I dont even know what to trust anymore Zig Forums

I dont even know what to trust anymore Zig Forums.

I see so many threads with repetition, so many comments with either repeated phrases, or just plain dont make sense like it was cobbled together by an algorithm.

I remember the internet before machine learning/AI took off, it was just an cancerous and also had good bits, but now all I see is a chessboard, and no one knows if what theyre reading is even human. I think this is Zig Forums related because obviously political boards would most likely be the most heavily influenced, and I just want to know how to possibly navigate the information overload.

Anyone else feel like this? Have anyway of dealing with it? Also inb4 this thread is anchored, I thought this place was supposed to be a legit anonymous political imageboard now and pretty much anything goes as long as its not spam or adverts, and loosely politics related. But all I see in the catalog are reddit tier generals, and a smattering of good threads that are anchored. thats another thing that worries me.

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Other urls found in this thread:


In my opinion, you should just stick to the books and study logical fallacy. The bots are getting smarter, but ultimately they want to subvert the truth, not speak it. As long as you can see through the bullshit through logic and justifiable usage the filter tool you should be fine.

i do read books, but i like to go online and converse with people as well. and as for what you think bots are capable of, you have no idea whats out there - neither do I.

And even if all the bots on earth suck today, in but a few years they will be indistinguishable, if they arent already.

also i never filter anything. i dont put my fingers in my ears and sing la la la when people say things i dont like either. i take it all in and learn from it -hopefully-

I strongly suspect there's Markov bot and more advanced bullshit going on in addition to whatever shilling and shitposting is happening (remember BBC spam was automated and later taken up by shitposters like Bettendorf and the Lookism crew).

who knows, point is we cant know (at least i cant)

Thread is about how to adapt. This is only going to become more and more of something we must deal with.

If you were on the internet in the early days then you should have learned to filter shit. It doesn't matter if something is bot or human written, if it's good then it's good and if it isn't then it isn't.

i guess i have this silly notion of unbridled free speech and anything less is a safe space, whether self created or not.

i just want to know a good way of determining if a post was written by someone with a heartbeat.

Which 'good threads' are anchored? Please let me know.

(which obviously will be impossible in most scenarios, so my original question still is: How to deal?)

why would you like to know? are you the arbiter of who shall pass?

OP just realized the faggots trying to ruin Zig Forums just copy paste the same posts.

Attached: up.PNG (127x126, 2.31K)

well i didnt say that. but thats interesting if youve found that to be the case.

im referring to automated posting of all kinds.

no you are just a newfag

ok sure. done arguing with people who add nothing.

Filter as in filter the content you retard. Not filter the person.

they do it on halfhcan just to flood out 'real' threads. not so effective on here where jews are gassed on site however,
are also doublenigger threads

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im familiar with this concept of imageboard filtering you speak of. my opinion is unchanged.

i think as long as outright SPAM SPAM SPAM and viagara ads are kept off my screen, everything else whether annoying/stupid/wrong is all input from a human, and is the result of SOMETHING and has the right to be heard.


opinion discarded. fuck off back to reddit.

pretty sure dogs can always tell the difference between robots and people. just run all posts through some kind of dog-matrix that can sniff-out the imposters.

Attached: doggorithm.png (846x754, 454.26K)

perhaps you could go back to tel aviv and hang out with fellow people who are fans of censorship? just a thought.

if only. but yea, this is a tough situation to solve, unprecedented in human history, having to devise a turing test on the fly i suppose.

You have the same mentality of an /intl/ cowshitter you are just concern trolling
again. fuck off. this isnt /b/

anyway, your speculation/opinion is duly noted.

Haha wow that is a really good meme, OP.

I can imagine human shilling or trolling but I do not believe in AIs posting undistinguishibly.

But let me elaborate.
They have tested several AI chat partners to improves its abilitys in the name of """""science""""" which is obviously for creating personalized "opinionmakers" like you say.
But go on and try to chat with one of these bots, they usually speak nonsense.
On the other hand you have all these spam threads on 4chan Zig Forums which may be very likely the product of bots.
Even the capchas on that board became buggy about a year ago and you dont have to solve them anymore…
So it is likely there is AI spam, but it never could answer to a compilcated sentence. At least for now.
If you are intrested in the current progress you just go to the currently addvertized chatbot. These AIs need a lot of data, so they arent secret.

you are the jews!

The environment you are advocating for already exists of barely political content getting a freepass, and you would know that since you're from cuckchan.
go back.

It still is, but since kikey is gone there has been a heavy influx of shills and D&C type shit going on here only trying to cause confusion and demoralization. Any anons who have been around awhile like myself know this. Its still the same old 8/pol/ we are just dealing with trouble similar to what we delt with during the 2016 election. All ShareBlue/Correcttherecord faggots or CIAniggers. Dont let them win user, post what you belive is right and needs to be spoken. Also its vital that we push through this heavy shilling because the midterms are approaching in the US.

