A bunch of goddamn Chinamen are invading Zig Forums shitposting left and right in their Ching Chong language. Is the PLA trying to infiltrate imageboards? They've got two boards to themselves and are rapidly climbing the popular board rankings. Who's going to stop them before they take up all the real estate and roast Spurdos alive?
They dropped off the top boards now. Probably found another site to be on. Now the hispanics we gotta watch out for.
why not let em stay and observe them, yknow datamine them??
no, see what theyre up to, they probably dont expect to be watched by other non bugmen
Don't tell them our leaders are nigger fetishists. They will laugh at us.
You may want to check again.
Saw 4 at one point in the trending bar yesterday.
polite sage because reasons
That's even worse.
Is this post satire or you're genuinely retarded?
why would we stop them? The chance for Zig Forums culture and ideas to filter into china gives me a boner. You normies just never get it. retards, the lot of you.
at least it's better than that korean circlejerk board for furfags
They're Hong Kongers.
So what?
probably the guys that keep posting that "herro ferrow round eye, look what tech advances powerfur CHINA has made today" threadspam
Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Chinks Invading Zig Forums Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha
Great news Pajeet, why not fuck off to your /designatedshittingboard/ nigger?
This is why Zig Forums is dead, and nu-Zig Forums, represented by the all-kikes, shicucks, trannies, dataminers, alphabets, and jews, is raping its corpse.
If you cannot and will not research for yourself, or learn more from others, before posting a stupid fucking thread like this, then you should clearly blow your own brains out with a 12-gauge.
I bet you think kikes are white, too.
Hong Kongers are not mainlanders
We can't influence the chinks if they don't come here. Plenty to redpill the chinks on- the Jews shipping niggers to China to niggerize the chinese, for example. You're fucking useless. You're too stupid to see the benefits of expanding our reach. You're a redditor with a nigger tier IQ and you've got to go back
I'm telling you to do your own fucking research on the subject, and actually look at the boards, before you do anything you fucking retarded Redditor. They're Hong Kong refugees who fled because of the shitty chicoms taking over their Chinese-language forums.
Hear hear! If we want an international reach, we need an international audience. I'm imagining the happennings we could kick off in China and the stupid fuckers are stuck at "Chinks! REEEEEEEEEEEEEE!"
They say Honk Kong you dumb baka.
First, check'd and heil'd for those digits.
You know, so long as they keep their chink shitposting to their chink board, I'm not upset about them being here.
Besides, the bugmen hate niggers, kikes, and mudslimes just as much if not more than we do.
I'm not saying invite them over to dinner or let them fuck your daughter, but if your options are JIDF or bugmen, the bugmen at least want the JIDF dead more than they want us dead.
There's already a /hkpol/, which is probably the best place to start.
HK is inhabited by chinks and is technically a part of china, you dumb nigger. Remember that chinks are the OG bugmen with no individuality whatsoever and a language that sounds like horse cock ravaging a duck's throat. Comparing chinks to the Japanese is like comparing niggers to nords.
So zipperheads are welcome as long as they're anti-commie now?
If history tells us anything, the biggest threat to the Chinese are other Chinese.
Great thread, let's unite the chinks with the power of ignorance.
Someone was saying a few months back that the native Hong Kongers were being replaced by the mainland ants.
So sorry for bothering your all guys, but we Hong Kongese's own forums were occupied by the damn-ass ChiNa 50 Cents Party that we can only exile here to avoid the possible prosections from HKSAR Gov…
You know what? Just like the Syria refugees, or our ancestor from mainland China…
You're welcome here chinanon. Disregard the spics and jews saying otherwise. High IQ honorary aryans are definitely allowed.
hispanics are the worst. they go to all the teen white girl posts and even some porn threads.
they are the sole reason we lost 8teen.
even more reason to deport their asses.
the main thing is informing the public.
fuck off
remember how many porno boards the nasty beaners started that are now BANNED?
they come in here and dont even speak english liek wtf
Can you tell all the 50 cent army that gweilo over at 4chan Zig Forums are making fun of Xi Jinping and the CCP? They think the J-20 is toilet paper plane with radar like Chinese eyes and will crumble under superior F-35 multi-dimensional power.
