Paris is to unveil its newly built perimeter defences around the Eiffel Tower to protect against terror threats.
Temporary barriers were placed around the tower in June 2016, and are now being replaced with more permanent measures. Set to be completed in mid-July, the fences cost nearly €35 million ($40.1m; £30.1m). More than 240 people have died in terror attacks in France since 2015.
Bernard Gaudillère, president of the Société d'Exploitation de la Tour Eiffel (SETE) which runs the iconic monument, said the new walls were "rock-solid for absolute security". Glass walls measuring 6.5cm (2.5in) thick will form two sides of the square, with the other two blocked off by 3.24m (10.6ft) high metal barriers, exactly one-hundredth the height of the tower. To prevent vehicle attacks, 420 blocks will be placed in front of the glass walls as an added protection. Guess the French decided to build some walls after all. Maybe they don't want some Part and Parcel tearing down that ugly metal crane.
This is the fate for all of us if (((they))) continue, and they will. Do not mock them out of spite and smugness, no matter where you are, no matter how distant you think you are, no matter how white your city, town or village is at the moment. It will crumble under the masses of our enemies if these scumbags are left unopposed. These kikes openly admit that their goal is to destroy us, to breed whiteness out using the demographic displacement and forced muddying of the white race throughout the world. They want to see us in chains and castrated (literal or metaphorical) while our women are raped in front of us. Fight on with all the fucking ferocity our ancestors would have had if this shit happened in their time. France, Sweden, Britain. It is only just beginning. In time (and quicker than we may realize) everywhere will be just like that. Even if you think you're safe, you'll notice the decline, the lessening quality of life no matter how fortified you think your land is. You'll start seeing more peace loving dindu nothin' non whites, they may look at you with evil intent or you may give them the death stare as you pass them in the street, knowing that you are their enemies and they are invaders to your lands, but know damn well that rape, murder and the systematic and intentionally cultivated GENOCIDE of our people is ongoing throughout the world and the Jew laughs as they grow smug, that at long last they have destroyed those they have envied and despised throughout the course of history. They fear us the most. They fear the rightful anger and just actions of a redpilled, non degenerate and tactful white man. Do not take this shit lying down. I see these news articles daily, from learning about the paki rape gangs in Britain (and the full on 1984 they're seeing there) to almost everyday cases of rape and crimes committed by non white invaders in Germany and Sweden, the Jewish owned media will try to memoryhole things, to outright not report on the scale of the problem unless it's in the context of 'look at these poor souls let them into your country'. WE OWE THESE PEOPLE NOTHING. THEY ARE TERRORISTS. RAPISTS MURDERS ALIENS FROM A BACKWARDS LAND. They have no right to be here, and we have no reason to let them in, it is the Jews and the traitors in power that force this upon us. Enough is enough.
(checked) And you can bet your ass that they didn't have the risk of sudden rape and murder by nonwhite invaders. Everyone was bombing the shit out of each other and everyone involved in that tragic and needless war thought they were fighting for their sovereign freedom, the British thought they were fighting for Britain and the British people, the Germans believed that they were securing their futures as German people. They were all cohered into a needless war. We are not burdening the threat of bombs from the sky… Not least from a German or British or American aircraft. But rather the risk of a suicide bomb from a swarthy looking shitskin with naught but contempt for the country he leeches from. Do not assume NAXALT. Assume every foreign invader among these migrants is a threat. Not every one will stab people at sight (although many can and have done so) but they are there at the behest of people who want us wiped out. WWII was shitty, it was horrible and ugly. But we are barely in a better position. We are facing the threat of invasion here in Europe with little ability to even fight back. The greatest enemy is not at the gate, but within the walls already.
No shit, that's why Zig Forums is not on the streets and Alt Right faggots no matter how each particular member's intentions are genuine, were misguided into creating the shitstorm the kikes needed to cuck things further for them. One dead antifa kike is a small price to pay to paint every white man as a terrorist and have idiots believe it.
Jayden Allen
But Frenchies wanted that. They asked for that when they joined Merkelian lunacy, demanded to open borders and called everyone who opposed this sinful process "a racist", "a xenophobe" and other stuff (made meaningless ever since).
I'll say they should accept the consequences of their actions and go fuck themselves with baguettes. Good riddance.
