Funny how East Europe was better off being communist than capitalist, huh?
You would suppose that the common Stormweenie theory of an all-white capitalist state would have been proven in East Europe, but they ended up being shitholes.
Because jews didn't get to brainwash Eastern Europe, and Eastern Europeans also developed an immunity to jewish poison? Yes. But this is hardly a merit of communism.
Caleb Collins
surpreez surpreez
Alexander Wood
bad times create strong people. strong people create good times. good times create weak people. weak people create bad times. tl;dr: eastern europe is strong because even since the middle ages everyone was bashing them and they were always lagging behind the western civilisation. so they had to adapt and grow some balls. meanwhile western europe and america always had plenty of shit to live with so they became gullible fruitcakes and cucks.
Yeah wow, those arguments are so well thought-out and totally not Stormweenie retard talking points
So essentially communism forces people to man up while capitalism makes a society weak?
Jace Stewart
Nope, no Zig Forumsacks here with half a brain here, you missed the pasty by a few weeks.
Daniel Carter
Luke Wilson
Jesus christ Im a mess. Anyways were not capitalists you retard and Yuri Bezmenov exists.
Owen Martinez
It seems as if you are the retard here
Xavier Ramirez
Clearly this conversation is one worth having, I think Ill sit down for the next hour and go back and forth with you. Will you at least split the shekels with me?
Transaction to a different market with pathetic power purchase (in comparison to already established Western economies) inside them what killed ex-communist countries; buying off any companies of worth (EU """free market""") is what stagnated us, since they bought them for effectively nothing (again, coming back to purchase power) and there isn't room for expansion; and even with, say, a fresh market like video gaming (that ended up being like ~2% of Poland GDP, lel) if companies like CDprojektred ever get popular they're still bought out by some American jews. Everyone gets bought out by the west these days, there are no more home economies, everything is built to provide services to those who spend lavishly. That theory being? The closest thing to "capitalism" that Zig Forums endorses is fascism, which is, in effect, state capitalism - not bound to an international market that is (again) generally founded upon providing services to gullable western consumers who's pennies can mean wages abroad. This is why your TV is over saturated with useless bullshit to "buy now!". Fascism is alloting that productivity to more useful means, it's got nothing to do with true capitalism.
They don't aside from hipstery cunts and old folks. I know some polish and russian dudes and they fucking loath it because what really happened, they also know who really was behind it.
Sebastian Wilson
Cultural 'fridge'. Art and science didn't advance, but rately retreated. Especially in rural areas.
What the fuck gave you that idea? Outside warzones, every single Soviet bloc country has expanded their economy by like 4x. Nobody has to stand in line for two days for a sack of radishes.
Parker Wood
Yeah I can't imagine a country richer than Belarussia or Tajikistan