Trump Calls Out Europen Mass Immigration

"Europe is allowing millions in who have violently changed their culture"

"We don't want what is happening with immigration in Europe to happen with us!"

Trump is literally condemning Europe's leaders for destroying their nations with mass immigration and saying he is stopping it from happening in America.

This is what we voted for. Finally after decades there is a political leader in the west willing to actually have a spine.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Good on Trump, but he's still massively kosher. Hopefully its a step towards something greater.

We already have threads on this but laughing at Merkel is always welcome.

It's the step in the right direct and looking at his actions now he's the best we have and can get. Can you imagine King Nigger or Dubya the niggerspic lover saying shit like this? Never.

I think after the midterms we'll see a lot more like this.
The right just needs to maintain, or better yet, improve, its power structure so the kikes can't screech and stomp their feet and continue to impede everything.

small steps to victory user.

maybe he should first build the wall before he talks and stop the immigration from south america.

We need both threadd of this. Allow more if you must. Trump shitting on Merkel is my favorite thing in the world.

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In America the "Right" has been a bunch of weak cucked faggots since at least the 1960's. The country has been pulled so far to the Left that a centrist position like "no illegal immigration" is seen as extreme violent Nazism.

The Right has been people like John McCain who are really Center Left Neocons who want mass immigration to artificially raise the GDP at any cost. The Left is filled with a Jewish led anti-white coalition.

Your average White American has been repressed and without a voice for at least 30 - 40 years. During Obama's administration they were telling White America to just shut up and hurry up and die because you are irrelevant and disappearing. You are evil and we will tolerate you until you disappear but do not expect any political power and political change.

That is why Trump was voted into office.

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What is wrong with you? Of course he would have built it by now if it wasn't for the losers stopping him at every single turn. Stop being a dumb cunt.

You think that's bad? A few Europeans I've had political discussions with think Hillary Clinton is far-right and that the US is a far-right country politically. We're left. I don't know what the fuck they are.

How about you learn about the balance of power in our government, stupid. The president can't do whatever he wants.

the president can't stop an invasion?

No, sadly
No current government head in this world can alone

Speak for yourself. I dont vote for ZOG puppets.

Then why is he planning to support DACA amnesty tomorrow?

Trump could stop all invasion immediately, alone. He chooses not to because he is a cuckold.

Thread exist:


The first step would be to call it what it is: It is NOT migration, it is INVASION.

Offering DACA amnesty is his leverage for needed Democrat support to build the wall.

Basically, I'll give you a few million Mexis for a wall.

Democrats refuse to do it and it makes them look very bad. Now THEY are the ones "hurting the poor children".

So he gives them victory now in exchange for empty promises that they will just roll back after they get back in office. Trump is a traitor.

All deals on daca keep falling through, when did a victory of any kind happen?

would you rather live in a 30% white nation without jews or a 90% white nation with them?

Fuck off Zig Forums.

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Fool me once, shame on you, fool me Twice, shame on me.

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Imkikey get off your ass, stop posting loli anime and Kikebart news threads and start deleting these duplicate threads

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30% without them. That isn't even a question.

Already a thread nigger, back to cuckchan

Now we know why they stopped paying you.

Makes me about as angry as his "Germany needs to pay for the protection and services we gave it".
Thanks, OP.

Get rid of your damn kikes, America, or I will continue to meme Yellowstone into exploding, wiping you faggots out.

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Trump tweets your country but never will he about mine. You krauts don't deserve such honour fuck you

It's easier to remove 10% than it is 70%

its already happened in america but ok

I know some people in England and it's hard to talk to them. Everything with them is gay rights, poor oppressed Muslims, poor oppressed blacks, muh Nazis, Holocaust, they think Nigel Farage is a whide supreemist, they're happy their guns are gone, they DO think people should be put in prison for making fun of Islam or leaving ham sandwiches in front of mosques, they immediately #NotAllMuslims when they get their weekly nail bomb or Truck of Peace, and they shriek about how you're being racist if you mention stuff like Rotherham. I don't know what it is that makes them so willing to defend the same people trying to destroy them. I don't even think it's virtue signalling, they just really think that being a doormat is what's morally good.