the same worldwide (which it wasn't, look at East Germany, Yugoslavia, USSR and North Korea) evert variant of fascism would have its national particularities. It's not even a White thing, Kaddafi's Libya was a variant of fascism.

Certainly it would look far different in ultra-Catholic Poland as opposed to atheist Czech Republic.

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The core characteristic is printing your own money and giving none of it to ews and niggers. Lincoln did it and got assassinated. Hitler did it and got assassinated. JFK was thinking about it for too long it seems.

Oops. I meant to say kosher niggers.

See attached pic inside attached pdf

Ten Commandments for Each National Socialist
The homeland is the mother of your life — never forget that!
1. Your fatherland is Germany. Love it more than anything else, and more in deed than in word.
2. Germany’s enemies are your enemies; hate them with your whole heart.
3. Each people’s comrade, even the poorest, is a part of Germany; love him as you love yourself.
4. Ask for yourself only duties. Then Germany will regain its rights.
5. Be proud of Germany; You may take pride in a fatherland for which millions gave their lives.
6. He who insults Germany insults you and your dead. Punch him.
7. Don’t cause mischief, but where someone denies you your rights, God gives you the right to use your fists.
8. Do not be a crackpot anti-Semite, but keep away from the Berliner Tageblatt.
9. Live your life such that you will not need to be ashamed in a New Germany.
10. Believe in the future, for that is the only way you will gain it.

>The same is true of the Jew.

Attached: The Nazi-Sozi commandments_Page_04.png (1700x2200, 31.15K)

This is all you need to explain NatSoc.

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No, it wasn't just the "german variant of fascism", It was racial fascism. None of the other fascist movements (BUF,Iron Guard, Rexists, etc) cared about race, eugenics, and other things related to race.

In pre-Zig Forums times (/new/, etc.) there were plenty of "National Socialists" but I had no idea what it was supposed to mean at all. They all had vastly differing beliefs but strangely enough they wouldn't fight each other at all, they totally behaved as if they all had the same beliefs. One would say there should be a free market, another one would call for communist-like central planning. One would say "degeneracy" is allowed behind curtains, the other would gleefully say how there'd be public execution square right in the open. They had vastly differing racial views and ways to handle them, like one prominent fellow would claim Southern Europeans aren't white and deserve genocide like all other non-whites in the world, Slavs are white but inferior and their good people would be forcibly Germanized while the rest would be reduced to living like cavemen, others would claim everyone in Europe is white, everyone's culture would be cultivated and protected and non-whites would live in their own lands. One would say everyone would be pushed to their limits as people, other would say there's gonna be a repressive caste system and 99% of people wouldn't be allowed to read. Like what the hell is it supposed to be?

I don't like this wording because it focuses on a state rather than a people.

It should clarify at the beginning that Germany = the Germans, and is not referring to a specific government or an arbitrary set of borders.

The differences between fascism and national socialism have been greatly exaggerated. Hitler read Mussolini's Doctrine of Fascism and was heavily inspired on that. Once Hitler added the racial aspect, Mussolini began to speak of it as well. Either way what Hitler meant when he talked about race meant something different than the American idea of race, Americans talk about White race in a pan-European way that ebbs and flows throughout history including various European ethnicities and excluding others based on the amorphous concept of "White American" whereas Hitler talked about race in the classical European usage as "your ethnicity".

That's what frustrates me about American white nationalists not understanding what Hitler meant when he talked about Slavs and Mediterraneans.

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Now, explain liberalism.

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it would look like seemingly capitalist because natsocs believe in free market but also believe the government should be able to step in to prevent corporate kikery instead of corporations being more powerful than the government such as in capitalism. socially anti degeneracy. no fag acceptance or other sexual deviancy. its distinguishable because its not retardedly idealistic like communism where everybody will hold hands, work and only take what they need and its not like capitalism where subversive elements can gain huge influence through undeserved privilege of being the first to figure out a way to jew others. are you fucking retarded mate? its not difficult to understand.

