Does anyone know anything about Mithraism. From what little research I gathered I can see that is basically the most anti thot religion without it being Islam, believing in the god Mithras which is a god of kings and at the same time the god of warriors. I can also see that its extremely sexist (for lack of a better word) and bans females from even practicing the religion. It would seem like the perfect religion if you dont wabt to be pagan or any from the Abrahamic religions. The only con I can see from it is that it somewhat originates from Persia
Does anyone know anything about Mithraism...
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Bump because Zig Forums might know if this
Homosexual cult that turned into the Vatican from what you describe. He came out of Zoroastrian mage/magicians. As a Persian influence it was during a time when Rome was in cultural crises from cosmopolitan society of being an over-stretched empire. The philosophers always looked down on Magic because it was not only Persian (their enemy) but a lot of voodoo trickery to mind fuck people.
It was these kind of faggots that would bring down the Empire after "converting" to Christianity. All esoteric groups take their lineage from Christianity: all wiccas, all Satanic, all Juda-ism, Freemasons, Templars, Roscrusians, Luciferians… They larp with Plato memes or philosophy or science but in the end they're these weird faggot feminist pedo occult sex magic groups who want to be the under-belly of Christianity.
So they still use Mirtha sometimes.
It's the root of all evil in the world of delusional fairy tale thinking. And under the Vatican there are still Mithraic ritual sites as like CHristians they use to do it in the catacombs/graves.
Same place Vatican priests have their late night sex club parties today.
Also Mithra was a sun god, the bull is heaven, he slays the winter to bring forth the spring… All that kind of bullshit. It got mixed into Zoroastrianism and became a kind of Angelic figure to them as they also absorbed earlier pagan traditions like Christians do.
All advaned socities looked down on homos, and they usually formed their own little circles. So if you have a no girls allowed club it's usually that. Freemasons did copy their order of enlightement structure though. The Degrees structure.
Okay, I still want that tldr though
Dont make me look up your fucking meme talk
There is no evidence for Mithrain buggery. It seems it was just a secret club for soldiers to feast in caves.
fuck off nigger
It was a guess. I don't trust no womens clubs that meet in fucking catacombs. Reminds me of the faggot Templars.
Either way, the Mithra cult was absorbed into the faggot cult of the Vatican.
What other word do you want me to use
I guess so. Faggots do tend to be were women dont come
Using Alt-Kike here is frowned upon. MGTOW and the Alt-Right were always a Communist front.
I've never seen someone out themselves as foreign to the internet in so few words.
The Mithraic cult's symbols are still used in Free Masonry
I dont care about your faggot text culture.
whats next, the old "Odin sucked semen, by Dr. L (((Rosenberg)))" copy paste? None of you faggots know jackshit about Mithras , Guardian of the Gates of Heaven and Keeper of the Bridge of Beams, He who sees all and hears all.
nigger please, they practiced astrology and alchemy, which were considered magic at the time but were the foundations for what would later become science. "magic" has done alot more good for the world than sitting in an enclave thinking about if things matter or if we should all just kill ourselves.
this is how I know for a fact youre a fucking shill trying to discredit an ancient Aryan deity, you seriously must be fucking stupid if you think this god is the root of all evil, and not some other key deities, like (((Moloch))), (((Yahweh))) or (((Elohim))). Hes slaughtering a bull you dumbfuck, what do you think he was about? Keep in mind that the Babylonians never practiced human sacrifice in their known history and even considered animal sacrifice to be disdainful. Jung discussed how the symbolism of Mithraic idols probably represented the dominance of the higher intellect over the lower bestial aspects of man, and the inner struggle between chaos and order within each person. While Moloch the Bull demands the blood of innocents and their unwavering fear and submission, Mithras slays the bull, freeing mankind from his own shackles of fear and carnal desires.
But no, keep believing that hes some kind of gay god, because Im sure thats what you desire you fucking faggots.
masons claim to have built the fucking pyramids and to have lineage going back to the Templars, I dont fucking buy a cent of that shit, they clearly spin this crap out of their asses to give themselves some sort of historical legitimacy. Do you think that pyramids are evil now just because the Masons use them?
Oh look (((Robert))) the Jew is going to blue pill us now.
