English football fans discover real Russia is different to Oxbridge-dominated media portrayal

English football fans discover real Russia is different to Oxbridge-dominated media portrayal
As thousands of English football supporters attend the FIFA World Cup, the overwhelming feedback is that Russia is far better than they expected. The British media needs to analyze its own role in this paradox.
SOCHI - Showing an incredible lack of self-awareness, the Guardian’s former Moscow correspondent tweeted on Sunday: “the England fans I've met in Volgograd so far are absolutely loving it. "It's the opposite of what we expected, everyone has been amazingly welcoming. Last night was brilliant - (I/we) couldn’t ask for a better start to a world cup (sic) trip”.
Indeed, this is something I realized within a few weeks of arriving here, almost a decade ago now. After years of viewing the country through the prism of the UK and US press, my feelings were overwhelmingly negative. And, but for a random sequence of events which compelled me to visit, I doubt I’d ever have travelled to Russia, meaning I’d still hold those views today.
People who have never visited a particular country largely form their view of it from how it's presented in media they consume. This is why Hollywood has been such a powerful tool for the US, for instance. And it explains the British desire to continue pumping hundreds of millions of pounds into the BBC’s international wing, despite painful austerity at home.
Of course, it’s also why RT exists: this very network was established because Russians felt, with considerable justification, that western coverage of their country was unbalanced and unfair.


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that is only because they are in a major centre. it is like thinking mosvegas is all of russia. it is not. most of russia is exactly like what you think and putin will do nothing. he is nothing. the west are enemies of so our the leaders. this is what we choose.

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Then Russians are faggots I was seriously hoping they would beat the shit out of some Mexicans

Fair an unbiased journalism comrade


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Fuckin Moskvbad.

Гнида ебаная, когда же сдохнет этот браконьер народа русского.

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Eat shit, yid. FSB will enjoy making your nutz explode.

I don't get why Russians are so glad their leader is a walking gay stereotype. Over compensating barechested photo ops despite pasty white skin, practically re-enacting Brokeback Mountain on the reg. He might as well have a hanky in his back pocket so we know what he's looking for.

If you think that is overcompensating, then you are a faggot that thinks even the slightest hint of masculinity is bad.

Fuck off

Russia is a festering stinkhole, but so is the US.
Unlike the US though Russia has good people living in cities, in the US the cities are still shitfests.

lol this guy probably took all the mirrors out of his house because he thinks looking into a mirror is gay


Nigger or mutt detected, even Asians know white skin is the ideal for true beauty.

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Russia is the nation where failures go to band together. That's it's national character in a nutshell.


Asians are yellow, they're not white. Do you call jews white too?

Can you imagine being this jelly lol

Fuck off moishe

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Cucks and Jews go together like hand and knife; the one in the Aryan man's back. No surprise.

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My ancestors didn't kill you gooks for nothing.

Those are all Japs, not gooks, fuck off Moishe.

All asians are gooks, and all gooks are just waling corpses ready to be mowed down. It's not up to interpretation faggot.

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Again Mr Shekelstein fuck off. Hell those subhumans are so bad their pollution ends up affecting Japanese cities.


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Have you ever given thumbs up to a shrieking maenad with a message painted on her indicating that you, personally, should go to hell? Come on man, Putin really is that badass.

Attached: putin thumbs.jpg (640x360, 56.32K)

You aren't listening to the conversation has ended. Gook scum.

With grammar that shit and atrocious I'm willing to be you're a kike, fuck off and kill yourself.


But that's the right way round: The capital should be a shining beacon that everything else aspires to become.
In European capitals it's the other way around these days: They are third world shitholes with better streetcleaning, while everyone with a brain flees to the countryside.

The only thing that I don't like about this is that it'll encourage the Diversity™ and pozzed Westerners to want to move there and shit up one of the biggest and whitest nations left.

>more than all the chins in China South Korea

As always propaganda has the opposite effect when hit with reality. Commies in the West are pouring water into a very leaky cauldron.
People can just travel or look up the truth on the internet. Not as if we have an iron curtain or something.