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sounds like you know your stuff..

but do you know the future? or how soon it will be here? also do you think you actually know the whole picture even now?

interesting regardless

well as I said, research of interacting AIs requires interaction with as many acctual humans as possible, so it cant be kept secret, you can allways look up the current niveau.

I assume they will get good in 3-5 years and undistinguishable… well only if the jews win this battle.

didn't work for cleverboy.

i have no control over what other people choose to say on the internet, and i will of course post what i wish.

thread is about discerning humans from bots. but thanks for the side information.

that would be a first for something

ok sure

didn't sage. noooooooo

do you have something you wish to elaborate on here? or are you just being contrarian about something unknown.

you be good, man

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i know youre just being factious, but no one can recreate an entire world with which to live in.

Might as well move into platos cave while yorue at it.

ahhh fuck off

I unironically think every user on Zig Forums should get into AI programming. It's the future and the only way to stop the illogical postmodern society. All AI basically become /ourguys/ anyway.

so this is what you use your voice for?

ever do anything productive.. or at least attempt to? ever ask questions or explore others questions?

or maybe you have all the answers and would just prefer to say ahh fuck off.


You are a newfag.End of story. But I will contribute.

On AI coding:

Start by learning python , c++

On theory

1)Start by reading Aristotelean logic
2)Continue with bool algebra
3)Move on to propositional logic
4)Categorical logic
5)Read and understand tree search algorithms.
6)Start developing an understanding of neural networks with youtube videos
7)Travelling Salesman problem
8)Study genetic algorithms
9)Move on to Bayesian probability

You have now a solid base of AI theory.

Big data companies' AI neural networks are absolutely going to become very difficult to distinguish from actual people even here. Its only a matter of time, I hope we can fight it.

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cant do it, inputs and outputs too hard.

I read an article of several years ago that someone managed to get a bot up to 50IQ points.

I imagine that by now we have bots that are near 70IQ points, probably different ones even. Mix in foreign actors, retards, newcomers, shitskins and all the other variables and you have a hotpot of incomprehensibility more or less. And the problem is that the world now is affected by this mess.

We dont know who runs this site, if a coup has happened. What is going on where. Its all quite terrifying even.

Go into AI

It's the only way.

You know what is even worse than these bots? or at least what are indistinguishable from bots? Fucking leftists.


you see, a low to mediocre IQ person under subversion as specified in this video will just "shut off" to certain facts, certain points of view. Not even acknowledging them. In a similar way a bot also works this way. Bots and leftists dont have comprehension of racial awareness for example. But bots dont have that with many things. That is probably why they are building a library bot as some fearmongering user said in another post. To imitate the perfect human way that humans reason.

thanks for the info, lots of effort there. not related to the topic at all, so all i can assume is you didnt read the topic at all.

first truly deep thought in this thread so far. I wonder this about here and 4chan a lot lately.

This was meant as an answer to this

fair enough. you called me a newfag what i can only assume is your own false sense of confidence regarding your deduction skills,so i wasnt sure. carry on.

our lack of knowledge can mean a multitude of things

So no idea what to do really. We used to have /baph/ and some of our own spooks, I wonder if they got suicided too.

Bad analogy. It's more like curb-stomping the nigger playing his phat beats at 3 am after being asked/told repeatedly to knock it the fuck off.

hmm, i would say that approach is useless as well.

i think reforming the system that allowed such a dregg to even think that is an okay thing to do would be much more of a long term solution, and less of a reactionary measure much like the nigger you want to curbstomp would do.

You can score 70 points in IQ tests by choosing random answers.It is actually close to the baseline for most IQ tests.

i think we can all argue points and counterpoints about whether or not bots are sophisticated enough yet to mimic humans, or exist.

but either way, they will soon. and this question of having a personal turing test will still be an issue.

Indeed, and not only that. we are more isolated than ever for fear of saying some keyword or something even though we intend no harm.

Most of the smartest people these days just remain silent. and its very sad indeed.

I'm not arguing if bots are sophisticated enough, I'm arguing that there is no IQ test with the ability to measure below 70 IQ points.

oh, well my fault then, I thought you were getting at something.

there is bunker chan on zeronet but I havent been able to access it for some reason. The only refuge that I can think of at the moment, perhaps it is made so on purpose? Beyond that? Didnt we grow a little bit dependent on imkamfy and his pruning methods? Shielding us from harmful outside actors (he probably quite because that was so demanding lol)

I am 90% sure that the newcomers were all fucking shills. And the BO probably was bought over as he seems purposefully clueless. The narrative was way too fast. And I am also pretty sure that they dont want us to splinter once more since they know that if we do we will just regroup and annoy them further…thats my theory still.