You'll be surprised that in most cases that aren't completely clownworld cucked (although it is arguable that France is exactly this) the average person who isn't a Jew, nonwhite or 16 year old college girl actually opposes immigration and hold deep resentment for what is happening. They are just too afraid to speak their mind openly out of fear of being branded a racist and effectively having their lives ruined as a result. To be complicit in allowing this evil to happen is hardly any better than encouraging this shit though. Only in concentrated areas of modern gen z liberal faggotry is this shit paraded around like it is a Godsend… The media just takes that and amplifies it to gaslight us in thinking that everyone but Zig Forums is in on the deal. The average normie, as conditioned as, they are, holds still a mere fraction of independent thought. If they are given a chance where they can believe what they see with their own eyes instead of consuming the PC narratives out of fear or pure habit then you'll realize that there are many among the crowds of humble normies that do not agree with the shit happening in their countries and on the larger scale. And once someone realizes that they can be safe to say certain things on their mind around you (and providing you don't make a name for yourself as the local racist nazi guy) you may come across some who speak in hushed tones about all those immigrants or the darned mainstream media and their hippie agendas. It's gotten to the point that you need to be a complete vapid cunt to not see the lies and double narratives in the media. People just need to be shown to open their eyes to what is going on and over time they will develop their conclusions accordingly.
Austin Reed
I was just there.
Paris was … interesting. Tons of police convoys, random police security checks, stop and searches everywhere. Wasn't at all how I remembered it ten years ago.
I didn't even bother going to the base of the tower, because of the new fencing.
Sad, to be honest.
Liam Gray
Wyatt Myers
They gate off the streets, leave armed military men with guns at the entrances with armored vehicles, and search every person trying to enter the mile long stretch of street.
It is sad. The capital cities of basically every European country (and American state at this point, sorry burgers you're in this struggle too) does not represent the country itself, it is basically a differently named globalist shopping mall full of non whites and wageslave bugmen (sorry for the altkike term but I don't have another word for these types of modernized people). There is a reason why Asians literally get depressed after going to Paris and realizing what it truly is. This is why I say to any tourist from America or wherever to not visit the capital city if you want to feel like you're in the country you're visiting. But if getting stabbed or ran over by a truck is your idea of a fun family holiday then by all means, Paris, Berlin… Though if acid attacks and rape is more your taste then I recommend London or Stockholm.
Matthew Morris
I don't care, user. Every country that didn't immediately opposed the Merkelian Jihad en masse deserves to be called for what it is: a traitorous disgrace to Western civilization and its values.
Now, please don't even think about finding some kind words for these fags. I have no sympathies for them.
I was carrying a few IFAK's just incase I got enriched. I traveled to Paris during the bombathon. Trying to get one of the military guys to explain why the fuck they're chilling with machine guns and searching people was fun. "It's no big deal, just let me look, no biggie". No, you assholes call "stop and frisk" racist all the time, and look at what the fuck you're doing in your own god damn country. The fuck is wrong with you.
You're sitting next to an armored car, with a light machine gun chilling in it, searching tourist's bags, with a forklift putting up concrete barriers to prevent vehicles from ramming us, just so the tourists can stare at some black men dancing in the streets, or some locals making music.
It's just insane to me that no-one looks around, goes WTF, and decides "Hey we need to change this". Insanity.
Also, what said.
Jaxon Smith
(checked and heiled) Some Hipster cuck could call this art right? It represents the struggle of minorities in a racist Paris growing threat of violent, Muslim invaders while masses huddle in a very bombable crowd watching sportsball. Like sheep herded into a pen.
(nice trips) We can fight them to the last man, and everyone should be serious enough to be willing to fight, those who naively await their own destruction are akin to sheep. We need to awaken as many as we can of the flock and sculpt them as wolves. When it comes down to it. I will not forgive or feel bad for those who were too smug and vapid to heed the blatant warnings, when those sorts realize we were right all along it will be far too late. There will be a time where the train has long left the station, the memes must continue to flow, Sweden Yes and London's friendly gaybourhood police are great examples purely because it makes fun of the clown world that we live in. It is not an attack on the people of that country, but the explainable bullshit and chaos that is ongoing due to the traitors in those countries (and of course the kikes who started it all). So yes, I would agree with you. But when I know of people who have been directly affected by these invaders, their children slain and their beloved raped and disgraced. I cannot find a way to blame whitey for it.