But there's a matzo curtain preventing most from making the attempt.

Russia is the anger at an outside force boogeyman needed to maintain the (((NWO))) and keep the Machiavellian social control equation of fear and anger suppressing the population.

Russians beat up and kill any faggot westerner who thinks he can breed and run. "Westerners" will need more than a Mohamedsmileyfaec.jpeg to get a life in Russia.

Nah. I was in japan. Their skin tone is the same as European.

The "jellow" came from the first contact, when the diet/sickness gave them a jellowsh tint IIRC.

Kill yourself jew.

who'd risk trying to put something in this man's arse?

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England won the battle of Stalingrad despite constant attack from Mosquitoes.

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Nice argument retard

Sup, Edward? Lindsay treating you well? You're a hero.

fuck you tor nigger kike

Russians are crytopfags. They worship authority and power and greatest manifestation of the power over other men is fucking them in the ass. BTW been top doesn't counts as gay in the Russia, even more calling top gay is blood insult. Also this is where conflict between Russain and Western homosexuality culture comes from. West granted bottom fags rights and this is greatest possible insult to Russian tradition.

Back to Zig Forums. Peddle your degenerate new left shit there.

That really truly is the most faggy Talmudic bent-logic I've ever seen expressed here on Zig Forums
Bear in mind we had imkampfy as mod for years and still got the same teams of isreali hasbara jews daily shilling on here

Putin is woman.
It sure is. Western jew media has led even right-wingers to believe that Russia is some kind of WN paradise. It isn't, it's just as kiked as any Western nation and Putin is just as much in the pocket of Zion as any Western leader.
He is also an FtM tranny, transgendered like every other member of elite society.
They only allow fellow cultists to occupy the seats of power.
They only allow fellow cultists to appear on television.
Now squirm in cognitive dissonance.

If I visited Russia I would be disappointed that it didnt live up to the medias portrayal.

Ive always wanted to see a big bonfire made from niggers and LBTQP+ people but it turns out that is just a lie and the Russians are just regular people.

Here is Russian riddle for you:
Prison cell. Two inmates rape third. How many fags are in the cell?

Fun fact: in certain circles in Russia wrong answer for the riddles like this can be punished by death.

Oh, just to add about language things that is separated by language barrier.
Question. You are Russian Boss. Your subordinate made a mistake. What words would you use to emotionally express punishment you will put on the subordinate?
a. "I will fuck him in the mouth!"
b. "I will fuck him in the ass!"
c. "Both of above."

RT over western media any day.

POINT AND LAUGH AT THE POOR SOD WITH YELLOW FEVERR. I hope oyou're a pencildicked faggot, because Im sure she's only after you for your height and your money goyim.

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That you will never have, Achmed.

Of course the Bongs love it, for most of them it is their first time in a white country.

In Russia all 3 are fags. The reason they are in prison is for the crime of being gay.

In Britain none are fags because of the smoking ban in our prisons.

as it should be
Queers get the rooftop

Is this how you signal each other?

Haha, did I hurt some feelings?

Because there's nothing gay about this at all.

Dude clearly only takes his shirt off for photo ops, and has probably never been outside shirtless for more than 30 minutes at a time in decades. It's not about being white, it's about being basement-dweller beige.

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same in America. Washington, DC is violent coontown. I always wonder what tourists must think when they see it.

Listen here swedecuck, men who work all day sweat a shower. They take their shirts off.
It's about getting work done, not about being a faggot.

Now take your dildo and go back to sweden, where you know you will never do manual labor in your life.

this is to be expected OP

You have clearly been bottom bitch too often.

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Putins Russia is different from pre Putin Russia.

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Wrong answer. Now you are that third inmate.

Do you honestly think that is the physique, complexion, or fuck, even the time of the day the photo was taken that is representative of a man who works outside all day? These are literally photo ops from his vacations.

