Canada had 270% tarrifs on American goods BEFORE any tarrifs were proposed in the white house

Who wants to bet Mexico, China, and all the other countries hit by Trump tariffs also had MASSIVE tariffs on American goods for decades before America struck back. How many trillions of dollars did the parasites of the world suck out of our economy with their tariffs before America had the balls to respond?

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Yeah we all fucking know idiot. Trump's said it non-stop.

NOBODY WANTED Zig Forums TO BECOME /news/ except Imkikey.

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Yup. Now they can have some of their own medicine.

Learn to make a proper OP.

Attached: Fuq Yo Rulez Nigga.jpg (245x273, 22.12K)

trump, as much as he is a fucking KIKE drone, is right about those tarrifs

especialy against the fuckin EU (that had high tarrifs on american goods THE WHOLE time)

and i say this as a fuckin german

(nuke our shithole pls, btw)

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If spics that can't take bathrooms breaks produce the milk, it's a good idea to protect citizens from it with tariffs.

Liar. The last Germans died out decades ago. You're just a turkroach Russian rape baby hybrid creature.

avatarfags have no say. you gotta go back with your shitty boondock memes.

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doesnt disprove the shit i stated, nigga


We always use the hard r here, scum.

The jews running the American milk farms don't pay the Mexicans. They let the Mexicans rape the cows in exchange for milking them. Canada should make American milk illegal.

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Fucking hell. How triggered are you faggots right now?

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It wouldn't make a big difference. Most of you cannies are soy milk drinking faggots now fuck off.

Canadian dairy productions runs on quota, so milk is minimum 4x more expensive here than in the states. If you go north it gets worse because additional shipping costs.

I don't mind paying extra to ensure to protect small farmers and get a higher quality milk product. Hitler implemented the same thing. He got into power because of Darre's small farmer voting block, and farms had very high birthrates for birthing more Germans.

The only leafs who buy american milk are those near the border. It's full of hormones that aren't allowed in the leaf market.

That said you shouldn't drink cow puss.


OP is clearly a faggot but not a jew. Where to start with this bullshit… What cancer brought your dumb ass here? Were you fondling yourself to CNN's Anderson Cooper again? No, this sounds like some FOX retardation.

If you weren't a faggot nigger and capable of thought, you might ask WHY those duties exist. But you couldn't even do that. So expecting you to know anything about ANY industry… forget about it.

These threads are so tiresome… it's like, go read something you dumb motherfucker. You must realize that you don't know how anything works or what's been done before.

How the fuck does Canada NOT buying literal Cancer AKA American dairy take money out of America? Do you know the extent to which TAX PAYER money goes to lazy hick cunt famers in America? Fucking Dickey Spencer clan has been given over 40m for doing NOTHING.

If we produced quality foodstuffs…

What Trump says and what Trump does, faggot. So in other 'news', still over 100k shitskins arriving LEGALLY and staying FOREVER. Just like during Obongo's time.

Go home Mark. You're milk drunk again.

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Assmad leaf detected

The tariffs are to protect your crooked jewish dairy monopoly from competition. Now you faggots are getting the rake, and it feels so good. Fuck Canada and the Canuck Cucks, now and forever.

i can't write thred
i cant proply reserch

Hello kike.

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Leaf here. I dont give a shit about the tarriffs. Our country is being destroyed by greater forces. Maybe if Trump crushes our economy we'll stop drowning ourselves in suicidal liberalism. Not likely but heres to hoping. Take my energy Trump these leafs arent going to rake themselves.

yeah I love it when the government taxes me even more

Do you understand how delusional "Amnesty Don" supporters like yourself are? The man is choking on the circumcized cock of israel and you still manage to construct a fantasy where hes hitler 2.0

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Stay salty learningchode.

Whites do, quoting a nigger? Not so much.

their int is just fine. they have to distract. When you have no argument left you MUST distract. Derailing is all they can do.

Is Zion Don any better, Herschel?

Sage negated

It's like you people want to get pozzed.

what the point of this post, thats exactly what he says everytime its talked about

People here have options, I hope you know that.
Willing to bet our milk is better than Canadian milk.

Of course it is, it isn't in a bag.

imkampfy is pure evil, but Zig Forums has always been a mix of /x/ /fringe/ /news/ and of course political stuff. you can't separate them.

You're worried about the legal ones? The explosive flooding is entirely due to illegal immigration via chain migration.

Zig Forums has always been NHP, newfag – news, history, politics. now go fuck yourself

You should call him IP-hopping Don.

It's not tax. It's supply limitation. Small farmers get the extra profit not the government.

Tariffs are something AMERICAN CITIZENS PAY in order to bring goods into the country. Now, if they are a lever to get the other countries to get rid of their tariffs, then it might do some good.

Other than that he's just trying to secure votes in states that could b be a problem in 2020, although I think he's headed towards a landslide anyways…

Wow, what an eye-opening photo that has never been seen before. My whole worldview is shaken.

In all seriousness, doesn't every goddamn elected leader touch Le Wall of kikery?