A mandatory gap year for all Zig Forumsack goyim to visit at least three capital cities of Europe should be in order. People can act high and mighty and sometimes not realize how bad it really is until they see it for themselves. Those among us who have lived through this hell can say for certain that we would not wish the same hell upon any other white country no matter how cucked our homelands are. We all share the same fight, to fight for our people and our sovereign and sacred lands. To the death if needs be.
I agree 100%, it's insane. Spend a month in london, spend a month in Paris, then spend a month in sweden. It was eye opening to me, to see the insane shit going down in Paris (literal convoys of riot cops, riot cops invading a square and setting up a nice circular position with buses and guns around a fucking statue) and no one talking about it like it was weird, and none of the other tourists / locals even … acting like it's weird. No sorry, I'm not going to have a smoke and coffee / booze lunch sitting in the same plaza as the nicely set up military guys with guns. Somethings gonna go down, I don't wish to be here.
Like fuck, how the fuck did the USA (even with all of it's faults up to FDR) still be the winning country? The moment we lose the first or second, we're fucked.
Like, for all of our faults currently, we're still winning. We're not that bad, yet. It's insane, even civic nationalism would have solved 90% of the problems we currently have, instead of certain politicians proudly ignoring any and all laws they dislike.
But even with those drawbacks, we're not like that. We're on the same path due to those aforementioned globalist lawmakers, but how did we "win".
I think it's the individualistic values of our country compared to others, and that's why they're trying to destroy it so much. We really should bring back the history of taming the great country and westward expansion. I've noticed they stopped teaching that, bending rugged wild land to your will.
Jordan King
What terrorism? I kid, gotta stop those evil white men from destroying their culture kek
Dylan Wilson
Another quick thought on untaught history. We both know why they won't teach it, but, tejanos.
Fucking tejanos. Great people that integrated fine. Literally lived in texas while it was still an independent country.
THAT should be a great role model for the current crop of immigrating spics and everything.
NOT MUH LA RAZA and illegals and SHEIT.
Leftists ignore anything positive. It disgusts me.
And then we end up here.
None of this shit was necessary if any of the globalist politicians just followed the fucking laws instead of fostering anarcho-tyranny. They could have had their little eutopia of all sorts of countries working together to get the best deals for their individual countries. This future wasn't needed.
Jose Brown
Hey fuck you buddy. A large percentage of the frogs actually got out and tried to vote Le Pen in so they could pull a Salvini on this shit. Unfortunately they weren't as sucessfull as the pastabros because the traitors number in the millions in France. Don't lump them all together. All the options they have: One by one, their houses will be robbed, their sons murdered and their earnigs dwindle to nothing. With the addition of Italy, we now have 4 countries that are safe for white people. But Europe is not America. Each country is it's own America. I could go to France right now, I learned french a few years ago. But even the white natives there have their own culture that I'd have to respect. I'd have to give up my own upbringing, my own culture for theirs. Noone on europe says "My culture is superior". We all have our own personal appreciation for each other, but above all, by ourselves. We do not want all white europeans live in a single country with a single country.
WE WANT EVROPA, GODDAMNIT If takes white-flight to let France, Germany and the other insane asylums to crumble into fire and Jihadi, so be it. People will retreat to Hungary, Italy and others.
But mark my fucking words: 'We will take it back. First, Evropa. THEN JERUSALEM
Lincoln Adams
Fuck off kike.
Henry Jenkins
HAHA, Come visit beautiful paris, come to the eifel tower, and take in the beautiful sight of prison bars. Diversity is our strength.
Aiden Parker
Have they done anything to protect the Louvre? Notre-Dame? The shitskins will destroy anything of cultural significance.
Ayden Adams
Asher Lee
If lamenting so much wasted human effort makes me a kike, so be it. Imagine what could have been accomplished minus all this bullshit.
All of the places have armed guards, with the Louvre and Notre dame policemen having rifles, most likely due to them being in larger squares.
Louve has X-ray machines and metal detectors. You're not allowed to bring umbrellas, magazines, or newspapers inside. Walking sticks are banned as well. They also physically look into your shit after the x-ray machines.
Notre-Dame has metal detectors and guards with hand wands to verify. You're also not allowed to bring backpacks inside.