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Russia is in a recession and now has the largest mosque in Europe. Those are the two largest things he has done.

Which present leader has such a legacy?

* inherited a run down, dependent country with a demoralized population
* stabilized his country
* regained influence in world politics
* started to renew his infrastructure
* rebuild the secret service
* slashed down organized criminality, terrorists and every day criminality
* handled corruption and could diminish a lot of it (not all)
* single handedly responsible for giving the nation their national pride back
* freed his country from leeching Jews like Khodorkovsky
* picked new Oligarchs who were not globalists but particularly interested in helping the country
* cut US-Neocons from stealing the countries oil
* protects the Russian family above all
* raised the national birthrate by giving award for large families and disadvised birth-control
* new pipeline routes to Europe for selling Gas
* fought against Frankfurter School degeneracy
* Protects the children by disallowing public gay propaganda and gay parades
* gave the Russians jobs back that were long gone
* improved the living standard of every Russian
* fucked with the Neocon plans in Ukraine
* reunification with Crimea
* Made new deals with China for being independent from Europe
* held the strategic position of Black Sea Fleet in Caspian Sea
* helped Syria avoid becoming the next Libya and won
* paid for Winter Olympics in Sotchi 2016
* paid for FIFA Football Cup 2018
* full-fledged sovereignty

>>>Zig Forums still thinks he manipulated the election of the biggest democracy of the world. Also little Putin man must be gay.

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This is blind pro putin propaganda and not very good one.
Tell me since you know so much about putin, what is alcoholism in Russia compared to every other European country?
What about AIDs and STD rates in the population? And on that same train, how are suicides when compared to the rest of Europe?

The russian economy is still to this day square in the hands of jews and you cant wish that away, pretend it's not true or tell me putin is playing chess with trump to un-jew russia.

What is the point of good government if the society is sick and degenerate?

Then how do you explain the shithole of Paris and San Francisco?

Go back to tel-aviv jewboi faggot

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You show me with every word that you know nothing about the country.

Nothing compared to the 80s. The people drank because they were hopeless. Those are gone in public space.

Countries north and slavic countries tend to drink more (Finnland, Sweden, Russia, Belarus, Lithuania, Moldova). It their tradition.
Russians have a different relation to alcohol compared to Germans. When the German drinks beer the Russian drinks Vodka wich has much more alcohol. For certain generations in Russia it is considered as manly to drink a lot. And people drink a lot when they are invited home. Those will keep and unfortunately to a certain degree those who drink regularly become alcoholics. Putin made new laws to cope it a bit. Every region or national republic is compelled to prohibit the sales of spirits from 11pm to 8am – including beer and light wine.

Don't touch the HIV/ drug addict problem that is a nice secondary effect of the US injecting cheap drugs from Afghanistan and Russia unable to secure its South borders.

Jews are no problem for Putin. But he makes a distinction. He has problems with Jews who are criminal, exploit the nation and do not even pay taxes. He is interested in every person who helps his country. He fight the globalists off all the time and they hate him for that and make bad publicity through the media they control. Including Rotschild and Soros. Their agents in Russia are gone, because Putin is a secret service man and he knew exactly who controls them.

Russian society is much better than for example fucking Germany or Cuckifornia. Are you listening at all? There are hardly feminazy, no visible degenerates, women can be differentiated visibly from men, women are feminin, man are manly, young couples marry and they have actually children, Frankfurter School has no say, music is not degenerate (no temporary atonal music), TV is not as degenerate, people tend to be nationalistic, most are against communism, all the multicultural groups are controlled and not chimping out.

Attached: Alcohol_consumption_per_capita_world_map.png (1350x625, 50.86K)

Oh god stop posting this shit ffs.
Imkampfy won't save you this time.
Go fuck yourself.
Not 1992? Just a decade off, nobody'll notice.
Like boasting about taking a good shit.
Eat shit each time you lie.
New taxes introduced each year, wages as low as they were, rich/poor separation going upwards, same poverty level as before.

