Remember What They Took From You


I’ve been seeing a lot of media threads lately, and seeing in how I do not watch TV, Netflix, or movies anymore, I wanted to see what else was broken from other user’s point of view. In this thread post media that has been infected by their marxism. Be specific, with quotes, images, and assessments. I’ll start.

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Anyone with genuine talent has been pushed aside for this shit. Satanic, jewish pedophiles that run the world have no artistic talent.

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I thought i was safe from this in Poland, but it seems our goverments wants to open borders to asians for (((capitalism))).
Is NWF the only hope anons?


Are the guy who thought wwe was a part of white culture?

What's the point of bitching over spilled milk? What is that going to change?

An assessment of propagandized culture shows the mindset and tactics used to alter the population. What is common place for me may be unknown to the normalfags. Also a deep evaluation follows Sun Tzu's strategy in "Know your enemy." I wanted to be exposed to other user's thought processes and observations that I may not have realized. I like assessing failures, and the subversion of beauty infuriates but fascinates me.

I am interested, and far from crying. I want to know how the milk spilled.

Images like these are stronger than you think. They don't require reading a 1,200 page book on haplogroups. It can easily invoke simple feelings of nostalgia and/or racial memory.

I think you would be hard pressed to find anyone that would argue against WWE being white culture. Strong white men dealing with their problems in the ring. Concepts of good and evil, and wrestlers standing by their convictions by holding their enemy to standards and consequences that must be carried out.


But thats the point right? The movies, the music, the architecture, the ideas, the books, it's all being changed. I want new art and media to build upon the old. Now it's not just spotify that was never good, it's __ was never good.

dead leaders can't take shit and dead police can't stop leaders from becoming dead

Second one, with text on bottom


I used to like SCP for its unique structure and style, exploring weird horror from a mundane perspective. Worldbuilding at its finest, iterations making a mythology, a clear end goal that plots teased yet danced around.
Then the god damn fags shat it up when I wasn't looking. God forbid some corner of fiction go unbesmirched with the new religion of misanthropy.


That is a good idea.

Shame they've tightened submission control so much. Could add the whole LGBTSJQHRTKWNF+_029 stuff as an SCP in its own right.

Who gives away their 20 on 8ch?

Off topic. Here's some OC I just made after seeing that.

Attached: what_you_have_to_save.png (1843x1078, 2.81M)

looks like the foundation couldn't contain leftism.

There is so much new talent of ideals and ideas that are just so oppressed. I will say this of my own accord. Take a man or woman and force them into solitude and much dispair. Tell them biblical quotes not to lust for flesh while that very same person watches the righteous followers eating meat and animals. Or saying not to lust for flesh but hacking the butterfly of their genitals.

Nobody likes the idea of a wall being built around them unless they love being inside and can trust the builders not to make a wall that can be torn down. Perhaps an exit button if you don't like no wait love the experience.

Good graphics, shitty prose by OP. Your examples are shit. It was all jew faggotry to begin with. Your mentions, after those images… the fuck is wrong with you?

You've clearly never built anything.

That's good, keep it up.

love your fashwave sir. man among men tier, and they hit straight in the feels aswell.
Could you give some quick pointers on what you did to get the effect in the second artpiece? Is it just a few filters or something more clever?

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Me likey.
I didn't think anyone would take my suggestion seriously or actually use it.

Change the image under "you" to be a picture of a stoic man.
Change the picture under "save" to be a white man in battle of sorts.
Change the picture under "Remember" to be a nostalgic picture of a family holiday/get together.
Just suggestions to link the words and the pictures under them. I like "what" "have" and "to"

Someone make it a large .gif. Of the first OP picture ideas of;
"Remember what they took from you" on top
Then like a static scramble into the second idea of;
"Remember what you have to save" on bottom

Do one with 5 images of shitskins ruining white civilization and;

I dunno I could go on for hours with these ideas. Not sure if they're good or not so I'll stop spamming.

Well unfortunately the top graphics are not my original content. What I was pointing out were specific instances of coincidences that I had noticed. I was a huge ghostbuster fan, that's what i personally loved, but they fucked that over. I like doing post mortems, and these days it seems like any entertainment is post mortem day of release.

Other examples
I had to watch Zootopia with my niece.

