At least five illegal immigrants are killed and many injured after they were thrown from an SUV that flipped during a...

At least five illegal immigrants are killed and many injured after they were thrown from an SUV that flipped during a 100mph chase with border agents
Deputies and Border Patrol were chasing a vehicle at 100mph which then rolled
12 immigrants were thrown from the SUV and five of them died at the scene
Fourteen people were inside, including the driver and passengers
A local sheriff called the incident 'good police work'

Attached: damn good police work.jpg (634x346, 47.18K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Should have gone quietly, beaners.

Boyd credited 'good police work' for the reason why deputies started pursuing the vehicle adding that Boyd said human smuggling was a 'real problem' in the area.

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wew sonny

Why does his sherriff star look like a tire?

Boyd said the driver was known to police, and had been seen in the area 'last week,' either scouting the area or looking for immigrants to smuggle.
Boyd said there needs to be a wall built because this is a 'real problem' in the area.
'We've seen this many, many times, in not only this county but other counties along the border,' Boyd said. 'It's a problem.'
He added: 'This is a perfect example of why our borders need to be secure.
'I think we need a wall, in my opinion,' he said, voicing support for President Donald Trump's proposal to construct a border wall with Mexico.

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How do these border agents live with themselves.
They're killers through and through!

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Any guac bowls?

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DAMN…that is some 'good police work'

Refried beaners smeared on the hot highway
5 you say? A fine start I say!

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It matches his body.

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shame that the state will pay for their urgent care costs. Honestly these should be billed to w/e country they came from.

This is truly a blessed thread

It's spelled "cue".

I think user was making a spic joke

What a dumbass…the border patrol only FOLLOWED the SHITHOLE people while they went on an ILLEGAL rampage through their territory…they didn't fucking crash the car or force the drive to drive 100 MPH…the level of retard is difficult to bear.

A real human tragedy

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deputy farva there is probably stifling a laugh

And nothing of value was lost.


That might be the reason for the crash.
I'm betting more than half of them were hefty squat goblinas too.

THIS…you do realize that all this 'fiat currency' is the responsibility of the LENDER, not those taking out the loan. The Rottenchilds are going to be left holding the bag on their fraudulent lending practices, because we are going to refuse to pay anything more at some point. We, the Ethnic European people of the USA are the largest standing army in the world and at some point we are going to laugh and tell them to "GO FUCK THEMSLEVES. MOLON LABE." Until then, the ROTTENCHILDS can spend THIER MONEY however they want…if they want to spend it patching road nachos back together from a cross-road puzzle…more power to them…they can patch as many beaners as they want…it isn't going to be any skin off my nose to let them play 'protector of their worthless trash taco bender' DNA…as a matter of fact I am really looking forward to the ROI statistics from this one.

or he meant queue, as in "get in line, lefty."

Can't wait to see the dash cam footage

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seriously though. CHASING ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS DRUG DEALING SEX TRAFFICERS is good and keeping the borders of our country safe is great 100 MILES AN HOUR.IN A SUV CRAMED FULL MEXICANS


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That was awesome.

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Top kek!! LMAO


I bet they shot the five fathers and sold the children to jews who fucked them then sold them to oil arabs and gold/diamond niggers.

Because if they didn't, somebody else would.

He didn't fly so good.

RIP in beans

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Someone needs to add the General Lee horn to this.

Bill the two citizens who were smuggling them in. They'll be on the hook for the medical bills of seven uninsured illegals and the funeral bills of five more in addition to their own medical bills and legal fees. Legal fees that can quickly skyrocket if the bean families sue them for wrongful deaths.


Why don't we just revoke these people's citizenship and deport them? Mexico sends us all their criminals, why don't we do the same back…. preferable with human catapults and airdrops sans parachutes.

I suck at making these, but quick and dirty.

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>A local sheriff called the incident 'good excellent police work'

Is he eating the illegal aliens?


No doubt. I wouldn't put anything past the kikes and Judeo-Masonic law enforcement.

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What a waste of resources.

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you mean to tell me they weren't wearing their seatbelts?

It should be legal to walk up to the injured ones crawling away from the crash and summarily execute them then and there.


Don't mess with Texas.

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Freedom ain't Free. Thanks Op.

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Never would have happened under obama. Trump is getting shit done.

probably had drugs etc
you guys may laugh, but I for one am deeply saddened by their littering of our land with their corpses

thank you texas-chan!

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>5 DACApedes (((suicided)))
>in SUV crash
>trying to run away from glow in the dark ICE niggers
What did they knew bout 9/11?

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((( )))
you have to go back


It's funnier every time i watch it holy shit
i'm drooling with laughter holy fuck

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thank you texas chan

I guess, my countrymen fastracked their immigration application!

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According to this there were two other vehicles, so this stop is probably 40+ prevented.

Now if we could only figure out the logistics of this with the NGO Plague Ships that are bringing illegals to Europe.

O M G…hilarious

"Freeze frame. You're probably wondering how I got here"

Generally not a bad webm.

Pause the clip just as he goes airborn and add the voiceover from.. fuck if I remember where.

bumping with angry kikes

Attached: kvetching-kikes.mp4 (400x400, 6.78M)

BUMP for finally some good news today.


hahaha its like a vehicular piñata

What is it with these people? Jesus christ, the air of authority they think they carry. No wonder they've been chased out wherever they settle.

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What are they complaining about?

beat me to it

Attached: thosedukeboysareatitagain.webm (1280x720, 2.38M)

I think they were the ones that tried to spring a bunch of illegals


they were trying to get to some illegals that got nabbed in Jew Jersey

they're trying to get into area 51 because of some hoax UFO footage posted to YouTube.

nah these things were kikes they don't care about science or stuff

You know how these people are, even when they speak normally it's whining and crying. They stereotype is real.

Your dubs will not go unchecked, user

Fuckin kek

The terrible quality actually makes it funnier

Top kek. Talk about unstoppable force vs immovable object.

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It's better than nothing I suppose, if only they all went up in flames.

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immediately what came to mind

Thanks. Great news, great thread.

I'm glad our tax payers dollars will most likely going to be paying for the remaining medical bills for the illegals that are alive from the accident. Deport them back and send Mexico the hospital bill.

/comfy/ af desu


Aren't recording devices prohibited at such Federal facilities as prisons and detention centers?
They act so surprised and shocked when denied…

saved. way to turn this tragic thread around.

I thought Poles were the mexicans of Europe

Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit… Holy shit…

((( )))
fuck off Zig Forums

New word: BOYD, verb.


no one cares

good police work harvest the organs

My pants got a little shorter.

And what a hilarious comment from al shariff. There is some good left in the world.