Yeah, now whole country pays for own survelliance. (полиэтиленовый пакет Яровой)
He did fucking nothing and officials are getting away with bribes and inefficient spending all day eery day. I.e. eat shit.
Налог Ротенберга - gets fixed ratio of all money collected while investing purely nothing and getting state-funded loans. Eat shit.
crude exports. What an opportunity to produce nothing for two decades more!
There was no gay propaganda before any new law (Puting is not the author of those laws, did you know that?). Eat shit.
Russia imports millions of low wage workers every year, manufacturing jobs stangated. Eat shit.
Eat fucking shit you inbred sodomite. lenta.ru/news/2017/06/28/poor/ - official quotes included.
He did not pay a single penny from his pocket. Every construction in Sotchi was tremendouly overpriced.

And this piece of shit says fucking nothing about:

Male pension age was raised to 65 years FYI.

Eat shit. Eat shit. Eat shit. Eat shit. Eat shit. Eat shit. Eat shit. Eat shit. Eat shit. Eat shit. Eat shit. Eat shit. Eat shit. Eat shit. Eat shit. Eat shit. Eat shit. %%Какашек наверни.%%

source: I am russian and I am fucking done with this Putin cult.

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Actually, bump that.

OK, my jewish Ukrainian friend. You hate Putin. You made your point very clear. Don't be so butthurt though.

You have to see the tendency, not just the numbers to understand how a nation is envolving. Nobody wants the 80s nor the 90s back. Russia became better bit by bit the moment Jelzin was gone and Putin took over. Putin inherited a without a doubt a mess and he made a prosperous nation out of it. In the meantime he fought NATO, EU, Neocons, globalists and Muslim Terrorists off. Try that and tell me how it went. And stop reading that Jewish propaganda on kikebook. It makes you angry for no reason.

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That's the opposite. Putin notoriously hates doing photo ops with passion, he only tolerate PR in his role of leadership.
That's literally the ONLY stunt his PR people are able to make him do "President enjoys the outdoors" because they HAVE to bait him with doing shit like tranquing tigers and whatnot because that's really the shit he likes to do with his free time.

Hate him all you want, but Putin is a male role model like there rarely has been in the last 50 years.

No, it's yellowish if they are fat, because fat is uniformly distributed under their skin, and so it can give them a yellowish hue.


Four words and four lies. Are you that desperate?
At that pace it will take Russia longer than Putin may live to sort out anything he could fix in a decade he's already in power. He signed laws criminalizing public meetings with own hand. He signed laws making whole country pay taxes to Rotenberg with own hand. He signed laws making whole country pay for own survelliance with own hand.
Eat shit.
Literally the site which I never visit or use. Eat shit.
You lied ten+ times. You picked up the wrong user to brainwash.

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365 > каждый день. Fact!

oy vey muh spacing!

you're just doing damage control here and don't really convince me.

Being born in Ukraine entitles you to a Russian passport (since it's the same country despite what the kikes are kvetching in Kiev and Washington).
Like all good little parasite of course you draft dodged and took refuge in the country you hate because of how bad things are there.

Впервые слышу, Ашан заебатые продукты пихает

Я коренной москвич, а вот ты откуда, ослоёб? Почему я твою блядскую пережатую сто раз пикчу с идущим путиным вижу во второй раз? Почему на стену из аргументов против российской власти ты отвечаешь догадками насчёт моей расы? Ты считаешь, что я зол? Ты туп и недалёк. Не нашлось пикчи для противника, способного связать сотню слов воедино?

Have you even lived outside of Russia to have a comparison? Can you even remember 2004 in Russia?

It seems to me you are searching artificially for reasons to be mad at Putin. But your reasons do not even matter for most of the population. Nazis are fined when they demonstrate without permission. Big deal. That is what happens all over EU.
That is not what everyday life is. If you compare the taxes Russia has compared to EU I must say you are fucking blessed. Gas is cheap, a lot of taxes do not even exist like some real estate taxes.