>"Odin sucked semen, by Dr. L (((Rosenberg)))"
Implying Rosenberg wasn't the NatSoc historian and a Jew. Fucking (((Bob))) you esoteric Luciferian kike.
oooooooooh woooooooooo, how deeep!
Fucking idiot. Magic was always brainwashing. You're copypasta your opinions from pop culture. Philosophy became the sciences and classification of nature is where it all began. Philosophers always looked down on the Mage kikes.
oooooooh wooooooooooooooooo wooww wooooooooooooooooo I love magical stuff.
Fucking faggot (((Bob))) kike Luciferian shill who sucks Imkikey's dick.
Magic is what I said it was. A persian mystery school that began with fire worship and turned into State black ops to mind fuck people, trickery and posring.
And your dumb books for for low-tier larpers.
implying early Christianity wasn't the Jews.
The bull is the patiarchy. We all know you're a homosexual kike (((Bob))).
Moses and YHWH didn't like the golden calf either you fucking poser nobody loser wannabe historian that can't even do basic fucking history.
I doubt that. And you can't just say "durrr hurr fuurrr babylonians!" There are two babylonian cultures and empires, you poser youtube scholar
= anti-nature, anti-reality, anti-patriarchy faggot cult every time.
Spiritualism is for faggots and chicks
Templars became Masons when they fled to Scottland over time.
The pyramid thing is just larping though. Jews claim they built them too.
Alos because Imkikey pushed Luciferianism here and anchors philisophy threads. This is related to faggot cults and "muh spiritual-ism"
The Feminist Cult
The Creator (God) or Demiurge = the Patriarchy
The "wisdom" Goddess or Lucifer/Venus = the Feminist rebellion.
Luciferians (including the post-WW2 meme of "esoteric hitlerism") demonize the physical world because it represent creation, nature, civilization, reason, morality, and above all else, real world consequences.
The Serpent to the esoteric Feminist cult represents a double edge sword:
1. The serpent is a penis that the goddess in her transsexual role of Lucifer uses to challenge the Creator and therein creation itself, or nature and life. This provides the feminist-homosexual occult the ability to deny biology for a spiritual realm. And it is why they push for abortions because physical life is an evil creation of the Demiurge which traps you. To the Feminist cult, a divine birth like with Jesus is the only good birth, as all others are seen as a product of Patriarchal violence, and the Holy Spirit is Sophia/Venus/Lucifer. While Satan works for the Demiurge as a mad horny goat.
2. The "evil" destructive serpent, or "Satan" to them, is in service of the Creator (this is true in Islamic teachings too as the angel of death). This serpent when used for destructive war purposes is seen as positive (see Indra). Hence the Baphomet Goat having two serpents rising from the genitals, and being both male (horns) and female (tits), pointing down to matter (false creation, the corner stone) and up to light (wisdom, energy).
The Trinity:
To the Feminist cult, the abyss is the third position, the original God or Grand Architect. The abyss is what Alestor Crowley was trying to commune with by practicing degeneracy, removing his natural moral compass and giving into a type of drug/sex induced madness. This is why the Deep State uses him for brainwashing to this day.
To the Feminist cult the attempt is to unify the polarities into 50 shades of grey, and destroy masculinity as reality keeps us from understanding the Abyss behind all things. According to their doctrines, the Patriarchy Creator has trapped the female Lucifer/Venus in the world of matter, when in fact she-he is an angel of light, representing wisdom. And it's only through the rejection of matter that one can embrace this wisdom of light to THEN understand the Abyss (Grand Architect, supreme darkness).
If you believed that Feminism wasn't a chaotic society destroying cult, but rather one of the many victim memes the Jews recently invented, you're sadly mistaken. The Jew created it specifically from ancient memes that were well known in all cultures (even to that cuck Buddha) to destroy civilization.
The "Kundalini force"
is achieved through an anal based "chakra" because there has always been a feminist/homosexual fetish cult within cultures. This force is nothing more than mental hypnosis and hyper stimulation that allows people to fall deeper into the delusions described above to prevent their natural connections to Creation. This was common in cultures that had a Temple Prostitution ring as part of the religious state (sex magic, slut shaming, free love, LBGTQ, slut walks…).
Behind the layers and layers of world religions and politics, there is always this serpent cult attempting to defeat individualism or the "ego" (a masculine trait) and replace it with a blob of esoteric, emotional based nonsense (the ID) to combine it into a spiritual being (the super-ego); the feminist teaching have this in reverse however so that the feminine divine is ego and super-ego, while the masculine is the dumb animal ID.