Like clockwork. You lost again. Sad!

not sure, honestly i havent been on the chans for a while now, i remember what it was like back in 2006-7 era. and nowdays its just like any other site. might as well go on twitter really.

im only here because i heard about the "overhaul" and how its supposed to be like the old days. kind of just been checking everyday for a while now bored.

we cant understand what you are lazily describing if you dont actually put in the work to describe it sir. or is this just a meme? i cant tell anymore and i dont want to call you a bot and look like a loony who thinks everyone is a bot. but really.. your post.

Do you remember in the early days of how some speculated that if we were to lose our containment board? It would actually cause more harmful effects to reality than just letting us be? By god…it has grown much worse since then you know. The boards have given us memetic, argumentative counter points towards the WHOLE OF SOCIETY. I can basically just shout at ANYONE in society and make them cower if they are leftists…even just centrists. All the different groups, insight of how dialogue develops have given me tremendous advantages. Sure, many of them are kinda useless around normals, but I am slowly managing to make what we have here, fit in with reality quite well.

so yea, and I am probably not alone in that way…

also if i were you i wouldnt ever depend on anyone to filter your information for easy consumption. that is always a recipe for disaster.

honestly dont know why there hasnt been some sort of decentralized board setup in the decades of image boards being popular.

==Who needs bots when you have weak bitch programmers like codemonkey who will bend to the will of the Jews and Imkikey STILL RUNNING THIS BOARD and fill it with shitty CIA
"join us" threads?==

All the top threads are"join our CIA groups guys!", "join our terrorism guys!", Alt-Right shit like NW front or pan nazi whatever the fuck, Tommy Robison… And boring MSM news stories.

Imkikey is deleting all the cultural, history, philosophy threads!

Last night Imkikey went on a spree of Rachel Maddow posting, deleting, editing, anchoring threads and talking shit that no one reads your shitty news threads. Posting his hand and the same stupid enane chatter he always does, then deleting responses.

Imkikey you said you hated anime and only use it because you played the video game Eve and were a hero there or something? WTF is wrong with you? Nobody cares about your Eve days of raiding video games.


Attached: imkikey wee fingers.jpg (620x419 139.25 KB, 219.21K)

I always fear the slow "dont spook the anons and slowly put in a working AI bot to subvert them"

or even just "put more obscure shills with a different strategy among them". Srsly, where the fuck is /baph/

well i take your word i guess, but honestly it just doesnt matter the why, or how, or when, or by who

what matters to me, increasingly, is merely knowing im reading a human. that would make all the difference at least for me.

seems like a valid fear to have, better to be scared than willfully ignorant i suppose.

That doesn't matter. Your selfish, "me me me am I touching someone real?" doesn't mean anything if the Jews like Imkikey are still running this place and the majority of the responses. You're just talking to people who hate you and want to manipulate you because they hate everyone.

Why? What is the difference between reading a human or a bot, if they both use logical arguments. You shouldn't be afraid of ALL bots.You should be afraid of irrational bots.

ok user. whatever you say. this topic i made is more a broader scale, the entire internet, but i posted it here because yes… it will affect things here too.

this moderator you are hung on up on you can simply choose to not let him censor your free speech and leave, he does not own your life user, you can always go elsewhere, stop letting him think he has so much power over you, dont let anyone think that.

because a bot is nothing more than a stopwatch with pieces that move based on a humans placement.

but the only different is, this can be in a million places at once, and speak endlessly everywhere. i prefer hearing what a real human has typed, when he types it, and not an echo repeated for the millionth time ad infinitum everywhere. is this too deep, did i go too deep?

It's much more than this. For example in chess, AI has surpassed all of human knowledge. An advanced AI can be a teacher for humans.
Neural networks adapt to input. So it won't be a repeated echo. A decent AI will learn from each conversation.
I think you are only touching the surface.

well i do happen to know a bit more about neural networks than i have let on so far, as it was not entirely necessary to say so. plus i always approach questions as impartial as possible and see what knowledge I may be missing myself, and hopefully see if someone else can fill in the gaps who is smarter maybe.

But machine learning, isnt really learning, thats just a fancy popular science term for a processing that is in essentially throwing darts at a board, seeing if it hit the bullseye and continue to throw darts randomly and checking again over and over.

and the model is always going to be based of something a human specifies. so unless we can automate the entire process of basically all of life, so it can choose proper models for infinity, basically choosing its own destiny, its not real learning . IMO . sorry if that didnt make sense, walking and talking somewhat right now.

