The 3rd Jewish Temple Prophecy

Arabs are suppose to blow up the temple. It gets rebuilt. There is a "great war" and all goy become the Jew's slaves.

This is prophecy happening now. Not that it's by God or whatever but they're making it happen. Everything is ready, priests tranned, Christian Zionists prepped, Alex Jones is ready, blue prints already designed.
This is how they're going to do it. Strapped yourselves in anons, our lives are only going to get more insane.

Honestly this should be stickied because it's the entire narrative of our time and why Zig Forums has appeared to fight it, but who am I to say.

Other urls found in this thread:

You're already all slaves since like 300 years ago at least.

Not true. If you're from Eastern Europe, your enslavement started in 1917, and you're in the position to get freedom. Italy as well, and there are movements in UK, France, Germany, Austria, Greece. Slavery is always and will always be a state of mind.

jews cant rebuild the temple because the mosque of al-aqsa is there.

They won't succeed. If you believe they even have a shot, you're just another philosemite cuck attributing god like powers to them. Christcucks have been a problem on Zig Forums for a long time now with their constant kike worship. You never quite fitted in, and you never will.

I don't think Christian evangelists were behind the isreali hijacking of Zig Forums and turning it into a Conservative Republican recruitment centre or Breibart 2.0

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Have a feeling that would play out a little different this time around.


The judeo-masonic conspiracy has lurked in the shadows for thousands of years, but they only came to prominence around the time of the English Civil War. That's when Jews and Capitalism were brought into England, and liberalism snowballed from there on out. The French Revolution and the 1848 incidents are what marked the turning point in the public weltanshauung. It wasn't until the mid-twentieth century that the jews controlled the majority of the world.

What a mess.

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Unfortunately they aren't really the chosen. They made the o.t. bible by plagiarizing older books, then inserted themselves into it. Grifters who gave themselves an awesome back story about being Gods chosen people while they con everyone around them.
You can take any prophecy in the bible with a grain of salt.

Holy shit, that sounds so much more like it. I've been trying to work that one out for ages. It makes total sense.

What about "Purim Fest 1946" screamed by Julius Streicher?
That dude knew that the numbers of the lizard alphabet can also be read as numbers and that the numbers from that one section where esther is talking about hanging the 10 sons of haman add perfectly up to 1946…

I can only hope that the jews sitting next to god in revelations means that they all died and are back in hell together with Moloch.



Go fuck yourself

Obvious Q-Poster

What value does it bring to /pol?

hagia sophia was a church that the turks rebranded into a mosque because they tought it was too beatiful to change or demolish.
all they did was take the crosses and icons out.
jews on the meanwhile as we both know dont give a fuck about culture or art and wouldnt have any problem with destroying any holy site to build their demonic third temple.
and its in their prophecy that they have to build it on the spot the other two temples were, so that means demolishing al-aqsa mosque.
but that would also mean that the whole arab world would declare holy war on them and theyd be fucked.

this. the whole concpet of a citizen state was meant to abolish the nation, meaning all sorts of nations would be incorporated into one big society, with an exception of a single cabal.

nice reddit posting retard. fuck off back to your kosher website

a discussion. how fucking new are you?

This is actually not true. The foundations of the old Jewish temple have been mapped from satellite, and it is not where the Muslim mosque is.

Theoretically, the Jewish temple could be rebuilt right now, but it would trigger a holy war.
The Jews have already started bringing in the components to rebuild it, and it's pretty clear they intend to do so. They've had this planned for many decades.

Not really surprising, as all the international Jewish manipulation across the world for over 100 years has been geared toward forcing the Jewish prophecies to come true. It's like they lost faith that Yahweh would make it all happen, and decided to take matters into their own hands.

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Can you give the exact location/article talking about that?
I want to read more about that.
There is no wonder they'll rebuild it. They made the plan since a very long time. They're just waiting for the right time.

If the temple isn'y located on the highest point in the city, then what does this mean of the tunnels under the temple? We have to destroy the ark of the covenant at all costs.

