60,000 DACA recipients with arrest records, including 10 accused murderers, allowed to stay in US

Nearly 60,000 immigrants with arrest records – including 10 accused of murder – have been allowed to stay in the United States under the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) revealed Monday.

According to DHS, 59,786 DACA recipients have been arrested while in the U.S. – approximately 7.8 percent of all who have been approved to remain in this country under the program since it was created in 2012. Of those, 53,792 were arrested before their most recent request for a so-called "grant of deferred action" was approved. Another 7,814 were arrested after their request was approved.

The DHS statistics do not indicate how many of the arrested immigrants were convicted of crimes, nor do they indicate whether charges were reduced or dropped. They also do not indicate how many arrested DACA recipients were deported as the result of a conviction.

Francis Cissna, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) director, told “Fox & Friends" the agency wants to release as much data about DACA as possible for the public and lawmakers to be informed.


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Other urls found in this thread:


DACA Don does it again. I’m sure they’re all based as fuck


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The DHS statistics do not indicate how many of the arrested immigrants were convicted of crimes, nor do they indicate whether charges were reduced or dropped. They also do not indicate how many arrested DACA recipients were deported as the result of a conviction
Reportrd for obvious astroturf. Title is completely speculative and not at all backed up by the article you even posted. This is 2016 tier shilling.

Pray tell, fellow fashy goyim, just what has Trump actually done to save the West in your unbiased fashy based NeoCon jewish opinion?

From any independent standpoint it looks like he simply secured even more jewish power for ZOG, if that was even possible.

Attached: C-slzfFVwAESviy.jpg (839x1200, 137.13K)

Good morning hasbara-kun! Don't mind me, I'm just here to support you in your mission of repeating yourself daily on Zig Forums!

Attached: smug14.jpg (1104x1104, 357.2K)

Good morning kikey

Where's your Kampfy to save you now?

Attached: roach.jpg (1200x1600, 334.83K)

Where in the article does it actually say anything other than
No deflection, no trump distraction. Point to the exact line that proves any of the op's suppositions or your suppositions.
The DHS statistics do not indicate how many of the arrested immigrants were convicted of crimes, nor do they indicate whether charges were reduced or dropped. They also do not indicate how many arrested DACA recipients were deported as the result of a conviction==
This block completely disproves anything other than the fact that dhs isnt saying shit.

Pilpul isnt an argument. Again, prove any of ops claims with cited text from the article.

That's a low blow hasbara-kun, we've had some good conversations!

Attached: smug27.png (666x793, 925.17K)

Like when you and you team of organised hasbarats round on any user exposing jewish subversion, then spam smug anime loli girl JPGs hitting that report button, openly taunting and goading anons until Imkampfy comes along to ban and delete all offending antisemitic posts from Zig Forums

Yeah, that's not actually conversation of any sort.

Does Kushner still pay you despite your toothless inability to get any criticism of the ZOG emperor removed from here anymore?

That's the thing, the courts have zero authority to rule on this, obama illegally did this through executive order, so should have never been followed to begin with, but because those in government don't understand/don't care about the Constitution, they carried it out, anyrate back to Trump, he has full unquestioned authority to yank an "executive order," yet there he and the rest of them are pretending the courts get to declare the new president has to keep the old presidents illegal executive order. this is so off the rails from legal process and authority, what they're doing is all made up on the spot, lawless, and trump and friends are going along with it when they shouldn't be.

Let it all out, little buddy. I know repeating yourself is your life's mission, and I'm here to help!

Attached: smug beaver knight.jpg (184x184, 9.33K)

Pilpul. Disprove how this
The DHS statistics do not indicate how many of the arrested immigrants were convicted of crimes, nor do they indicate whether charges were reduced or dropped. They also do not indicate how many arrested DACA recipients were deported as the result of a conviction==
This entire thread is an obvious astroturf. You cant just post an article and lie about the content faggots.

Who cares either way? 60K beaners can now stay. That's bad enough even if they're all model citizens, which they're not.

So from your findings just how many criminal beaners have been deported by the Orange kike according to the official reports of which you will provide substantial evidence for in your next post?