Attached: hitler disgusted.jpg (214x265, 24.5K)

i did here faggot

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If OP has to inb4 he knows his argument is shit.

Rosenberg outlined indo european heritage as race, and pointed to all europe as being of this heritage.

Even peoples who have been polluted by foreign invasion should be salvagable, such as nothern italy out of italy or white persian minority in iran.

The party platform and the party program are slightly different. The platform for 1932 for example is in pdf and its not the same thing as the 25 points. Simple confusion.

thanks, ill take a look

From memory the platform was talking about land reclamation programs, putting welfare recipients to work and training them to build their own homes, loans from the government bank at no interest and free plots of land outside cities to get people out of Jewish owned slums, garden plots so they could grow their own food etc.

Hitler was a Jew and the original Zionist.

We have the 'holocaust', the fucked up invasion of the Soviet Union and untold millions of dead Whites.

WWII was the Jews' greatest psy-op.

Thanks TRS.

No is falling for your Nazi shit anymore Jew.

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He can claim whatever the fuck he wants, Germans were proud and of course he wanted to claim "his version is better" as would any nationalist government… just like in Greece Golden Dawn claims hilariously that their form of government they want to apply is Social Nationalism… which of course is something TOTALLY DIFFERENT.

These distinctions are honestly moronic, yes, Germany's economy was better and their military was a lot more successful, so it's funner to LARP on the German side but it's just talk. It's unfair to not credit Mussolini with the idea and application (even though the concepts of a "third position" have been discussed as early as after the Bolshevik revolution). If not we sound like the lefties

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Its from his diaries, its not a claim, he understands National Socialism better than you and that was his personal thoughts on the matter after watching a shitty Italian movie. Mussolini also thought race was only 5% of a man, said nothing could prove otherwise.

Youre projecting your larp onto other people. Are you truly prepared to die? I doubt it.

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mussolini was a crypto marxist who rebranded national bolshevism and called it fascism.

Opera/gigli. I had to look it up, Im not ashamed I didnt know what a Gigli was.

If you listen to fucking (((wikiquote))) so was Hitler. This is all so tiresome… believe whatever you want, I don't care to keep arguing with American LARPers.

Another list of principles/commandments.

Attached: National-Socialist-Principles.png (1332x971, 215.3K)

Are you aving a laff m88?

so he didnt say those things? the sources are bullshit? fuck off nigger. pastalini got what he deserved and the italians were a disgrace in the war mostly because "fascism" is an incomplete ideology and not even close to natsoc.

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these ideological labels only help shills
labels in general only help shills

even the concept of normies helps shills

Can you do something about undue jewish infuence without adopting an ideology ? I say yes.

These aren't my words, I didn't make them up. Language is part of a larger social organism.

If I had to describe National Socialism in one word, that word would be "fun".

Attached: natsoc party.jpg (222x225, 34.5K)

KYS bucko.

thanks imkamphy

Italian fascism was philo semitic


From Mein Kampf

At a time when the one side, armed with all the weapons of its Weltanshauung, no matter how criminal, makes an attack against the established order, the other side will be able to resist only if its resistance takes the form of a new faith. In our case, this is a political faith which exchanges the slogans of weak and cowardly defence for the battle-cry of a courageous and ruthless attack.

Our present movement is accused, especially by the so-called national bourgeois cabinet ministers (the Bavarian representatives of the Centre, for example) of heading towards a revolution.

We have only one answer to give to those political pygmies, namely, 'We are trying to remedy that which you, in your criminal stupidity, have failed to accomplish. By your parliamentarian jobbing you have helped to drag the nation into ruin, but we, by our aggressive policy, are setting up a new Weltanshauung which we shall defend with indomitable devotion. Thus we are building the steps on which our nation once again may ascend to the temple of freedom.'

Thus during the first stages of founding our Movement we had to take special care that our militant group, which fought for the establishment of a new and exalted political faith, should not degenerate into a society for the promotion of parliamentarian interests.