What the hell is this timeline, every year it feels more and more like we're about to reach a turning point that will unfold SMT-tier events.

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You're right to think that. But who knows what is gonna happen. Literaly anything can happen.
And when you know about the bluebeam project, even though it's old and may not happen, you truly can't even start to get what could happen.

The truth is, when the antichrist is gonna arrive, it is said that even the most devout will bow in front of him. So you can only imagine what will happen to make such thing happen.

There is this saying: "Reality surpasses fiction". I think we should give it a huge thought.

This is what I dont get though. The mark of the beast has to be willingly taken, so (((they))) cant just sneak it in your food or something. So, what would make the most devout Christians in this context bow before the antichrist willingly, if he cannot by any means match up to the Biblical Jesus? I know that they are trying to make an AI god, but wouldn't that freak most people (including non Christians) out big time anyway, even if the botnet had siri's voice?

The Bible says the Antichrist will deceive many people. And yes, it is strongly implied that taking the mark is voluntary, but that rejecting it comes at great economic cost to yourself (no buying or selling). In other words, it's the real "put up or shut up" test for being faithful to God.

It might be a cash-linked mark, like a debt card for your hand that you swipe to purchase stuff. Society goes full cashless and you can't buy shit without it.

Maybe the mark is male genital mutilation?

It's more like an "head down, ass up" scenario

trump is a zionist puppet, there will never be a free leader coming out of democracy

What's up (((MOSSAD))). Fuck outta here.

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That's a Jewish and American thing. Not done in Europe. Although influx of moolims might change that

There was a mosque the jews seized during 2015 that was/is, as far as I know, important to them. And I know they were working on genetically modifying a cow to be ginger at that time.
They're satanists, they've always had to do everything themselves.

Soon, the tribulation. Christians of Zig Forums remain steadfast. Don't accept the mark, don't forswear God in return for living slightly longer, wait for Jesus' return and be ready to wield a sword in His holy name.

I sinned many times, and still do unfortunately. I'm not even baptized, but is it too late even if I don't take the mark?

It has to be voluntarily taken, not forced.

All the original followers of Christ were baptized as adults. It is never too late to accept Him - and to do so IS Salvation.

It's the concept of Christianity in this regard that makes it so convicing to me at least. I don't think humans are born inherently evil, but this reality makes evil irresistable to mankind. Other religions try to redeem the human condition by good works and self denial (which is healthy, but the nature of evil is that it only continues to compound as your life continues), or Jewish-type religions that demand the scape-goating of the innocent to allow you to continue to be in your evil condition for longer periods of time. Christianity is the only faith where God comes down to the most wretched place on earth (Judea) and sacrifices Himself for man's redemption.

There are two reasons why Jesus wasn't a Jew, the first is that His teachings are totally contrary to that of the Rabbinical and Pharisitical tradition, and secondly, He didn't have children (and He couldn't anyway because that would be contrary to His divine nature). Thus, Jesus did not reinforce Jewish tribal identity.

It is not too late for you to be baptized though, so if you have really accepted Jesus you should probably do it soon.

Thanks user. I'm already aware that jews play a minor role in the bible.

no prob dude, and the small role that Jews do play in the Bible is the devil worshippers.

the greatest Jewish deception of all time was making mainstream Christians forget that the entire moral of their story in the Bible was that they betrayed God multiple times, rejected mercy and salvation, and were therefore replaced by gentiles as God's chosen people.

You forget they still have to wait for the coming of their messiah and God's own words. Never going to happen especially after rejecting Christ and losing the covenant. They even already defied their own prophesy by returning to israel without God's permission and ironically fulfilled the prophesy of the Christians, for they aren't even real Jews, they are the Synagogue of Satan.

I don't think you understand what "evil" means. It is whatever is contrary to the character (moral nature) of God. Original sin doesn't mean we're all born as cackling Saturday morning cartoon villains, it means we're all born with inherited imperfection and a tendency to stray from Good - defined as that which is in accordance with the moral nature of God. Even a "white lie" is sin, and that's one of the things we generally consider to be morally "neutral". But lying is still contrary to the moral character of God, and so it is a sin.