What does this have to do with Trump other than the image of this post has Trump in it?

The DHS statistics do not indicate how many of the arrested immigrants were convicted of crimes, nor do they indicate whether charges were reduced or dropped. They also do not indicate how many arrested DACA recipients were deported as the result of a conviction
Fucking phoneposting

No, prove how
The DHS statistics do not indicate how many of the arrested immigrants were convicted of crimes, nor do they indicate whether charges were reduced or dropped. They also do not indicate how many arrested DACA recipients were deported as the result of a conviction
Doesn't disprove the whole op.

I think it might have something to do with the fact Trump pretended to his retarded MAGApedo base when he was electioneering that he would do something about the criminal immigrants Mexican;ts especially, something about a wall, and locking up Hillary… it was such a long time ago I don't think anyone remembers anymore

Attached: WheresTheBeefGirlHasHadEnoughOfNeoConsDonsBullshit.jpg (317x483, 64.27K)

It checks out.

It's just a sense of malaise that Trump can't seem to get anything done. DACA was an executive order that could be torn up day 1 but wasn't.

nice shilling attempt. but he's gone above and beyond what anyone from here expected of him and it's only 2 years in.
still not tired of winning, kike.

So you're fine with 60K beaners if they don't have a record?

nobody wants any non-whites in this country.

It's gotten to the point people can recognize you just by your pics. Not that it matters no is behind drumf anymore

>nice shilling attempt. but he's gone above and beyond what anyone from here expected of him and it's only 2 years in.
above and beyond what anyone from here expected of him
Ain't no doubt no one quite expected him to fellate his best mate Bibi quite so hard and quite so often.
Indeed I bet that was even a surprise to all his jewish NeoCon doners

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Yeah but he's implying that since we can't know if they had records or not we're not allowed to bitch about 60k more dacaspics.

really? i didnt pick that up at all.

aw, did trump hurt you? feel betrayed? im sorry little guy. either youre a shill, or a stupid fucking magapede faggot from leddit. go back. youre an embarrassment.



You guys are really desperate.

Life must be hard with room temperature IQ

Attached: doublesmug5.png (337x279, 49.35K)

I imagine somewhere on the scale between "based black guy" and "esoteric immigration"

how much did you expect of him? how high were your hopes? sounds like they were sky high. which makes you a faggot. im so sorry to be the one to tell you.

no, thinking trump would be the god emperor, savior of the white race makes you a faggot magapede. get your head checked, faggot. think about what i said. he's gone above and beyond what we EXPECTED of him. do you know what that means? or are you too much of a nigger to comprehend.

Straw man, I never claimed any such thing. Prove how
The DHS statistics do not indicate how many of the arrested immigrants were convicted of crimes, nor do they indicate whether charges were reduced or dropped. They also do not indicate how many arrested DACA recipients were deported as the result of a conviction
Doesn't disprove the real estate.

Don't engage them on their level user, they know they can't answer truthful statements, just hammer them.

It's more your filename conventions. Look at that, doublesmug5. You, kikey, are the one who does it like that.


You're a newfag, m8. If you lurked more you would know that I'm not kikefy. That nigger banned me every time I said something remotely disagreeing with him

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You've repeated it yet not elaborated on what he has done to exceed any of "our" expectations.

So far all he's achieved is to do everything his best mate Bibi told him to, continue funding ISIS, sold arms to the Saudis, attacked Syrias air defences allowing isreal free air bombing runs without reply,gifted $6.6M dollars to the White Helmet mossad filmmakers and backtracked on every single promise he made to his gullible cartoon frog posting spastic base

Admittedly nobody expected him to suck quite so much jewish cock, only you speak of this as though that's a good thing

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Oh no, he likes Israel, I guess I'd better not vote for him in 2020!
I would like to vote for because I'm an accelerationist, yeah, that's it.

nice way to say you thought trump would be the next hitler, faggot.

instead we just have mexicans leaving slowly instead of coming in droves, the leftists and msm having daily meltdowns, hollyjew burning, anti-semetism and anti-israel sentiments hitting the mainstream, pedophiles being arrested at record highs, and enough comedy gold and salt to last a lifetime.

we also havnt eliminated assad/syria and their remaining christian population unlike what was expected to happen with every other candidate.

but your faggot brain somehow expected more than that? from a jew york liberal getting elected through the republican party?