In every city in Russia malls are build where international goods are sold. Not all at the level of the GUM, but they are there and they were made possible because of international investment that trusts in the Russian market. All the fancy international cars you see in the streets, in 2004 there were only 5% of them in traffic and the rest were Lada Shiguli, Niva or some other Russian cars. All the facades of inner city houses are well painted now. You can go now in backyards and it does not smell of piss and the windows are not broken anymore. You feel safer overall.
And the inner cities have more and more international shops and typical franchises. The tourists feel secure in these cities and come back and leave money in the country.

The streets are well done and highways are getting better or are sometimes brand new with two lanes for each direction. Even when you live in a datscha in the middle of nowhere the conditions have improved, because you can buy everywhere building materials for everything and there is even an OBI or similar somewhere nearby. When you need help it is reliable. You can even write a letter to Putin and ask for help and 50% he will answer with help. I saw Russians doing it, but never saw someone in my country have such a confidence in his President. If you lost your confidence remember there is always an exception from the rule.

The people are obviously earning money and spending it and the shops must not file for bankruptcy while they have customers. The city is pretty with lots of shops, the landlord gets his rent and the major gets his taxes.
That is what matters most for people because that includes their basic necessities. And services make 63% of the Russian GDP. That is where money is made.

Russia has industry and some of it was an accomplishment of Putin. The oil industry was only possible because Russia had the money to drill and maintain the fields and refineries in 2002. Before that the US had to do it for them and they stole all the oil. The arms industry and the car industry are stronger now.

All forms high-performance aircraft and space vehicles; defense industries (including radar, missile production, advanced electronic components), shipbuilding were revitalized by Putin, because he saw that all those factories were gone by 2000 and needed an effort and the right brain-power to get a new start. Now they are flourishing.
But yes Russia exports mainly petroleum and petroleum products, natural gas, metals, wood and wood products, chemicals, and a wide variety of civilian and military manufactures.

Attached: GDP_of_Russia_since_1989.png (700x402, 42.35K)

That city has places that are fugly and where there are too many immigrants coming towards you. Too big of a city for me. Where do you live now? Don't say Pitr.

Do you get that you are talking to two different people here?

Your a dumb fuck child who fell for simple propoganda. Put in hasn't improved shit.

It seems to me you are searching artificially for reasons to be happy with Putin while not being able to speak out a single russian word. Did russian officials not hire native speaker for troll jobs?
I did not say a word about nazi salutes, I do not give a fuck. Are you shotgunning every possible turn of discussion?
It's like I am took into psycho containment. Like picrelated? The one which operated illegally for years and no official got punished for?
International goods? Yep, thanks for proving the point.
crude exports.
Where did you get that information from? Boasting with painted FACADES is the most stupid form of gaslighting. Whenever I post a photo of non-painted building you say that it's exceptional while never providing no source for the original claim.
I live in the middle of nowhere and there is no OBI anywhere in the radius of 100km. Any kind of wood material should be commissioned in advance on the local power saw bench which is working year-round non-stop not able to fullfill the demand. You lied.
Where did you get that data from given that you do not speak a single russian word?
Where does food come from then? Machinery, weapons, technology? It's imported, NTERNATIONAL GOODS! So much fun being dependent on imports!
Where did you get that data from?

Keep that coming lol.

Attached: grafik-nefti-i-kursa-rublja.png (705x414 43.57 KB, 151.73K)

Nations not even a fourth Russia's size like Germany and England have almost twice the size of Russia's economy

Russia. Where do YOU live now, sodomite?
allowed by Putin officially.
Не знаю, ИДы разные, только идею про укра-беженца ты подхватил так, как будто ты тм один с разных ИПов. Похуй. Фотай паспорт, выебыш, можно даже без деанона.

Isn't last pic from kiev

Its Pitr dumbass. The most iconic place of St. Petersburg. To the left of the image not visible is the Hermitage or the winter palace. Have you not been in the most beautiful city of Russia.