Yeah they are copy pasta. Those are not my OC.

is mine. On that there are no filters though. I couldn't figure out how he did the pixelation or the red/blue halo in the white chic image. He did good.

I like it, I do have to run. what is better?

or what about

Attached: why not both.jpg (400x389, 36.02K)

Yeah, that and my pineal gland. I could be doing wizardry and manifesting my own reality. But noooooo, I gotta put up with conniving jews and gay faggots.


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I like these. Very simple and clean.

Cringethreads like this make me sadistically gleeful the white race is dropping like bugs, hope your mothers and sisters are next.

you're not fooling anyone, turkroach

Some faggot once said that "any organization not explicitly right-wing sooner or later becomes left-wing".
Subversive parasites love to destroy, since they can't build.

There is nobody that wins if the white man is not there to carry the burden of the lesser races. You will starve by the millions and the rest will kill each other until nothing is left.

On the architecture thing its mostly money.
Decorative elements cost money and in the USA houses are typically built in large groups all at once. So to minimise costs huge quantities of identical materials are purchased in bulk lots.
And of course in the USA they build to the minimum required by law hence why your houses are so ludicrously flimsy. I have known people from the UK who managed to literally walk through the wall of a US house.

It's all about money. Land is expensive, construction materials are expensive, labour is expensive even when you use esteban and his cousins.
Ditching any decorative elements saves you money. Plus with how many houses they make at once they'd just wind up with identical decorative elements anyways.

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They stole my future user, my sense of family and the pride in my country. They ruined it all with their literal fagotry long before I was born and then they ruined my resentment making it taboo and improper to be mad or unsatisfied. Now I'm a skilless NEET fresh out of HS with absolutely no direction in life with no goal or guide, probably going to just join the military to force this piece of shit country to love me since it has done all it can to forget me since I was born. I wanted to be proud protecting something but the powers that be wouldn't even let me have that much.

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Hail, friend.
I see your work on twitter.
You are feeding the inner flame of normies, they are waking up.

Keep at it kike

Oh you think that's the worst of it? That they stole your future?
No user they did far worse. They stole the struggle we were supposed to face. The man made horrors that destiny had in store for us.

You remember the whole cyberpunk thing? Megacorps, the man/machine question, the dehumanisation of man and how technology affected our lives and society?
That was to be our struggle. The redefinition of humanity to meet the challenges of the new era. To correct the mistakes of the 20th century.
It was to be horrific, it was to be terrifying and woefully destructive.

Instead the jew has taken that epic and meaningful struggle from us.
They took it from us and made everything about them. Instead of being shadowrunners we're thought criminals.
Because of them that struggle will fall on a future generation when it was meant to be ours.

Attached: O people of The Wired.jpg (1795x415, 154.41K)

Who is this supposed to appeal to?

I know, where are the MAGA hats? >:o

Join the French Foreign Legion its the military where you will most likely get to kill niggers and sand niggers. You get away with more stuff in the Legion compared to anywhere else.

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No, I mean nobody has such a diverse heritage. Nobody in Europe at least.

electrical codes are worthless and retarded, just a big scheme to lobby and get their patented new thing into forced use by every electrician even when it makes things worse… ie: TRoutlets, arc fault breakers on kitchen circuits (easily tripped and fridge will go out rot food)… and much much more bs

*get to serve with niggers and sand niggers

The science that everbody's lives improved off of came from the aristocrats the 'enlightened' beheaded. Seems to me the 'englightenment' was nothing more than a secular echo of the protestant revolution, with all the mountains of bullshit that came to.

It is a truly spiteful thing isn't it. We could be exploring the stars or dealing with the struggle of technology replacing man, we are not even allowed the decency of a last stand for our race. No that is for future generations. Future generations who will reclaim our birthright and charge forward taking humanity to a level and challenging the highest beings. The Kikes will be driven out of existence itself.

The Kikes know it is inevitable their own fall so they enacted a most spiteful plan of denying millions of men from ever seeing the Glory of our Race realized.

If I could personally throw every Kike in existence into a black hole I would gladly spend the rest of my life doing so with a smile and perhaps their is still a chance it may happen.