Expect Kampfy never once banned you or any of your jewish gaslighting krew

There isn't a single user with an IQ over 50 that either fell for your daily astroturfing or so much as want's you kikes here

You are either a fucking moron or a paid shill. Which is it?

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Good job hasbara-kun, continue repeating yourself!

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Kek yeah sure. Keep pilpulling all day kikey.

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It doesn't really matter if you believe me or not, newfriend. The new mods can see my post history, and if I was kikefy they would have banned me already.

Attached: smug29.png (588x598, 359.77K)

Why do you call him Drümpf, because he's literally Hitler because it's German and you and your soyboy friends at your office don't like Germans because the Nazis?


Nope, I along with all the other anons were routinely banned daily because of kikes like you and this dickless maggot here [38aa0c] hitting the report button calling for Imkampfy to ban us for our criticism of Trump.

Attached: ban_2a.jpg (1004x945, 118.33K)

New mods don't ban like a spastic nigger like you did, kikey. Remember to set up the livestream when your kushnerbux dry up.

They were banning him for a while whenever he popped up. Again, you would know this if you weren't new :^)

Attached: smug25.png (1600x900, 983.07K)

You're just one of the many hasbarat kikes that policed these boards attacking any user who could prove you were lying kikes shilling for ZOG and filled any thread that did with endless smug anime girl JPG spam until Kampfy came along to delete and bane them.

Good, good! Give in to the repetition!

Attached: palpy.jpg (620x320, 111.31K)

nice kike tactic. but i just elaborated and you refuse to address any of my points i made in that post.
maybe move the goalposts again to further implicate yourself as a kike. surely that will support your argument.

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38aa0c is kikey. He's been screeching in the meta thread since his demodding. It's pretty hilarious really.

I'm surprised that he hasn't found a job yet.

Like right now? Seriously how big of a paycut did you take for that double redditor stunt

No Kampfy, no way to get any anons removed for posting non-kushner approved comments

you think these shills are going to let it go? they have nothing to live for, especially after hillary and podesta laughed at them for being basement dwelling virgins. and they even continued afterwards.
they continue to support the people that have no respect for them and what they do.
cuckold mentality.

Is this the "imkampfy derangement syndrome" he talked about? I suppose not all of his bans were complete nonsense! The more you know.


Attached: palpy power.jpg (1920x1080, 50.65K)

Adolf Hitler or George Washington. No one is actually going to fix anything. Just perpetuate the kike system.

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All but confirmed

thats a fancy way of saying "dont vote goy!"
who taught you to phrase it like that i wonder?

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Many such cases!

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Does trump have his own paid JIDF shills here?

Attached: 1cb.gif (400x400, 496.72K)

G-d bless ZOGemperor Trump

He probably is Kampfy, or just one of the little isreali hasbara sentries that would police this board, swarming in on any user with non Kushner approved opinions until Kampfy would ban them.

They're all the same team, who did the exact same thing, whether Kampfy himself or just a low-rent hasbara kike with access to Imkampfy's smug anime girl JPG folder

It's a gaslighting kike, whether actually Kampfy or one of his crew it doesn't matter,it still posts here as though a single user doesn't want it dead.

It's this staggering lack of self awareness that's been the downfall of these jews throughout the ages

Attached: HasbaraKikeModsUsualTrickery.png (840x910, 252.51K)

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Project Alamo. They had the mod position until a month ago

So, since Trump is this ZOG Puppet, what's the harm in accelerating our demise to an anarchic state by voting for him so that waiting for Hitler would be more realistic?

Poor kikey is writhing that he can't control the narrative anymore. Pretty sad to see, but par for the course I guess.

>yes goy vote for (((democracy))) and to protect the (((central banking system))).

