Daily Reminder that Anime is Not An Artform

Hey Zig Forums did you know that anime is not an artform therefore it's considered degenerate and poisonous to the minds of the white man?
Read more below to find out as to how cancerous anime can be;

1.The typical easternfag worshipper's Briefing:

2. Anime is not an artform

Eastern countries are often times considered to have the lowest creativity rate, meaning that anything that comes out of the east are often shit quality or useless.

books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=3L2BT0VMlgcC&oi=fnd&pg=PP1&dq=china lacks creativity&ots=I87HZbr1ym&sig=-eaF8IIxAqhUXsPmGYiK8oMmdmM#v=onepage&q=china lacks creativity&f=false
books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=dXuI4mr-sp8C&oi=fnd&pg=PA113&dq=east lacks creativity innovation&ots=kXg6MixYtO&sig=vr6USofyTSmCtyQtLrSATRnlrWc#v=onepage&q=east lacks creativity innovation&f=false

3. Anime is used to treat autism/retards

Pretty self explanatory.


Again, these are all science research, references of anime / autism is on abstract, there is a whole article written about this and research were conducted, facts can't be ignored mate.

4. Why is this politically related

statistically its not hard to understand this degeneracy as a plague, it boils down to the numbers undermining white fertility rate, one source out of many responsible for the feminization of white man, and the association with anime that is also used to treat autistic people with severe brain problems, this alone is already enough to drain any positive reputation we have left, and of course lets consider the possibilities of the decrease on productivity, we all know that NEETs are lazy and useless people and of course, given those circumstances, its pretty obvious that all these negative impacts that anime brings also makes the white man who associates himself with anime unattractive, hence the conclusion on low fertility rate and so fourth.

All of these are negative traits, they bring no positive side effects for our cause, need I say more about anime being degenerate? I don't need to prove the obvious, again why is this politically related? because the soul purpose of this degeneracy existing has to be put in question in a political sense of "should I keep this cancer around my people or not?" its a similar issue to drugs in politics.

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Other urls found in this thread:


You are never getting that 10 dollars back.


In other words, anime can slowly turn you into a flaming homosexual.

Threadly reminder OP is a faggot.

Social use of computer-mediated communication by adults on the autism spectrum

The defining characteristics of autism, including difficulty with nonverbal cues and need for structure, and the defining characteristics of computer-mediated communication (CMC), including reduction of extraneous cues and structured exchange, suggest the two would be an ideal match. Interviews and observations of 16 adults on the high-functioning end of the autism spectrum reveal that many seek greater social connectedness and take advantage of interest-based online communities to foster successful, supportive relationships. However, CMC intensifies problems of trust, disclosure, inflexible thinking, and perspective-taking, making it difficult for some to maintain relationships. Interventions in the form of information visualization and CMC-specific social skills training are presented. Intervention considerations and participatory design opportunities are discussed.

This is labeled on the Google Academics/Scholar
It's an article;


Depictions of the Anime Lesbian: Land of the Rising Queer

The alternative medium that I will be focussing on is anime; a popular entertainment form in Japan. Japan has two distinct genres that focus on homosexuality: Yaoi and Yuri. Yaoi loosely refers to homosexual relations between males while Yuri loosely refers to homosexual relations between females. This article, however, will be focusing exclusively on the depiction of lesbian characters in anime, with Aoi Hana being used as a case study. It is important, however, to first put into context Japan’s view on homosexuality and how this view affects the way in which queer anime characters are depicted.

History of Homosexuality in Japan
Japan’s view on homosexuality has changed significantly over time. During ancient times, homosexual relationships between samurai was seen as a common practice in Japanese society. The Japanese called this practice wakashudo, “the way of the youth”; which involved an erotic relationship between a lord and his young apprentice. In his famous book, Hagakure, “Hidden in Leaves”, Yamamoto Tsunetomo said that wakashudo was first initiated by the young apprentice himself and this would carry on until the apprentice had come of age:

“A young man should test an older man for at least five years, and if he is assured of that person’s intentions, then he too should request the relationship… If the younger man can devote himself and get into the situation for five or six years then it will not be unsuitable”.


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Yes, we all know you're autistic. You don't have to post that in every thread you make.

Persistent lies are powerless when faced against the fire of truth.
Your threads will never resonate because you start them with a lie.