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We should turn the capture of the foundation by a leftist scp into the canon, the foundation has been compromised and now there are splinters branching off to fight the existential threat

That's 12% sandniggers and 16% niggers.
Also, France is a ZOG country par excellence, possibly the most ZOG'd in Europe.

They are few and far between. Compared to say the US Army that is full of niggers and spics. In the Legion fags aren't allowed, women aren't allowed. In the US Military women are allowed in combat which is absolutely disgraceful but that is just like a Communist Military in a big way. Same with having fags in the Military.

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To be fair the US Military is a Mercenary Army the citizen army ended with Vietnam. The National Guard is the closest you get to Citizen Soldiers.

All I'm saying the major point is that if you want to kill Niggers and Sand Niggers you will most likely get to do that in the Legion. Vs The US Military there are a lot more non infantry jobs. Where as the Legion is the first group that gets sent in and they are primarily infantry. A lot of people in the US Military never see combat. Everyone in the Legion sees combat. That is the big difference.

I would say the percentage of non-Europeans in both the FFL and the U.S. army is about the same. The FFL doesn't allow women and fags because it's an elite force, and I would assume neither do navy SEALs, green berets, etc.

The only niggers and sand niggers you get to kill are the few good ones that won't submit to ZOG. Get your head out of ass, the kikes are our enemy and you don't win by serving your enemy.

Nobody in Eastern Europe is safe you idiot, you're next on the chopping block before the asians.

there are no good niggers or sand niggers. also arabs and jews are both semites. both of those groups are sand niggers genetically.

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Class: Keter
Containment Procedures: Why contain it?
Description: SCP-1488 is a sentient length of rope of indeterminate composition tied into a standard "hangman's noose" knot. When in the presence of non-Caucasian hominids, or hominids of indeterminate sexual dimorphism, it will emit a high pitched noise[1] and attempt to garrote the subject via telekinetic means.


"Gas the kikes, skip war now" - Dr. Bright

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Referencing "good" niggers and semites unaccompanied by images of piles of dead examples of said ethnic groups? You glow much too bright, please ask your handler for more intensive training, I am dissatisfied with you shilling services.

If watching a bunch of multiracial, multisexual bodybuilders oil up and fake wrestle is white culture then I'm not white.

Fuck America. Jesus Christ.

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Don't you shitskins just shit everywhere anyways? If it wasn't America you'd be shitting on other western countries until they were shitholes like where you live as well.

I thought most of the pre Hulkamania ones were Italian and eastern European Immigrants. Keep being a retarded commie though, you be you and all that.

t. spicboi


The era of mythology evince the Titans fall and the final march of the Gods. Labyrinth mysteries travel in circles through time, carrying secrets of an age lost in centuries. Bleaching marbles shimmer, blinding the plunderers and those once profane. Immortality regained as the Philosophers creed echoes through millennia and the Warriors psyche eternally rests in Elysium. At the walls of Troy war cries resound as spears and swords crash against shields. Argonauts trek through red wine seas to expand a Puissant Hegemony. Where Nymphs still guard Promethean Gnosis and whisper the Orphic Oracles for the overman's New Dawn. Behold the Age of Heroes, an epoch to reminisce that the old heart beats with Ancient Blood.

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Americans are the biggest sissy-boys.

Literally can't not get offended

We are all descendants from indo-europeans.

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To think that clown-world universe is actually the new age of heroes. It makes me want to survive just to see what historians make of it.

Kys kike shills. I'd prefer a freedom-loving nigger or sandnigger to any of you ZOGbots.

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great thread

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It is not our fate to be counted among the names of the honoured dead of Antietam or the Somme, nor will we ever have a Thermopylae or Gaugamela. To fight our war and lose means your name will be at best forgotten, and at worst derided for a few decades until the last vestiges of the world you couldn't save slide into irrelevance and chaos. To win this war is not possible for one man alone, and it may well be that few will ever know your actions. This is not the age of heroes, this is the death of empires and the waning century before the next dark age. Just as nobody knows the names of those who fought in the army opposing Constantine at the Milvian Bridge, so do our words sing out in the darkness of anonymity. It will be hard enough to survive the next few centuries, let alone avert them altogether through some heroic action today.

American culture has become the mainstream global culture and has honestly been that way for a long time. American media and culture has been controlled and made by jews since the 1920s, everything since then has been working against whites from jazz to rock music.