We are all born with an irresistable perpensity toward sin in this reality yes, and we only become more sinful as we get older.

Are you sure it's not the opposite? Because that's what I see.

They certainly won't fulfill what they say they want to - but that won't stop their attempts from having massive consequences for the entire world. This is yet another Golden Bull they're worshiping

Any Christian who is not a Zionist Judaizer will know that the Jewish temple in Jersualem is not the "Temple of God" as mentioned in 2 Thessalonians.

Freemasons worship the temple in all of their oath rituals and it's plastered in not-ponies.

Use Judaism as your reference about what the most evil people in the world practice in their "religion".

No one is born Jewish. Judaism is manufactured in young children starting on the 8th day when they are cut in the act of blood letting sacrifice. Then they are sacrificed by their elders over and over and over again the older they get; all because their tribe needs to survive at all costs.

Jesus taught that to enter the kingdom of God, we must be as children; unadulterated by the world.

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you are a fucking moron… the jews will try to force this prophecy by using their own means

Adam Green is a CIA/DoD intelligence plant, as are all the other YouTube personalities whom he associates with.

I.e. Brendon O'Connell, Joseph Davis, Greg McCarron, Jeremy Rothe-Kushel.

All CIA agents (except O'Connell, who is an ASIS agent).


Jews aren't even a real race, it's a lineage of mutts that's going to die out in a generation. This is why they want war so badly, they're dying from the own curses they scream.

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Their entire tribal history in retrospect is a tragic horror story.

Yes. Of Jerusalem. The original and real meaning of "jew".
The bibles has more in it damning jews (the cult of satan).
But (((you))) knew that.

Hello voodoo-practicing nigger. Now get out.

For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, abounding in riches for all who call on him;
- Romans 10:12

For by one spirit we were all baptized into one body, whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free, and we were all made to drink of one spirit.
- 1 Corinthians 12:13

There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
- Galatians 3:28

For neither is circumcision anything, nor uncircumcision, but a new creation. And those who will walk by this rule, peace and mercy be upon them, and upon the Israel of God.
- Galatians 6:15-16

a renewal in which there is no distinction between Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave and freeman, but Christ is all, and in all.
- Colossians 3:11

a jew is from the tribe of Judah, one of the twelves tribes.

This is on the unity of the Church, not on social or racial equality. The Bible is silent on how Christians should govern a state because the state has responsibilities that are beyond the scope of governing a body of churches. Even black people need Jesus, but that doesn't mean as a matter of social policy we should force whites to live with blacks.


Nope. They never understood that "Chosen Ones" meant they were chosen to be the lowly, pathetic servants of Gentiles. When they discovered their (to them) horrifying future, their ancestors rebelled against their and cursed their children to hell in the process. Now they are attempting to fulfill the disgusting prophesies of satan in their inbred rage against God and Whites, all because they would rather rule in hell than serve on earth.

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Look at the neuralink.
They're talking about enhancing the interface between machines and humans, because the current possible interactions (keyboard/mouse/tactile) become the bottleneck of technological innovation.
People were talking since a long time about a kind of evolved RFID chip, that would automatically detect standard health signals like heartbeat, level of sugar, blood pressure etc… Insurance would "force" you to implant this because they would then make you pay far less for healthcare (the same goes for car insurance, with the dashcam).
The same can be imagined for money. In the (very close) future, we'll live in a cashless society, with absolute traceability. So maybe a chip that could hold your ID, and your banking information.

But neuralink is certainly the way to look at now.

Don't obviously be a retard and think about something that will be obvious like a big 666 on everyone with a big red beast forcing everyone to have one.
The antichrist will be actually beautiful, strong, incredibly powerful, "just", and generous. That's why people are gonna be seduced.
Just imagine a huge war, he'll the one who'll bring piece, who'll give every one food, shelter etc… And he'll be actually a "good" king. The only thing that you'll have to do to get that, is to accept him as your god.