Anime is in fact, an artform.
Perhaps you should rephrase your poorly thought up forced meme. You're being too stubborn, sticking to a mistake, and repeating it over and over like an autistic retard.

Some of your arguments have merit. Anime is indeed of lower quality and degraded influence when compared to the higher echelons of traditional European art.

Another problem with your threads, is that you are comparing two forms of media. Why aren't you bringing up Ed Edd and Eddy? What about Donald Duck? Looney Toons? Anime is a cartoon. Cartoons are also artforms. To be fair you would have to compare equivalent art forms, cartoons, to anime.

tl;dr your meme is shit and isn't an argument because its conflating two separate forms of media and comparing them pointlessly to stir up attention. So much like a Jew.

the irony astonishes me.


they aren't memes, it's me simply pointing out facts and you being assblasted and pulling out the "hello fellow channers" meme to rogue your anime fetish.

Again, where is the art.

What a prodigy.
This is too silly to take seriously.

You have no argument. That's the problem with your threads. You are comparing apples and oranges. You know it to be true, that's why you can't say anything intelligent in response to that being pointed out.

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really gets those noggins joggin.

Calm your marbles.
Anime is the fruit of the new age.
Most people are astrologically aspected with artistic inclination (considering the fact that the most populated place in world is Asia).
Murrica isn't aspected due to the geometric conditions though the real aspect that transpired there is up for you to find out.
Most people who are artistically aspected live in the ring of fire (including China and Russia).
Define "art". Last I checked the western art world loves scatological art public exhibitionism of genitalia and other trans-progressive Marxist crap.
You can't deny that music is an artform because
Either you are mad that anime doesn't adhere to what you think "art should be"
yeah, scatological go back to dadaism and WW2 faggotry
Wrong. It is anime that inspired proxy-autism but true autism is Genetic. Look up twin studies with autism.
So that's already a dead giveaway. Your country had the most autists compared to the eastern hemisphere (this is your astrological aspect).
Either you are the artist or you are the autist.
Why the hate on NEETs and productivity? That just sounds like mad Shekelstein lost his consumers.

What is that implying? Anime is based off of whites? How is that relevant to the thread?

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Can you fuckers for once actually post what the labels and descriptions in the images are saying.

Never disappoint me, OP.

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You'll learn shortly.

1st / Red Fuji by Katsushika Hokusai
Creation around 1830–1832 from the East.

2st / Napoleon Crossing the Alps by Jacques-Louis David
Creation around 1801–1801 from the West

You noticed the difference? look at the time gap between the west and the east and you will see the level of creativity these two had during the same time period, it goes to show that while the west was already battling with muskets and has abandoned armor for something much more practical, japanese were still murdering each other with spears and medieval weaponry while living in paper huts that could easily be burned down during a siege.

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Honestly not as bad as having an imaginary gf that most of you weebs like to claim as your wife that doesn't exist. OP is just sperging out about how autistic your kind is.

You are right, fellow 8channer. Hollywood is our only hope for the white race :^)

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How many on Zig Forums actually give a fuck about anime?
Considering how small /a/ is, I won't be surprised if animefags here are /a/ cross posters.

PBS isn't hollywood, Bob Ross isn't hollywood, There's plenty of guru videos that you can spend your time with which is entertaining, a white man cannot be entertained by cheap gimmicks, A white man was born to be extraordinary engineers and he should enhance his everyday life with entertaining tutorials that fits his hobby, instead of watching stories made to please children, you should spend time reading a book on how to create a boat or how to become a carpenter/mason/etc.

you know better then this yet you still pretend to be retarded.

Forgot to expand that one
ARtists notice the small hints that is often unseen in reality. These small hints are similar to the 'despair code' that only schizos can decode.
There are hints that let people know they are lying for example the FBI knows that if a person makes a personal statement that tells more external stories than itnernal it is perceived as a lie.
Artists use put the micro codes in their art. Long story short the autists rewired their brains with the micro codes.
an example you can lookup:

I actually saw the same thread before the imkapfaggot got btfo here.

Sure, sure. It's as if no-one has ever created this those threads before.

lel, nice one

I love these. If the nips started making their animoos look like nips instead of bug-eye whites, I might take a show about time-traveling vampires who battle psychic demons with a giant robot seriousl…naw, it's still stupid drivel for childish brainlets.