From Mein Kampf

Hence the völkisch Weltanshauung is in profound accord with Nature's most sacred will, because it restores the free play of the forces which, through reciprocal education, will produce a higher type, until finally the best portion of mankind will possess the earth and will be free to work in spheres which lie not only within, but without the limits of that earth.

We all feel that in the distant future man may be faced with problems which can be solved only by a superior race of human beings, which is master over all the other peoples and has at its disposal the means and resources of the whole world.

To be really short and simple, NatSoc Germany had

A lot of people mistakenly think that National Socialism was just Keynesianism on steroids, and that's not entirely true. Keynesianism is the notion that government should spend big and go into debt during economic hardship and that it should save big and get out of debt during economic growth. It's true that National Socialist Germany spent big to get out of hardship, but they actually made ends meet and got out of debt while doing so. The trick to this was the banning of interest, which lowered the cost of everything, and the nationalizing of many businesses, which ended up largely taking the place of taxation. Oh, and also they told all their foreign WWI debtors to go fuck themselves and paid all their domestic WWI debtors the initial loan without interest back to them. The economic freedom for common small citizens is a really appealing component of National Socialism for me. Gottfried Feder seems to be the only economist in history who realized that the economy shouldn't be about serving the government, or billionaire jews, or numbers in a stock exchange, but that it should it be designed to serve the average citizen.

Tbh Hitler was the worst part of NatSoc Germany; his rapid expansionist policy gave the kikes exactly the excuse they needed to bring an end to Germany's economic freedom. Like I get that those lands had been stolen from Germany after WWI, but holy shit when the whole fucking world is telling you they'll declare war if you keep invading you need to stop invading. I realize that the Soviets at least would have declared war anyway, but a 1v1 between Germany and the USSR would have had Germany come out on top as a world superpower, and then those lands could have been regained gradually and/or peacefully and nobody would be able to do anything about it.

jew detected.

I'm not a National Socialist, but I'll take a stab at it.

1. Jews, their golems, and shabbos goys need to be deported to Israel.

2. The end capitalism and Jewish socialism.

3. The continuation of no more brother wars.

Your daydreamng larp is the most something, but valid isn't it. You're so fucking far from reality boy it's not even funny.

This might be the most constructive concern troll post ever. Let me have a look.

You're missing the eugenics stuff and are already applying NS to America, but other than that you've got your finger on it.

you're also missing the eugenics stuff and mischaracterized their vision of a new religion as a form of christianity, I believe it that it was more likely for a new type of Wotanism to be spawned than a reformation of the church.
also 8/10


you're technically missing the eugenics but Goebbelsposting makes up for it

Not being able to give your own summarization, where you may invoke the 25 points, indicates an intellectual deficiency. This isn't high school where you're asked to parrot.


more eugenics and you're missing social reorganization

being an antisemite isn't enough

Negated nigger. Report cf15ac

National Socialism is the most powerful ideology of government ever created and will rule the Earth and all human races outside it. Jews will adhere or commit suicide without our hand.

As says, we will achieve the following, with or without labels, accomodation, etc.:

> only WHITES are citizens

> building highways and example creating a people ' s car ( or volkswagen ) to create unity between German provinces and allow city workers to reconnect with nature by taking trips

> the end of child prostitution seen in WEIMERICA

> a renewing of national pride to lower the extreme suicide rates seen in WEIMERICA

> interest free loans to families to raise WHITE birthrates

I'm kind of iffy on eugenics. So long as it's only applied to physical and mental retardation, I'm fine with it. Even if you're white and have below 100 IQ, you're still white. As for social reorganization, that'll come without the Jews and anti-white traitors.

I wouldn't say I'm an antisemite, as I don't hate all Jews. While there are some power and influential Jews that are working at our destruction, I don't believe every Jew is vying for our destruction. That being said they have their own homeland in Israel and given their track record, it's better to be safe than sorry.

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Read some Kevin MacDonald.