It's no wonder that the happa shitskins enjoy shitposting so much since they live in shit, I've seen how dried out and dead looking the places they live are personally.
They're from Hong Kong you lazy nigger. The boards were created by an anti-Communist pro-free speech group from Hong Kong and many of them represent a movement to return Hong Kong to British rule
I'm not even a Chink, had discussion with them once about the Fifty Cent Party. If you weren't such a lazy nigger and spent more than 5 minutes researching you would know this
OP is a kike trying to get us to fight people aligned with ourselves. If you use google translate, you can see that they're talking about kikes and the desire for freedom from them in the same way we do.
yea it's an OP to push board raids between nationalists
Do they even know what Britain has become?
They probably do, and it really says a lot about how shitty the Chinese communist government is. Nobody wants that
Be sure to remind the bugmen that their Communist government murdered their students on June 4th in Tiananmen Square.
Yeah, sure.
HKese hate chinkese more than the most racist White Supremecist could. ChiNese are cruel, don't care about others, lust for wealth like Jews and don't care for spirituality, want to dominate and control the world, including HK.
Say 'June 4th Tiananmen Square massacre' in slantspoke and see if the CCP cuts their internet
Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan and other Han that Americans like are HKese.
Chinks are Jew. Nothing bad with racism.
I'm gonna play the devil's advocate and ask: what is the problem with that exactly?
It's not like you're ever going to interact with them as long as they stick to their own boards. Besides, I went there myself and asked why they fled and it appears some forums they used to post on got subverted by gubmint paid glow in the dark CIAniggers so they seek refuge here, which is exactly the same thing we did back when moot sold us out.
So, why are you trying to make a fuss out of it? Last time I checked this site was supposed to be "the last bastion of free speech", are you the same kind of retard who argues against Zig Forums going global and bursting your echochamber when the board is flooded with communist retards to have some actual debate with instead of sucking eachother's dick?
I say let them have their little cirlejerk, I don't have any beef with them.
As far as i know it's a forum migration after the chinks shoa'd some hong konger forum. Personally i think we should welcome our new Hong Konger allies. 8ch could do with some diversity, in fact it might not survive without it.
So this is a D&C thread right? The OP sounds like a liberal pretending to be right wing for money. It is well-known that Zig Forums (8&4) consist of a significant number of asians.
Hey, thanks, man.
I was withholding judgement until I had more information, but I haven't a whole lot of time to dick with copying into a translator to dig.
What's your general impression of the culture over there?
I hate chunks as much as the next guy, but they're not jews, and if they stay on their containment boards, I have no issues. At least chinks are race aware and look down on africans.
Chinks are Jews, they're the bugmen White people talk about, dishonest, evil/brutal, greedy, self-centered, no courage or honor… But HKese are not chinks, bad ones more like what you'd call "race traitor". Think of a good "chinese" and he's likely Cantonese, I'm not kidding. See and
Just post there and ask what's going on, they are more than happy to explain.
Fuck off kikey.
I haven't dug that much yet, but from what I gathered it seems that they are anti-commie and that some nationalist sentiment has been rising since the 2000s. Also, relations with the chinks are pretty fugged and they seem to hate them just as any non antman on the planet would; the latter statement confirmed by the fact that when I DARED to say they were basically the same as chinks, they got majorly triggered.
Some of them speak English, matter of fact some of them are answering questions on this thread >>>/hkpol//1451 which you might want to check out for better context.
六四天安門事件 Jap
六四天安门事件 Chink
Which is retarded because the chinks are the ones funding anti-white efforts in South Africa and surrounding regions because they don't want to contend with a white populace that won't put up with their shit. The only reason why they are setting up shop here is the same reason why we have been seeing for months now, pro-Chink posts and threads: They are trying to co-opt white supremacy and act like they are friends of whites. It's like everyone forgot that the chinese have been lauding jews and their tactics and have been looking to them to emulate.