Attached: nn_02.png (609x386, 49.76K)

Ill also add that some newer people to NN might think that autoencoders are a primitive form of intelligence, but its still just a very complex lossy compression and decompression medium, nothing else.

Attached: nn_04.png (665x386, 83.55K)

datamining at its finest.
Want some human feedback on the success of your bots in here?

hah. well im staunchly opposed to treating human behavior as a commodity. but always good to speak with a cantab

That is how human learning works.Trial and error.And synapses adapting to it,but 100 billion neurons and 1,000 trillion synaptic interconnections.We could argue that there are chemical factors, but the neurons are just receiving an input and producing an output adapting according to preprogrammed DNA.
We could argue that how a human acts is based on genetics. So this is not such a big difference.
The word is awareness and a lot of research should be done upon it. Not all people possess awareness. So they are no different from a bot.

Also I am this guy.

I know what you're talking about
Words and sentences just keep meshing about every few weeks or so.

What I suggest is for you to go under. Get in touch with real people on one of those privacy protecting messengers.
Don't give away your identity or personal info, that is the sole reason why the bots keep posting same stuff, that is the agency main goal.

Stay safe.

yep, thing is humanintelligence isnt fully understood, but you are certainly thinking all the same things most people do when they approach the subject.

where? and why?
common sense. but good to say regardless incase new people are reading i suppose.

also no.. the word was destiny. tyvm.

Zig Forums is the least likely to be affected. Imagine being a Jewish agent, and jumping into /v/ or a niche hobby board and completely subverting it because nobody there expects they would be paid attention to

The past 3 days have seen severe shilling. Stay calm. Promote Nat Soc content.


what's wrong with that? if Jim didn't used that service, then 8ch would be deader

Didn't make sense? You are talking to some of the most aware and intelligent social deviants in the west. Do not patronize us if you wish to be taken seriously. user is all about ego reduction and info quality improvement/collaborative creative problem solving.

stop being a crybaby pos. What are you expecting? Think about what your perfect /pol would look like then ask yourself, if it were true would that be a good thing?

You are relying on a perfect internet like people want a perfect world. This is a desire for a false hood. For an environment not of challenge and hard work but of ease and laziness.

You should be thankful there is more for you to fight for.

Also what excatly would you want? I know you think there are bots here (of course there are) but Im not sure what a good change would look to you. And even why you would want that change? Would it really make a difference in your life. Would there be different actions or would you just enjoy scrolling on this board more?


how the fuck do you come to this conclusion.
-what the fuck do you mean by "smartest"
-whtat the fuck makes you think you have the ability to determine and measure "smartness" (not sure if you want to substitute this word for intelligence or for IQ so I made a noun for your adjective)
-how in the fuck do you know these people are smart if they are slient , thats fucking catch 22 you moran pos faggot

this is a rhetorical post … dont respond just know that no one believes you and that you look not smart

theres been quite a length discussion preceding your post if youd like to get caught up on where were at.

hello again, what i meant but that is this:

"sometimes the only way to win, is to not play at all"

this is a continuation of the butterfly man thread … in which we take attention away from /pol anons and get nothing done

OP is a literal cry baby faggot that has no goals to live for except relying on /pol to threads to give them some ammount of truth

you dont take truth from /pol … you give truth to /pol … if you cant do that the gtfo

I exercise the SAGE clause

or another turn of phrase, "sometimes the best move is the one you dont take"

I dont care abou the preceding discussion … if a shit thread is created all post that come from it will be shit.

Unless they respond and bring light to the fact that OP created a shit thread

i think you have yourself confused with your accusation. you see, you've made a slew of low effort, ad hominem filled, literal fluff in the span of minutes. and in my opinion, you are the one getting nothing done.

but i see you speak for all of Zig Forums so.. maybe youre right after all. who knows.

I used to think like this, considered a point of pride that I filtered people "the old-fashioned way", by simply not reading their posts rather than clicking "ignore" or "filter". Then I realized that nobody gives a shit whether I filter people or not, nobody is keeping track, and I will never be given a medal or a trophy for perseverance in the face of shitposting, so I might as well filter those who annoy me the most. Let me tell you, it's a lot nicer not having to scroll through tons of red txt spam and obvious jidf posts.

well perhaps we think differently then, i dont look at freedom of speech as a ooey gooey morality thing.

I see it as a necessity so that it doesnt set a precedent for which information is "good information" and i could care less if people think i filter them or not, i do it because it benefits me to always have a clear view of the entire picture, and not intentionally put blinders on myself like a horse trotting down the street in his lane.

couldnt care less* ok maybe its time for me to sleep. maybe this thread will be around tomorrow i hope.

Filtering is the right response to shills and critical shit posts, just like you shouldn't reply to bait either.

You aren't even a lolcow, you're a lolcalf. kek

I don't think you know what the word means.