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if you think hollywood is your only alternative, then you're an imbecile.

reavaluate your pleasure in life, there is much more entertainment then anime and shitty pozzed cartoons, Here is an example, and there are millions of other examples that you can follow as well, for all the autistic eastern faggots, go look up "japanese watercolor painter" and for the west, look up gurus of your own culture.

you sure rustled my jimbobs my dude.

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Your bullet hit no one.

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Realization is the first step to recovery, Schlomo-kun.

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Autism isn't a problem in the East Hemisphere
Only in the West so stop projecting.

what, realizing that you are the cancer,

lmao, k.

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Post your own original art.

He wont

It's an artform, but not our artform.
It's sad to see new western artist draw in anime style because it's so superficially appealing, and then saying "well the west doesn't produce anything cool anymore".

Just sit back and relax, maybe make use of your autism aspect instead of hating people for what they cannot be.

I do believe the animefags here are from /a/. They aren't significant by any means.

OP sounds like a salty crab on /ic/
He won't post art because that's the time he gets rekt


1. Japan (161 cases per 10,000 children studied)
Japanese research on autism cases in relation to the MMR vaccine (against mumps, measles, and rubella) have also been telling in regards to ruling out and identifying potential causes for the disorder. It found out that before the MMR vaccine era, autism in Japanese children was also already present. The statistics show that there are 161 cases per 10,000 children studied in Japan.

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German mangaka were superior many centuries before that.

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it's a shame you're replying back with absolutely no traces of art, ;)

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And they cut these things into wood, like a stamp.

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Honestly all of the shit I see posted here and /a/ look the same to me, and that you animefags have some sort of cookie-cutter template you draw all your characters in. It's just as bad as degenerate art.

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Maybe he considers his autism as an art form?

Even though I consider this to be an inferior form of "Art"

the east has so many refugee away from the cancer that is destroying their nation and ruining the birth rates, instead of consuming anime, you should be appreciating your culture and "art" instead and find pleasure out of those instead of ruining your life and increasing your estrogen level by inhaling trash.

Video Related, these are called "ALTERNATIVES"

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artificial aspect
I am referring to the natural aspect
I bet you love 'surveys'

user I think you've just cracked the code

user, I think it's time for this to become a smug anime face thread.

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This was a smug anime face thread since the very first post :^)

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you know why they all look the same? because they skipped basic lectures, they skipped basic anatomy and human posture, hence why you see generic facial templates instead of something composed creatively, it's a copy cat industry.

this is why art teachers from all art related courses tend to ban anime, because it ruins the newcomer's perception of realistic anatomy, once you master those common skillsets, then you can freely express your "artpiece" in your own style.

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.

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Remember, every crime starts at being angry.
WW2 can be traced back with people getting triggered with bourgeoisie art

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Anime Hitler approves

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He's probably a degenerate in whatever this is from and probably loses or does something stupid.

Checked and heil'd.

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OP, everyone knows this isn't the first time someone made the exact copy-paste thread with those same images.
This is nothing but baiting for drama and shitstorm which you end up lying to yourself of what an "intelligent and awesome" person you are. Get a life.

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Don't reply to the shill, user. Just shitpost until it goes away.

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Interesting post. 2hu is an art form in some respects, and it’s vidya not animu.
ZUN has the sprit of a true artist, and puts it into his games - this in turn attracts people who share this autism/art combination

He once said that when writing his songs, if he doesn’t complete the song in a matter of hours he scraps the whole fucking thing and starts again. He’s admitted to making his games in a feverish haze and spends most of his time on the design of said games rather than the programming, since he “finished” the engine sometime in 2008/9

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That's not anime, that's a painting.

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Nice smug Windrunner, she's been my new dota waifu ever since the changes :^)

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Anime niggers will forever be degenerates

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I'm convinced that there has to be more to anime than looking for the same smiling/smug face across different "artists" to be posted on an imageboard.

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Op is neither an artist nor an autist.
What op has is a terrible personality with unagreeableness and ADHD. Also quite the attentionwhore so he's just another trickster artisan.

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this thread again, let me find a smug to post real quick

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I have no future, no wife, no children, estranged from my family and if I don't die before I'm old I'll end up in some nursing home.

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