Attached: 24f.jpg (501x800, 74.52K)

Never change, goon-san. This is why people save smugs. The replies sweet tasting goodness

Attached: smug10.jpg (398x582, 61.32K)


And? Voting was largely considered a joke here before this election

Informed kikes will still act like kikes. Inform the populace instead.

They allow obamas exec order because they probably benefited after the fact. The only reason I can think of trump not using exec order to destroy daca is because demokikes pussyfooting it is fun to watch and that trump does not want to abuse exec order like a nigger kike would.

Classic kikey pilpul. But I thought I was a JIDF agent? I can't keep up with all these designations.

Attached: e04b3615ea57d8f8e835c9dc6aac2179.jpg (1405x2435, 261.13K)

Must have burned your fingers to post that image, goon-san!

Attached: smug2.jpg (400x400, 35.02K)

Answer the question, don't call me a shill with extra words and run away like a coward.

Attached: 48 - o0ntuR7.jpg (1280x720, 73.85K)

precisely, kike.

vote for democracy? i didnt realize their was an election to choose if we're going to practice democracy or not. when is that election?

objectively wrong, newfriend
the system may be tipped and unbalanced, but its not unbeatable. (((they))) cant control everything that tightly. youre giving the kikes way too much credit.

keep hammering that point. you wont get a proper answer.
inb4 he tries to convince you to vote democrat to excellerate everything at a faster rate

No one is saying that voting for Trump would be bad since he's just as kiked up as anyone else, just that pretending like he isn't an Israel puppet is ludicrous.

Nobody bragged about being a republican before this election. You must be thinking of your old home on Reddit.

Attached: image.png (678x575, 542.7K)

Democracy only works when it's just white men who can vote. America was originally designed to be fascist. Now a days women, blacks, and illegal spics can vote in our elections. (((Democracy))) is a joke.

Attached: lg_2918b80f930f-founding-fathers-featured.jpg (1126x475, 99.81K)

Always amused at the repeated refrain of the isreali kike on Zig Forums
Demands an answer to its question, only there usually isn't a question presented at all.
The only time there ever is a question that it and its team repeatedly demand you answer, it will be in the vein of
Which a dozen IDs would swarm on in the thread demanding you answer their dishonest question, while spamming smug anime loli girl JPGs.

Here we are some years later and it continues its pre-written script from its Tel Aviv offices

Does Kushner still pay if you can't stop us proving you're lying kikes shilling for jewry anymore?

That isn't how it works. Part of accelerationism is making your enemy the fall guy. If shit goes bad while Trump is in office, then the failure can all be blamed on the policies that Trump professed to support. We want the pendulum effect.

where did anyone here brag about being a republican?
maybe youre confusing this place with reddit?
try shilling one site at a time, i think youre getting yourself all confused.

yes, exactly why telling white nationalists and whites to not vote is something only a kike would do. get it?

not answering the question and squirming away is exactly what hitler described how kikes argue in mein kampf. you argue just like a kike, straight out of mein kampf.

With Imkikey no longer here to save you, you'll just have to accept we can now post our proof of your kikery on Zig Forums from now on

Answer. The. Fucking. Question.

Attached: 14112.png (500x500, 54.41K)

Oy vey, answer the question

He can't, hasbara-kun is compelled to repeat himself on Zig Forums every day

so you want us to vote for liberal democrats?

answer the question kike

i'll even let you choose kike; answer

Why would I vote to perpetuate a completely zogged.com system that treats women and blacks as my equal as a white man? The founding fathers clearly only wanted white men voting. Should I go vote for the next democrat or republican thats going to keep the same shit up? I don't vote because no one represents my interests. God you fucking shills are retarded.

Attached: voting_rights_1960-thumb-640xauto-5660.jpg (640x400, 61.5K)

Not only was there no question, but even if there was, I'd never be obliged to answer to someone so obviously an isreali jew gaslighting on Zig Forums
But the key point here is that there wasn't any question, you know this, I know this and any user with an IQ over 50 knows this.

I know you and your hasbara pack will continue this line of demanding I answer the non-existent question, but I want it noted by other anons just how you operate, every single fucking day, with the same activity and MO on here.


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