I'm not in favor of some radical policy that just straight up kills dumb people, they still have a use. I'm in favor of a policy that organizes the economy in such a way as to mimic manorialism in northwestern Europe: the aristocracy was having a stupidly high amount of surviving children compared to all the other classes, resulting in slow but sure genetic replacement of the lower classes. I want an economic order in which dumb people can still exist, but cannot reproduce in an appreciable number. Eugenics doesn't need DNA tests and all of that stuff, you just need a few social policies and an economic order that promotes the best and brightest.

Our past sufferings were lessons, and for every lesson we took our will got only stronger. These decades of misery were a lesson, and for each minute that passed our goal got only closer.

And the final lesson, and it's final assignment, we give you this day. Take whatever you have at hand and turn it into a sacrifice. Take whatever feelings you have left and turn them into hatred.

For there are no losers in our war. It brings glory to the victors, it edifies the character of the noble defeated. And it makes extinct what should not exist in the first.
And when our day comes…

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National Socialism is the volkish notion of the common weal, of racially identified nationalism, that stands in contrast (and opposition) to Marxist socialism, that is economically identified class-ism. According to Otto Dietrich (against the common misconception that Natsoc was merely "German nationalism") Natsoc was intended to be a universal philosophy of man and the state, based on the biological worldview, that racial struggle (not class war) was the fundamental engine of history.

Natsoc racialism proposed a world constructed around homogeneous races in their own states, free to pursue their own unique destinies. In the economic sphere, it favored the dismantlement (or extreme restriction) of investment banking, what we refer to today as "globalism", what the Natsocs also called "Jewish capitalism". They proposed the alternative of "producer-centered capitalism", ie, a just synthesis of the interests of workers and capitalist bosses, united together in racial solidarity. Their currency was an attempt at labor-based currency, which was novel, and in some respects similar in concept to bitcoin.

In the strictest sense, Natsoc wasn't "German nationalism" (though it advocated ethnic pride and chauvinism) . It was ARYAN NATIONALISM, and had a much broader view of the racial destiny of all Europids. They didn't hate Slavs, or Brits, or Franks, and they didn't desire the "extermination" of any racial group. They simply wanted the Aryan destiny to be unified, and segregated from the African or Asiatic racial destinies. Contrary to many myths promoted by the aut-kike, Hitler was infact concerned with "white" racial consciousness, which he thought of just as de Gobineau and thinkers of the previous century, which saw "white" and a synonym for "Aryan".

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When every ploughshare's made a sword.

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What we must fight for is to safeguard the existence and reproduction of our race and our people, the sustenance of our children and the purity of our blood, the freedom and independence of the fatherland, so that our people may mature for the fulfillment of the mission allotted it by the creator of the universe.
Every thought and every idea, every doctrine and all knowledge, must serve this purpose. And everything must be examined from this point of view and used or rejected according to its utility. Then no theory will stiffen into a dead doctrine, since it is life alone that all things must serve. Kampf - The Stalag Edition - The Only Complete and Officially Authorised English Translation Ever Issued (1940) - Adolf Hitler.pdf

Nation run by centralised industry, advancing in means of development rather than that of profit. A nation that's cultivated in order to be self-sustainable.

I'll take a stab. It's a place where they hang faggots, jews, and gypsy's, for being faggots, jews and gypsy's. Because there needs to be a place to hang faggots, jews, and gypsy's. I think that sums it up. faggot low energy alphabet.

National socialism is designed to change and conform to the people and land in which it is established. Even the top officials in the NSDAP had different ideas of national socialism. Hitler’s version was seen during his reign in Germany while Goebbels believed that national socialism would be more akin to Ancient Greece with a nation-state of warrior farmers who lived independently and only conferred on things that concerned the entire state.

These are the principals of both National Socialism and regular socialism, as I understand them.

(((Economic socialism))):

National Socialism:

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Why don't you want DNA tests to be a part of eugenics? They will be invaluable to weed out the impure and sterilize them.