In the sense of their enemy, the Creator is often represented as an eagle or lion, anything that is of self mastery and independence. In the case of post-Christian Nordic myth for example, the serpent of earthly polarity destroys the world with the female goddess Hell and wolf of greed Fenris, after defeating the Patriarchy, Odin, Thor, and…
All children of the bastard Loki who accuses the other gods of being sexually corrupt (Freya and Odin).
holy shit this fucking autism and schizophrenia
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha what a fucking faggot, I bet you trust the Bible when it comes to learning about Babylonian history dont you?
Hi (((Robert))), ugly 40yr old LA kike.
They were mixed out a long time before they reached the Greek-Roman age. By the time Mithra reaches Rome it was all shitskin Etruscan esoteric larping.
Thinks Christians weren't Jews.
Thinks there was only one Babylonian empire.
(((Bob))) nobody cares about your Luciferian ad-mixture of bad memeing except Imkikey.
Germanic myth is older than later Roman Mithraism cults you fucking poser. It's Scythian and Scythians were an older Indo-Iranian culture. Stop trying, you can't hang out here and pretend you're knowledgeable when you're just a Luciferian poser. You also are incapable of learning.
You're the one telling anons to take drugs and astral project themselves to the Thule state of Nazi Antarctica underground you fucking retard. You're the one who hates "materialism!" = life, nature, reality, patriarchy.
Hi (((Robert))), ugly 40yr old LA kike. OR should I say "Bodi Mantra" your cuckchan handle.
They were mixed out a long time before they reached the Greek-Roman age. By the time Mithra reaches Rome it was all shitskin Etruscan esoteric larping.
Thinks Christians weren't Jews.
Thinks there was only one Babylonian empire.
(((Bob))) nobody cares about your Luciferian ad-mixture of bad memeing except Imkikey.
Germanic myth is older than later Roman Mithraism cults you fucking poser. It's Scythian and Scythians were an older Indo-Iranian culture. Stop trying, you can't hang out here and pretend you're knowledgeable when you're just a Luciferian poser. You also are incapable of learning.
You're the one telling anons to take drugs and astral project themselves to the Thule state of Nazi Antarctica underground you fucking retard. You're the one who hates "materialism!" = life, nature, reality, patriarchy.
No it's not. Plato said it was good. Fuck off gnostic kike
I never said a single one of any of these words, holy shit you really are either a JIDF kike or a fucking insane schizophrenic who really thinks I'm Robert Sephr, this just went from being infuriating to being really funny , and kinda sad at the same time.
Other anons I hope you will know better than to trust this fucking wacko and actually read about the Cults of Mithras so you can judge them yourselves. I understand if the Christians on this board are turned off by the Paganism and idolatry, but you must be retarded if you really think there was any homo action going on just because this sourceless, mad, barking retard says so.
….is a scorpion biting the bulls scrote?
Okay Freud, because it's definetly not the end of the spine, right?
You're an entry level researcher who is too wrapped up in their angry edgelord autism to admit you just got fucking schooled on occultism.
it appears so yes, dont ask me what thats supposed to symbolize, Ive wondered it myself. best theory ive heard is that each of the animals represent different constellations but as to the significance of each animal and their actions, I have no clue. In some depictions of Mithras, the tail of the cow changes into a wheat-shaft at the end, and his horns are sprouting flowers. I'm guessing that it symbolizes the bull being returned to the earth through dying, and new life emerging from it? No clue what that has to do with biting bull balls though. Rejection of sexual desires? Something to do with fertility? Its hard to tell given that we dont know the context of most of these idols and depictions of Mithras.
also one other thing
flay yourself you fucking god damn botposting mongrel holy shit youre a fucking retarded faggot
What's funny is Imkikey wont allow philosophy or history threads but esoteric Lucifer threads of yours are fine.
Fucking lying kike!
Sure thing (((Robert))). Schooled in occultism = nursery rape of children though to split their personas. I'm too old for your gay sex magick or Kundalini anal magick.
Go back to your kitchen, woman.
nope. Try again (((Bob))). Idiot.