(((You))) see. The 56% number came from the whites in the US that were of 1 specific nationality.
But (((you))) knew that.
Also see;

56% nonhispanic white, not agreeing with everything he said but america is gonna be the United States of Mexico soon

kys kike shill

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False. White birthrates surpassed spic birth rates for the first time in 12 years. While that could be an anomaly, all other statistics point to it being the new norm.

Keep on going on. It's more fun when you struggle.

what did he mean by this

we need more people who are creators

are there any good personalities that actually make good videos that are informative and serious? I'm not talking about TRS faggotry or other e celebs like styx (boring and pedantic fence sitter).

The couple that i am aware of don't update all that frequently. VertigoPolitix is pretty good as well as redelephants (vince). The other good channel was counterglobalist, but he seems to have fallen off the radar after the election. Anyone know any others?

(((You))) are trying a little too hard.

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you provided literally no supporting evidence. cough it up nigger

That happens when you follow codes as a serie, they will start to bloat in the direction you started. Each pass will eat a chunk, so unexperienced builders will just keep taking chunks of the first idea until the codes allow them to continue. Builders, because architects are optional, while general contractors won´t study design, or asked to.

There is an old book called A Pattern Language that tried to fight that problem, because architecture design in th US besides some exceptions it is full shit and fake plaster cakes. What if people just used proven rules and combined them. That book started the design pattern meme for software.

Main issue with architecture is that 'everything is acceptable, no consequences', until there is the need of actually doing the struct calcs and finances, where all the 40 thousand clones of the same home are a safer investment than doing 1 iteration a time. People will buy anything the can in their budget. It is a inverstor-builder market.


I try my best to live a kike-free life as much as possible, but the kikes won't even let me do that.

Is that a famas??

Gas yourself.

Even with that you can't deny the poor situation we have

Anyone saved that image of the user who started a "seven-day challenge" of ridding yourself from dependencies? I'm about to start it soon, essentially he says that the only thing you must do for seven days (longer if your dependencies on, say, the internet are more severe) is to read and lift. No going online, no music to enjoy, nothing besides reading and lifting and eating modestly.

Building codes, in the US, are based off of the International Code Council (ICC) series of codes; energy, building, fire, and so on. With the exception of California, all states adopt these codes, though each have exceptions to their adoptions called amendments. Each county then adopts the state's adoptions and amendments to the international code and make amendments. Each city then adopts the county's adoptions and amendments to the state code and makes amendments. Subdivisions can elect to do the same. The amendments made, with the exception of those made by subdivisions and many leftist/jewish-run incorporated cities and towns, intend to adjust the code to fit the context of their geographical and cultural needs. For example, fire code varies between the pacific northwest rain forest and the pacific southwest desert, as does building code involving roofing snow loads.

The codes exist to ensure safety. In my experience, the only code limitations that I felt or thought were unreasonable or unfair, in that they went beyond safety, were the energy code requirements for heating; no heat simply isn't an option and it should be. The exception to this is in subdivisions, as the home owner associations often restrict or set a minimum house size, landscaping, mailbox type, and so on. Many leftist/jewish-run incorporated cities and towns do the same. However, I do not see code as the limiting factor but, instead, the concept people have for what a house is supposed to look and function like, which is both a cultural and educational failure.
/ \__-_\
|[]| [] |
They are being taught [Quality=No Energy=Yes]

Note that the ICC adopts the requirements from other relevant parties as needed, for example, the International Residential Code (IRC) adopts relevant NFPA National Electrical Code requirements.
Also note that property owners, builders, and architects can request an exception, or variance, from the relevant public department to do something different; health, planning, and so on.

The one thing these codes overlook is large-scale planning. Although zoning classifications exist to limit population numbers and preserve natural landscapes in the country-side, and building, energy, and fire codes exist to limit the number of people per room depending on size and preserve life and property, there is little-to-no restriction on population density in large areas like towns, cities, and counties which cause the social and cultural decay of a society. Yet.

modified the second one so it is a little less oversaturated to use a desktop background

Attached: what.jpg (1920x1080, 850.12K)

Saved, thanks

comfy. slightly modded to have the message pop

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And fight for ZOG to boot.