Almost correct. Lebensraum is for ethnic Germans. There used to be millions in "Poland" and the surrounding areas. There still are btw.

Gottfried Feder explained it pretty well.

What is impure is poorly defined. What is defective is logical. Any genes promoting bad health or poor intelligence or an unappealing appearance should not be promoted. What is appealing should be cultural. Swedes, Finns and Germans have different roots but similar beauty ideals, even if they appear different. Eugenics should be dependent on the race in question. Niggers should also strive to look more like tall Tutsis not Hutu monkeys, for example.

"Redistribute the wealth" - socialism
"seize the means of production" communism
Some people equate the communist part with simple socialism, dont do that, its communism. When you do that it leaves a hole for subversive fucks to claim JUST redistributing wealth is not socialist, but part of National Socialism.

I called you bucko because youre clearly a petersonfag nihilist.

As a National Socialist I believe in the glory of the Aryan race. I want to unleash the Aryan soul, and embrace our Faustian spirit. What makes our people beautiful is not our greatness, but our struggle to become great. I and my brothers and sisters march on this journey to become supermen. I am above left versus right, protestant versus catholic, Christian vs Pagan, Irish versus French, and even good versus evil, for my sole loyalty is to my volk and their well-being. Sieg heil!

I wrote this a little while ago:

Posted on
by National Dawn
National Socialism

National Socialism isn’t simply a political or economic system. Above all National Socialism is a philosophy of life, a complete worldview. Like any worldview it is all encompassing. It is based on three simple principles that are interdependent.

Natural Law:
Natural Law is simply the structure of reality. On a general level it is physics, chemical reaction, biology and evolution. Other more controversial laws of Nature include fundamental in-equality, Darwinian struggle and violence as a basic mechanism of existence.
To look at reality honestly and take its Laws as our own requires courage. Nevertheless, we must live in accordance with Natural Law because to go against Natural Law is to deny reality and is thus delusional and immature.

Our Nation is our extended family, go back even a few generations and we find ourselves related to vast numbers of our people. If you are British like us then you are related to almost every British man and woman that was alive in the previous centuries that successfully procreated.
Therefore Nation is a thing of blood that we inherited from our ancestors and we are its living embodiment.
Nation is a river flowing from the past, through us in the present and into the future we bequeath to our children through our actions.
The character of a Nation arises primarily from the ‘racial soul’ of the people that form it; a unique approach to life that is easy to overlook on an individual level, but impossible to ignore on a social and cultural level. There are other influences on Nation, but the general biological characteristics of a group of related people i.e. race, is fundamental.
Our task as National Socialists is to fight for our Nation because we are a family, and like a family we must help and protect one another.

As Natural Law shows us, we live in a world of struggle and if we wish our Nation to thrive we must have the strength to contend with the trials of life and surmount them. This requires self sacrifice, courage and effort on our part. It demands we recognise Natural Law as the guide to life and understand that our Nation is our Family. We cannot be selfish or cruel to each other, nor can we allow ourselves to become soft or cowardly because, as we are seeing, our Nation withers.

On a personal level these three simple truths can be summarised thus:

As a National Socialist I must act with strength, in accordance with Natural Law, in the name of my people and Nation.

Because National Socialism understands that we carry our Nation in our blood, the continuation and purity of that blood (race), is paramount to us. It is seen as the most fundamental and essential structure of society, the foundation of a healthy Nation and the basis of a glorious future.

On a larger scale the National Socialist worldview and the formal apparatus of government it creates: the National Socialist State, is simply a means to the elevation of our Nation, not an end in itself. It can be likened to a family and must embody the following three principles. Natural Law, Nation and Strength. These three priciples manifest as a meritocratic hierarchy with absolute accountability for those who wield power on behalf of their people and Nation. Very much like a healthy family, the National Socialist State has a duty to the people and Nation it serves.

