I wrote this a little while ago:
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by National Dawn
National Socialism
National Socialism isn’t simply a political or economic system. Above all National Socialism is a philosophy of life, a complete worldview. Like any worldview it is all encompassing. It is based on three simple principles that are interdependent.
Natural Law:
Natural Law is simply the structure of reality. On a general level it is physics, chemical reaction, biology and evolution. Other more controversial laws of Nature include fundamental in-equality, Darwinian struggle and violence as a basic mechanism of existence.
To look at reality honestly and take its Laws as our own requires courage. Nevertheless, we must live in accordance with Natural Law because to go against Natural Law is to deny reality and is thus delusional and immature.
Our Nation is our extended family, go back even a few generations and we find ourselves related to vast numbers of our people. If you are British like us then you are related to almost every British man and woman that was alive in the previous centuries that successfully procreated.
Therefore Nation is a thing of blood that we inherited from our ancestors and we are its living embodiment.
Nation is a river flowing from the past, through us in the present and into the future we bequeath to our children through our actions.
The character of a Nation arises primarily from the ‘racial soul’ of the people that form it; a unique approach to life that is easy to overlook on an individual level, but impossible to ignore on a social and cultural level. There are other influences on Nation, but the general biological characteristics of a group of related people i.e. race, is fundamental.
Our task as National Socialists is to fight for our Nation because we are a family, and like a family we must help and protect one another.
As Natural Law shows us, we live in a world of struggle and if we wish our Nation to thrive we must have the strength to contend with the trials of life and surmount them. This requires self sacrifice, courage and effort on our part. It demands we recognise Natural Law as the guide to life and understand that our Nation is our Family. We cannot be selfish or cruel to each other, nor can we allow ourselves to become soft or cowardly because, as we are seeing, our Nation withers.
On a personal level these three simple truths can be summarised thus:
As a National Socialist I must act with strength, in accordance with Natural Law, in the name of my people and Nation.
Because National Socialism understands that we carry our Nation in our blood, the continuation and purity of that blood (race), is paramount to us. It is seen as the most fundamental and essential structure of society, the foundation of a healthy Nation and the basis of a glorious future.
On a larger scale the National Socialist worldview and the formal apparatus of government it creates: the National Socialist State, is simply a means to the elevation of our Nation, not an end in itself. It can be likened to a family and must embody the following three principles. Natural Law, Nation and Strength. These three priciples manifest as a meritocratic hierarchy with absolute accountability for those who wield power on behalf of their people and Nation. Very much like a healthy family, the National Socialist State has a duty to the people and Nation it serves.
Just like a family, the purpose of the State is to enable our Nation to express itself in a natural and healthy way, curbing our excesses where necessary, encourage the best in us and helping us realise our full potential; it helps us become a greater Nation through sensible Eugenics, education and cultivation of a sane, healthy society grounded in reality.
Unlike Democracy it doesn’t play to the lowest in men but aspires to the highest and best, through rigorous and honest meritocracy. Unlike Liberalism, it understands that degeneracy, that which opposes Natural Law and makes us weaker, is wrong, and a people that allow themselves to become degenerate will fall.
As you can see, National Socialism combines idealism with a vigorous and healthy grasp of reality. It is neither the precious intelectualism and unrealistic abstract ideas of academics and political theorists. Neither does it arise from the petty, selfish materialism of those who only know the cost of things but never the value.
National Socialism is Truth(natural and metaphysical law), blood(race), and nation (territory).
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