Versailles has the X-ray machines and metal detectors, and has the same restrictions on things that can be used as weapons. There was also 2-3 Fireteams wandering the property, with hard armor, full kit, and rifles. Head on a swivel, in a loose V formation, literally doing a combat patrol in a fucking museum. They get twitchy when you take photos.
The Eiffel tower, the symbol of the French Nation, is now a super shrine to forced race mixing.
Ryder Flores
Ayden Stewart
Maybe a militarized DMZ at the base of the Eiffel Tower will stop this faggot francophile I work with from saying, "Oh no, I didn't see any changes in Paris, everything is fine. It's always been such a diverse city…" I'm really tired of fucktards pretending like nothing is wrong, open borders are progressive, and all races are the same.
Hudson Allen
Be careful, Zig Forums might start spamming "muh rape of Europe" memes/
Alexander Moore
But walls doesn't work goys! Borders doesn't work either :^)
Caleb Scott
France is a fucking shitskinned joke now. When I went to visit seeing the Eiffel tower there were policemen guards there with fucking full blown ASSAULT RIFLES in their arms. I did not even see this visiting the USA. Macron may be saying something now but he is the ultimate flipflopper I don't trust him for a second. Frenchmen may not be cowards in WWII, I know the truth of history, but they most certainly are now. Either they stop it violently as their revolution or they die.
I know. Vichy France was so backward and barbaric! I'm glad we defeated those eval natzees! Am I right, guys?
Justin Torres
You looked around wrong. There's lots of security.
They like their machine gats and their hidden corners though.
Lucas Peterson
This. Unlike in the USA, France has laws against so-called hate speech, and you can lose far more than just your job. Even someone like Varg who is as self-sufficient as one can possibly be in this modern age, has to hold his tongue for fear that he could be thrown in jail for something he has said.
Oliver Rogers
Sad that big cities are a White creation and while I admit I prefer the countryside, it's a shame that that lifestyle which was unique to Whites (and Asians) is not something I can enjoy.
Austin Rivera
Somehow I don't see Frenchies with their faggot ways and "bend over" mentality as a vital ally in the attempt to solve this crisis. Also, I don't see them worthy of sparing. May they all drown under piles of trash and their obsolete culture and tradition with them.
Nice to meet you t. D&C jew. Now go back building that death camp of your in the middle east.
Hunter Anderson
Fuck 'em. They should have listened to Leon Degrelle when they had the chance.
They're the USA's oldest and best ally. We wouldn't be a country without there help. I do weep at them self destructing though. It's like your favorite grandfather coming down with incurable cancer.
Justin Stewart
More like an uncle, and an uncle that's had dementia and gone off the deep end . . . but unlike a sickness, these things don't happen naturally or on their own. Someone has to pull those strings to get a people to be "accepting"
Yeah it were the Germans all along, so since 1900 or 1920.
Unfortunately, Paris is a big part of the country, but the smaller population centers are only slightly better.
Charles Stewart
Robert Evans
>yup, my lads here wouldn't be fooled by the jew media this easily *facepalm*
Christopher Ortiz
I'm glad that we listened to those moderate "conservatives", let's see what happens to Europe and America if we continue to listen to them for another generation.
Samuel Clark
I was literally there three weeks ago, kike. It's real.
Paris is bad, real bad.
I don't expect to go for a smoke and a drink at night and find out the plaza next to my hotel became a FOB. In Paris, this is now normal.
Who gives a fuck about Paris? Like srsly have any of you been there? It's full of 3rd world shitters.
Christopher Jackson
Even without the negroes it was a shithole, french people are cunts, but i guess that's to be expected from the people of any major city. kill yourself reddit scum
Landon Bell
Does anybody have a good map of the portions of Paris that are sub-saharan no man's land?
Bullets are like 30 cents apiece, you could remove 12 millionish arab nigs for the cost of that stupid barrier.
France get your shit together
Evan Stewart
Implying THAT was what (((they))) ever wanted as opposed to the DESTRUCTION of all nations, cultures, and races, so that they can rule unopposed over a ~90 IQ consumer population that has no definable race > nation > culture > reason to DEFEND them, in accordance with the Yinon plan which they decided was the best way to fulfill the "prophecy" of their Talmud…that's what makes you a kike, you fucking kike. Kikes KNOW that they're evil, and relish in the fact. They all deserve the gas.