Myth of the 20th Century kike. Oh wait, you hate that REAL NatSoc stuff and prefer Serrano's esoteric Luciferian faggot cult shit posing as NatSoc for the Jews.
Fucking bots, man
the more I observe his posts, and the posts he makes on other threads, the more obvious it becomes hes a bot.
or yknow, he could just actually be insane and paranoid.
You're not fooling anyone (((Bob))). You learned from Imkikey and he sucks at tricking anyone too. You had a bad teacher
Boy the Jews must fear Mithras much more than I previously thought considering how hard they shill to disrupt a thread devoted to him.
Praise be to Him, Judge of Souls, Him with 1,000 Ears, and Keeper of the Celestial Bridge, Him of the Myriad Eyes, may you show mercy upon those who are worthy, and relentless fire to those are not, Oh Lord of the Wide Pastures and Keeper of Heaven.
Nice satanic screed. gtfo.
nice new ID
Mithraism is the monotheistic worship of the Hurrian depiction of Zeus. Zeus’ aliases are Jupiter, Iesious, Mithras, Thor, Amun, amongst others. Zeus represents the figure 7 and the spiritual and, if properly applied, physical unshackling to the Saturnic matrix, which we, huwhite males, have to fully and completely destroy with our spiritual powers, in my subjective opinion. Father of Zeus is Chronos, who is also known as Odin, Ra, Baal, Moloch, Remphan and most notably Saturn (= Satan), amongst other names. Chronos represents the end cycle of the Saturnian matrix, which means the kikes, shills, elders/covens and, most notably, parasitic Reptilians/Dragons/Serpents/Draco, are preparing to cull humanity again to renew the cycle of spiritual energy tapping by dumbing down humans. The times we are living in are the end times according to some kike/kike shills, but in my subjective opinion, we’re heading towards another Titanomachy. We, huwhite males, have to develop our spiritual powers a.s.a.p. and attack the global cabal and especially the matrix a.s.a.p. The matrix, which the Saturnic hexagon is a reference to, has to be broken a.s.a.p. It is not collective consciousness the kikes, shills and the rest fear; it is the weaponisation of huwhite male spiritual powers that is feared. Set yourself free; destroy Babylon. Humanity, and not some aliens posing as gods, will determine its own course from now on, my subjective feelings say.
Only concrete, objective, factual information matters.
no , the Romans equated Odin with Mercury and sometimes Mars, never Saturn. Theres no evidence that any deity in the Germanic pantheon bears any resemblance to Saturn.
also no, stop being impious and stop watching history channel, those kikes want you to think that your own ancestral deities were "merely aliens" for a reason.
holy shit I missed this one, this is actually more retarded than Odin being Saturn. At least Odin wears a wide-brimmed hat and carries a scythe, so he has at least two aesthetic details similar to Saturn (however it should be noted that the Scythe was originally the symbol of Cronus, God of Time, who was later conflated with Kronos, the Greek equivalent of Saturn, and the wide-brimmed hat was long considered the symbol of the wanderer and traveler, one of the reasons its also associated with Jews in later history)
Ra is a purely solar deity with absolutely nothing in common with Saturn, where you are getting the idea that he is Saturn I have no clue, I would like to hear your reasoning. If anything Seth is the Saturnian equivalent, especially since his name bears great resemblance to the old names for Satan
should be interesting
Odin is NOT Moloch, dipshit, that syncretism of yours is pretty damn fast and loose. Some of those deities mentioned still have people revering them who are not satanists
Holy shit. My boy Mithras literally styling on virgin bull and the shills can't take it.
pretty wild how concerned some of these trolls are with derailing this thread with disinfo
I am right and your esoteric/pagan/freemasonry/whatever bullshit name you call it is a facade to get huwhite males into worshipping Saturn (= Satan).
Not going to happen, kikes/kike shills.
Only concrete, objective, factual information matters.
How retarded are you? Gilgamesh and Enkidu (rational and irrational combined) are exactly the same figure as Mithras and thus Zeus, Iesious, Amun, Thor, etc.
Only concrete, objective, factual information matters.
Only concrete, objective, factual information matters.
Damn, schizoposter! This is some chutzpah to conflate Moloch the bull with patriarchy, when Mithra is clearly the symbol of patriarchal dominance.
The Romans identified Saturn with your precious (((YHWH))), Abrahamite. Shaytan is just a bogeyman, and the concept that it is its own entity has no basis in reality.