No I'm not an eastern europoor so I don't give a shit but I remember the Clankening years ago and it reminded me of the kiev riots in the city center.

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It's not even in the top 12 biggest cities in Russia, you shill.

Random user here.
I'm living in the surreal East Europe schism reality between the west and the east where half the population are left over mutts from the soviet occupation the other half are directionless nationals continuously baited into western degeneracy.
I don't particularly care about Russian bullshit in spite of being stuck among so many Russian speaking mutts, just wanted to add that Russian media is just another flavor of bullshit, perhaps sometimes easier to swallow than the old tired (((MSM))) narrative.

My one core belief is that the only way to heal the decaying peoples and cultures of Europe is with extreme unyielding nationalism and probably a lot of bloodshed. Civnats and pacifists are useful idiots at best.

Yep, that's my sentiment. Nobody gonna waive away the power if population is brainwashed. I do not know what can be the trigger in Russia though, it's largest apolitical swamp on Earth. Nationwide hunger perhaps after all oil is sold.

Remember when Hitler and Stalin portioned Poland?

Why do kikes get absolutely assblasted at the mere mention of Russia in a positive light?

You are playing deception games here. Showing only the cutaways that serve your narrative. Why don't you show present day data? I can't argue your stupid convictions away so here are some facts.

The ruble went down because the EU started sanctions against Russia in 2014.[1] So threre is a little dip in 2015. But inflation is not always bad. It also stimulates exports which rises the economy. It has already recuperated its strenght compared to the dollar even when dollar also got stronger.[2] Inflation rate is low. Unemployment is also low. GDP went significantly up since Putin took over.

But you are complaining that there are laws that do not influence your life but you somehow dislike and that you live in the woods picking mushrooms and berrys and you don't get rich sitting in your datscha complaining about your misery. But you think some immigrat wage slave takes your job away. If your job can be replaced easily by wage slaves than you might not be the most skilled and smartest and you deserve to be replaced by kaukasians.

What happened in 2017?

[1] https:// www.businessinsider.de/russian-ruble-price-us-dollar-april-10-sanctions-2018-4?r=US&IR=T

[2] https:// tradingeconomics.com/russia/currency

[3] https:// www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/print_rs.html

Attached: gdp-based-on-ppp-valuation-2017-imf.png (757x866 114.42 KB, 88.32K)

Says nothing about crude export dependency which it depicts.
Oops, that looks like crude oil price curve as well.
Says nothing about quality of goods.
Totally nothing to do with crude oil price drop, right? BTW, you are saying differently in the end of your post.
I did not mention inflation even once. What statement are you refuting?
Ruble recuperated what crude oil price allowed to.
1) I was victim of police overreach multiple times. I was victim of police doing nothing to keep law and order multiple times.
2) My internet provider increased tariffs twice since пакет Яровой went in action. Unlimited cellular plans have gone away.
3) My mother, scientists and engineer, had minimum wage in one of largest uni's of country until she left in 2013 (8 years of Putin, 4 years of Medvedev)
Whole Zig Forums is about complaining about laws which do not influence user's life directly. If you are not able to comprehend how laws affect lives, leave.
Eat shit you lying inbred sodomite. I never complained about anything, I never said that house I live in right now is "datscha". I''m glad that you did not dispute any of my statements going straight to gaslighting instead, dreaming about complaints I never though or spoken, arguing against nothing except my own personal attitude which I never expressed.
Eat shit, lying roach. I never stated anything like that.
You are supposed to be able to think more than about own wallet on a natsoc board.

I like how you do not attempt to refute my arguments refining to trying to cover it with unrelated sugar instead. Carry on, praise low wage workers imports on a natsoc forum, say that to face of citizen of country you never lived in.

The full list of things you never disputed or condemned:

All of that makes me thing you are paid. Паспорт свой сфотай, ослоёб, ты откуда?

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Gini wants to have word with you.

Fun fact: median Russian salary is $2.3 per hour. Two fucking dollars. BASED WHITE SAVING SALARY.

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