Just like a family, the purpose of the State is to enable our Nation to express itself in a natural and healthy way, curbing our excesses where necessary, encourage the best in us and helping us realise our full potential; it helps us become a greater Nation through sensible Eugenics, education and cultivation of a sane, healthy society grounded in reality.

Unlike Democracy it doesn’t play to the lowest in men but aspires to the highest and best, through rigorous and honest meritocracy. Unlike Liberalism, it understands that degeneracy, that which opposes Natural Law and makes us weaker, is wrong, and a people that allow themselves to become degenerate will fall.

As you can see, National Socialism combines idealism with a vigorous and healthy grasp of reality. It is neither the precious intelectualism and unrealistic abstract ideas of academics and political theorists. Neither does it arise from the petty, selfish materialism of those who only know the cost of things but never the value.

National Socialism is Truth(natural and metaphysical law), blood(race), and nation (territory).

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My personal definition of "impure" is a person having more than 1/32 (3 percent) non-indo European/non-white dna. And who cares about the negros? 1000 years of eugenics wont fix their problems.

Just read through the thread and i must say i am disappoint.
Very disappoint.

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Fundamentally, National Socialism recognizes that states composed of different races are dysfunctional.
A "nation" is in fact a race (e.g. the descendants of Abraham became the nation of Israel) , while a country is a region of land that may be inhabited by different races or one race.
National Socialism puts the Care of the race first, not profit or religious ideals.
It destroys liberal institutions that make men weak. It removes the deformed and disordered that corrupt the bloodline. And it removes subversive elements that would degenerate the culture. Individuals acting in their own self-interest to the detriment of the race get the bullet.

You don't need this shit if your economic order filters your people by desirability. Generally we can take healthy phenotypes to be indicators of healthy genotypes (especially if we appreciate the individual's pedigree which can help us find and eliminate carriers of recessive diseases). There is no necessity to be all Prussian and formal about this mapping out every last detail. Remember that there is some magic to love and children, and especially the surprise of blue eyes or blonde hair once you're a generation or two deep into heterogenous carriers.

eeehhhh, you might be giving Corded Ware a little less credit than it deserves.

This is just dumb. Obvious halfbreeds will be excluded from the ethnostate, quadroons and octaroons will fade into obscurity because of their lower intellect.

Look at the big picture. You can't accommodate individuals, but you can accommodate demographic groups. If we design our economy to enable the fruitful breeding of the desirable demographics, then those genes will spread and multiply while the rest die out.

So you want them to melt into the white gene pool?

Also, I think that you should go back to TRS. They are the only ones who use purity spiral.

Women always want to fuck upwards. In a society where asking for the pedigree of your fiance is the new normal, quadroons and octaroons get sorted out of the genepool really fast. Again, sit back and relax.

The "purity spiral" term has been on 8pol for at least 2 years now ever since this shit blew up.

Weimar Republic was already planning war to get back their lands, it's not something Hitler started, Germany was going to go to war no matter what. Hitler did get the country in better shape to fight it though. The problem with Poland is that the Poles had started massacring Germans, and Hitler couldn't stand by and just let it happen.

Now, we know today that the thing to do would have been to do a Putin and just quietly ship weapons and vehicles to Germans in the Polish territories as well as German troops from Germany (but out of uniform and acting without government's official consent) and either pull a rebellion (followed by joining Germany) or at least just making the Poles fuck off and leave the Germans in Poland alone (ie, you murder some Germans, next thing you know German partisans murder some Poles in retaliation), but that kind of thing hadn't really been thought of yet because this was pre-nuclear times and people didn't need to come up with convoluted ways of waging war without officially waging war. So you can't really fault Hitler for not trying that.

Yea, back to TRS. We banned anyone who said that until 2 weeks ago.

Attached: TRS-fag-spammers.png (385x968 3.91 MB, 66.16K)

Pretty sure thats Mussolini Fascism there bud, Evola type stuff.

do you have anything to contribute other than your opinion on how I write my posts?

Dissociate Mussolini from Evola. The two did not manage to reconcile.