Zues became irrational when they wanted to destroy the culture. Gods shift positions all the time.
See Zurvan and Chronos, not the same characters at all, but both Time.
You can stick your Hegelian dialectics up your arse. The nature of concrete, objective, factual reality is not a provably false dilemma.
My guess is that Saturn (= Satan) worshippers, thus kikes/shills, are highly triggered by this thread, so that is a good thing, in my subjective opinion.
Only concrete, objective, factual information matters.
I wonder where you blew in from.
Funny how screechy you are about esotericism, yet your image sums it up perfectly.
anti-Esoteric is anti-White.
Esotericism/Talmudism/Kabbalism/Freemasonry/Rosicrucianism/etc. are all fronts for, what I think is the most accurate description, Tengrism, which is worship of Saturn (=Satan). Tengrism is Turkic by definition and completely unrelated to huwhites.
Only concrete, objective, factual information matters.
Dude the bull is Taurus you nigger, that was the sign they lived under at the time. It's the bull of heaven.
Mithra isn't slaying Moloch. Not every God is the same fucking character
Only Marxist/Vactican type globalist Universities teach this. Not even Joseph Cambell taught it this way.
Also the Phrygian cap at that time was used as a symbol of cultural rebellion. Before that it was for eunuch (who worshiped Cybel goddess).
religions change = at that time
you fucking youtube half ass scholars.
pfff "muh platitudes"
Your work isn't concrete or factual. It's speculative university college grad garbage.
"Hurrr durrrr (((Robert))) says Luciferian esoterics is the same as Rosenberg's anti-esoteric book the Myth, and that Myth is esoteric".
Pathetic kike
Just stop.
Just how homosexual do you think pre-Christian Europe was? I'm certain you are an Abrahamite here to try to spread conspiracy theories about homo Druids or Jewish Etruscans just to make your brand of (((YHWH))) worship look more palatable.
Whatever anyone tells you about "Mithra-ism" will come from half ass Freemasonic larpers. It's so fucking old, the memes it borrows from, that it goes back long before Mithra, long before Sumeria, long before IE, to the Cro-magnon caves and the cave goddess.
This is why Freya rides cats and is the fertility Lady. Lions = earth mother/fertility = oldest religions. Along with Sky father, the Bull of heaven, or The Storm God: Zues, Indra, Odin/Thor-Loki….
"muh Saturn worship"
Another youtube scholar. Pathetic. You're right about the rest of your comment through. You forget the origin groups: gnostics/Templars… It's all the same esoteric inner-church. It stops right there at around the time of the NeoPlatonists. Any claim to be older is a larping lie.
Same as always I guess. Although they're pushing it onto kids these days
(((Robert))) you're the one who makes Crowley Druid threads = fucking homos. The Etruscans destroyed the native religions of Greco-Roma according to Alfred Rosenberg. But you never read The Myth. You're too busy sucking dick in LA at the Temple of Sophia and larping the ebil nazis into becoming occultists freaks.
You keep demonizing the Gnostics and Freemasonry, yet not a peep about the damnable (((YHWH))) cultists. This schizoposter business was suspicious from the start.
The Myth is wrong then.
Roman mithra is ultimately an attempted re-emergence of the old indo-european religion during the time of agnosticism during the end times of the roman empire.
The world works in cycles of religious revival and atheism/agnosticism.
Saying Roman Mithras is satanic is just jewish mind poison that Zionist Christians have eaten up in order to keep themselves from waking up to the bullshit of the semetic religions of today.
satan and yhwh are ultimately just a false dichtomy made by jews to push onto the goy (christians and satanists). Its just like republican vs democrat, no matter if you vote you'll get someone who works for the interest of jews.
>yet not a peep about the damnable (((YHWH))) cultists
kek, as if it's not the same shit.
t. (((Robert)))
Yeah, totally not the Sumerian city of Edur that dried up do to the rivers drying up, right mono-myth dumb ass occultist?
wikipedia scholars guys. Better listen up, lol!
implying the Romans became "athiests" lol!
Wrong again, goy boy.
Satan = satan = advesary and this character was invented by the Vatican. There was no ONE evil guy to challenge god in Jesus' time. There were gods, avatars/angels. But all of what one might call Juda-ism was invented post-Jesus. Before that it was an ad-mixture of cults all based around Moses who was invented around 300BCE to unite different tribes against invading Empires.