Islam bring one clue about his appearance: He'll be one-eyed. That's why the eye of Horus is the symbol which represents him.

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Even something like Neuralink would make most Christians suspicious in my opinion.

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“Think not that I came to destroy the law or the prophets; I came not to destroy, but to fulfill. For verily I say unto you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass away from the law, till all things be accomplished” (Mt. 5:17-18).

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Yes, Moses is crying. You read the Bible and it is entirely just Jews angering and being punished by God by disobeying him. To have the covenant with Abraham fulfilled with Jesus only to turn away from Christ was the last straw the Jews had to be saved. All they can do now is ride the coattails of Baal, Mammon, Satan, and Moloch. The destiny of Jews is only Hell now.

Most Christian WNs are:

Southren Baptist Church: Martin Luther & Jesus were right, Jews are the spawn of Satan. Adam & Eve were White

'Switzerland' Templars: Hitler was canonized, he is a saint. Vatican 2 was a horrible mistake. Rope pope; deus vult!

Mormons: Wez day reel chosen now America is holy land. You'll never get a planet if you mix tribes.

Neoplatonic Gnostics: Creation of time was the ultimate prank that went too far, Jehovah is evil deity of trickery and Jesus was trying to save us from the jew gods.

Theosophical Christians: Everybody with right hand path magical powers is Jesus, the Eddas and Buddha prophesied this. Julian Assange is a White Master on mission from God.

Can I have some source on Julian Assange about that?

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And they sang a new song, saying, “Worthy are you to take the book and to break its seals; for you were slain, and purchased for God with your blood men from every tribe and tongue and people and nation.
- Revelation 5:9

After these things I looked, and behold, a great multitude which no one could count, from every nation and all tribes and peoples and tongues, standing before the throne and before the lamb, clothed in white robes, and palm branches were in their hands;
- Revelation 7:9

And they said to me, “You must prophesy again concerning many peoples and nations and tongues and kings.”
- Revelation 10:11

And I saw another angel flying in midheaven, having an eternal gospel to preach to those who live on the earth, and to every nation and tribe and tongue and people;
- Revelation 14:6

“Who will not fear, O Lord, and glorify your name? For you alone are holy; for all the nations will come and worship before you, for your righteous acts have been revealed.”
- Revelation 15:4

Therefore remember that formerly you, the Gentiles in the flesh, who are called “uncircumcision” by the so-called “circumcision,” which is performed in the flesh by human hands—remember that you were at that time separate from Christ, excluded from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world. But now in Christ Jesus you who formerly were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. For he himself is our peace, who made both groups into one and broke down the barrier of the dividing wall, by abolishing in his flesh the enmity, which is the Torah of commandments contained in ordinances, so that in himself he might make the two into one new man, thus establishing peace, and might reconcile them both in one body to God through the cross, by it having put to death the enmity. And he came and preached peace to you who were far away, and peace to those who were near; for through him we both have our access in one spirit to the father. So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints, and are of God’s household, having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the corner stone, in whom the whole building, being fitted together, is growing into a holy temple in the Lord, in whom you also are being built together into a dwelling of God in the spirit.
- Ephesians 2:11-22

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t. Bibi "Christian Zionists are scum" Nuttyahoo

Gnosticism seems to make the most sense as the old testament isn't an issue anymore with it.

Otherwise, like I have said so many other times before elsewhere. It's not about white people or western civ. Hitler believed that the best of all races (the aryans of the world) would unite across all lines to fight the satanic powers of the ZOG. A white boomer teir conservacuck is not an aryan, while a man like Malcolm X was, according to GLR, the black Hitler.

When the scriptures say there is no "Jew or Greek", that means there is no room for tribalism (like Judaism) in Christ's church.

It's from a fun thread from a couple years ago when the documentary and information about Julian Assange upbringing surfaced. It was a theosophical sect called The Family that was breeding blue eyed teacher/White Masters to save the world from WW3 after she received The Call…Or rebuild. Look up the White Brotherhood, you'll be surprised.

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Will do brother

Woah, where did the others end up?