In any case
Wew. You deserve the rice-tinted ass-fucking you will get then.
you can stick around on your own board, preferably while acting like you have a person instead of being a soulless worker ant who cuts the corners so much that theres only 10% of the original product left if any, after which point you just replace the rest with imitation product
and by the way, adrenaline doesn't make meat taste better
but if you came here to avoid soulless chinks, you may have known that, and presumably did
you may also post on this board if you lurk first, for a long time
Really it's just a product of China zerg-rushing any territory they get a foot in by flooding it with mainlanders, like western countries and Tibet, the last I heard from HK was that they wanted independence years back around 2014-15 and not a peep afterwards.
Chinks are disgusting bugmen but they're wise to the JQ and they use "white left" as an insult. Their society is built on giving no fucks and I can admire that. Hell, they're studying the kikes to supplant them - I can't wait to see what happens.
Fuck off kikey.
Let them stay and read Zig Forums
Ching Chong Pol
"Poriticarry Incollect"
No, we don't want you fucking eastern hebes here.
post about the jewish involvement during the formation of the communist party. HK hates china with a passion, remind them that it was the jews that allowed China to become what it is today.
If they stay in their own board, then I don't give a fuck.
However chinks are currently notorious of many of them who browse outside of their domain being government employed. But for now let them do what they want, it dissipates like the rest. Heck it might be funny watching chinks toppling Zig Forums, it can be such an irony and I guess those western commies might appreciate it due to their cuckoldry fetish.
Hong Kong is not the fucking ChiNa
HongKongese are not the fucking ChiNese
We love democracy and freedom of speech,
but these are destroying by the fucking ChiNa.
The ChiNese speak Mandarin and use Simplified Chinese
HKese speak Cantonese and use CHT.
Ledpirr Chyna
big fucking deal
Hardly anyone killed inside Tiananmen, strictly speaking; and anyway, they're just supposed to let their country start a slide into chaos and instability?
It's all ching chong ding dong bullshit here, ant.
go to their gook boards and spam tinananmen square, mao was a irl faggot, the inferior quality of chinese military, agitate for democracy, recognize taiwanese independence – and watch as PLA begins attacking the site, specifically the gook boards. will kek unironically.
Idiots, doesn't work because censorship thankfully not as bad in Hong Kong.
HK not commie stupid 50 cent shill.
Jews have lived and controlled Hong Kong's finance since the 20th century.
No thanks if i wanted to read commie propoganda i'd go to Zig Forums you slant eyed piece of shit.
we need to find a way to get these active spic boards off the site
Hong Kong != Mainland China
Cantonese != Mandarin
OP = Retarded
Tienanmen Square didn't occur in Hong Kong retard. It occurred in MAINLAND CHINA. Hong Kong was under British Occupation at that time, they're /ourguys/ sine they're anti-communist.
Go suck Xi dick disgusting 50 cent shit, fuck ChiNa, I've said enough, no one believes you anymore stupid shills.
ching chong ding dong licky licky sucky sucky
Go back to picking rice in the fields and living in caves you fucking chink scum last thing this site needs is more communist shills.
It was a peaceful protest against violent oppressive commies.
That's the spirit Jinping shill.
>Peacefur Plotess
>Viren Opplesive Commie
Then you have nothing to worry about chink.
I thought everyone on Zig Forums knew about the Taiwan and Hong Kong separation with the communist movement in China, well shills of any variety will pretend they don't know either way. If they don't watch out they'll be wiped out, chinkland doesn't have too much sympathy.
Shouldn't you be prepping your wife's bull Zig Forums cock sucker?
That's easy wong, we hook you up with juan.
If you put in that way. Chinese are still Chinese.Commies do have their agents in Hong Kong. Though OP is sperging about nothing and the thread which he shows
Definitely an idiot he is. I guess it's a strategy of creating panic.