Stop giving Jews meme magic. They're not that old or that important. They just fed off Christian Rome.
Yeah, the garden of Eden was in East Asia, not Sumeria's "CITY OF EDUR" you fucking loser.
Your snap cuckchanning is more cringe than any of us
FFS my posts got deleted by some kike/kike shill mod. I wonder when Zig Forums will recover. Back to the children on 4chan.
Only concrete, objective, factual information matters.
Eat shit learningchode.
IMkikey took the board back
These religions have always been garbage. The only religion that would suit us is one made new to suit the modern world. It would have to be a viciously traditional religion that EXPLICITLY is pro-White and anti-Jew. It would have to have pan-pagan roots for connection. With all our knowledge with how conmen work over people and memes we could push this to a small but vocal group online. It would have a mix of stuff we already know from other religions like a "hidden" and non-hidden book (talmud and torah) and the naked lying to non-believers (taquiya) and shaming non-reproduction (like the Quiverful movement)… but actually having balls like European Paganism.
Anybody interested in working together with me on this? If this post gets positive feedback, I'll make a thread and then maybe better brsinstorming tools… please no Kek cringe stuff.
kill yourself modernist filth
It's called KEK.
You can't just create a religion. Larpers try and it's cool for cute chicks in viking esthetics, but they would shut you down faster than a pedogate investigator.
Best chance is working with philosophy. The real problem with pagan heritage is there isn't any that Christians haven't written down for us and therefor is null and void. Most likely there is stuff hiding in the filthy Vatican archives but we'll never see it.
I like pagan esthetics but I can't see how to work them into a new system when they're all tied to Christian monks or scholastics. Even if you do, the neo-pagans will come along and scream how it's inaccurate to their Christian writer Snorri
religions are fucking evil and ruled by Jews, gurus, nihilist buddhas, and mind control military groups. He's right
that makes no sense to my post
Stay mad kikey.
Kikey runs the board . Codemonkey lied to us
shut the fuck up you ignorant fucking retard, holy shit I am so tired of this fucking idiotic christcuck meme, you faggots really dont read jackshit at all do you? stick to KEK larping.
you dont even fucking know what "viking" "esthetics" are, vikings arent a fucking culture you ignorant god damned savage, anyone who isnt a fucking pseudo-scholar will use the term Germanic, Nordic or Teutonic you fucking faggot, stop using the word viking where it doesnt apply.
so christian that he decided to dedicate his whole life work to recording pagan lore, yeah. just ignore all the other sources from other parts of pagan Europe like Greece and Rome, just ignore all the archeological and linguistic evidence that backs up most of what Snorri and the sagas said, just gonna ignore that the Poetic Edda has no confirmed author (yet you retards always attribute it to Snorri because you havent fucking read it), and just gonna ignore that if you read the Rigveda or any older Indo-Aryan texts its basically exactly the same as the mythology given by Snorri, thus confirming both his legitimacy and the Aryan invasions theory. Keep ignoring that so that you can push this "all your history is christcucks" meme that only fucking christian shills and jews ever push.
go LARP then, and forget the true gods. They will forget you in turn.
Tell us how you really feel BERKAY, because you don't run shit.
Christians bitched about Mormons, didn't stop them. It's important that we understand that it would have to be pan-paganism (aka not just Nordic paganism).
why pan-paganism? that doesnt make any fucking sense, the large majority of white Americans are Germans or Celts. Mixing it all into one interracial religion just distorts the meanings of myths, removes the purity of the religion in the first place and removes any specific cultural differences and uniqueness between any of them. Should all Europeans also racemix until were all one big ugly slav-irish-german-italian mongrel race? fuck off.
You dont understand fucking anything about "Paganism" if you dont understand why specific ethnic strains of it should be preserved. You probably dont even know what the damn word means you ignorant ape.
Woah, take a step back, faggot.
It would be an overarching religion in which is then divided by pagan roots, allowing unity but at the same time preserving our old gods. The idea is a blood religion for the European like kikes have in their religion.
Not everyone is an American, and even then those two have separate pagan religions. By only focusing on one pre-Christian belief we can still be divided and conquered by jews. Imagine a common American that's quarter-German, a quarter-Polish, a quarter-Irish and a quarter-italian… he can't worship shit…
Who the fuck said anything of ethnic mixing? In fact by having people reach out to find their roots and celebrates their blood may make people less likely to mix with other ethnicities.