People that actually believe in ancient "prophecies" are literally ruining the entire world to try and cause the magic sky spirits to descend from magic sky land and fix all their shit.
Of course, people who actually want to make the world A BETTER PLACE and actually FIX SOME SHIT THEMSELVES by embracing White nationalism and NatSoc economics and opposing degeneracy are ostracized and attacked.
Deranged magic prophecy retards run the world.
For fucks sake WTF.

Also, Christcucks are almost as bad as kikes.
You act as though you believe in morality and righteousness, but all you really care about is your magic sky spirit and your magic sky spirit book and your "submission" to magic sky spirit.
You want to talk about goodness and morality, great.
But you don't. You think poring over a thousands-of-years-old text and painstakingly dissecting it's "meaning" is what matters.
And no, I am not an atheist.
I believe strongly in goodness and morality, but I don't need a "magic book" to tell me right from wrong. Maybe because I am White.
The ongoing genocide of White people is WRONG.

Kikes are a genetic group.
They are also a vile culture and religion, but there is a genetic component.

Pretty much this.
Christianity needs a pretty massive reformation if it is going to have a future among White people.
The Bible is full of contradictory things that can easily be interpreted into "muh diversity cause only da spirit madders" retardation.
This will result in any White group that embraces cucked Christianity becoming non-White over time because "muh BASTE diversity."
Christcucks have failed miserably at stopping the kikes and preserving the White race over the last 100 years.
This must be changed.

Yet another reason why transhumanism is pure cancer.

And gas yourself.

Hitler did not hate other races.
But he damn well wanted them out of the lands of his people.
He was a German nationalist, and that meant the German ethnic group which is a subset of the White race (all genetic (heredity), as in not "culture" or "a construct" or any of that shit).
He wanted Germany for the Germans and ONLY the Germans.
He also wanted "living space" for Germany (more land) by pushing Slavs to the east. This was one of his great mistakes. He should have been building a great coalition of White nations rather than antagonizing all the other Whites. We will learn from his mistakes.

TO HELL with your "one race da hooman race"
It absolutely 100% unequivocally is about Western civilization and the White race. It is about the realization of the 14 words and White nationalism.

This is why we mock you, Christcuck.
You don't want to stop the ongoing genocide of White people.
As long as you have your stupid book you're totally fine with all the "BASTE blacks" and the "BASTE browns."
You are almost worse than an enemy because you poison the movement with you "muh BASTE diversity" bullshit.

I wish I had that thread saved, but the ones we found were in high positions of power. Julian is doing exactly what he was taught to do.

The Jews are a genetic group, they descend from the mesolithic animal herders. It is where they got their habit of enlaving other races.

Also, you said it yourself, Hitler was a German nationalist, but before Rockwell's time there was no "white nationalism". Even European Colonialism would not be considered white nationalism as much as it was the promotion of a white upper caste.

Nationalism was historically civic, even in Hitler's time. "White" people aren't a minority, and the racial ideology of the NSDAP was never about "Whiteness", it was about Aryanism, the belief that there was a master race at one time which is now EXTINCT save for a few trace elements among us. Race is bigger than skin color, and even Max Muller himself proposed a cultural understanding of racial theory in OPPOSITION to that of the British. But yes, Germany is the most noble country in Europe, just like hoe Egypt was the most noble country in Africa, and China was the most noble country in Asia (before the Qing Dynasty and communism). Nobility was always the issue.

After a certain point they literally drop off the archeological record. One of those "forbidden subjects" the adl likes to keep tabs on.

I don't know what the lizard alphabet is, but it sounds appropriate. It's pretty clear at this point that our history started about 10,000 b.c. and that there were other civilizations before this one. Duping delight seems to be the primary goal in suppressing true history.

Interesting as fuarrk

And in the end times there will be those that call themselves Jews but are false Jews of the synagogue of Satan.

t. Bible

I will say though, the massive levels of immigration promoted by Jews today is a manufactured problem/reaction/solution scenario, however I do not see a lot of people responding to this the correct way. The Jews do expect the immigrants to destabilize western SOCIETY (not government mind you). They also expect the migrants to stir up divison among the European natives, which means they are relying on the potential of a WN uprising to respond to the migrants while also serving their ends.