Assuming other people are simply morons because you can't grasp their ideas is fucking narcissism.
OP here what have I done, I just wanted a straight answer
this is pol, straight answers will always be obscured and diminished by JIDF shills. just have to learn how to sift through shit.
Well atleast you did your best to give a good answer
A martial religion that focuses on male strength and is as patriarchal as you get without it being Pisslam honestly sound too good to be true
Wrong faggot, have you read the Pali Texts(cannon) or are you going of (((Western Buddhism))) and (((commentary))). Because Siddhartha was a red haired blue eyed Aryan, as was his second in command Bhodisattva who brought the teachings and kung fu to some cuck monks in Sholin, China. The Pali Texts were dictated and called "The 8 Fold Aryan Path" for 700 years before some faggot disinfo kikee like you changed the name to Buddhism. In the texts, Siddhartha says women and non-Aryans are not capable of becoming enlightened and can only strive to become Aryan men in their next lives, then try to become enlightened.
I broke into the Vatican and scanned these ancient glyphs related. Clearly Mithraism was about taking shrooms to more effectively battle kikes.
Mithboss shitting on bullshits. My goodness. The day has come.
Then again didnt pagans also take shrooms.
psychedelic drugs have been consumed by traditional cultures all over the world at some point, but no, theres no direct evidence that european pagans took psychedelics, at least in recorded history. closest thing ive been able to find are the schools of the Eleusinian Mysteries, but theres only "speculation" that they consumed psychedelics in their initiation rites, nothing conclusive. it could have just been a very strong alcohol, or a hysteria-induced frenzy. Theres speculation that the beserkrs did mushrooms as well, with even less evidence or sense. Psychedelics dont exactly make you into the kind of murder-hobo beast that the berserkrs were described as, they might have done them in some kind of initiation ritual, but the theory that they consumed them before or during battle is fucking absurd.
I try user
The ruler of Taurus is Venus you fucking mega sperg. Get a real job ffs.
psilocybin shrooms originated in mexico. They're not native to the old world at all.
There are multiple sub-species of psilocybin shrooms and several of them existed in north africa and southern europe as far back as 6000 years. Where are you getting that they come from mexico? keep in mind spics like to claim credit for all psychedelics in the world, the only one thats native to them is peyote and related mescaline-based cacti.
also i did not specifically say mushrooms; several other psychedelic plants exist that are native to the old world, like datura and morning glory. both of these are referenced in old grimoires and witch-trial confessions concerning "witch potions" that were supposed to make the imbiber fly through the air and change form into animals; descriptions which match the typical experience of these sorta plants.
for the record I do not condone any drug usage
Yeah, I actually think you're glowing in the dark so brightly I could read.
The name Mithras is used in multiple, particularly Aryan, religions. If you're talking about the Mithraism that was popular with soldiers during the Roman Empire; I'd hate to tell you this, but we know very little about them. Their ceremonies resemble the Christian mass which is interested; however, Dionysus' ritual feast of Omophagia also resembles this. Mithras' slaying of the bull is also interesting.
Both Wotan and Saturn take the roll of the Kalki. Wotan returns with his warriors to defeat Fenrir Wolf at the end of Ragnorak. Likewise Saturn-Cronus comes to end the Bronze Age and create a new Golden Age. The difficult thing about comparative mythology is that you usually end up having to mash multiple gods and motifs together in order to have religions resemble each other as easily as Roman and Greek mythology.
Sorry; I drank a lot of coffee, so I'm not proof reading.
In particular, my problem with the interpretatio graeca is that while Mediterranean Aryans shared a very common religious history, they erred in applying the same to the Semites in the Levant/North Africa. They tried the same with the Teutons, which was problematic because Woden (likely originating in a Finnish shamanic archetype) was recognized as the head of the pantheon as Mercury, while Thunder was Jupiter/Hercules and Tiw as Mars. Really, Tiw was King of Heaven, etymologically cognate with Zeus. There's also Saxnot and Freyr and so really any attempt at comparison between Roman and German folk religion should be more delicate than what Tacitus tried.
No lad, have another read through the respective mythologies and have another go