Remember, Jews are the MOST racist group on the planet right now at this moment. Their racist proclivities are actually a characteristic of THEIR race. So they expect white and brown people to fight for their entertainment before they assume total control.

This can only be avoided if we are able to unite with other peoples against the ZOG Empire, which, by the way, was the result of colonialism, which Hitler opposed with the largest multiethnic army ever assembled at one time.

That's literally what you sound like.
White people exist.
"White" is a genetic group.
It contains numerous sub-groups (nationalities).
White genocide is both real and ongoing.
It is being accomplished via non-White immigration into White areas and massive anti-White propaganda.
If you claim that either White people don't exist or that White genocide is not real then you are a supporter of the ongoing White genocide.
In such a case you would either be grossly misinformed, or the enemy.

The ongoing genocide of White people must be stopped.
The jews must be removed both because they are harmful to White civilization as well as because of their involvement with the ongoing White genocide (and, also, most of them are not White).
All WHITES must come together to remove all jews AND (other) non-Whites from White (and formerly White) countries.
If non-Whites want to work with us toward this goal, then that is great.
BUT ONLY if they are removed from White countries and sent to non-White countries.
ANY NATIONALIST MOVEMENT involving White people that does not have as a CORE and UNCOMPROMISING part of its mission the reestablishment of White homelands for Whites and only Whites is UTTER BULLSHIT.
TO HELL with your "diversity."

When I was a child I had a 1st person dream of storming the Temple Mount mosque and setting demo charges on it….. weird

Now I'm angry. Angry about Jews.

Massive immigration wouldn't have ever been an issue at this point if colonialism never happened. That is the great irony in the global situation right now.

Look, "diversity" wasn't even relevant to my argument. My argument is that Jews are not scared of "whites". They are scared of having nowhere to turn when everyone hates them unilaterally.

(((they))) do not want white people uniting with blacks, latins, muslims, etc. Does that mean I am arguing for European ethnic replacement? No, because I don't think it is the issue.

The issue with "refugees" for instance, is that kikes were blowing up Syria, a noble nation with a fantastic history. While a vetting process should be put in place to accept refugees, it would still be ignoble to refuse them after they were victimized by jewish parasites themselves.

Many Syrians would probably end up going back home after a while anyway- if they have a home to go back to after this war.

I disagree. Class is a reality as well as race. We do believe in eugenics, don't we? That atheist kid who shot up a church full of elderly niggers - what did he achieve? Didn't slow down their breeding, didn't become a martyr for a cause, didn't prevent crime, only caused misery and hatred.

Genetic group perhaps, but not an identity outside of America.

I agree. Close the borders and start exporting the immigrants and their offspring, starting from the criminals.

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Just ignore the video goy

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It's the Jews plan for NWO you fucking idiot. The Temple is rebuilt and they enact WW3. The Jews and Zionist Christians say it in the video.

This is the plan.

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Gnostics/Templars/Esoteric/Occult are all about rebuilding the second temple for 1000yrs. That's what Freemasonry is based on.

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That is weird

Hi Mossad

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Not really dude. Gnosticism is just about de canonizing the OT.

The Templars probably did find some freaky shit under the temple mount though tbh, and the freemasons also worship the demiurge.

I can get called a shill for posting a meme now? I just think its fuckin funny that all these Mohammedans know they can walk all over Trudeau. I mean looga dat d00d, hes not even wearing shoes.

You do know that the OT says Jews can never return to Israel right? And that the NT says Jews will retake Israel and bring forth the Anti-Christ right?
And that's what the video shows, the Christian Zionist and Jews say they're going to bring forth a Messiah.
Evil freemasons (Luciferians) hate Plato's demiurge because he's the CREATOR!

That's why Albert Pike called out the Luciferians in his book Morals and Dogma for being incoherent frauds.

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